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Iranian Protests

Everyday is a bloody Friday. The regime is massacring unarmed civilians . You still are going say the garbage that the regime is using non-lethal rounds? People are throwing rocks and they are responding with lethal rounds.
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You continue to yammer and try to white wash the wholesale massacre of unarmed people and painting them as some separatist movement. The bullshit that they are ISIS .
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What kind separatist movement shows up empty handed? The Israeli government looks like boy scouts compared to this. What kind of armed forces shoots to kill their people who have nothing but their voices against guns and tanks?
Everyday is a bloody Friday. The regime is massacring unarmed civilians . You still are going say the garbage that the regime is using non-lethal rounds? People are throwing rocks and they are responding with lethal rounds.

Only one of those clips is showing people, two of them, with presumed gunshots. Nothing is known of what happened right before they were presumably hit.

Videos were shared of terrorists using automatic rifles in Kurdistan. One single shot at security forces from the so-called "peaceful protesters", and they legally turn into legitimate targets.

Either you can prove those rioters have committed no violence against security forces, or it's just empty talk you're uttering, as usual.

Furthermore, when 50+ law enforcement are murdered by rioters and public assets destroyed on an intolerable scale, gloves will come off at some point. There's only so much restraint security forces can be asked to show in the face of lynch mobs and armed terrorists out to murder them.
Only one of those clips is showing people, two of them, with presumed gunshots. Nothing is known of what happened right before they were presumably hit.

Videos were shared of terrorists using automatic rifles in Kurdistan. One single shot at security forces from the so-called "peaceful protesters", and they legally turn into legitimate targets.

Either you can prove those rioters have committed no violence against security forces, or it's just empty talk you're uttering, as usual.

Furthermore, when 50+ law enforcement are murdered by rioters and public assets destroyed on an intolerable scale, gloves will come off at some point. There's only so much restraint security forces can be asked to show in the face of lynch mobs and armed terrorists out to murder them.
You just keep lying. The crowds will get bigger and bigger. You must be deaf and are not hearing the thousands of rounds being fired towards the crowd as if they have time to set up a camera crew .
There must 20.000 t0 30,000 people here.

You can really see all of the separatists with their guns and ISIS flags
You continue to yammer and try to white wash the wholesale massacre of unarmed people and painting them as some separatist movement. The bullshit that they are ISIS .

Are you slightly hearing impaired or just slow to comprehend? Ironically, you yourself provided all the evidence needed.

"Marg bar jash". "Jash" is separatist terminology.

"Qasemlou, Qasemlou, rahat edame darad". Separatist slogan.

Try harder, you won't be able to cover it up nor deny what those clips are showing.

As for "I"SIS, they claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on the Shah Cheraq holy shrine in Shiraz. This too you won't be able to conceal beneath the endless stream of propaganda "Tweets".

What kind separatist movement shows up empty handed?

Mobs can murder with bare hands, as they did in Sanandaj few days ago.

But they activated armed elements too.

From Mahabad:


Video at link below:

The Israeli government looks like boy scouts compared to this. What kind of armed forces shoots to kill their people who have nothing but their voices against guns and tanks?

Security forces were murdered by mobs, with knives and firearms. Zionists would raze entire towns to the ground in retaliation for something like that.

You just keep lying.

You just keep making hollow statements and shouting slogans.

You can really see all of the separatists with their guns and ISIS flags

Yes, I can see and hear them loud and clear. My hearing and sight aren't quite as as obstructed as yours seem to be.



Keep trying to whitewash separatists and terrorists. Nobody will be fooled though, since evidence is blatant.
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Are you slightly hearing impaired or just slow to comprehend? Ironically, you yourself provided all the evidence that's needed.

"Marg bar jash". "Jash" is separatist terminology.

"Qasemlou, Qasemlou, rahat edame darad". Separatist slogan.

Try harder, you won't be able to cover it up nor deny what those clips are showing.

As for "I"SIS, they claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack on the Shah Cheraq holy shrine in Shiraz. This too you won't be able to conceal beneath the endless stream of propaganda "Tweets".

Mobs can murder with bare hands, as they did in Sanandaj few days ago.

But they activated armed elements too.

From Mahabad:


Video at links below:

Security forces were murdered by mobs, with knives and firearms. Zionists would raze entire towns to the ground for that.

You just keep making hollow statement. Have not been able to prove any of your claims.

