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Iranian Protests

You always have the same rebuttable. Anyone who questions this establishment, is a separatist , zionists, bla bla. You are like Baghdad Bob.

You practically always show the same sorts of negligible gatherings. Is it my fault rioters can't assemble truly impressive crowds? Or if separatists chant easily identifiable slogans?

If you understand the history of Iran, then you know that the Kurds are the old Medes and are of Iranian stock.

Basically every group indigenous to western Iran (including Azaris) descends partly from the Medes. Kurds have several ancestors including but not strictly limited to the Medes.

But this is beside the point, since I was referring to modern day separatist grouplets claiming to speak for Kurdish Iranians. These currents, which are far from representing the majority of Kurdish-speakers of Iran, caused trouble in the 1920's, 1940's (when they declared independence under Soviet protection), 1980's and now they're back at it again. Thanks to rioters creating disorder.

This is not a mini gathering. This 10 to 15000 people in one setting.

Less than 15000. And well, this is clearly not the norm. Almost every other clip you post is of some small gathering of between a handful to several hundreds of individuals.

The revolutionaries died long ago. This is despotic regime today worst that the Shah. The mulla class is now the aristocracy full of shit. They are worst than Ashraf and the people in the inner circle of the Pahlavi regime.

Yeah, sure. With a Supreme Leader who's staying in a most simple and modest house in the southern, air-polluted working class district of Tehran, and has never accumulated any meaningful wealth, nor have his close relatives. Whereas the shah was enjoying lavish palaces and transferred billions abroad.

The difference between this regime, you are too young to know , and Shah, they were not willing to open fire into crowds of protestors. The brutality of this regime trumps Saddam.

I'm not young. The shah regime didn't even field an actual riot police, which is why it was forced to send the army and declare state of emergency, practices which resulted in the likes of the Black Friday (Jom'eye Siah) massacre at Jale Square (Meydane Shohada), where several dozens of unarmed protesters were gunned down at once, some say more.

Also I'm yet to see conclusive evidence of security forces opening fire on crowds nowadays.

And guess what, Iran has powerful existential enemies which will jump at the slightest occasion to have their agents or terrorist proxies (like MKO or Daesh etc) snipe people and blame it on the Islamic Republic.

Not to mention that dozens of law enforcement units were murdered, so there've been plenty cases of legitimate defence.

However what we've essentially seen images of, is security forces using non-lethal ammunition and even rifles that look like paintball ones (with a huge magazine on top, obviously filled with non-lethal rounds).

We've even witnessed law enforcement personnel being murdered by criminals because they lacked firearms to protect themselves. As in the recent murder of two Defenders of Security in Mashhad, brutally knifed to death by a rioter. First one of the martyrs is getting repeatedly stabbed while on the ground, then his colleague arrives to help him but he's clearly lacking a weapon so he tries to immobilize the rioter physically, but the latter manages to cut the officer's throat.

So any comparison with Saddam is simply out of touch.

Once again, you slander the Kurdish people .

I'm not assimilating armed separatist grouplets with Kurdish Iranians. But let's not pretend these organizations don't exist and aren't active right now (DPIK, KDP, Komala - which played a particular role in recent unrest, PJAK, PAK).

No doubt the people disseminating this information on twitter are elements of the See eye A, but it does not change the fact that it is happening daily . There are plenty of anti-human, Christ killers chest beating that they care about the Iranian nation all of a sudden. That is all noise. The signal is people's grievances with this regime.

I was talking about the fact that people shown in that video are separatist supporters. Because they use vocabulary ("jash") typical of separatists. These elements will always have grievances as long as Iran is not dismantled.

The regime has never endured such push back against its rule. It has capitulated to the women. I just watched videos today from Tehran and there are others posted on youtube which show women walking around without head coverings.

If these protests continue, which they do not seem to be dying down, the next step will probably be a coup d'etat. This regime must change. Unfortunately for nation of Iran, it will not happen peacefully because the regime is systematically corrupt beyond reform. I have been on this forum for the past 15 years ( when it was Iran Military Forum) Long before you and your cohorts joined. Most of the economic discussions about Iran's lack of real growth or even military growth leads to mulla corruption.

