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Iranian Protests

Israel is an apartheid state, don't spout bullshit here
Maybe they are naughty with the neighbors.

But inside country, Arabs have same rights as citizens than like any other ethnicity.

I dont see a Israeli Arabs migrating to anywhere, they live a lot better in Israel than in the average of the shitholes around.

But Iran is brutal with neighbors and with Iranian citizens that are non-shiite non-Persian people.

Italian serious press give echo to the news.

I dont know if it's real the information about the killing.

But the video in the high school seems real, what are they doing Iranian regime bravemen there? They are afraid of teenage kids?
Maybe they are naughty with the neighbors.

But inside country, Arabs have same rights as citizens than like any other ethnicity.

I dont see a Israeli Arabs migrating to anywhere, they live a lot better in Israel than in the average of the shitholes around.

But Iran is brutal with neighbors and with Iranian citizens that are non-shiite non-Persian people.

Italian serious press give echo to the news.

They aren't going anywhere, if they run the Jews win,, Muslims will soak up the pressure in Israel same as all Palestinians

If anyone supports apartheid in Israel doesn't have the right to tell anyone about democracy or human rights etc
They aren't going anywhere, if they run the Jews win,, Muslims will soak up the pressure in Israel same as all Palestinians

If anyone supports apartheid in Israel doesn't have the right to tell anyone about democracy or human rights etc
Dont worry I dont give a sht about democracy :enjoy:

Israel can mistreat Palestinian people in West Bank and Gaza.
But they dont mistreat Arab Israeli people in Israel.

Iran mistreat all Iranian non-shiite and non-Persian in their own country. Something common in unstable mini-empires regimes.
Dont worry I dont give a sht about democracy :enjoy:

Israel can mistreat Palestinian people in West Bank and Gaza.
But they dont mistreat Arab Israeli people in Israel.

Iran mistreat all Iranian non-shiite and non-Persian in their own country. Something common in unstable mini-empires regimes.
I would think the Israeli Arabs who live in slums would beg to disagree, yes technically they are citizens, but basically the same America treated blacks up until the 60s, it’s not equal.it’s their home why would they leave it, they leave their land for any given time Jewish right wing squatters will try to take over their homes, but if an Arab squatter did the same he would be thrown out on his butt.
I would think the Israeli Arabs who live in slums would beg to disagree, yes technically they are citizens, but basically the same America treated blacks up until the 60s, it’s not equal.it’s their home why would they leave it, they leave their land for any given time Jewish right wing squatters will try to take over their homes, but if an Arab squatter did the same he would be thrown out on his butt.
You have no idea what you're talking about lol, Arab live in slums because they live that way everywhere around. Individually, their houses are huge, luxurious, drive in Mercedes and BMW.

There are no Jewish squatters, Arabs here here live better than anywhere.

The false comparison to blacks in the 60s is nonsense as well.
Dont worry I dont give a sht about democracy :enjoy:

Israel can mistreat Palestinian people in West Bank and Gaza.
But they dont mistreat Arab Israeli people in Israel.

Iran mistreat all Iranian non-shiite and non-Persian in their own country. Something common in unstable mini-empires regimes.

They are ALL under occupation, it's a apartheid state

You have no idea what you're talking about lol, Arab live in slums because they live that way everywhere around. Individually, their houses are huge, luxurious, drive in Mercedes and BMW.

There are no Jewish squatters, Arabs here here live better than anywhere.

The false comparison to blacks in the 60s is nonsense as well.
Okay yes all Arabs drive bmws have a higher standard of living than even Jews in Israel probably, honestly if you actually believe any of that you definitely don’t live in Israel, go to west Jerusalem and East Jerusalem if you live there and tell me you don’t see a difference, honestly you aren’t a great manipulator again maybe many people on this site have not been to Palestine/Israel I have.


