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Iranian Protests

You are a clown and chief propaganda minister for the regime in this forum. You selectively cut and past images. Right before they burned the flag that represents the un islamic not a republic, they were burning pictures of Khamenee and chanting Marg bar Khamenee (death to the dictator) .

Iranians have burning symbols of this regime all over Iran for the last three months.

View attachment 899304Does she look like an armed insurgent to you?
Is she making separatist statements?
Her son was 14 years old.
View attachment 899298
View attachment 899299View attachment 899300View attachment 899301View attachment 899302

Do you see them burning this flag?
View attachment 899305
98% of our people have to I.R. So this flag is not our flag anymore

Any terrorist or separatist insult to my country's flag deserve to get killed
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You are a clown and chief propaganda minister for the regime in this forum. You selectively cut and past images. Right before they burned the flag that represents the un islamic not a republic, they were burning pictures of Khamenee and chanting Marg bar Khamenee (death to the dictator) .

Ah, so you're suggesting that separatists should not be expected to burn posters of the Leader, even though he's the person standing in the way of their designs? What kind of a logic is this?

Iranians have burning symbols of this regime all over Iran for the last three months.

The national flag bearing Iran's colors has not and will not be burnt by anyone save separatists. Either that, or the authors of such an act have mental issues of unusual severity.

Does she look like an armed insurgent to you?
Is she making separatist statements?

So an old lady filmed somewhere in Iran is proof that separatists don't exist?

Is "jash" part of separatist terminology, yes or no? Is "Qasemlou, Qasemlou, rahat edame darad" a separatist slogan, yes or no?

The more you attempt to deny these documented facts, the more you discredit yourself. Proof was posted in this thread, including by yourself, that separatists and terrorists have been part of the so-called "peaceful protests". Now you're polemicizing in hopes of burying the reality beneath heaps of propaganda "Tweets", rhetoric questions and ad hominem. Won't work.

Does she look like an armed insurgent to you?

No, but this individual here does:


Just another "peaceful protester", according to oppositionists.

Do you see them burning this flag?

Why should a separatist proceed to burning that version of the flag, which has no longer been in official use for close to 44 years?
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Look who rushed in to assist oppositionists. A person supportive of the sole remaining apartheid regime and its NATO associates, which are on the record for destroying multiple nation-states in West Asia and surroundings over the past couple of decades (Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia etc), and are now concentrating their efforts on provoking a repeat of the same scenarii in Iran.

Cultural norms and necessities of governance decide, and outsiders have no business meddling in Iranian affairs.

Who really cares what a bunch of millionaires disconnected from the people think? Their opinion's just as irrelevant and unrepresentative as that of show business celebrities parroting the enemy's propaganda day and night.

Ah, an "inside job" but "I"SIS openly claims responsibility? Nonsense. And if any third party is instrumentalizing "I"SIS it's the NATO regime and Isra"el", whose interests "I"SIS have been serving continuously.

No, "I"SIS' move in Shiraz did not divert the attention, on the contrary it aimed at desensitizing the public towards violence, and at triviliazing brutality especially against pious Shia Moslems, who happen to be the targets of liberal, irreligious pro-western rioters too.

It also aimed to make terrorism and separatism socially acceptable and less relevant, to portray them as the "lesser evil" compared to the political system in charge. In other terms, to condition rioters into considering that their goal - overthrowing the Islamic Republic, enjoys precedence over any risk of terrorism and separatism. To convince rioters not to pay attention to terrorist incidents and continue to cause disturbances and keep security forces busy.

Yes if the central state were to collapse, Iran will be broken into pieces she and will never recover. Not in a century, not in a millenium. The powers to be have made clear their intention of dismantling Iran and separatist terrorists and their supporters have entered the fray already, as shown above.

Zionist think tank paper advocating the balkanization of Iran:


Infamous map illustrating a paper by USA general Ralph Peters:


And then there's the visible support of western and PGCC regimes for anti-Iranian separatist grouplets.

And then there are concrete contemporary precedents, not one but many: Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia. All of which fell victim to the same plot executed by NATO, the zionist regime and their regional clients.
That map makes a lot sense considering the events that have happened the past 20 years.


