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Iranian Regime Insider Declares: "Islamic World Must Have Nuclear Weapons"

It was created artificially by USSSR and it never worked because the only country for the Jewish people can be in the Jewish historic homeland. It is like telling you that your country is not in Sindh but in Siberia. Are you ready to go?
If I did not have a country at the time (1935) and a holocaust happened soon after, yes, I would
If I did not have a country at the time (1935) and a holocaust happened soon after, yes, I would

When the Holocaust happened it was too late for the poor people who were butchered, they could not flee anywhere. This nonsense of Birobijan was just Soviet propaganda, in practice there were very few Jews living there (and there were 2 million Jews in USSSR)
I am glad to see that you are in agreement about the true nature of Iran's nuclear weapons programme.

Guess, who reports it? CBN, one of the ideal zionist propaganda machines, always talking about 'Jeeeeeeesssssusssssss' and the coming victory of israhell!!!!!
IT was during the time of the shah , fortunately or unfortunately , it's now a different country .

I don't understand why Iran needs nuclear weapons . Nobody is going to invade them and the Arabs as it is don't have nukes .After Iranians get it , the Saudis will also get them . Then we'll have Arabs , Iranians and jews all pointing nukes at each other . A constant , permanent and nuclear mexican standoff .:yahoo:

Islamic countries having nukes would mean WWIII on a fast track... these countries would threaten each other and might even bomb each other while the west would be doing :victory:
The article of this Iranian official is the final answer for all those who still pretend to believe that Iran's nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes.

Finally, the masks are off, and the Iranian deception campaign is exposed.

So what ? Israel went nuclear in the 1960's. Why do you think your country has God given right to have nuclear weapons and nobody else can counter your weapons ?
So what ? Israel went nuclear in the 1960's. Why do you think your country has God given right to have nuclear weapons and nobody else can counter your weapons ?

Fine, I just want Iran to stop its deception and admit it wants nukes and it is developing a nuclear weapons programme.

Enough with the lies.
The article of this Iranian official is the final answer for all those who still pretend to believe that Iran's nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes.

Finally, the masks are off, and the Iranian deception campaign is exposed.

and what you would do if we obtain nuke .... !? continue barking or shouting your big mouth !?


I don't care about world !? is world stopped Saddam from using chemical weapon against us !? is world stop can do a **** if westerns use nuke against any country in world !?
What world did after USA shout downed our airliner in international rout !?

and what is meaning of WORLD , are you saying WORLD = USA and her allies !?


you little shits knew that you have nothing against us except your nukes and that why you whining so loudly ....
and what you would do if we obtain nuke .... !? continue barking or shouting your big mouth !?


I don't care about world !? is world stopped Saddam from using chemical weapon against us !? is world stop can do a **** if westerns use nuke against any country in world !?
What world did after USA shout downed our airliner in international rout !?

and what is meaning of WORLD , are you saying WORLD = USA and her allies !?


you little shits knew that you have nothing against us except your nukes and that why you whining so loudly ....

So much babbling instead of a simple answer to simple question: does Iran want nuclear weapons?
Read some history books and then come back again

Why do you not address the Palestinian whose article I put up. Israel is a stain on the face of humanity and your opposition to Iran will be your final error
Does Iran have a death wish?

Even if Iran builds a nuclear weapon and fires it at Israel. Israel has a very good chance of shooting that missile down.

But Israel/USA will retaliate with a massive nuclear strike that will wipe out the Persian civilization.

Iran and Iranian leaders are not stupid enough to do such a thing and commit mass suicide.

Their sabre rattling is designed to take over the Islamic World from the Saudis. There is no better platform than anti-Israel and anti-West rhetoric in which to draw in Muslims.
I suspect this article may not be true. But to be honest why should some countries for example Israel be allowed and others not.
So much babbling instead of a simple answer to simple question: does Iran want nuclear weapons?

that none of your business ....
are you think we are some west countries that you questioned us like this !?

but I answer it for other members :

till now , we could nuke , and our supreme leader says : " we won't make nuke ... " so we haven't nuke and we haven't any plan to make it , but if he see that nuke are necessary to prevent some barbaric countries to attack us with their nukes , then we will build it without any doubt ....

( if you have problem with this phrase - barbaric westerns - , then you go and see number casualties in WW I and WWII and etc. )

and it some members want to know my personal idea , then IMO , we should obtain nuke , after all Israel , Russia , India , Turkey , Pakistan have nuke and they are close to our borders
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