Too much misconception due to being exposed to intense propaganda against the Islamic Republic.
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Ironically, you didn't seem to realize this is showing a person killed or badly wounded by an outlaw rioter. Just one of many documented examples of lynch mob practices. Indeed, this is how these criminal oppositionists behave.

With such incredible levels of violence displayed by rioters and terrorists, no wonder law enforcement are on the edge and rather easily provoked. Try the same in the USA and they'd flatten the whole area, riddling every suspect with fifty bullets. Iranian law enforcement have shown much restraint in comparison.

The whole world is watching and once your enablers in Europe cut the tentacles, your days are numbered.

The EU is a US and zionist vassal and therefore hostile towards the Islamic Republic.
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Many years ago, I was briefly on a defence forum of Arabs and Pakistanis. The big dog there was a military type called Coffee or something. He carried both Pakistani and Arab flags.

I had predicted then, this was in 2015 or some time then, that exactly such was the fate of Iran.

It's uncanny to see my prophecy come true.

There was a decent Pakistani type there I remember. His name funnily was that of the Irish terrorist organisation from the bloody days of Belfast. He was hurt. I was sorry. But reality bites. Fire burns. I wonder if he is here. Would be nice to continue our conversation.

I was banned from that forum soon thereafter. Their loss.
Bottom line is that this phenomenon isn't new, it peaked in the second half of the 1380's and the first half of the 1390's already i.e. before the paper I cited was composed. Yet it did not cause living standards to regress in a sustained manner, let alone below pre-Revolution levels. There's no comparison between now and then. Iranians on average are significantly better off materially than they used to be prior to 1979, they can afford to consume far more.
so now eghtesad news is good and central bank is bad . good to knew
Recent phenomenon, confined to a certain age group / generation and a certain social-cultural class.
and you are so cute ,
you are so naive or playing so naive .
in the end the excuse is just an excuse and in stadiums you most fear male population learn dirty words from female one not other way around .
There's a difference between a private gathering or even a public occasion such as, say, a concert of traditional music, and something like a football match, which is known to pander to the basest instincts, to be conducive to mass hysteria and aggressivity.
simply nonsense , all the world female can go to stadium and nothing happen , if they feared for bad language , they didn't let women go to Azadi stadium for foreign matches
or they didn't let women go to other sports
I am a Human before being an Indian. You are a Hindutvadi instead of being a Human. You don't like me speaking the reality of India ? The lanat is on you. :)

You are an incorrigible pedo who I hope is on a watch list. And you have the gall to speak about women's rights in our country. A hypocritical false sanctimonious pedo. And a brazen one at that, probably safe in the anonymity of a Pakistani forum. I've taken screenshots of your 15-year old girl posts nevertheless and will be keeping an eye on you.
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You are an incorrigible pedo who I hope is on a watch list. And you have the gall to speak about women's rights in our country. A hypocritical false sanctimonious pedo. And a brazen one at that, probably safe in the anonymity of a Pakistani forum. I've taken screenshots of your 15-year old girl posts nevertheless and will be keeping an eye on you.

You want to challenge the Indian Punjab and Haryana High Court which has declared that Muslim girls of 15 can contract marriage ?
New Delhi: The Punjab and Haryana High Court has again held that the marriage of a Muslim girl aged 15 is valid and that such marriages are not void under the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act (PCMA), 2006.

Such marriage was permissible under Islamic Law and was not ‘void’ under Section 12 of the PCMA, 2006, Justice Vikas Bahl ruled.

Section 12 of the PCMA lists the circumstances under which the marriage of a minor child is void. These circumstances include cases of enticement, compelled by force, or sold for the purposes of marriage.

However, this is not the first time that the Punjab and Haryana High Court has ruled on these lines. In multiple cases, it has held that such marriages are valid under Muslim law.

The high court’s decision is especially relevant because in a similar case, the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has raised objections before the Supreme Court.