Nov 20, 2022 - Press ISW

Iran Crisis Update, November 20
Kitaneh Fitzpatrick, Zachary Coles, and Frederick W. Kagan
November 20, 5:30 PM ET
The Iran Crisis Updates are produced by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute with support from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). To receive Iran Crisis Updates via email, please subscribe here.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei likely issued an unpublished directive to violently suppress anti-regime protests within the past few days.
The Supreme Leader discussed protests in a speech in Esfahan City, Esfahan Province on November 19.[1] Khamenei’s speech did not contain significant rhetorical inflections or escalations in the way he discussed quelling unrest compared to prior speeches made in the past several weeks. Several senior regime officials called for a decisive crackdown on demonstrations on November 20, however, as regime violence against protesters in northwestern Iran escalated, suggesting that Khamenei likely greenlit the increased use of force against protesters. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi stressed that responsible entities should take urgent and decisive action against “rioters” and blamed Western actors for unrest, mirroring Khamenei’s November 19 rhetoric, on November 20.[2] IRGC Ground Forces Saheb ol Zaman Provincial Unit Commander in Esfahan Province Mojtaba Fada similarly promised a firm response to unrest “at the slightest hint from the [supreme] leader,” likely referencing Khamenei’s November 19 speech.[3] The unit published a statement announcing the arrest of a ”terrorist team” that had killed security personnel in Esfahan Province and possessed firearms and hand-made bombs on the same day.[4] Artesh Executive Deputy Mohammad Mahmoudi additionally stated that the Artesh was at the peak of its operational readiness and was prepared to carry out all its assigned missions on November 20.[5] IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Ali Haji Zadeh also discussed the importance of following the Supreme Leader’s directives in a meeting on November 20.[6]
The inflection in regime rhetoric coincides with significant escalations against protesters, particularly throughout northwestern provinces, within the past 24 hours. Reports shared on social media suggested that security personnel shot indiscriminately at protesters in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province on November 19.[7] Iranian authorities deployed elements of the IRGC Ground Forces from the Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shahada Northwestern Operational Base in Ourmia, West Azerbaijan Province to suppress protests in Mahabad on November 19, as CTP has previously reported.[8] Anti-regime outlet Iran International reported that local authorities told Mahabad residents that the local governor would deliver a speech but instead opened fire at the assembled crowd on November 20.[9] Footage shows regime personnel in technicals apparently shooting heavy machine guns, and heavy machine gun fire is audible in several videos.[10] Social media users have documented the increased use of force against protesters in other areas as well. Security personnel were documented shooting at protesters in several cities including Piranshahr and Takab in West Azerbaijan Province, Javanroud in Kermansah Province, and Marivan in Kurdistan Province on November 20.[11] Social media users additionally recorded footage of helicopters circling Mahabad and Boukan, West Azerbaijan Province.[12] Protesters continued to engage in anti-regime demonstrations despite this increased regime violence on November 20.[13]
The increase in regime violence against protesters and the deployment of combat units of the IRGC Ground Forces could be related to rumors that Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani has been fired or has resigned.[14] The rumors remain unconfirmed and, although Shamkhani has not appeared or made any statements since they surfaced his silence is not particularly unusual. Pressure on or removal of Shamkhani could reflect a change in the balance of power within the regime inner circle, however, of the sort that could have led to a change in the supreme leader’s guidance about responding to the protests. It is equally possible, however, that regime officials presented the supreme leader with reports on the situation and its trajectory that persuaded him to order the escalation in anti-protester violence without any changes in personnel.
The IRGC Ground Forces Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shahada Northwestern operational base announced that it is reinforcing its forces on November 20, suggesting that crackdowns will likely endure and may extend to other cities throughout the region. Social media footage additionally shows what appears to be at least 26 IRGC Ground Forces and Iranian Law Enforcement Command vehicles in Mahabad on November 20.[15] The Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shahada base statement warned of decisive action against purported US-affiliated “anti-Iranian” terrorist groups throughout the area, possibly setting conditions to deploy troops to other cities within Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan Provinces in the coming days.[16]
Key Takeaways
  • Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has likely issued an unpublished directive to violently suppress anti-regime protests within the past few days.
  • The IRGC Ground Forces Hamzeh Seyyed ol Shahada Northwestern operational base announced that it is reinforcing its forces on November 20, suggesting that crackdowns will likely endure and may extend to other cities throughout the region.
  • The IRGC attacked a series of anti-regime Kurdish militia positions in Iraqi Kurdistan.
  • Protests occurred in at least 18 cities in eight provinces. At least six protests with 100 or more estimated participants took place in six cities across four provinces on November 20.
  • Tehran Judiciary officials sentenced a sixth arrested protester to death on November 20.
Anti-Regime Protests
Protests occurred in at least 18 cities in eight provinces.
At least six protests with 100 or more estimated participants took place in six cities across four provinces on November 20. CTP is using asterisks to denote protests that included mourners commemorating killed protesters.
Note: CTP is only providing protest characterizations for demonstrations with over 100 estimated participants to prioritize reporting on developments throughout northwestern Iran. The associated map contains all the demonstrations recorded by CTP.
Dashti, Hormozgan Province (population: approximately 4,695)