Oct 31, 2022 - Press ISW

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Iran Crisis Update, October 31
Nicholas Carl, Kitaneh Fitzpatrick, Dana Alexander Gray, Johanna Moore, and Frederick W. Kagan
October 31, 5:00 pm ET
The Iran Crisis Updates are produced by the Critical Threats Project (CTP) at the American Enterprise Institute with support from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). To receive Iran Crisis Updates via email, please subscribe here.
The regime has begun indicting and sentencing arrested protesters as part of the increasingly harsh and uncompromising stance that the regime has adopted toward the ongoing protests.
Tehran Provincial Chief Justice Ali al Ghasi Mehr announced the indictment of around 1,000 protesters on October 31.[1] Shiraz Provincial Chief Justice Asadollah Jafari announced the indictment of 70 protesters, six of whom the regime has already found guilty.[2] Mehr and Jafari both noted that the judiciary will open protester trials to the public. The regime will likely use these show trials to make an example of some arrested protesters and deter future demonstrations. If the regime shows trials, convictions, and then death sentences of teenagers, it may further fuel rather than diminish enthusiasm for demonstrations.
Regime officials have begun using increasingly harsh rhetoric toward the protests, framing the demonstrations and the Shiraz terror attack as connected and parts of the Western-led hybrid war against Iran. Judiciary Chief Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei stated that individuals who participate in multiple protests are “in the enemy’s ranks” and thus subject to more severe sentences on October 31.[3] Ejei ordered the judiciary to work with media services to identify individuals who attend multiple protests. Ejei did not provide a legal basis for this new standard of evidence, suggesting that the judiciary will prosecute some protesters as foreign agents under the presumption of guilt. Hardline parliamentarian Brigadier General Mohammad Esmail Kowsari threatened that the regime will intensify its crackdown on October 31.[4] Kowsari is a retired Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) officer who has historically supported and overseen brutal crackdowns on protesters.[5]
The regime is increasing its outreach to university students to placate student protesters. Parliament Speaker (and former IRGC Brigadier General) Mohammad Bagheri Ghalibaf met with university students to solicit criticisms and feedback on October 31.[6] Ghalibaf stated his intent to hold such a meeting again. Iranian state media reported that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei will meet with university students on November 2 as well.[7] Khamenei will likely use the meeting to affirm the importance of students to the country and reiterate his harsh stance on the protests. These meetings come after Raisi administration spokesperson Ali Bahadori Jahromi visited universities on October 24 and 25 to discuss popular grievances, as CTP previously reported.[8] Students heckled and chanted anti-regime slogans at Jahromi on both dates.
Key Takeaways
  • Regime officials have begun indicting and sentencing arrested protesters as part of the increasingly harsh and uncompromising stance that the regime has adopted toward the ongoing protests.
  • Regime officials have begun using increasingly harsh rhetoric toward the protests, framing the demonstrations and the Shiraz terror attack as connected and part of the Western-led hybrid war against Iran.
  • At least 30 anti-regime protests occurred in 17 cities in 14 provinces.
  • Parliamentarian Mehdi Bagheri stated that the Law Enforcement Command (LEC) is not currently operating the guidance patrol (morality patrol) because of manpower shortages.
  • Medical professionals in Kurdistan Province condemned the regime crackdown on October 31, according to unverified social media reports.
  • Reformist-affiliated Ham Miham newspaper published an article calling on LEC officers to protect Iranian protesters from the LEC Special Units—the regime’s highly trained, anti-riot police.
Anti-Regime Protests
At least 30 anti-regime protests occurred in 17 cities in 14 provinces.
Note: CTP is changing the format of its presentation of regime activity to capture multiple protests within a single city when it can reliably distinguish different protest activities.