In the present case, the 15-year-old had requested release from a childcare home so that she could reside with her 26-year-old spouse. The marriage was performed as per the free will of both the parties.

The high court said that despite the fact that the girl was a minor, the marriage would be valid. “A perusal of the above said judgment would show that a coordinate [i.e., two judge] bench of this court in the above said judgment had observed that the marriage of a Muslim girl continues to be governed by the personal law of Muslims,” the high court said in its order dated 30 September.

The high court relied heavily on the 2014 Yunus Khan case in which it had said that a Muslim girl may choose to marry on attaining puberty (15 years) according to Islamic Law.

The judge relied on the verdict to hold that the marriage was valid in terms of personal law, and therefore not ‘void’ under the PCMA. To buttress such contention, Justice Bahl referred to multiple decisions of the same high court in the last couple years.

It has regularly granted protection to such couples, notwithstanding their child marriage. Interestingly, the high court had last year said that because of the prohibition contained in the PCMA, such marriage would be void.

Also Read: FIR to get an abortion, reporting teens dating — why courts find POCSO’s section 19 problematic

Pending NCPCR application

The issue is presently pending consideration by the Supreme Court. Earlier this month, the NCPCR had challenged an order of the same high court which had upheld such a marriage.

In its petition, the apex child rights body had said that the order was not just a disregard of the POCSO, but also the PCMA. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta had said that the central question was whether the HC could have issued an order which violated penal provisions of the PCMA, which is a criminal legislation.

The apex court will next hear the matter on 7 November.

Over the years, courts have increasingly raised concerns about mandatory application of the child-welfare legislation, where teenagers are involved in consensual relationships and local customs allow child marriages.

(Edited by Tony Rai)
Go challenge that court then. And challenge entire Islam then. And let's get into debate about your irrationality about what is "adult" and what goes with Nature's laws and what go against and what in Hinduism is actual pedophilia and what is the anti-democratic Anglo political system with its magical "voting age" of 18. Ready for all this ? You want to gather a lynch mob of Hindutvadi dog-loving females and Sri Rama Sena people who didn't cry about that 7-month-old boy in Noida attacked by dogs and his intestines brought out but will join you and lynch me for saying that 15-year-old girls stared lasciviously at me ? Take screenshot of this post too.

And about women's rights, you people are now going about the country calling for execution of Aaftab for slaughtering Shradha ( yes, he is psycho and must be executed ) but you never do this for Hindus who honor kill their daughters, sisters or even non-related girls by beheading them, strangling, pushing them into river, burning them, stoning them etc. This case is from last year from Maharashtra :
Mumbai: A teen boy allegedly beheaded his 19-year-old sister along with the help of their mother in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad. The woman’s brother chopped off her head with a sickle while her mother held her by the legs, police said.

Also Read:​

After hacking off his elder sister’s head with a sickle, he and their mother reportedly clicked selfies with it and shared it with his friends. He even paraded the severed head of his sister in the locality and showed off in front of the neighbours.

The incident took place on Sunday afternoon in the Goygaon village in Vaijapur tehsil of Aurangabad.

The police have arrested the boy and his mother and further probe is underway. They have confessed to their crime, police said, according to a report by news agency IANS.

As per preliminary investigation, it to be a case of ‘honour killing’ as the accused and his mother were enraged after the daughter Kirti, 19, and her partner, Ajay S Thore, both living in the same village, eloped on June 21. A few days ago, the couple returned to the village after getting married at Alandi in Pune, some six months ago. Some unconfirmed reports suggested that she was pregnant.

Upon learning of their return, the mother-son duo went to meet the young woman at her husband’s home. On Sunday, when they arrived, the victim’s husband was in the other room. The victim was preparing tea and snacks for her mother and brother when she was attacked by the latter. Her mother grabbed her legs while her brother whipped out a sickle and beheaded her.
Why don't you outrage here, be angry about his girl's murder by her family and call for the execution of her mother and brother instead of outraging about 15-year-old girls and me ? Such filthy hypocrisy by Hindutvadis. Just because Aaftab is Muslim you are against him, take out marches and beat his pictures with shoes but you ignore and forget the psycho Hindu fathers, brothers, mothers, uncles, cousins, village heads etc who honor kill Hindu girls.