  • Over 100 protesters chanted "from Dashti to Kurdistan, I will sacrifice my life for Iran" during evening protests at undetermined location in Dashti.[17]
Kermanshah City, Kermanshah Province (population: approximately 946,651)
  • At least 100 protesters marched down a Kermanshah street and chanted "death to the dictator." Iranian social media accounts circulated footage of unidentified armed men shooting at unidentified targets, possibly at each other.[18]
Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province (population: approximately 461,000)
  • More than 100 Kurdistan University students protested on campus and chanted anti-regime slogans.[19]
Khoy, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 198,845)
  • Roughly 100--possibly more--protesters marched on a city street.[20]
*Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 168,393)
  • Possibly more than 100 protesters set fires and erected barriers with debris on Mahabad streets and chanted anti-regime slogans. Regime security forces reportedly opened fire on protesters. Footage from social media depicts several armored trucks/anti-riot vehicles and dozens of regime security personnel moving through a Mahabad street and also depicts regime security force personnel firing at an off-camera target with a machine gun mounted on a technical pickup truck.[21]
*Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan Province (population: approximately 91,515)
  • Approximately 100 protesters chanted anti-regime slogans and marched down a Piranhshahr street. Security personnel reportedly killed prominent local Shia cleric Tahir Azizi. Footage from social media depicts protesters fleeing down a Piranshahr street as security forces fire tear gas and live ammunition at them.[22]

Tehran Judiciary officials sentenced an arrested protester to death on November 20 for their alleged role in injuring a Basij member in an anti-regime demonstration in Western Tehran. This marks the sixth protester whom Iranian authorities have sentenced to death for participating in the Mahsa Amini protest wave.[23]
Prominent Sunni Cleric Moulana Abdol Hamid condemned reports of regime violence against protesters in Mahabad, Western Azerbaijan Province. Abdol Hamid stated that security personnel should refrain from shooting at protesters.[24] Abdol Hamid has become increasingly critical of the regime’s protest suppression response in recent weeks and has incited protests in Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan on several occasions.[25] Abdol Hamid may increasingly seek to expand his influence by connecting with marginalized ethnic minorities beyond those residing in Sistan and Baluchistan in the coming weeks.
The New York Times reported that Iranian security personnel have inflicted severe eye injuries on hundreds of Iranians by firing rubber bullets and metal pellets at protesters at close range. The report detailed that security personnel are entering Iranian hospitals to identify and arrest protesters, often interfering with their treatment. Iranian ophthalmologists from three large hospitals in Tehran estimated that their wards had admitted more than 500 patients with severe eye injuries since the Mahsa Amini protests began on September 16.[26]
Axis of Resistance and Regional Developments
The IRGC attacked a series of anti-regime Kurdish militia positions in Iraqi Kurdistan.
The IRGC launched multiple missiles and loitering munitions at anti-regime Kurdish militia positions in at least three locations across Iraqi Kurdistan.[27] Footage from social media depicts a large explosion after an Iranian drone reportedly launched three missiles at a reported KDPI camp in Koya, Erbil Province.[28] Two likely loitering munitions hit alleged KDPI positions approximately 10 kilometers north of Erbil city.[29] Another loitering munition attacked an alleged Komala headquarters near Sulaymaniyah City, Sulaymaniyah Province.[30] The IRGC renewed air operations against anti-regime Kurdish militia positions on November 14 after approximately a six-week pause, as CTP previously reported.[31]
Iran and Turkey may be coordinating military operations in northern Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan to amplify the effect of the airstrikes and missile attacks, possibly to prepare for an incursion by IRGC Ground Forces and/or Turkish ground forces. The IRGC’s re-intensification of its campaign against anti-regime Kurdish militias in Iraqi Kurdistan occurs as Turkey simultaneously conducts an expansive airstrike campaign against Kurdish militias in northern Syria and Iraq.[32] CTP has not observed evidence of any IRGC ground operations into Iraqi Kurdistan, but an IRGC Ground Forces contingent has mobilized to suppress protests across the Iranian border in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province.[33] The IRGC Ground Forces in Mahabad may move across the border into Iraqi Kurdistan after containing unrest in Mahabad. Iran might also use Artesh elements to push across the Iraqi border while IRGC personnel remain focused on internal security.

