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just to correct this sentence I am not Pro-Iran
Tehran is filled with cameras? You are tracked everywhere. How can they bypass it and they are still in Tehran.
first this was not in Tehran City it was in Tehran province

second we have got images but what does that achieves ?
we bust this assassinating team out so .....
as we speak I am sure the Americans already setting up new aisolate team
By the way to the Iranian brothers, was there any bodyguard attachment to him?
By the way to the Iranian brothers, was there any bodyguard attachment to him?

yes full team

that why the assassination operation was failure,
IRGC Gen. Dr Haj Mohsen Fakhrizadeh died in hospital was not killed at scene

he died because of the explosion as far as my knowledge is so far
just to correct this sentence I am not Pro-Iran

first this was not in Tehran City it was in Tehran province

second we have got images but what does that achieves ?
we bust this assassinating team out so .....
as we speak I am sure the Americans already setting up new aisolate team
just to correct this sentence I am not Pro-Iran

first this was not in Tehran City it was in Tehran province

second we have got images but what does that achieves ?
we bust this assassinating team out so .....
as we speak I am sure the Americans already setting up new aisolate team

I am sure there are numerous cameras where he works and travels.
yes full team

that why the assassination operation was failure,
IRGC Gen. Dr Haj Mohsen Fakhrizadeh died in hospital was not killed at scene

he died because of the explosion as far as my knowledge is so far

Yes just saw the full report. I just don't think such figures should travel anywhere openly.
Iran's not protecting its scientists. Like at least give the guy an armoured car with a couple of body guards.
این جمله رو کجا شنیدید
@yavar @Philosopher @SalarHaqq

"مردم منطقه میگفتن ما توی دماوند و فیروز کوه پلنگ نداشتیم از سال ۹۲ پلنگ پیدا کردیم

از دقیقه ۰:۳۶ ببینید

Panthers were released in Damavand and camera were installed for watching panthers.
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You need to remove the minister of intelligence and head of IRGC intelligence.

The ministry is a den of spies just in past several years at least 2 spies were located within the ministry.

The Minster loves to take credit for unproven terror plots that are prevented but then allows massive ones to escape his eyes.

Cannot validate the variable measures applied here. When people like Pompeo, who proudly boast that lying forms an integral part of CIA operations, denies that Mike D'Andrea was on the aircraft shot down with Iranian assistance over Afghanistan (as initially reported not by Iranian, but Russian sources), then this denial is to be considered as credible proof... But when the Iranian Minister gives details of foiled terror plots, it's all unproven information?

There's little doubt in my mind that Iran's enemies have attempted many, many more attacks on Iranian soil, most of which have been neutralized.

Now of course there are spies in Iranian state institutions. Who can expect there not to be any when one's enemies are the US and zionist regimes no less? In the same way as some Isra"el"i officials in key positions have been recruited in the past by Iran to work as informants for Tehran. Including a minister of the zionist regime.

However to refer to Iran's Ministry of Intelligence as a "spies den" is evidently exaggerated. Spies will be limited in numbers, but it's the world's most powerful agencies Iran is going up against.

I previously pointed to a well informed source, Mr Pourmasoud, whose conferences provide large amounts of detailed information on the topic.

Much of these spy networks have their roots in the shah era, when the Pahlavi regime allowed zionists and their intelligence services into the country. What zionist will do when given the chance, is to set up an ultra-secretive so called stay-behind network, designed to survive regime change and then go on to work against and sabotage the newly established, antagonistic political system from within (in this case the IR).

These are in part people whom the shah's own SAVAK never referred to by name but simply by code numbers in its internal documents (seized and partly published by the Revolutionaries in 1979). Some of these elements feigned to be Revolutionaries, managed to maintain their cover and thereby to start their work as domestic spies against Islamic Iran.

''Discussing'' with you is really a waste of time. You are a biased, religious person. I took you out of the ignore list though, everyone should voice their opinion. Even you.

What has being religious or irreligious to do with it? Whether or not I am biased is to be gauged from the quality of logical inferences and sourced data I provide in comments.

However the notion that Tel Aviv "prefers" the IR over a bunch of complete and avowed zionist sell-outs that constitutes the exiled Iranian opposition, is clearly informed by politically tainted bias. Not to mention over the actual destruction of a powerful, large nation in the neighborhood with immense potential such as Iran, destruction that is guaranteed to follow on the heels of any kind of a "regime change" (much like what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and so on),
-Nissan truck used packed with 200LBs explosive to damage car.

-once car was damaged assailants stepped out and fired

-helicopter arrived on scene for emergency transportation.

Would love to know how 200LBs of explosives makes it way to Tehran province.
-Nissan truck used packed with 200LBs explosive to damage car.

-oncar was damaged assailants stepped out and fired

-helicopter arrived on scene for emergency transportation.

Would love to know how 200LBs of explosives makes it way to Tehran province.

Did you watch the video I posted?
این جمله رو کجا شنیدید
@yavar @Philosopher @SalarHaqq

"مردم منطقه میگفتن ما توی دماوند و فیروز کوه پلنگ نداشتیم از سال ۹۲ پلنگ پیدا کردیم

از دقیقه ۰:۳۶ ببینید

Panthers were released in Damavand and camera were installed for watching panthers.

I know. The environmentalist dossier contains a whole treasure trove of highly telling information, some of which was made public and summarized by Pourmasoud in his speeches. Many connections seem to have existed between the arrested environmentalists and various zionist or NATO-linked institutions and networks. One is shocked to learn some of the details revealed.
Apologies, i guess i have to respect someone devoting 300+ posts to a failed establishment. The joke is on you again.

Yes, the joke's on me. Not on the barandāzhā who, with US and zionist sponsorship, have been predicting the imminent downfall of the IR for 40+ years non-stop.
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