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You called a persecuted people 'useless', and complain. The sad part is you seem to be suggesting that I did something wrong here. I also did ask nicely.
Anyway, i'll discuss things away from here.

Claiming to be an alleged Mod once yet lacks ethics and respect but tends to make baseless claims without any substance. There's no tolerance for Insults and especially disrespect to people like Palestinian or Kashmiris at all.

Those who have grievances and especially the one who claimed to be a Mod shall reach GHQ for derailed discussion instead of Derailing threads and making baseless accusations.
So I guess when Iran strikes at will against PKK terrorists it’s because Iran is so “weak” and “desperate” that they cannot stop PKK.

Stop the propaganda.

If roles were reversed and Iran was striking Israeli bases in the Middle East, killing Israeli scientists in the street of Jerusalem. Blowing up nuclear and missile facilities inside Israel, I doubt anyone on this damn board would go “gee you know what we are so desperate for doing this, Israel is so strong. Blah blah blah”

I mean talk about living in your own bubble.

Iran has no red lines

First they killed nuclear scientists we said that’s okay

Then they killed missile scientist we said that’s okay

Then they killed head of missile program (Tehrani Moghdamm) we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian soldiers in Syria we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian Generals in Syria (Allahdadi and others) and we said that’s okay

Then they killed Solemani and we said hey listen we are little upset but that’s okay

Then they attack a nuclear site with a bomb and we said hey come on now....but that’s okay

Now they kill the head of your nuclear weapons program and you are like....meh that’s okay too

Iran never set a line in the sand. Israel set their lines and have stuck to them. Iran doesn’t even have the sand to set the line. Pure incompetence

Oh don't forget, Iran plays the "long game" :sarcastic:
first total intelligence failure

only one thing which i heard in westen Israeli which is totally wrong is with regard to IRI nuclear arms program
IRGC Gen. Dr Haj Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was retired and was not working on any active nuclear program

if i put to equation, it is like assassinating Abdul Qadeer Khan Pakistan, what effect will that have on Pakistan nuclear program ?

so in sence of his assassination effect on our program is truthfully more than Big Zero.

his was father figure

the national security council as we speak taking place , but so far the order to all branches is stand down.

most likey nothing
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You are short sighted and clearly cannot see the reality right in front of your eyes. You do not even realise that these attacks you're celebrating will not change the outcome. Israel lacks the capability to do what would really be needed to truly put a stop to the programs that will be an existential threat to you. To do that, you would need to be much more than these sporadic sporadic attacks.

But like I said, be my guess and continue living in this altered sense of reality.

I guess uniting the entire middle east against you, making allies between Arabs and Jews was also part of your plan.

Such geniuses in Iran! LOLLOLLOLOLOL
Your hypocrisy on this forum is clear. You are nowhere to be found when Palestinians and Arabs are insulted here. And yes, I iterate my opinion that it's interesting how useless Palestinians are for us when we need them to target IDF or Mossad agents in Israel and we should stop supporting Palestinian groups like Hamas as they are of very little use to us.

Not every Palestinian is Hammas. No insults in general will be tolerated. Next time, be specific and make a clear call so repeated clarifications wouldn't be needed.
It is the same scenario merely in reverse. Do you have reading comprehension issues?

Reverse or sideways it does not matter, it was an irrelevant analogy.

Did you miss the missile site explosion?

What did that attack achieve?

The Nuclear site explosion that set the centrifuge program back by 2 years?

That issue gave Iran the excuse to move its site into hardened facilities. More-over, you're acting as if Iran was going all out in its nuclear program. This open nuclear program you're seeing is being processed at a calculated rate. In the next few months Iran will be back in the JCPOA and things will be restricted yet again. Iran certainly has a covert nuclear program that is not effected by these political shenanigans.

The assassination of Tehrani Moghdam

He was not assassinated.

I mean only someone truly with their head in the sand would say these attacks are minor and have “little substance”.

First of all, I was talking about this specific case when I said no effect. Yes the death of Moghadam had an impact, but has Iran's missile program stopped to any degree? Literally every couple of months you're seeing a new missile.

The best the enemies can hope to achieve is limited delaying of the inevitable, you need to realise that they cannot stop Iran. If you want to continue to not see this obvious reality, then be my guest.
first total intelligence failure

only one thing which i heard which is totally wrong is with regard to IRI nuclear arms program
IRGC Gen. Dr Haj Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was retired and was not working on any active nuclear program

so in science of his assassination effect on our program is truthfully more than big Zero

his was father figure

the national security council as we speak taking place , but so far the order to all branches is stand down

most likey nothing

I mean when even the most pro-IRGC pro-Iran optimistic person of this forum is saying it’s a failure then you KNOW it is failure.