Saudi media outlet Al Hadath aired a report on IRGC and Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) personnel transporting several hundred missiles from Syria into Lebanon. Al Hadath reported that LH and IRGC Unit 2250 personnel recently transferred an unspecified number of Fateh-110 and Fajr-3 missiles from a storage facility in Masyaf, Hama Province to Al Qusayr, Homs Province, Syria.[34] Al Hadath also claimed that some of missile payloads contained chemical weapons and that LH personnel would soon transfer the missiles from Al Qusayr to a base in the vicinity of Bint Jbeil, Nabatieh Province, Lebanon.[35] LH has multiple military bases near Bint Jbeil along the Lebanon-Israel border in Nabatieh Province.[36] CTP cannot independently verify this reporting; Al Hadath is a component of the Riyadh-based MBC Group media conglomerate.
LH media reported on Iranian security personnel dying in protests for possibly the first time since the current protest wave began. LH-owned Al Ahed News published an article on November 20 that mourned the deaths of one LEC and two IRGC personnel during clashes on November 16 in Esfahan City, Esfahan Province.[37] This is possibly the first instance Hezbollahi media acknowledging Iranian security forces have died in clashes with protesters.

[1] https://www.leader dot ir/fa/content/26144/
[2] https://president dot ir/fa/140843
[3] https://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/29/2807087/
[4] https://defapress dot ir/fa/news/556939/%D8%AF%D8%B3%D8%AA%DA%AF%DB%8C%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA%DB%8C-%D8%B4%D9%87%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AA-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%AA-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%81%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%86
[5] https://defapress dot ir/fa/news/557063/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AA%D8%B4-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%AC-%D8%A7%D9%82%D8%AA%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D9%88-%D8%A2%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AF%DA%AF%DB%8C-%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B1-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AF
[6] https://defapress dot ir/fa/news/557015/%D8%A8%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%AF%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AF%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D9%85%D8%A7-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%AD%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AB%D9%87-%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AA%DB%8C-%D9%85%DB%8C%E2%80%8C%D8%B4%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%AE%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B4%DA%A9-%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%BE%D8%B1%D8%B3%D9%88%D9%86%DB%8C%DA%A9-%D9%85%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%84%D9%82-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%AA%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7-%D9%82%D8%A8%D9%84-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA
[7] https://twitter.com/truskesadeghi/status/1594092266209132546?s=20&t=nvhk... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594093135994437632?s=20&t=naMNhEc...
[8] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-19
[9] https://www.iranintl.com/en/202211206594
[10] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594347130646196224?s=20&t=5mgL1dV... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594361265157464071?s=20&t=5mgL1dV... ; https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1594291905436827648?s=20&t=fV637N...
; https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1594399008985866240?s=20&t=fV637N...
; https://twitter.com/Javanmardi75/status/1594428278537949185?s=20&t=TTbhY...
[11] https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594408085136805888?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_... ; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594383953351565313?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_... ; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594368873578602501?s=20&t=6k3yShdpKG... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594376929494319104?s=20&t=5mgL1dV... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594380982437974018?s=20&t=5mgL1dV...
[12] https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594220478595571712?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_... ; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594225514725707776?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_... ; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594226071041368064?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_...
[13] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594347130646196224?s=20&t=5mgL1dV...
[14] https://ir.voanews.com/a/irans-shamkhani-about-to-resign-after-failing-t...
[15] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594325527434649603?s=20&t=5mgL1dV...
[16] https://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/29/2807396/%D8%AA%D9%82%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%AA-%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%87%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%B3%D9%BE%D8%A7%D9%87-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%A8-%DA%A9%D8%B4%D9%88%D8%B1-%D8%A8%D8%A7-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA-%D9%87%D8%A7-%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%B7%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D8%AE%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AF-%D9%85%DB%8C-%DA%A9%D9%86%DB%8C%D9%85
[17] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594364632558346243?s=20&t=LqvZeVd...
[18] https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594376267528282115?s=20&t=kUlp-UKOmU...; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594390420985106432?s=20&t=WlNnQma...; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594369548085501952?s=20&t=9TcGHro...
[19] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1594333830567325696?s=20&t=E9VYlr...;
[20] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594034409497239556?s=20&t=ZzTCnbE...; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594034054818562053?s=20&t=ZzTCnbE...
[21] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594347130646196224?s=20&t=5mgL1dV... ; https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1594361265157464071?s=20&t=5mgL1dV... ; https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1594291905436827648?s=20&t=fV637N...
; https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1594399008985866240?s=20&t=fV637N...
; https://twitter.com/Javanmardi75/status/1594428278537949185?s=20&t=TTbhY...
[22] https://twitter.com/barin_omid/status/1594434610431238147?s=20&t=qMPwvJQ...; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594429462711619584?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_...; https://twitter.com/barin_omid/status/1594420965458739200?s=20&t=qMPwvJQ...; https://twitter.com/barin_omid/status/1594409973110525953?s=20&t=ULE4_Aa...
[23] https://www.mizan dot news/4521595
[24] https://twitter.com/AbdolhamidNet/status/1594346724176588800?s=20&t=4hZJ...
[25] https://www.iranintl.com/202211184742 ; https://abdolhamid dot net/persian/2022/11/11/12958/ ; https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1591086896155099137?s=20&t=y2... ; https://twitter.com/ICHRI/status/1591079697093636096?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTenY... ; https://twitter.com/Omid_M/status/1585964374522478592?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTen... ; https://twitter.com/DrRohamAlvandi/status/1585161951046664197?s=20&t=9xq... ; https://twitter.com/ICHRI/status/1586099548614795265?s=20&t=9xqWMgPaTenY...
[26] https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/19/world/asia/iran-protesters-eye-injuri...
[27] https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/29996-Iran-renews-attacks-on-Irania...
[28] https://twitter.com/Tammuz_Intel/status/1594446065868058624?s=20&t=fvQFR...; https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/29996-Iran-renews-attacks-on-Irania...; https://twitter.com/RudawEnglish/status/1594453494374666240?s=20&t=fvQFR...
[29] https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/story/29996-Iran-renews-attacks-on-Irania...
[30] https://twitter.com/IranIntl_En/status/1594461142222794752?s=20&t=8MO7EA...
[31] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-november-14
[32] https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/turkish-air-strikes-hit-villag...
[33] https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1594343926839869440?s=20&t=TTbhYDuXA_...
[34] https://twitter.com/AlHadath/status/1594361581604831232?s=20&t=m6nS5ACqS...
[35] https://twitter.com/AlHadath/status/1594361581604831232?s=20&t=m6nS5ACqS...
[36] https://israel-alma.org/2021/05/04/six-hezbollah-military-sites-in-south...
[37] https://www dot alahednews dot com dot lb/article.php?id=47883&cid=116