CTP assesses with moderate to high confidence that protests occurred in the following locations:
  • Karaj, Alborz Province
    • Undetermined number of student protesters chanted anti-regime slogans on a city street. It is unclear if protesters were university or high school students.[9]
    • Undetermined number of Azad University of Karaj student protesters chanting anti-regime slogans, likely on a university campus.[10]
    • Over 150 subway riders chanted anti-regime slogans at the Golshahr Metro Station.[11]
    • Dozens of Rasam Institute for Higher Education University students chanted "killing our daughters and replacing them with brothers."[12]
  • Tabriz, East Azerbaijan Province
    • Roughly 150 Tabriz University medical students chanting "you're the pervert, you're the sleaze, I am a free-thinking woman.[13]
    • Over 100 protesters chanting anti-regime slogans on a city street.[14]
  • Shiraz, Fars Province
    • Dozens of Shiraz University student protesters gathered and chanted "freedom, freedom, freedom."[15]
    • Undetermined number of Zand University student protesters chanted "woman, life, freedom."[16]
  • Rasht, Gilan Province
    • Undetermined number of Rasht Pharmacy University student protesters linked hands and participated in demonstrations.[17]
  • Ghazvin City, Ghazvin Province
    • Roughly 100 Imam Khomeini International University students chanted "death to the dictator" on the university campus.[18]
  • Mashhad, Khorasan Razavi Province
    • Over 70 Khayyam University student protesters chanting anti-regime slogans at the university entrance.[19]
  • Ahvaz, Khuzestan Province
    • Undetermined number of Chamran University student protesters chanted anti-regime slogans at pro-regime demonstrators on campus. A social media account dedicated to tracking protests alleged that most pro-regime demonstrators were not university Basij students and had been transported into the university by Iranian authorities.[20]
  • Dezfoul, Khuzestan Province
    • Undetermined number of Ahvaz Jondishapour University of Medical Sciences chanted “freedom, freedom, freedom.” [21]
  • Marivan, Kurdistan Province
    • Dozens of students chanted "death to the dictator" on city streets. It is unclear if protesters were high school or university students.[22]
  • Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province
    • Over 100 mourners gathered at the tomb of Peyman Manbari, whom security personnel shot and killed for participating in anti-regime protests on October 8. Mourners chanted “woman, life, freedom” and “martyrs don’t die.”[23]
    • Over 100 mourners gathered at the grave of Sarina Saeidi, a 16-year-old girl whom security personnel killed for participating in acts of defiance on October 26. Mourners chanted “Kurdistan, Kurdistan, the graveyard of fascists.”[24]
    • Undetermined number of Azad University of Sanandaj students participated in anti-regime protests. There is no footage of this protest. Footage shows security personnel entering and closing all entrances to the university. Audible sounds of gunfire.[25]
  • Khorramabad, Lorestan Province
    • Hundreds of Lorestan University students participated in anti-regime protests on campus.[26]
  • Neyshabour, Razavi Khorasan Province
    • Undetermined number of Azad University of Neyshabour protesters chanting "freedom, freedom, freedom.”[27]
  • Arak, Markazi Province
    • Undetermined number of Arak University student protesters chanted “be afraid, be afraid, we are all together.”[28]
    • Footage shows security personnel firing tear gas at protesters on city street.[29]
  • Shahroud, Semnan Province
    • Over 100 Shahroud University of Technology student protesters chanted "freedom, freedom, freedom," possibly facing smaller crowd of pro-regime protesters.[30]
  • Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan Province
    • Undetermined number of Sistan and Baluchistan University student protesters chanted "freedom, freedom, freedom."[31]
  • Tehran City, Tehran Province
    • Hundreds—possibly over a thousand—of Shahid Beheshti University students marched and chanted "woman, life, freedom” and "we don't want a child-killing regime." Some professors reportedly joined the protest.[32]
    • Over 100 mourners gathered to commemorate 40 days since security personnel killed Erfan Khazaei for participating in anti-regime protests. Mourners chanted “death to the dictator,” “One person is killed but another thousand remain,” and played “Baraaye,” a song summarizing protesters’ grievances with the regime.[33]
    • Hundreds of Amir Kabir University of Technology students participated in anti-regime protests in a university building.[34]
    • Roughly 50 high school students chanting anti-regime slogans in the Tehransar neighborhood.[35]
    • Undetermined number of Azad University of South Tehran University students chanted "Sharif has become a detention center and Evin has become a university" and “we will fight, we will die, we will take Iran back.”[36]
CTP assesses with low confidence that protests occurred in the following locations:
  • Marivan, Kurdistan Province
    • Fewer than a dozen protesters set fires on a city street, possibly preventing security personnel from entering an area where protests will occur at a later time.[37]
  • Saghez, Kurdistan Province
    • Fewer than a dozen protesters set fires on a city street, possibly preventing security personnel from entering an area where protests will occur at a later time.[38]