Here Is the opinion of another respected person

Warning points and thread ban issued to prevent further Derailing and Provocative and useless posts.
What a pathetic state of affairs really. The regime is busy and in panick mode sending its internet soldiers (paid or unpaid- if unpaid the joke is on you) to try and burry the latest Israeli crimes against Iran.

Says a user who has chosen not to utter a word against "Israel" consecutive to this crime (in around 20 posts). Devoting his energy on rehashing baseless rhetoric against the IR and its Leadership instead. Rhetoric he shares with supporters of Iran's enemies in this very thread.

Instead of admitting weakness and strike even more harsher at the enemy, the IR, again, strikes (cyber) at its own population.

Who was "struck" on the internet? Where is "the IR" here?

If IR were converted into a real life male it would be the wife beater type of guy. Beating the wife at home but like a mouse outside. Pathetic subhumans.

Are we not dealing with a case of projection here? Or else would you care to share with us your history of animosity and adversity against the zionist entity and/or the US regime? How about directing even 1% of that intense enmity of yours towards Tel Aviv? That would be more convincing.

Intelligence ministry is a mess. I do not know why that POS is still in office after the Soleimani,Natanz,Parchin events.

But lets guess who approved that incompetent moron for the job ?

They are all incompetent. Soon, when the zionists and Americans overthrow the IR and put the presently nagging forum users in charge, these will show us how anti-imperial Resistance is really done.
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I guess uniting the entire middle east against you, making allies between Arabs and Jews was also part of your plan.

Such geniuses in Iran! LOLLOLLOLOLOL

You've become openly "allies" with people you had relations with many years already and those same people have been Iran's adversaries for those years. Nothing has really changed.

Your understanding of geopolitics is heavily lacking, and that's putting it mildly.
Reverse or sideways it does not matter, it was an irrelevant analogy.

What did that attack achieve?

That issue gave Iran the excuse to move its site into hardened facilities. More-over, you're acting as if Iran was going all out in its nuclear program. This open nuclear program you're seeing is being processed at a calculated rate. In the next few months Iran will be back in the JCPOA and things will be restricted yet again. Iran certainly has a covert nuclear program that is not effected by these political shenanigans.

He was not assassinated.

First of all, I was talking about this specific case when I said no effect. Yes the death of Moghadam had an impact, but has Iran's missile program stopped to any degree? Literally every couple of months you're seeing a new missile.

The best the enemies can hope to achieve is limited delaying of the inevitable, you need to realise that they cannot stop Iran. If you want to continue to not see this obvious reality, then be my guest.

Tehrani Moghdamm was likely assassinated Because If you follow the story on him, they had an important and very dangerous test on the project and if gone sideway it would have cost lots of lives.

But the project passed its final test. Everything went smoothly. The project was a success. Few days later on a routine day at the base, a missile detonates causing a chain reaction.

Sounds like sabotage after Israeli intelligence learned Iran made a breakthrough.
I hope that Iranians have tightened the security. There's constant chatter about possible attack on iran's plants etc sites.
Says a user who has chosen not to utter a word against "Israel" consecutive to this crime (in around 20 posts). Devoting his energy on rehashing debunked rhetoric against the IR and its Leadership instead. Rhetoric he shares with supporters of Iran's enemies in this very thread.

Who was "struck" on the internet? Where is "the IR" here?

Are we not dealing with a case of projection here? Or else would you care to share with us your history of animosity and adversity vis a vis the zionist entity or the US regime? How about directing even 1% of that intense hatred against Tel Aviv? That would be more convincing.

They are all incompetent. Soon, when the zionists and Americans overthrow the IR and put presently scavenging forum users in charge, these will show us how anti-imperial Resistance is really done.
Apologies, i guess i have to respect someone devoting 300+ posts to a failed establishment. The joke is on you again.
first total intelligence failure

only one thing which i heard in westenn Israeli which is totally wrong is with regard to IRI nuclear arms program
IRGC Gen. Dr Haj Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was retired and was not working on any active nuclear program

if i put to equation, it is like assassinating Abdul Qadeer Khan Pakistan, what effect will that have on Pakistan nuclear program ?

so in science of his assassination effect on our program is truthfully more than big Zero

his was father figure

the national security council as we speak taking place , but so far the order to all branches is stand down

most likey nothing

Tehran is filled with cameras? You are tracked everywhere. How can they bypass it and they are still in Tehran.
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