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If morons like you were to run this country, now we were a country like Afghanistan.

As Gen Salami said, we have retaliated for the assassination of our scientists, if you don't believe it, it's your own problem. The answer for an undercover operation, should be undercover too, otherwise we will appear as the bad guys. this terror will meet it's response too.

Suleimani wasn't the most important person after khamenei, there is no such a thing, you are just spewing the sh!t which Zionists media have put in your mouth. he could have died million times outside Iran without the killers know whom they have killed. and as Khamenei said we will kick Americans out of our region and it's happening, again if your patience is small as your brain, it's not our problem. Iran is still the same country which kicked US out of Iraq once, but much more powerful with much more elements.

Fakhrizadeh has a good record during his management, but it doesn't mean our advancement would be stopped or slowed down, we have countless people like him to fill the place, that's why Gen Bagheri called it blind terror (assassination), but starting from tomorrow reformist traitors (and governors) start boasting about the importance of negotiation (concession), that otherwise Israel wants to attack Iran! and the rest of propaganda to prepare the scene for Biden (the motherfker) that's the sole purpose of this terror.

Your brain refuses to see the big picture and that's because of your grudge against Islamic Republic. nonetheless, IRI advancement both internally and externally has been, is and will be nonstop.
What an idiot. LOL So, we just have to take Salami's word for it? We have retaliated in secret and if you don't believe it, that's your problem? ROFL

The only thing that General Salami is good for is a salami sandwich, and that's only due to the similarity of his name with the sausage. He's all talk and no action.

Khamenei gave Rouhani the green light for negotiations. He talked about نرمش قهرمانانه in his public speech. Do you deny that? Since then, he has had the power, and the public support, for ousting Rouhani. Did he do that? No. Do you want to know why? Because he agrees with him behind the scene and they both act in agreement. It's all a show for gullible people like you to think that Khamenei is different from the rest of the Iranian politicians.
Its also disrespectful to Iranians that this board and the damn incomptent Republic complains
Only about Solemani.

Wake the **** up people, there were 4 other high ranking Quds Force personnel in that car. Yet no one gives a damn about them.

And why hasn’t anyone assassinated the two clowns: Salami Sandwich and Hajizadeh?

Jesus these two loud mouth propaganda idiots make the IRGC look bad. You never saw Solemani doing this stupid rhetoric.

Thank you.

I been called a lot of names here because I have never changed my stance on criticizing the Republic when they deserve to be criticized.

I been calling out this group for their incompetence for years. Finally people are starting to wake up.
Both sides are right to be honest. But what is sure is that this ''act rationally so you can reap your unspecified promised reward'' is a insult to those fallen.
Whoever is responsible for this act, be it the Israelis or the US or both, has put Iranian decision-makers in a difficult dilemma.
Some Iranian officials and are already calling for revenge, which however could be exactly the aim of the perpetrators behind this attack, to drag Iran into a war in which the US would most likely be involved, before Trump leaves office on January 20 and the chances of a decisive US military commitment diminish under a more domestically-focused Biden administration.
Both retaliating and not retaliating could turn out to be disadvantageous to Iran. Should it retaliate and satisfy their support base but risk an all-out war, or refrain from retaliation and look weak?
What an idiot. LOL So, we just have to take Salami's word for it? We have retaliated in secret and if you don't believe it, that's your problem? ROFL

The only thing that General Salami is good for is a salami sandwich, and that's only due to the similarity of his name with the sausage. He's all talk and no action.

Khamenei gave Rouhani the green light for negotiations. He talked about نرمش قهرمانانه in his public speech. Do you deny that? Since then, he has had the power, and the public support, for ousting Rouhani. Did he do that? No. Do you want to know why? Because he agrees with him behind the scene and they both act in agreement. It's all a show for gullible people like you to think that Khamenei is different from the rest of the Iranian politicians.
What do you expect when you put salami and a 81 year old toddler diaperhead in charge of the country?
This may lead to finding the Mossad network making an overall gain for Iran. Mossad rushed to this assassination and had fatalities.

Let’s see.
The dude was driving a crappy Nissan. I have seen rich kids have more bodyguards and better protection then this dude.