It is not me who should be on a watch list but you Hindutvadis, and you are on a global watch list :

How many more progressive, rational, oppressed voices in India will you Hndutvadi fascists suppress ? Are you ready for a debate with me in the United Nations General Assembly ? Get your pedo-shedo talk there.

Lastly, there is nothing hypocritical about me. I am a simple, rational, straight-talk man.
You are an incorrigible pedo who I hope is on a watch list. And you have the gall to speak about women's rights in our country. A hypocritical false sanctimonious pedo. And a brazen one at that, probably safe in the anonymity of a Pakistani forum. I've taken screenshots of your 15-year old girl posts nevertheless and will be keeping an eye on you.

He claims to be an Indian communist and a Muslim at the sane time. He blows his trumpet here regularly to n fighting for woman rights , but then sadly mocks Muslim ladies wearing their scarfs or Burqa . He has no good word to say about his fellow Indian Muslims who adhere to their faith?
He claims to be an Indian communist and a Muslim at the sane time. He blows his trumpet here regularly to n fighting for woman rights , but then sadly mocks Muslim ladies wearing their scarfs or Burqa . He has no good word to say about his fellow Indian Muslims who adhere to their faith?

These are the kind of guys who are giving Muslims a bad name in India. To the extent that there is such outrage that there is a nation-wide movement against such Abduls now. Called "Mera Abdul Aisa Nahin Hai/Mera Abdul Alag Hai" (My Abdul is different). They prey on our women, often hiding their religious identity till the girl is too deep into the relationship. Then they strangle them to death. Push them off high rise balconies. Throw petrol on them through their bedroom windows and set them on fire. Or kill them and chop them up into multiple pieces, stacked neatly in a deep freeze fridge specially bought for the purpose. With the decapitated head right on top. Which would be looked at every night before going to bed. And getting other girls to the same room to have sex with. And he's coming here in front of the Iranians to tell them what ghastly folk WE Hindus are. This is not just pedophilia. This is a serious hatred they have.

He is complaining now that Hindus aren’t giving him love he deserves. They left him on his own. :sarcastic:

I did not even know he was a Muslim till he declared it in a post of his. His overt pedo tilt was simply too disturbing for any parent. In my experience Pakistani Muslims are generally more liberal and educated than a majority of ours. I'm surprised not one of you ever spoke up on that. Only your religion. But that's ok. You do you.
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Ironically, you didn't seem to realize this is showing a person killed or badly wounded by an outlaw rioter. Just one of many documented examples of lynch mob practices. Indeed, this is how these criminal oppositionists behave.
This is why I call you BAGHDAD BOB.
Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 9.19.14 AM.png
You have no idea which side the person lying on the ground and the one cursing belong to. It is more probable than not he is a regime agent caught and beaten to hell. Your Arab co-conspirators and regime criminals always attack innocent men, women, and children in groups.

With such incredible levels of violence displayed by rioters and terrorists, no wonder law enforcement are on the edge and rather easily provoked. Try the same in the USA and they'd flatten the whole area, riddling every suspect with fifty bullets. Iranian law enforcement have shown much restraint in comparison.
All we have seen in the last three months are groups of regime thugs shooting at people indiscriminately riding on motor cycles or on foot and you claim it is not happening.
The EU is a US and zionist vassal and therefore hostile towards the Islamic Republic.
The biggest hostile vassal to the Iranian people is the unaslamic not a republic criminal organization.
Islamic Republic will not fall not even for next 100,000 years

You isolated terrorists are not even 0.05% of our society

Western regimes will fall but Iran will not fall

There are tens millions of patriot and religious soldiers to defend it

We won't become Talibanized like Afghanistan, war torn like Sudan, Somali, Libya and Yemen and war torn + ISISed like Syria and Iraq

We are the country that defeated ISIS in 2 countries

You satans will take your dreams to hell

Maryam Rajavi, Nazanin Bonyadi, Babak Taghvaee and Masih gomikola terrorist my a$$
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so now eghtesad news is good and central bank is bad . good to knew

There's no strict consensus on economic data in Iran, even among specialized state institutions.

and you are so cute ,
you are so naive or playing so naive .
in the end the excuse is just an excuse

Far from being an excuse, it's been one the of factors justifying the regulation, like it or not.

and in stadiums you most fear male population learn dirty words from female one not other way around .