Iran Project
File Attachments:
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Protest Map - 20 NOV.png
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Attacks on Kurdish Militias 19-20 NOV.png
"Muuuuuh, Iranian protesters are staunch patriots. All they strive for is "democracy", "freedom", "human rights", and a "secular" republic. They'd never compromise on Iran's sovereignty and independence towards imperialist powers, that would be contrary to their mindset. These brave people are no pro-western or NATO-supporting goons. Muuuuuuuuh!"

Oppositionist in Tehran sporting the nauseating flag of the United Kingdom in celebration of the Iranian football team's defeat against England at the 2022 World Cup:

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Surveillance UAV's of Sepah provide more evidence of armed attacks by criminals and terrorists in Mahabad, Kordestan province:

Two terrorists firing with rifles:


There's no reason for national television to relay the misplaced antics of these politically illiterate multi-millionaires,

Sure , why would Iran broadcast Iran National team playing in the world cup ? I am sure no Iranian is interested . . .

Disconnected from reality you are .

I bet you don't want Iranian National team to make it to the next round to save you the embarrassment. Sorry to disappoint you , but with Wales and the US in the same group there is actually a chance that Iran would make it to the next round.

I wonder if you would be cheering for Iran or the US ?

Second video's the joke of the day. Hardly any booing is heard, and nobody can be seen doing so.

Sure , why would Iran broadcast Iran National team playing in the world cup ? I am sure no Iranian is interested . . .

Disconnected from reality you are .

Iran did broadcast the team playing. But there's no reason to broadcast misplaced antics preceding the actual match. It's not too hard to comprehend.

I bet you don't want Iranian National team to make it to the next round to save you the embarrassment. Sorry to disappoint you , but with Wales and the US in the same group there is actually a chance that Iran would make it5 to the next round.

Your apparent confidence in guessing people's preferences is puzzling.

