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You called a persecuted people 'useless', and complain. The sad part is you seem to be suggesting that I did soemthing wrong here. I also did ask nicely.
Anyway, i'll discuss things away from here.
We are paying groups like Hamas money for their resistance. If they can't do anything to Israel in return for all the financial and political support they receive from us for several decades, then they're indeed useless for us. That's just basic arithmetic.
It's interesting that you are publicly showing that you are biased against me without even knowing me. That says a lot about you as a person and it shows that you are one of those sectarian mods on PDF that has made it into the moderation team unfortunately. I used to be an International Moderator on PDF. Your bias against me (without even knowing me) based on a troll's post shows that you are not fit for this job and it's sad that PDF has become like this with people like you. So sad.

I had no intention in posting on this topic, or any others for awhile and still do. Until I saw your random abuse towards my people on a topic that has nothing to do with us. @waz was entirely justified in deleting those abusive posts and issuing a warning. I have no intent to continue with this discussion as long as you leave my people out of this.
We are paying groups like Hamas money for their resistance. If they can't do anything to Israel in return for all the financial and political support they receive from us for several decades, then they're indeed useless for us. That's just basic arithmetic.

If you aim your criticism at Hamas then I have no issue i.e. it's opinion.
I had no intention in posting on this topic, or any others for awhile and still do. Until I saw your random abuse towards my people on a topic that has nothing to do with us. @waz was entirely justified in deleting those abusive posts and issuing a warning. I have no intent to continue with this discussion as long as you leave my people out of this.
But you are not like this with other zionist members here or am i missing something? ? @500 for example justifies importing European jewish settlers to take over Palestinian land and you are nowhere to be seen.
We are paying groups like Hamas money for their resistance.

They barely get anything from you and this is not true. Even according to your own regime officials.

If they can't do anything to Israel in return for all the financial and political support they receive from us for several decades, then they're indeed useless for us.

Quit talking about other nationalities as your slaves if you don't wish for karma to hit in you future. No wonder it was so easy for Mossad to recruit people in Iran if your regime and it's supporters are this abusive towards everyone and their own people.

And your regime has no guts to cut ties off to so called 'useless' people otherwise they would have done it long ago. They need them for their 'resistance' image otherwise you gonna deeply humiliated and your country or your ally Hezbollah are gonna be required to do attacks on their own to save face.
You guys would be amazed at the low levels of security senior Iranian office holders have.

i personally attended an ahmadinejad speech when he was president (more to kill boredom then being a fan). and literally the only security i remember going thru were a couple of conscripts at the door patting you down.

I literally got within stones throw of him with barely checking thru any security. Remember soleimani openly marching in tehran streets a couple years back? The only exception to this is khamenei.

you simply cannot hide every single scientist and official in armorded cars and surrounded with an army. not only is it a bad look, but goes against Iranian/shia culture..

This assasination has only done emotional damage to Iran. its worth remembering that Iran is facing an all out onslaught from the US/zionist agencies. and it simply will not be able to foil 100% of their plots... the intelligence ministry routinely announces dismantling of terrorist organizations. eventually the enemy with unlimited resources will eventually get a shot like this in unfortuantely.

the biggest thing is that a zionist has to get sent to hell in return. last time Iranian scientist were killed, a dozen israeli "tourists" in bulgaria were sent to hell. which ended the hits on Iranian scientists for a while.

Iran will respond to this as well, dont worry. im just hoping the zionists take it like a man this time and not scream terrorist and try to steal Iranian cultural artificats in american courts.

Iranian soil is untouched by the enemy. The greatest power on earth. How much more detterence you want? they will get a cheap shot in. Iran gets plenty of shots in as well..... its war, it happens.
So many iranian scientists have been assassinated by joos and yet there's hardly any retaliations from iranian sides.
Iranians are nothing but hot air, so much talk and so little action.
If indians tried to do anything funny with our scientists I am damn as hell sure their scientists' head would be rolling in streets of Delhi and Mumbai.

