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Iranian Regime Insider Declares: "Islamic World Must Have Nuclear Weapons"

So what if Iran were pursuing weapons? It is their right. You, as a resident of a country with suspected nukes, have no right to talk, you have no right to argue,. Look at your country's morality, it is despicable

The issue is Iran and its nuclear deception, not Israel.

BTW, as a citizen of the failed terror state known as Pakistan you are almost the last who can lecture me about moral issues.

And no, Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran accepted that fact when it committed itself to the NPT.
Iran is a member in this organisation and its knows why - otherwise, it could never get a nuclear programme.

BTW, Pakistan is also a member, so next time check the facts first so you will know what you are talking about.

Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Monaco, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Socialist Federal Rep. of Yugoslavia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam
1958 Belgium, Ecuador, Finland, Iran, Luxembourg, Mexico, Philippines, Sudan
1959 Iraq
1960 Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Senegal
1961 Lebanon, Mali, Democratic Republic of the Congo
1962 Liberia, Saudi Arabia
1963 Algeria, Bolivia, Côte d´Ivoire, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Syria, Uruguay
1964 Cameroon, Gabon, Kuwait, Nigeria
1965 Costa Rica, Cyprus, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar
1966 Jordan, Panama
1967 Sierra Leone, Singapore, Uganda
1968 Liechtenstein
1969 Malaysia, Niger, Zambia
1970 Ireland
1972 Bangladesh
1973 Mongolia
1974 Mauritius
1976 Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania
1977 Nicaragua
1983 Namibia
1984 China
1986 Zimbabwe
1992 Estonia, Slovenia
1993 Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia
1994 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Marshall Islands, Uzbekistan, Yemen
1995 Bosnia and Herzegovina
1996 Georgia
1997 Latvia, Malta, Moldova
1998 Burkina Faso
1999 Angola, Benin
2000 Tajikistan
2001 Azerbaijan, Central African Republic, Serbia
2002 Eritrea, Botswana
2003 Honduras, Seychelles, Kyrgyzstan
2004 Mauritania, Togo
2005 Chad
2006 Belize, Malawi, Montenegro, Mozambique
2007 Cape Verde
2008 Nepal, Palau
2009 Bahrain, Burundi, Cambodia, Congo, Lesotho, Oman, Rwanda
2011 Laos People's Democratic Republic, Tonga
2012 Dominica, Papua New Guinea

Member States of the IAEA
Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Holy See, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Monaco, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Socialist Federal Rep. of Yugoslavia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela, Vietnam
1958 Belgium, Ecuador, Finland, Iran, Luxembourg, Mexico, Philippines, Sudan
1959 Iraq
1960 Chile, Colombia, Ghana, Senegal
1961 Lebanon, Mali, Democratic Republic of the Congo
1962 Liberia, Saudi Arabia
1963 Algeria, Bolivia, Côte d´Ivoire, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Syria, Uruguay
1964 Cameroon, Gabon, Kuwait, Nigeria
1965 Costa Rica, Cyprus, Jamaica, Kenya, Madagascar
1966 Jordan, Panama
1967 Sierra Leone, Singapore, Uganda
1968 Liechtenstein
1969 Malaysia, Niger, Zambia
1970 Ireland
1972 Bangladesh
1973 Mongolia
1974 Mauritius
1976 Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Tanzania
1977 Nicaragua
1983 Namibia
1984 China
1986 Zimbabwe
1992 Estonia, Slovenia
1993 Armenia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia
1994 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Marshall Islands, Uzbekistan, Yemen
1995 Bosnia and Herzegovina
1996 Georgia
1997 Latvia, Malta, Moldova
1998 Burkina Faso
1999 Angola, Benin
2000 Tajikistan
2001 Azerbaijan, Central African Republic, Serbia
2002 Eritrea, Botswana
2003 Honduras, Seychelles, Kyrgyzstan
2004 Mauritania, Togo
2005 Chad
2006 Belize, Malawi, Montenegro, Mozambique
2007 Cape Verde
2008 Nepal, Palau
2009 Bahrain, Burundi, Cambodia, Congo, Lesotho, Oman, Rwanda
2011 Laos People's Democratic Republic, Tonga
2012 Dominica, Papua New Guinea

Member States of the IAEA

A superb cut-and-paste job.
The issue is Iran and its nuclear deception, not Israel.

BTW, as a citizen of the failed terror state known as Pakistan you are almost the last who can lecture me about moral issues.

And no, Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran accepted that fact when it committed itself to the NPT.
As a citizen, I do not bear any responsibility for any atrocity committed by my country unless I support said atrocity. However, you actively defend Israel's right to nuclear proliferation which is why you have no right to talk.

