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This may lead to finding the Mossad network making an overall gain for Iran. Mossad rushed to this assassination and had fatalities.

Let’s see.

Not sure why Mossad used gunmen. They could have easily just had a teams on motorbikes attach magnetic explosive in a drive by like what happened in previous .

By using a gun they were trying to send a message.

Also I doubt you will find the Mossad handler. As for the people who did it they are probably just thugs desperate for money.

There are many such individuals in Iran that will kill for $5,000 let alone $50,000 or $100,000.

You don’t need James Bond to fire a gun at an unarmored old sedan.

you dont worry, more to come...
Wasn't this downed in Afghanistan. If I recall correctly, last year, Taliban claimed an electronic warfare aircraft of U.S was downed by them.
My condolences and prayers with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi, and his family and the entire nation of Iran.What a sad loss for the Iranian nation. Iran's top minds need to be protected at all costs.
Deterrence is the most critical element of survival. They have to restore deterrence, that means taking calculated risks of retaliation.
And the Aramco etc targeting is not taking calculated risks?
''Wait and see'' is not a good motivation. We live by daily realities.

I understand, but we need to accept time is a necessary component here. If you a plant a seed, no matter how hard your try it will not grow in the same day. Once we reach our goals, most of the time bad memories of how we got there tends to be forgotten. I recall many years ago, people used to mock Iran in certain military sectors, but today there are articles being written on how impressive they are. We simply cannot risk becoming short sighted, we need to focus on our long term goals. I understand the frustrations, but sacrificing our long term objectives by some short term emotive knee jerk reactions will not do us any good.
A plane with 2 innocent soldiers in it? That’s your rebuttal?

Reminds me of Israel assassinating Imad’s son and an Iranian general. And all Iran/HZ did was kill two Israeli soldiers walking on patrol.

US kills Solemani and Iran gives some soldiers a “sar dard”.

You see the theme here? The enemy is taking valuable pieces off the board and you are taking the pawns and celebrating.

you have no f...ing clue who was on this top secret 1bln$ CIA plane, dont you?
Look up Michael D’Andrea aka “Ayatollah Mike”
I will not correct you, do your homework...
I understand, but we need to accept time is a necessary component here. If you a plant a seed, no matter how hard your try it will not grow in the same day. Once we reach our goals, most of the time bad memories of how we got there tends to be forgotten. I recall many years ago, people used to mock Iran in certain military sectors, but today there are articles being written on how impressive they are. We simply cannot risk becoming short sighted, we need to focus on our long term goals. I understand the frustrations, but sacrificing our long term objectives by some short term emotive knee jerk reactions will not do us any good.

That depends on how "long" the long term really is. It seems the public is reaching a boiling point some results need to be shown for all these sacrifices.
you have no f...ing clue who was on this top secret 1bln$ CIA plane, dont you?
Look up Michael D’Andrea aka “Ayatollah Mike”
I will not correct you, do your homework...

Typical apologist.

That was denied and propaganda. Show me he died. There were two soldiers on that plane.
I understand, but we need to accept time is a necessary component here. If you a plant a seed, no matter how hard your try it will not grow in the same day. Once we reach our goals, most of the time bad memories of how we got there tends to be forgotten. I recall many years ago, people used to mock Iran in certain military sectors, but today there are articles being written on how impressive they are. We simply cannot risk becoming short sighted, we need to focus on our long term goals. I understand the frustrations, but sacrificing our long term objectives by some short term emotive knee jerk reactions will not do us any good.


They did a knee jerk emotional reflex and lost three agents in the assassination. We should not become emotional too.

Time is your friend.
And the Aramco etc targeting is not taking calculated risks?

Armaco was a dumb risk. Great move, but the strike was done to temporarily knock out production for as little time as possible instead of for months or years.

So again Iran failed to establish deterrence.

The last deterrence Iran set was the covert killing of US soldiers in Iraq and kidnappings.
That depends on how "long" the long term really is. It seems the public is reaching a boiling point some results need to be shown for all these sacrifices.

You are correct. Time is the winter. Let’s watch this winter.
My comment will stay on this forum.
Its a give and take. The Israelis are masters at not crossing certain thresholds and the Iranians are in command on the Shiite crescent holding huge geopolitical influence in the middle east.

Sure Iran is able to take a few losses including those of Key figures such as Suleimani or Nuclear scientist but at the end of the day these are small collateral compared to Irans huge build up. While Israels strike at small targets Iran has amassed 200,000+ missile on Israels northern border Via Hezbollah. Iran has amassed thousands more in the Gaza Strips/Syria region, and has amassed thousands of missiles with the Houthis in the southern arabian peninsula and continue to amass weaponry at a rapid pace.
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