CTP assesses with moderate to high confidence that university students participated in anti-regime sit-ins in the following location:
  • Tehran City, Tehran Province
    • 50-70 Sharif University students participated in a sit in on the university campus.[39]
    • Over 70 Azad University of West Tehran students participated in a sit in on the university campus.[40]
  • Zanjan City, Zanjan Province
    • Roughly 100 Zanjan University of Medical Sciences dental students gathered and participated in a sit-in on the university campus.[41]
Parliamentarian Mehdi Bagheri stated that the Law Enforcement Command (LEC) is not currently operating the guidance (morality) patrol because of manpower shortages on October 31.[42] Bagheri stated that the LEC is prioritizing managing the protests and cannot simultaneously operate the guidance patrol. Bagheri’s remarks reflect a key vulnerability in the regime’s security forces: the regime does not have enough security personnel to manage large-scale, countrywide protests.[43] CTP has previously reported on security forces facing bandwidth constraints, exhaustion, and low morale due to the extent and scale of the protests.[44]
Medical professionals in Kurdistan Province condemned the regime crackdown on October 31, according to unverified social media reports. Healthcare workers and professors from the Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences and various hospitals published open letters criticizing regime violence against students.[45] The healthcare workers called on security forces to leave hospitals, where they have reportedly deployed to arrest and identify injured protesters.[46] The professors stated that they will not hold classes until the regime ensures student safety.[47] Physicians have begun treating injured protesters in private homes so that the protesters can avoid clinics and hospitals, as CTP previously reported.[48] Growing anti-regime sentiment among Iran’s medical community could lead more physicians to support protesters.
Reformist-affiliated Ham Miham newspaper published an article calling on LEC officers to protect Iranian protesters from the LEC Special Units—the regime’s highly trained, anti-riot police. The article criticized the LEC Special Units' use of indiscriminate violence against Iranians participating in anti-regime demonstrations and urged Iranian legislators to hold them accountable.[49] Ham Mihan reported on Mahsa Amini’s death and has become increasingly critical of the regime’s protest suppression tactics in recent weeks.[50]
Moderate politician Abdol Nasser Hemmati tweeted criticizing President Ebrahim Raisi for his approach to the protests on October 30.[51] Hemmati stated that the Raisi administration’s failure to address social issues, improve people’s lives, and reform has caused the protests. Hemmati was the Central Bank of Iran governor in the Rouhani administration and ran against Raisi in the presidential election in June 2021.[52] Hemmati’s criticism against Raisi reflects the more conciliatory tone that Iran’s moderates and reformists have adopted in addressing the protesters.
The Tehran Neighborhood Youth repeated its calls for protests on November 1 and 2.[53]
Axis of Resistance and Regional Developments
There was nothing significant to report today.

[1] https://www.irna dot ir/news/84928712
[2] https://www.etemadonline dot com/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B3%DB%8C-9/580366-%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B6%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%DA%A9%DB%8C%D9%81%D8%B1%D8%AE%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA-%D9%85%D8%AA%D9%87%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C
[3] https://www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/09/2796689
[4] https://www.etemadonline dot com/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%B3%DB%8C-9/579892-%D8%A7%D8%B9%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B6%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AD%D9%85%D9%84%D9%87-%D8%AA%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA%DB%8C-%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%87%DA%86%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%BA-%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85%DB%8C
[5] https://www.criticalthreats.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/pdf_uploadana...
[6] www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/09/2796894
[7] www.tasnimnews dot com/fa/news/1401/08/09/2796600
[8] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-october-25
[9] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587163673226780673?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[10] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587148023091585025?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[11] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587113780718305283?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[12] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587080791774961667?s=20&t=1ltX8q...
[13] https://twitter.com/Limportant_fr/status/1587120722480177152?s=20&t=opvd...
[14] https://twitter.com/chawshin_83/status/1587160085247188992?s=20&t=ALX2d2...
[15] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587040825615302656?s=20&t=zKxeoRf...
[16] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587029917354627073?s=20&t=zKxeoRf...
[17] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587006127136538625?s=20&t=1ltX8q...
[18] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587044317192912900?s=20&t=zKxeoRf...
[19] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587035791087345665?s=20&t=bUsnlUt...
[20] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587124524579004426?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[21] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587048953366863877?s=20&t=eD9a0Q9...
[22] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587109041062514689?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[23] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir_list/status/1580486862732668928?s=20&t=t0...
[24] https://twitter.com/RadioFarda_/status/1587084854616891394?s=20&t=ImRrmc... ; https://twitter.com/jiyargol/status/1586787502936965129?s=20&t=ImRrmcIzH... ; https://twitter.com/HengawO/status/1587048449282908161?s=20&t=vMJGq9W6Vh...
[25] https://twitter.com/Soranmansournia/status/1587038706262855681?s=20&t=Ul...
[26] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587070952831074304?s=20&t=1ltX8q...
[27] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587111170938396673?s=20&t=s_jAjbI...
[28] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587115555022069760?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[29] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587162971058364416?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[30] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587030961576984576?s=20&t=xhdhXlJ...
[31] https://twitter.com/farzinkadkhodae/status/1587050108994174979?s=20&t=GP...
[32] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587074163700895746?s=20&t=7j2_gbh...
[33]https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587066683377721344?s=20&t=F_q5FpV... ; https://twitter.com/Vahid/status/1587089259982458883?s=20&t=F_q5FpVzMYuW... https://twitter.com/IranIntl/status/1587101331298320384?s=20&t=hVIJUX49y...
[34] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587041838703296514?s=20&t=zKxeoRf...
[35] [36] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587001340487770113?s=20&t=1ltX8q...
[37] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587126435692552192?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[38] https://twitter.com/iranworkers/status/1587180525281808384?s=20&t=xhdhXl...
[39] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587042264358031361?s=20&t=RyFOPE7...
[40] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587032376961540100?s=20&t=JDxKuc8...
[41] https://twitter.com/1500tasvir/status/1587043765381906432?s=20&t=f4v4Kct...
[42] https://www.ghatreh dot com/news/nn65464060
[43] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/whatever-it-takes-to-end-it-ira...
[44] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-september-28
[45] [46] [47] [48] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/iran-crisis-update-october-30
[49] https://hammihanonline dot ir/news/title-one/plys-ya-plys-nma
[50] https://twitter.com/Hammihanonline/status/1586436461489889280?s=20&t=DYz...
[51] [52] https://www.criticalthreats.org/analysis/decision-2021-the-iranian-presi...
[53] https://twitter.com/javanane_t/status/1587014633780568066


