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It's interesting how useless Palestinians are for assassinating Israeli targets, considering that we spend a lot of money on them.

They don't blend in as well as Israelis in Tel Aviv.

Israel probably used MEK Iranians instead of Israelis for the same reason.
Iran failed to assassinate Israeli officials in places like Thailand and you seriously think that it has the capability to execute a similar operation in a highly securitized country such as Israel? Please.

The main problem is not the revenge part for me.

My problem is this question that I have been asking for years:

When we have an Israeli minister as our spy, who do they have?
When they sacrificed Kashmiri, they had better than Kashmiri.

This is the problem.

They have Rouhani.

I mean Rouhani is one of the few ruling elite that
Not the first one wont be the last one. Good, iran should have no nuclear weapons.
Not the first one wont be the last one. Good, iran should have no nuclear weapons.

Peter Pry head of US EMP task force: Iran probably already has nuclear weapons

It's interesting how useless Palestinians are for assassinating Israeli targets, considering that we spend a lot of money on them.

Palestinians are to blame for your regime's propaganda and agenda in the region? Your own posts here and your other countrymen acknowledge that your regime is a mafia that only care about their power and interests and somehow you find a way to blame Palestinians for your own intelligence and military failure.

I've been saying forever on this forum your regime rhetoric against Israel is to gain sympathies of Muslims in region who are easily moved by subject of Israel. They never actually sought to fight Israel in a war even if they prepare for all scenarios. They use the Palestinian cause as means to gain influence in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen , and Iraq. And so it is not shocking to anybody that your regime refuse to respond or ever go in offensive action against Israel. Because they not interested in land of Israel, they interested in lands of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gulf region. They will only use their weapons to kill other Muslims.

So don't blame others for the intentions of your regime that they try to mislead the people of the region no.

@waz @The Eagle @PDF

Are these people gonna continue to get away with abuses towards other nationalities on the forum? Is this what your forum stand for?
One must look at how such operation was possible? Apparently MOSAD stuck with such style and elegance. They blew up a pick up truck to distract the car the scientist was in followed by a squad of 3 carrying out a direct shoot out on the car....

1. How was the group able to get hands on such high amounts of explosives?
2. There is a possibility Israeli citizens are directly involved... Dont forget Iran has a huge Jewish population, many Israelis are Iranians background. How were these agents able to get in?
3. Then we have factors such as the Iranian border with Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan which are sparely populated and usually lax in security. Azerbaijan would make the most sense since it is the closest to eastern Tehran...

Either way why was this guy not protected by armed security at all times? This is a huge intelligence failure.
They have Rouhani.

I mean Rouhani is one of the few ruling elite that

Rouhani does not have military data.
Most important is making sure the missile sites under the mountains are independent and secure. So only a few may fall to espionage and the main portion stays safe.

Check this out from McKenzie institute:
One example:

“Reza Kahlili, the only CIA operative to successfully penetrate the scientific wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, claimed Iran does have nuclear weapons and offered to procure photographs. “
Palestinians are to blame for your regime's propaganda and agenda in the region? Your own posts here and your other countrymen acknowledge that your regime is a mafia that only care about their power and interests and somehow you find a way to blame Palestinians for your own intelligence and military failure.

I've been saying forever on this forum your regime rhetoric against Israel is to gain sympathies of Muslims in region who are easily moved by subject of Israel. They never actually sought to fight Israel in a war even if they prepare for all scenarios. They use the Palestinian cause as means to gain influence in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen , and Iraq. And so it is not shocking to anybody that your regime refuse to respond or ever go in offensive action against Israel. Because they not interested in land of Israel, they interested in lands of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Gulf region. They will only use their weapons to kill other Muslims.

So don't blame others for the intentions of your regime that they try to mislead the people of the region no.

@waz @The Eagle @PDF

Are these people gonna continue to get away with abuses towards other nationalities on the forum? Is this what your forum stand for?

I'll keep an eye on his posts. Name calling the Palestinian people is not happening here.
When there are 5000 children of I.R officials spending their dirty lives in USA , that mean I.R at least 5000 security hole against USA ....

And it more than 5 hours passed and Rouhani didn't say anything , look like the security forces are in panic and trying to secure Rouhani and Khameni lives ....

But I'm sure USA and Israel will protect Rouhani at any cost , he is destroying Iran from within , so why they should kill him !?
all of my posts were deleted at military.ir ...
the dictatorship is in blood of I.R fans ...
When there are 5000 children of I.R officials spending their dirty lives in USA , that mean I.R at least 5000 security hole against USA ....

And it more than 5 hours passed and Rouhani didn't say anything , look like the security forces are in panic and trying to secure Rouhani and Khameni lives ....

But I'm sure USA and Israel will protect Rouhani at any cost , he is destroying Iran from within , so why they should kill him !?
all of my posts were deleted at military.ir ...
the dictatorship is in blood of I.R fans ...
Why would Israel target Rouhani or Khamenei ? These two morons are sent from heaven to secure jewish interests. I mean if you had to pick two useless and characterless figures to sow chaos and destruction uninterruptedly and impose Zion agenda, you would pick Khamenei and Rouhani. These two fags will give you the Israeli dreamscenario.
It's interesting that you are publicly showing that you are biased against me without even knowing me. That says a lot about you as a person. I used to be an International Moderator on PDF. Your bias against me based on a troll's post shows that you are not fit for this job and it's sad that PDF has become like this with people like you. So sad.

You called a persecuted people 'useless', and complain. The sad part is you seem to be suggesting that I did something wrong here. I also did ask nicely.
Anyway, i'll discuss things away from here.
You called a persecuted people 'useless', and complain. The sad part is you seem to be suggesting that I did soemthing wrong here. I also did ask nicely.
Anyway, i'll discuss things away from here.
Let's not forget that Falcon29 insulted families of several Pakistani members here before and got banned by Webmaster.
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