Ballistic protected vehicle & a high security escort like duplicate vehicles with active security is the way if one has to protect such high value official. Surprised by the security.
Geo strategy is above the rest: Trump is about to go, Iran has reached its goal. Loosers are now trying to pour salt on that Iranian win.
Give it to them or have patience? The patience that made 1980's military power joke to 2020 regional superpower?
Iran has its citizens dieing by the day due to lack of access to medicine. Do you know how many children have died? Do you even care? I had to scour the marketplace to find a medicine only imported from aboard for one of my family members.

Meanwhile kids of IRGC and Government officials are aboard partying. People don’t have food on their tables due to sanctions meanwhile Qalibaf sold Iran Mall land in chitgar for pennies on the dollar to his friend.

I know things that will make your head spin about this Republic and the IRGC. Imagine the mafia then add religion and you got Iranian society.

Since 2003 they have been engaging in sabatoge and murder. Since 2010 they have been killing Iranian soldiers in Syria/Iraq/Yemen.

There is no grand plan here. Iran is absorbing the strikes. It doesn’t want to trigger a escalation ladder.
I look forward to your next set of excuses when the next sabotage event happens.

The problems in Iran are numerous and not things most people here deny. Your frustrations are felt. However your observations on what is happening in terms of the geopolitics and Iran's responses etc are not accurate. I cannot speed up time for your to see the eventual reality, so you just need to wait and see. In the meantime, like I said ideally avoid spending effort on these topics, no point getting excessively worked up on things beyond your control.
Whoever is responsible for this act, be it the Israelis or the US or both, has put Iranian decision-makers in a difficult dilemma.
Some Iranian officials and are already calling for revenge, which however could be exactly the aim of the perpetrators behind this attack, to drag Iran into a war in which the US would most likely be involved, before Trump leaves office on January 20 and the chances of a decisive US military commitment diminish under a more domestically-focused Biden administration.
Both retaliating and not retaliating could turn out to be disadvantageous to Iran. Should it retaliate and satisfy their support base but risk an all-out war, or refrain from retaliation and look weak?

Iran doesn’t know what it wants to achieve with the nuclear program. There is no plan. It’s been nearly 20 years of negotiations and tactics. I mean dear god Iran could have built a fusion bomb by now rather than an fission bomb.

The Republic is filled with two camps:

1) the maybe the West will recognize me as advanced civilization

2) the west will not recognize me as an advanced civilization for as long as I don’t recognize Israel so I should go kiss China/Russia a$$ instead

Iran’s deciding which a$$ it wants to kiss. China delayed signing the pact agreement AGAIN because Iran wants to negotiate with the west.

Iran must be brain dead at this point because the US senate hates Iran and there will be no treaty and there will be no grand bargain. They want to neuter Iran.

Thus there are 3 solutions:

1) Go nuclear and prepare for war (you spent $200Bdollars on this nuclear program)

2) Go and kiss China’s a$$ and wait for US to get weak enough that they will normalize ties with you

3) Start escalating attacks when attacked and be prepared that war could break out.

These guys don’t got balls so instead they will sit under sanctions and Zarif will go kiss USA a$$ so that they can export 4M barrels of oil a day again and then the Republic will be happy. They don’t care if they stay under most sanctions as long as they can pump oil at normal levels and sell gas to Iraq and Turkey.

That is how short sighted these guys are.
The problems in Iran are numerous and not things most people here deny. Your frustrations are felt. However your observations on what is happening in terms of the geopolitics and Iran's responses etc are not accurate. I cannot speed up time for your to see the eventual reality, so you just need to wait and see. In the meantime, like I said ideally avoid spending effort on these topics, no point getting excessively worked up on things beyond your control.
''Wait and see'' is not a good motivation. We live by daily realities.
Any early indication who made the killing ?? Mosad or CIA @Philosopher

Undoubtedly both of them were involved. During the previous weeks, we got a sense of how restless Trump's administration has gotten regarding the state of Iran's nuclear program, I cannot say I find this attack or an attack in this manner surprising.
Ballistic protected vehicle & a high security escort like duplicate vehicles with active security is the way if one has to protect such high value official. Surprised by the security.

The republic doesn’t give out security to people they don’t value.

This guy was not valued any longer.

And ballistic protected vehicles would be useless. Mossad would then switch to magnetic explosive and blow up the car.
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