Iran Project
File Attachments:
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Protest Map - 31 OCT.png
But Iran is brutal with neighbors and with Iranian citizens that are non-shiite non-Persian people.
Iran regime treat like animals to non-Persian and non-Shiite people.

While Iran's Supreme Leader, the country's highest authority is himself from a non-Persian family, the quoted subject has the nerve to keep rehashing long debunked, baseless propaganda sponsored by the CIA and Mossad about linguistic and religious minorities of Iran, and to accompany it by fake news. The proven fact is that non-Persian and non-Shia citizens are benefiting from excellent treatment in Iran, and no amount of unsubstantiated denial will manage to change this.

Iran's not an artificial construct like Spain or the USA or the zionist occupation regime but an authentic, integrated nation-state with historical foundations of unparalleled depth, where violent discrimination on linguistic ("ethnic") or religious basis is nowhere part of governmental practice nor of social and political culture, unlike the previously cited countries, where it's been an ingrained norm along with intense racialist hatred. Such discrimination has in fact been totally alien to Iranian philosophy of governance since Antiquity and the establishment of the first Iranian empires, renown for their tolerance towards the indigenous cultures and religions of annexed lands.

The Islamic Republic, for its part, represents a perfected embodiment of this principle of inclusiveness, while adding an Islamic basis to it. And, in Islamic ideology there's no room for "ethnic" ostracization. If someone's interested in examples of countries where minorities have systematically and brutally been repressed for centuries, subjected to genocide even, they shouldn't be looking further than the western-zionist world - from the systematic extermination of Native Americans by Spanish and Anglo-Saxon colonialists (one of the most large scale and monstrous genocides in history) to modern day racism and discrimination against minorities prevalent in these polities.
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While Iran's Supreme Leader, the country's highest authority is himself from a non-Persian speaking family, the quoted troll has the nerve to keep rehashing long debunked, thoroughly baseless propaganda sponsored by the CIA and Mossad about linguistic and religious minorities of Iran, and to accompany it by fake news in hopes of misleading readers. The proven fact is that non-Persian and non-Shia citizens are benefiting from excellent treatment in Iran, and no amount of unsubstantiated blanket denial will manage to change this.

Iran's not an artificial construct like Spain or the USA or the zionist occupation regime but an authentic, integrated nation-state with historical foundations of unparalleled depth, where violent discrimination on linguistic ("ethnic") or religious basis is nowhere part of governmental practice nor of social and political culture, unlike the previously cited countries, where it's an entrenched norm along with intense racialist hatred. Such discrimination has in fact been totally alien to Iranian philosophy of governance since Antiquity and the establishment of the first Iranian empires, famous for their tolerance towards the indigenous cultures and religions of conquered lands.

The Islamic Republic, for its part, represents a perfected embodiment of this principle of inclusiveness. If someone's interested in examples of countries where minorities have systematically and brutally been cracked down on for centuries, subjected to genocide even, they shouldn't be looking further than the western-zionist world, from the systematic extermination of Native Americans by criminal Spanish and Anglo-Saxon colonialists (one of the most extensive and monstrous genocides in human history) to modern day racism and discrimination against minorities prevalent in these polities.
Spain is a artificial construct? by who? Roman Empire? :lol:. Spain is one of most ancient states continuously working.