Also, Iran can break NPT but that does not mean that you have any right to object to it breaking the treaty as you have not signed it. As people who have signed the NPT, it our right, and not yours, to enforce it.

Another thing, sir, your country is the only one who has threatened to destroy the World.

Link:PressTV - ?Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon?

Israel is the only regime that has threatened to obliterate all world countries in a “nuclear Armageddon,” if its existence is put in jeopardy, a political analyst tells Press TV.

In a Friday interview, Mark Glenn, from The Crescent and Cross Solidarity movement, lashed out at Israel for its nuclear stockpile, sayingTel Aviv is the only regime that “has threatened to take the entire world down in a nuclear Armageddon in the instance that her precious experiments in Jewish self-rule in the Middle East ceases to materialize.”

“There is no other country in existence today that has basically told the entire world that if we are going to go down we are going to take the rest of the world down with us,” he added.

Even Israel’s most prominent military professor, Martin Van Creveld, has once alluded to such nuclear ambitions by Israel and confirmed that Tel Aviv has several hundred atomic warheads and rockets targeted at all directions -- mostly at European capitals -- and that Tel Aviv is ready to take the entire world down before the regime itself ceases to exist, Glenn pointed out.

The analyst expressed regret that the nuclear threat from Israel looms over the world, while Tel Aviv continues to use its mainstream media outlets to level allegations against other countries, accusing them of possessing non-civilian nuclear programs.

Israel is widely believed to be the sole possessor of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Tel Aviv began building its first plutonium and uranium processing facility, Dimona, in the Negev desert in 1958.

Former US President Jimmy Carter has stated that Israel has a nuclear arsenal that includes between 200 and 300 warheads. Decades of recurrent reporting and aerial footage have also established the possession of atomic arms by Israel.

Under its official policy of nuclear ambiguity, Tel Aviv neither confirms nor denies the possession of nukes and refuses to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) or allow inspections of its nuclear facilities.
The issue is Iran and its nuclear deception, not Israel.

BTW, as a citizen of the failed terror state known as Pakistan you are almost the last who can lecture me about moral issues.

And no, Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran accepted that fact when it committed itself to the NPT.

Wrong Issue is Western Hypocrisy and as far as terrorist state title is concerned Israel is known world wide as a Terrorist state and once they start to pay their own bill then we will decide if its fail or not state so far welfare Chqs from all western countries keeping her float.

Iran has no nuclear weapon program period second Signatory of NPT has the right to civilian nuclear tech so the question is how come Iranians are being denied the right given to them after signing the NPT but the same states cant seems to find over 200 nuclear weapons or a Israeli Nuclear reactor but instead they give them the tech plus mOntly chqs to keep her a float and then Go on destroying Muslim nations to keep them week.

A superb cut-and-paste job.

Its called Exposing a Lie on the spot
As a citizen, I do not bear any responsibility for any atrocity committed by my country unless I support said atrocity. However, you actively defend Israel's right to nuclear proliferation which is why you have no right to talk.

Also, Iran can break NPT but that does not mean that you have any right to object to it breaking the treaty as you have not signed it. As people who have signed the NPT, it our right, and not yours, to enforce it.

Another thing, sir, your country is the only one who has threatened to destroy the World.

Link:PressTV - ?Israel threatened to take down world in nuclear Armageddon?

In order to save some of your dignity please refer from relying on Iranian propaganda.

As for the NPT, Pakistan did not sign the NPT either and yet you think its your right to talk about this issue.

Of course I have the right to condemn Iran for violating its international commitments as they are a strong indication for the character of this rogue regime and its intentions to eliminate Israel and to develop nukes. I want you and others to open their eyes to the real intentions of this terror regime and accept the fact that Iran develops nuclear weapons programme.

As for me defending Israel in contrast to you not defending Pakistan: is this mean you are in favour of Pakistan's nuclear disarmament? If not, then you have no more right than me to talk about Iran and yet you are here.
In order to save some of your dignity please refer from relying on Iranian propaganda.

As for the NPT, Pakistan did not sign the NPT either and yet you think its your right to talk about this issue.

Of course I have the right to condemn Iran for violating its international commitments as they are a strong indication for the character of this rogue regime and its intentions to eliminate Israel and to develop nukes. I want you and others to open their eyes to the real intentions of this terror regime and accept the fact that Iran develops nuclear weapons programme.

As for me defending Israel in contrast to you not defending Pakistan: is this mean you are in favour of Pakistan's nuclear disarmament? If not, then you have no more right than me to talk about Iran and yet you are here.
Pakistan has declared its weapons. Also, it is rich that you call it propaganda since 96% of US media companies are owned by Jews.

Also, it is Iran's right to do anything they want unless they commit a crime. Is this a crime? No, it is not. Therefore, any objection to this is mere play on words by Israelis who have not signed said agreement and have no right to object to any country pulling out of it.