My understanding is that this happened in early days of our program. Indians did indeed learned their lesson hard way.
I had no intention in posting on this topic, or any others for awhile and still do. Until I saw your random abuse towards my people on a topic that has nothing to do with us. @waz was entirely justified in deleting those abusive posts and issuing a warning. I have no intent to continue with this discussion as long as you leave my people out of this.
Your hypocrisy on this forum is clear. You are nowhere to be found when Palestinians and Arabs are insulted here. And yes, I iterate my opinion that it's interesting how useless Palestinians are for us when we need them to target IDF or Mossad agents in Israel and we should stop supporting Palestinian groups like Hamas as they are of very little use to us.
But you are not like this with other zionist members here or am i missing something? ? @500 for example justifies importing European jewish settlers to take over Palestinian land and you are nowhere to be seen.

Not true, I was here before you guys and used to debate them all the time. They mostly left the forum and only come back and are active in the I/P conflict discussions when there is war on Gaza like in 2014.

Like I said, I don't seek discussion here and had no intention of posting until this guy abusive attack towards my people which I'm not gonna tolerate. Once he stops I'm out of here.
That depends on how "long" the long term really is. It seems the public is reaching a boiling point some results need to be shown for all these sacrifices.

How long is a piece of string? As long as it needs to be. The Iranian public understand the reason why these things are happening. If Iran remained a subservient nation, then we may have had a false sense of prosperity. Probably every Iranian in this forum knows someone that has been effected, whether during Iran-Iraq war or sanctions etc. The major issues that require fixing are the economy and as this incident has shown, counter-intelligence etc. Priority needs to be given to these areas.
Your hypocrisy on this forum is clear. You are nowhere to be found when Palestinians and Arabs are insulted here. And yes, I iterate my opinion that it's interesting how useless Palestinians are for us when we need them to target IDF or Mossad agents in Israel and we should stop supporting Palestinian groups like Hamas as they are of very little use to us.

There is no hypocrisy as explained to my response to Daruish. You attacked my people randomly for no reason in topic we have nothing to do with. This is your own internal security problem and you pretend to be realistic guy when discussing possible reprisal options for Iran than turn around ask Palestinians to kill Israeli officials as if war is a game for you. If you don't value our lives, then sorry to see you have facist tendencies and arrogance towards others, this is your problem though and I'm not gonna tolerate your arrogance towards my people.

Unlike you useless regime in Iran, our regime in Gaza will never allow Israeli's to get away with any attack on our territory and Israeli's know very well an attack on Gaza means dead Israeli's imminently. They are not deterred by your regime which is internal security issue you guys need to figure out and don't blame others.
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Your argument can be applied to countries like North Korea or China where they work with discipline and achieve a pre-specified target. Those countries already have effective deterrence in order to achieve their goal.
Iran is a different story. The reality is and what the past 4 decades have shown us is that there is most likely no plan at all. Also i would like to know -which plan ? Are they going to suddenly announce some breathtaking development ? Khamenei's death is approaching fast.. he needs to fasten up the plan (if there is a plan at all)if he wishes to see stability and security. But there is no land in sight, there exists nothing. It is a ploy to just stall for time for regime survival.

In the last decade, Iran has obtained more regional influence and most nations could do so in decades/centuries. The long term plan involves Iran obtaining great height in all field pertaining to power, whether military, science&tech etc. The goal is more than clear, and as you can see the enemies cannot stop it, but try to hinder it in whatever way they can. You are just witnessing those events. Just as they failed trying to stop Iran's missile program, they will fail everywhere else too.
It's interesting how useless Palestinians are for assassinating Israeli targets, considering that we spend a lot of money on them.

Well here's a thought, do it Yourself... It would seem as though the former chess masters are getting a little rusty all these years, entirely depending on pawns [proxies] to do their dirty laundry, perhaps the Monarchs [regime] will do their own chores from now on.. ??
This has been a terrible year for Iran full of calamity and embarrassment. No one is afraid of them as an enemy any longer, we're now afraid of them as an accident prone clown outfit who could cause nuclear war with another one of their accidents. Sinking their own boats, downing their own planes - these clowns are a danger because of their incompetence.

It's good this terrorist was liquidated. The year started with the great liquidation of chief terrorist Sulimani and is now ending with another great hit.

God bless Israel for this gift.
Rouhani does not have military data.
Most important is making sure the missile sites under the mountains are independent and secure. So only a few may fall to espionage and the main portion stays safe.

Check this out from McKenzie institute:
One example:

“Reza Kahlili, the only CIA operative to successfully penetrate the scientific wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, claimed Iran does have nuclear weapons and offered to procure photographs. “

Come on man, Kahlili? What next your gonna quote Babak as your source?
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