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This has been a terrible year for Iran full of calamity and embarrassment. No one is afraid of them as an enemy any longer, we're now afraid of them as an accident prone clown outfit who could cause nuclear war with another one of their accidents. Sinking their own boats, downing their own planes - these clowns are a danger because of their incompetence.

It's good this terrorist was liquidated. The year started with the great liquidation of chief terrorist Sulimani and is now ending with another great hit.

God bless Israel for this gift.

On the contrary, these attacks only highlight the desperation of Iran's enemies because it shows they lack the intestinal fortitude to act directly against Iran and instead resort to paying terrorist within Iran to assassinate one person here and there which makes no difference to the big picture. The irony is, when celebrating, you do not realise you're celebrating Israel's own overall inability to do anything significant. But by all means, continue living in this delusion whilst Iran's nuclear, missile etc program continue to grow.
I understand the frustrations, but sacrificing our long term objectives by some short term emotive knee jerk reactions will not do us any good.

Their hatred for the Islamic Republic has taken over their sense of patriotism, let alone their rationality.

When after such an event, all you do is to post comment after comment of the most spiteful and virulent kind against the Iranian leadership for its supposed "passivity" towards such acts of terror (which remain largely inconsequential in the big picture, as yourself and PeeD correctly highlighted), while at the same time refraining from uttering a single word of anger, rage or disgust at the despicable perpetrators who, it shall be reminded, are no less than existential enemies to the Iranian nation and people - exactly like their predecessor, the British empire, which back in the day proceeded to murder off some 50% of Iran's population, then there is something seriously wrong with your sense of "patriotism".

Especially when in the same breath, you either:

A) Harbor sympathies for the ousted monarchy, whose fully fledged submission and servitude to zionist and US imperialists is an undisputed fact of history.

B) Sport as your profile picture a photograph of a Prime Minister who after trying to rise up to the same US imperialists, did not manage to complete his first term and was overthrown by a CIA-orchestrated military coup.

C) Pander to and join the barandāz oppositionist crowd. A crowd in whose midst one will have a particularly hard time finding a single political grouping, organization, leader or personality that does not wholeheartedly volunteer to bow down to Tel Aviv, Washington and even Riyadh as of late.

So this begs the question, who exactly does this category of users hope to convince with its narrative? On the one hand, they will claim to be upset by a supposed weakness in the IR's response to specific attacks, and they will use this opinion to justify their "regime change" stance. On the other hand however, they will remain oblivious to the fact that there exists no eghtedār gerā, no anti-imperialist, no anti-zionist element whatsoever among the entire range of exiled anti-IR oppositionists.

In other words, among all conceivable political alternatives to the Islamic Republic, none would strive for regional or global influence, none would even remotely envisage to put up any sort of a Resistance against zionism or US-led imperialism.

But the prospects of a downfall of the IR are far bleaker even: not only will Iranians have to forget about any sort of Resistance in such a horrible event, in fact they will have to say goodbye to Iran as a unified, stable nation-state as well as to its territorial integrity.

When it comes to the Iranian opposition, other than openly anti-Iranian currents like "ethno"-separatists or takfiri groups, practically everyone claims to be "patriotic" if not "nationalistic". Yet in most cases, this is but an empty claim, a formal convention, a facade deprived of substance.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi presented his regime as a nationalistic one, while allowing zionists and Americans to completely undermine Iranian sovereignty. So does Reza Diba the crown (clown) prince, while holding meetings with "ethno"-separatists, promising the "ethnic" federalization (read: dismantling, balkanization) of Iran and candidly announcing that to him the ideal economic program in a post-IR Iran would consist in exporting nothing but oil and importing everything else, in perfect conformity with destructive zionist designs for Iran.

D) Have carefully dissimulated sympathies for the zionist regime, i. e. do not even subscribe to the very premise of the IR's adversarial stance towards the latter.

When you qualify for one of the above, you are frankly in no position to point accusatory fingers at the IR's leadership and lament (or feign to lament) a supposed "lack of fortitude" on the IR's part with regards to its imperialist foes.

Because in reality the IR has not only been engaged in a protracted, full spectrum, 40+ year existential confrontation against these world-devouring superpowers, in spite of a huge power differential to her disadvantage (at least when it comes to the classical criteria and resources of power), and has actually been one of the very few nations on Earth to dare go down that blessed but incomparably arduous road.

People claiming to be patriotic can no longer invoke excuses for such attitudes, no matter how extensive the criticism one may legitimately direct at Iranian decision makers. Which is not to say that every comment published here to that effect is even rational or factually accurate. Take talking points like "the Islamic Republic only values survival" for instance - if this is not demagogy, I don't know what is. When your enemies goal is to annihilate you, surviving already equals defeating your enemy.