But newsflash: it's westernized oppositionists who're enthused about the defeat of Iran's national team, to the point of raising flags of adversaries:

It's the zionist-absolving Sadeq Zibakalam, a leading reformist figure and sympathizer of recent riots, who's on the record for stating that every loss by an Iranian national sports team fills him with joy:

A person who declares: "I am not proud of being Iranian":


And holds in esteem the flag of the illegitimate zionist occupation regime:



Much to the liking of zionist newspapers:


I wonder if you would be cheering for Iran or the US ?

Oppositionists you sympathize with will be cheering for the USA. Much like they celebrated England's victory:

I see ten persons or so. Out of thousands upon thousands of Iranians present. No wonder the few misfits could not be heard.
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Footage of the murder of two security forces in Mashhad last week.

Full video at the following link:


The criminal is first seen repeatedly and savagely stabbing one of the victims who's lying on the ground:


Then the second officer arrives, bare handed, to try and help his comrade:


But the rioter manages to slit his throat. Assault and murder appear to be something these rioters specialize in:



The perpetrator was identified days ago. Probably nabbed by Law Enforcement already.

When sentenced and punished, oppositionists and their foreign supporters will be screaming and shouting hysterically about "undue brutality of the Islamic Republic against a peaceful protester".

But a crucial question remains: why did the security forces not carry any firearms? How much restraint are Iranian Law Enforcement and Basij expected to show? How many have to be slaughtered for gloves to come off?
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If it was Bangladesh more then 10000 protesters would be buried by now.

I dont count most of those protesters as protesters they are basically terrorist group and paid rioters.
Some innocent civilian who follow them blindly was caught in between the fights and looses their lives.

Iranian govt has problems, so does every govt, deal with them differently. It doesn't mean a bloodshed protest for nudity, liberalism, westernization.
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"Muuuuuh, Iranian protesters are staunch patriots. All they strive for is "democracy", "freedom", "human rights", and a "secular" republic. They'd never compromise on Iran's sovereignty and independence towards imperialist powers, that would be contrary to their mindset. These brave people are no pro-western or NATO-supporting goons. Muuuuuuuuh!"

Oppositionist in Tehran sporting the nauseating flag of the United Kingdom in celebration of the Iranian football team's defeat against England at the 2022 World Cup:

as i said the defeat was divine judgement , they most not have sacked the coach who take team to the world cup . just for one match . and put who , the person who for two time failed to achieve acceptable results . for that alone they deserve defeat. look at what disaster the defense was against England
as i said the defeat was divine judgement , they most not have sacked the coach who take team to the world cup . just for one match . and put who , the person who for two time failed to achieve acceptable results . for that alone they deserve defeat. look at what disaster the defense was against England

These are regular football fan considerations. Boasting the Union Jack however, is a wholly different matter. No respectable person would do such a thing even if they shared your criticism about the football federation's decisions.
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If it was Bangladesh more then 10000 protesters would be buried by now.

I dont count most of those protesters as protesters they are basically terrorist group and paid rioters.
Some innocent civilian who follow them was caught in between the fights and looses their lives
If one honestly didnt know any better one would almost be inclined to believe,based purely on western media reports,that there were tens,perhaps even hundreds,of thousands of people out in the streets protesting,and that the populace seemed as tho it was in virtual open revolt against the government....... :guns: 😨
However,when one looks at less biased sources one sees that the situation couldnt be more different and that in fact the numbers of protestors appear to be tiny,ranging from the low hundreds to at most the low thousands,and many of these seem to be concentrated in areas of iran with a history of ethno-separatist sentiments or even small hardcore elements of ethno-separatist terrorists.
Ah, so you're suggesting that separatists are supportive of the Supreme Leader and will therefore refrain from burning his picture? What kind of a logic is this?

The national flag bearing Iran's colors has not and will not be burnt by anyone save separatists. Either that, or the authors of such an act have mental issues of unusual severity.

So an old lady filmed somewhere in Iran is proof that separatists don't exist?

Is "jash" part of separatist terminology, yes or no? Is "Qasemlou, Qasemlou, rahat edame darad" a separatist slogan, yes or no?

The more you attempt to deny these documented facts, the more you discredit yourself. Proof was posted in this thread, including by yourself, that separatists and terrorists have been part of the so-called "peaceful protests". Now you're polemicizing in hopes of burying the reality beneath heaps of propaganda "Tweets", rhetoric questions and ad hominem. Won't work.

No, but this individual here does:


Just another "peaceful protester", according to oppositionists.

Why should a separatist proceed to burning that version of the flag, which has no longer been in official use for close to 44 years?
Clown World!

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