Supreme leader is non Persian, but he's obviously shiite.

If you are non-Persian and non-Shiite your worth is zero for Iran regime, you count nothing, you are not a human being.

You compare Anglo-Saxon and Spanish colonialism, take a look to Latin America nowadays and tell me where is the Spanish genocide, there is plenty of Native descendent people.

Anyway, those are crimes from centuries ago. And now who is opressing ethnics minorities is Iran, it's not Anglo-Saxons or Spaniards.

They are ALL under occupation, it's a apartheid state

Maybe, but the occuped living as Israeli Arab citizens are happy, and they enjoy a richnesss and wellness that they would never know without the evil ocuppiers in a sovereign piece of shithole.
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I would think the Israeli Arabs who live in slums would beg to disagree, yes technically they are citizens, but basically the same America treated blacks up until the 60s, it’s not equal.it’s their home why would they leave it, they leave their land for any given time Jewish right wing squatters will try to take over their homes, but if an Arab squatter did the same he would be thrown out on his butt.
It's not the same than the blacks in USA. You can tell to a Israeli Arab to stay stand up in a bus because is Arab?

Yes, they are poorer in average than Jews.

But they are richer in average than Arab people West Bank / Gaza / Syria / Lebanon.

Living in a desert is a hard thing even without occupiers.

Jewish people brought richness to that piece of land.
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It's not the same than the blacks in USA. You can tell to a Israeli Arab to stay stand up in a bus because is Arab?

Yes, they are poorer in average than Jews.

But they are richer in average than Arab people West Bank / Gaza / Syria / Lebanon.

Living in a desert is a hard thing even without occupiers.

Jewish people brought richness to that piece of land.
Well if that’s the biggest difference that Arabs might not be told to sit in the back great, not really a high mark comparing those areas, but basically your telling me the “master” gives the “dog” a bone with a little meat and he’s supposed to be happy. I want you to quote me please though if Netanyahu has won the elections, what’s coming this time around is going to be really really scary for Jews and Palestinians, Ben gvir really is the Jewish hitler he wants the crown and he’s going to use the once master manipulator Netanyahu to try and become king of Israel, if your telling me he’s openly calling for laws that if solders or police kill anyone they can be immune from trial, again he means Palestinians and let’s be honest has any idf gone to jail for killing a Palestinian, he’s basically giving a green light to kill anyone, all hail the great democracy Israel.

**** = t dot me


How much did the CIA spend on the riots in Iran?

By @khayalpressa313

Information provided with reference to the Iranian intelligence agencies: How much money the US intelligence service has invested to support protests and unrest in Iran:

📌$55 million for the implementation of a project called "Destabilization of the internal situation in Iranian society."

📌$131 million to fund American media for information warfare.

📌$53 million to strengthen information resources and the Internet [in Iran] in order to maintain contact with the instigators of the unrest.

📌$353 million to promote and denigrate Iran's image in the eyes of neighbors and friendly countries through international mainstream and social media, with the help of Iranian celebrities in Berlin and the UAE, who gave the CIA full access to their social media accounts.

📌 $295 million to fight and destroy Iran's nuclear power.

Total: $887 million




Dirty money: Meet the US agent driving the CIA-led riots in Iran | Al Mayadeen English

Well if that’s the biggest difference that Arabs might not be told to sit in the back great, not really a high mark comparing those areas, but basically your telling me the “master” gives the “dog” a bone with a little meat and he’s supposed to be happy. I want you to quote me please though if Netanyahu has won the elections, what’s coming this time around is going to be really really scary for Jews and Palestinians, Ben gvir really is the Jewish hitler he wants the crown and he’s going to use the once master manipulator Netanyahu to try and become king of Israel, if your telling me he’s openly calling for laws that if solders or police kill anyone they can be immune from trial, again he means Palestinians and let’s be honest has any idf gone to jail for killing a Palestinian, he’s basically giving a green light to kill anyone, all hail the great democracy Israel.
The problem here is that without the "master", living in a sovereign desert you will likely no have bone neither meat at all.

Life in a desert without oil is a hard thing, and that's not Israel fault.

Lebanon is not under Israeli occupation and Arab Lebanese people have worst living standards than Arab Israeli people.

About Israeli violence, it's a shame for both sides, whatever that law says, people kill each other so easily there. But I think the hate is greater from the Palestinian against Jews, than from Jews against Palestinian.
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