As said, it's ladies first when it comes to this.

simply nonsense ,

People don't behave the same in a football stadium. There's ample scientific literature on the topic.

all the world female can go to stadium and nothing happen , if they feared for bad language , they didn't let women go to Azadi stadium for foreign matches
or they didn't let women go to other sports

It's a political and social balancing act within the boundaries of Islamic rules. One may consider that pros outweigh the cons or vice versa. The answer's not clear cut at all, and so different formulas can be experimented with. Doesn't imply anything as to the validity of the point I raised, which remains intact.
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This is why I call you BAGHDAD BOB. View attachment 898989

All my points were substantiated by rational argumentation and proof where necessary and available.

From you however we're essentially being offered gratuitous allegations.

You're reenacting the fake Hollywoodian show of Nayirah, daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA, who was trained by Washington regime shills to deliver a false testimony involving imaginary atrocities, namely Iraqi troops "throwing babies out of incubators", with the aim of legitimizing the 1991 war on Iraq among the American and global public. The false testimony was of course rehashed by every western propaganda blow horn.

Nothing's fundamentally changed since then. The same oppressive, criminal empire is spreading the same sort of lies to incite violence and war. Only that CNN was replaced by so-called "social media" as the main instrument of propaganda, and that their target at present is Islamic Iran.

You have no idea which side the person lying on the ground and the one cursing belong to. It is more probable than not he is a regime agent caught and beaten to hell.

What are you talking about? That's what I stated: the violent crime evidenced in that footage was committed by one or several rioters, not by law enforcement. It shows the true nature of these so-called "peaceful protesters": a bunch of criminal, "I"SIS-like barbarians who must and are being dealt with no matter what.

Your Arab co-conspirators and regime criminals always attack innocent men, women, and children in groups.

Empty slogan, with nothing to support it.

All we have seen in the last three months are groups of regime thugs shooting at people indiscriminately riding on motor cycles or on foot and you claim it is not happening.

Except that no such footage exists and none has been witnessed anywhere.

The biggest hostile vassal to the Iranian people is the unaslamic not a republic criminal organization.

More slogans. When there's nothing concrete to argue, slogans must fill the void.
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Those are extremely brave women and girls

Oppressive regimes are doomed with growing social media technology which allows the truth to be shown .

Iran needs to restore order and common sense in their security policemen who appear be out of control

"growing social media technology which allows the truth to be shown"

More like the spread of fake news.
So much for your separatist slander of Kurdish people of Iran

I never spoke of "Kurdish people of Iran" per se, and you know it. So stop twisting my words. I explicitly mentioned armed separatist organizations (KDPI, KDP, PJAK, PAK, Komala) as well as their supporters.

In a clip you shared, individuals can be seen shouting "marg bar jāsh". "Jāsh" is a term used by Kurdish separatists to slander other Kurds who do not endorse the separatist agenda and stay loyal to their nation-states, or to Kurds who serve in law enforcement or the military of those nation-states.

Separatist grouplets are active no matter how hard you'll try to conceal it. The latest video of yours does not disprove it at all: that some Kurdish Iranians who joined rioters may not advocate separatism does not mean separatists don't exist.

What's more, these separatists are heavily armed and tightly organized, as opposed to random rioters.

Here's more proof for separatist agitation, this time in Bukan, with separatist sympathizers chanting "Qāsemlou, Qāsemlou, rāhat 'edāme dārad":

Qasemlou was the Secretary-General of the "ethno"-separatist Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDPI) in the 1970's and 1980's.
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