1) Prove munition was lethal.

2) If "thousands of rounds" are fired at the crowd, how come no one's falling to the ground?

3) How come the only two people with apparent gunshot wounds, are visible in a clip that starts after they were hit, and doesn't show what took place right before? Could it be that security forces were attacked with weapons again, as happened multiple times already?

Yes, I can see and hear them loud and clear. My hearing and sight aren't quite as as impaired as yours seem to be.



Keep trying to whitewash separatists and terrorists. Nobody will be fooled though, since evidence is blatant.

What does the crown say? Marg Bar Khamenaee

That is just another example of a criminal regime that hates Iranians.
The massacre of the people of Shiraz was an inside job just like cinema rex.

Why would ISIS come and make a move like that to divert attention from the current crisis. This is a kind false flag operation to scare people into believing that if the regime is not in charge, Iran will be separated.
The crowd is saying
Marg bar Khamenee
Marg bar Dictator
Azadi baradari

It sure is starting to look more than .05% of the population now is not it.

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Islamic Republic will not fall not even for next 100,000 years

You isolated terrorists are not even 0.05% of our society

Western regimes will fall but Iran will not fall

There are tens millions of patriot and religious soldiers to defend it

We won't become Talibanized like Afghanistan, war torn like Sudan, Somali, Libya and Yemen and war torn + ISISed like Syria and Iraq

We are the country that defeated ISIS in 2 countries

You satans will take your dreams to hell

Maryam Rajavi, Nazanin Bonyadi, Babak Taghvaee and Masih gomikola terrorist my a$$

It sure is starting look like more than .05% of the people is it
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The football stadium regulation is to a large extent due to the fact that males present there use extremely dirty language in their chants. Would you be comfortable with your mother, sister and wife hearing sexual slurs shouted by thousands of men?

What a bunch of nonsense you are trying to sell here.

Adult woman can decide for themselves whether or not they want to enter a football game or not , and you have no excuse to discriminate them.

Clearly Iran national team does not agree with you :

Iran World Cup players silent as anthem plays, signalling protest support


Iran's national soccer team chose not to sing their country's anthem before their World Cup match on Monday, in an apparent show of solidarity with anti-government protesters amid discontent over their reluctance to speak out.

The players were solemn and silent as the anthem was played before the match with England at the Khalifa International Stadium, where thousands of Iranian fans in the stands shouted as the music rang out.

More than two months of protests in Iran, sparked by the death of a young woman in the custody of the morality police, are one of the boldest challenges to Iran's clerical leaders since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Iranian state television cut away from its live broadcast of the match as the players lined up before the game for the playing of the national anthem.

The squad has lost fans back home, however, with many people accusing them of siding with a violent state crackdown on the protesters, including women and children, who are seeking the fall of the Islamic Republic.

Team Melli, as the soccer team is known, have traditionally been a huge source of national pride in Iran, but they have found themselves caught up in politics in the World Cup run-up, with anticipation over whether they would use soccer's showpiece event as a platform to get behind the protesters.

What a bunch of nonsense you are trying to sell here.

Look who rushed in to assist oppositionists. A person supportive of the sole remaining apartheid regime and its NATO associates, which are on the record for destroying multiple nation-states in West Asia and surroundings over the past couple of decades (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia etc), and are now concentrating their efforts on provoking a repeat of the same scenarii in Iran.

Adult woman can decide for themselves whether or not they want to enter a football game or not , and you have no excuse to discriminate them.

Cultural norms and necessities of governance decide, and outsiders have no business meddling in Iranian affairs.

Clearly Iran national team does not agree with you :

Who really cares what a bunch of millionaires disconnected from the people think? Their opinion's just as irrelevant and unrepresentative as that of show business celebrities parroting the enemy's propaganda day and night.

The massacre of the people of Shiraz was an inside job just like cinema rex.

Why would ISIS come and make a move like that to divert attention from the current crisis. This is a kind false flag operation to scare people into believing that if the regime is not in charge, Iran will be separated.

Ah, an "inside job" but "I"SIS openly claims responsibility? Nonsense. And if any third party is instrumentalizing "I"SIS it's the NATO regime and Isra"el", whose interests "I"SIS have been serving continuously.

No, "I"SIS' move in Shiraz did not divert the attention, on the contrary it aimed at desensitizing the public towards violence, and at triviliazing brutality especially against pious Shia Moslems, who happen to be the targets of liberal, irreligious pro-western rioters too.