Also, they aren't pursuing nukes unless you bring comprehensive proof that they are

In order to save some of your dignity please refer from relying on Iranian propaganda.
Don't know what they teach in Israel, but the correct word to be used here is 'refrain'
The issue is Iran and its nuclear deception, not Israel.

BTW, as a citizen of the failed terror state known as Pakistan you are almost the last who can lecture me about moral issues.

And no, Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran accepted that fact when it committed itself to the NPT.

Ok So Pakistan and Israel can have nukes but Iran can not. Do you not understand how ridiculous you sound
In order to save some of your dignity please refer from relying on Iranian propaganda.

As for the NPT, Pakistan did not sign the NPT either and yet you think its your right to talk about this issue.

Of course I have the right to condemn Iran for violating its international commitments as they are a strong indication for the character of this rogue regime and its intentions to eliminate Israel and to develop nukes. I want you and others to open their eyes to the real intentions of this terror regime and accept the fact that Iran develops nuclear weapons programme.

As for me defending Israel in contrast to you not defending Pakistan: is this mean you are in favour of Pakistan's nuclear disarmament? If not, then you have no more right than me to talk about Iran and yet you are here.

Talking about condemnation of the world 1000s so far from all civilized nations condemning Israeli slaughter of unarmed civilians but Israeli run American Government blocks it in another American Puppet Agency UN.
Wrong Issue is Western Hypocrisy and as far as terrorist state title is concerned Israel is known world wide as a Terrorist state and once they start to pay their own bill then we will decide if its fail or not state so far welfare Chqs from all western countries keeping her float.

Iran has no nuclear weapon program period second Signatory of NPT has the right to civilian nuclear tech so the question is how come Iranians are being denied the right given to them by the same states and looked the other way when it comes to Israel plus all the tech plus monthly chqs.

Its called Exposing a Lie on the spot

An Iranian member here explicitly admitted that Iran develop nuclear weapons, Iran's supporters in PDF say that Iran has the right to have nuclear weapons, and Iran itself do what ever it can to hide its nuclear activity while violating its international commitments - and you seriously argue that Iran only wants a civil nuclear programme? This is exactly what Pakistan claimed in the 1970's and North Korea in the 1980's, and where they are now? Why we should believe empty Iranian promises?

BTW, Pakistan received more US assistance than Israel in the past decade but Pakistan stayed a failed state, maybe you need competent country and society too? Just a thought.
Pakistan has declared its weapons. Also, it is rich that you call it propaganda since 96% of US media companies are owned by Jews.

Actually it is 96.7%.

[/QUOTE] Also, it is Iran's right to do anything they want unless they commit a crime. Is this a crime? No, it is not. Therefore, any objection to this is mere play on words by Israelis who have not signed said agreement and have no right to object to any country pulling out of it.[/QUOTE]

Iran is violating its international commitments, call it whatever you like. If Iran is a pariah country which cannot hold to its commitments why should we believe it does not want nukes? And Iran is still a member in NPT, it did not pull out of it.

[/QUOTE] Also, they aren't pursuing nukes unless you bring comprehensive proof that they are[/QUOTE]

The IAEA provided enough proofs, only someone who is blind will not see the obvious.

[/QUOTE] Don't know what they teach in Israel, but the correct word to be used here is 'refrain'[/QUOTE]

Thank you for the free English lesson, I guess you do not have anything else to say.

Ok So Pakistan and Israel can have nukes but Iran can not. Do you not understand how ridiculous you sound

This is what Iran is committed to as a member in NPT!

Talking about condemnation of the world 1000s so far from all civilized nations condemning Israeli slaughter of unarmed civilians but Israeli run American Government blocks it in another American Puppet Agency UN.

Yada Yada Yada.

Nothing to add to the issue so running away to the usual slandering of Israel. This is trick is getting old.
The issue is Iran and its nuclear deception, not Israel.

BTW, as a citizen of the failed terror state known as Pakistan you are almost the last who can lecture me about moral issues.

And no, Iran has no right to develop nuclear weapons, and Iran accepted that fact when it committed itself to the NPT.

And you are trying to give lectures to us from the illegal state of Israel ? we have moral values and we dont kill innocent people like your army do...

IRAN should make nukes to stop this non sense keep going on,
And you are trying to give lectures to us from the illegal state of Israel ? we have moral values and we dont kill innocent people like your army do...

IRAN should make nukes to stop this non sense keep going on,

You have moral values, do you? Tell that to the political assassinated, to the murdered journalists, to the molested and raped women, and to the prosecuted minorities in your country and to the terror victims in Afghanistan and India.

You want to defend Iran, that is fine. I just want everybody to admit that Iran wants nukes and developing them.
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