It also aimed to make terrorism and separatism socially acceptable and less relevant, to portray them as the "lesser evil" compared to the political system in charge. In other terms, to condition rioters into considering that their goal - overthrowing the Islamic Republic, enjoys precedence over any risk of terrorism and separatism. To convince rioters not to pay attention to terrorist incidents and continue to cause disturbances and keep security forces busy.

Yes if the central state were to collapse, Iran will be broken into pieces she and will never recover. Not in a century, not in a millenium. The powers to be have made clear their intention of dismantling Iran and separatist terrorists and their supporters have entered the fray already, as shown above.

Zionist think tank paper advocating the balkanization of Iran:


Infamous map illustrating a paper by USA general Ralph Peters:


And then there's the visible support of western and PGCC regimes for anti-Iranian separatist grouplets.

And then there are concrete contemporary precedents, not one but many: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia. All of which fell victim to the same plot executed by NATO, the zionist regime and their regional clients.
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Why would ISIS come and make a move like that to divert attention from the current crisis. This is a kind false flag operation to scare people into believing that if the regime is not in charge, Iran will be separated.

Another own goal. Right after denying that Iran will be dismantled in case of a weakening of state authority, you go on to share a "Tweet" which shows agitators in Kermanshah province burning the Iranian national flag.

Unbelievable. Do you read / watch the material you're posting, or just mechanically copy and paste whatever US, zionist and Saudi propaganda you come across?



These are the "heroes" of the anti-IR crowd: Iran-haters, separatists, criminal rioters, terrorists.
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The crowd is saying
Marg bar Khamenee
Marg bar Dictator
Azadi baradari

It sure is starting to look more than .05% of the population now is not it.

View attachment 899251View attachment 899252

It sure is starting look like more than .05% of the people is it View attachment 899253View attachment 899254not?
That Propaganda media.

Sorry for the loss, many protesters will die, as well as security agents and basij personals and worshiper.

When Protester started armed assaulting the security personal started using lethal rounds, bcz they also saw their people also got killed by armed protesters.
They only thing i cant understand when a protester dies then he is a protester but when a security guys dies the killers are ISIS.

I dont believe in one thing ISIS had to jurney a long way to massacre shrine in iran, they could have just bomb the crowd of protesters. How the planned operation is going on.
Who really cares what a bunch of millionaires disconnected from the people think? Their opinion's just as irrelevant and unrepresentative as that of show business celebrities parroting the enemy's propaganda day and night.

If the mullahs did not care, Iranian state television would not cut away from its live broadcast of the match the team refusing to sing the national anthem.

Clearly it does matter to them otherwise they would not cut the broadcast .

If the mullahs did not care, Iranian state television would not cut away from its live broadcast of the match , the national anthem singing part.

Clearly it does matter to them not to broadcast the entire Iranian national team refusing to sing the anthem .

There's no reason for national television to relay the misplaced antics of these politically illiterate multi-millionaires, whose insight into the country's affairs is non-existing, and whose only purpose is to parrot the propaganda of Iran's existential enemies.

Second video's the joke of the day. Hardly any booing is heard, and nobody can be seen doing so.
What is happening in Iran is exactly what is happening in Iraq

But the good news

Their truth will come out and society will bury them for decades

It is true that it is painful and with some losses

But tell you from experience

The profits will be great

The community will be aware and understand the plots

Those who claim to love Iran, its interest and progress will be rejected

In Iraq we needed Couble Years

I hope that it will be quick in Iran and that they learn from what happened in Iraq and how the enemy exploits people's emotions against their interests and for destructive political ends.
There's no reason for national television to relay the misplaced antics of these politically illiterate multi-millionaires, whose insight into the country's affairs is non-existing, and whose only purpose is to parrot the propaganda of Iran's existential enemies.

Second video's the joke of the day. Hardly any booing is heard, and nobody can be seen doing so.
You are a clown and chief propaganda minister for the regime in this forum. You selectively cut and past images. Right before they burned the flag that represents the un islamic not a republic, they were burning pictures of Khamenee and chanting Marg bar Khamenee (death to the dictator) .

Iranians have burning symbols of this regime all over Iran for the last three months.

Does she look like an armed insurgent to you?
Is she making separatist statements?
Her son was 14 years old.


Do you see them burning this flag?
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