The notion that the IR lacks a "grand strategy" or is "content with the status quo" in spite of zio-American acts of terrorism and aggression is no less inoperative. Because it obfuscates what goal these pressures exerted by Iran's enemies are supposed to serve: namely, the destruction of the Iranian nation consecutive to "regime change". Considering the above, it is naive to imagine that the Iranian leadership will passively look on while the enemy works towards eradicating it (as well as its nation).

Another outlandish claim made was that the Supreme Leader "behind the scenes" is "in agreement with the Rohani administration" over the JCPOA. To support this claim, the Leader's initial acceptance of the JCPOA (through his concept of heroic flexibility) is cited, but everything else he has said on the agreement, particularly after Trump's arrival at the White House, is ignored. Needless to insist, this claim could not be farther removed from reality.

Pretty much the same goes for the contention (relentlessly rehashed by propaganda outlets such as the BBC and co) that the conception of Sino-Iranian relations put forward by revolutionary factions in Iran can somehow be compared to the liberal factions' defeatist, subordinate attitude towards the west, when in fact this represents a clearly erroneous analogy. Indeed, revolutionaries advocate a partnership on equal footing with Beijing and / or Moscow, as opposed to the liberals, ready as the latter are to turn back the clock by reinstating pre-revolutionary conditions of outright serfdom vis a vis the west.

Of course, some will not miss the occasion to extrapolate in order to conveniently but randomly throw in some worn out accusations of "omnipresent corruption" that the enemy's psy-ops operators (Manoto, BBC, Saudi International etc) are already busy shoving down the throats of their brainwashed audiences. As if corruption levels in Iran even came close to the systemic, foundational, all-encompassing corruption prevailing in the inverted-totalitarian order of western so-called "democracies".

I had amply addressed these issues in the past, but will gladly return to do so again provided I have enough time at my disposal. Because voluntary and involuntary echo chambers of anti-IR propaganda concocted by existential enemies need to be dampened if Iran is to survive.

As said, all too often rationality and even common sense are thrown over board in situations like these. And this should cease once and for all.

Of course not many among those with the required composure, sufficient knowledge and clear-sightedness, are going to be convinced by emotive outbursts from users who, owing to their biased and often irrational approach (mostly grounded in a profound personal dislike or hostility towards the Islamic Republic), end up aligning on positions and pushing views that will only serve Iran's enemies.

Enemies whose sights are set not just on the IR, but on the Iranian nation in its entirety - exactly as their wrath was targeted not just at Saddam but at Iraq as a coherent and stable nation; not just at Gaddafi but at Libya as a coherent and stable nation; not just at Assad but at Syria as a coherent and stable nation, etc. And this very much includes the mass of oppositionists misled by the dominant anti-IR discourse, none of whom are going to be spared by the cataclysmic calamities guaranteed to befall Iran in the event that the Islamic Republic was to be overthrown.
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On the contrary, these attacks only highlight the desperation of Iran's enemies because it shows they lack the intestinal fortitude to act directly against Iran and instead resort to paying terrorist within Iran to assassinate one person here and there which makes no difference to the big picture.

I know you have to try and pretend this isn't calamitous. Just as when your most protected and secretive nuclear site was bombed right under your noses. Or perhaps when Israel obtained your own nuclear documents from your own facilities in the middle of tehran.

Israel is about 5 levels above you operationally. You're a joke country with a clown outfit running it.

The funny thing is that Iran could be the regional power it so badly wants to be, just by acting like a normal state and doing normal business. With a large educated population, it would become an economic power.

Instead you seek to dominate through military means. And this will lead to your destruction,
On the contrary, these attacks only highlight the desperation of Iran's enemies because it shows they lack the intestinal fortitude to act directly against Iran and instead resort to paying terrorist within Iran to assassinate one person here and there which makes no difference to the big picture. The irony is, when celebrating, you do not realise you're celebrating Israel's own overall inability to do anything significant. But by all means, continue living in this delusion whilst Iran's nuclear, missile etc program continue to grow.

So I guess when Iran strikes at will against PKK terrorists it’s because Iran is so “weak” and “desperate” that they cannot stop PKK.

Stop the propaganda.

If roles were reversed and Iran was striking Israeli bases in the Middle East, killing Israeli scientists in the street of Jerusalem. Blowing up nuclear and missile facilities inside Israel, I doubt anyone on this damn board would go “gee you know what we are so desperate for doing this, Israel is so strong. Blah blah blah”

I mean talk about living in your own bubble.

Iran has no red lines

First they killed nuclear scientists we said that’s okay

Then they killed missile scientist we said that’s okay

Then they killed head of missile program (Tehrani Moghdamm) we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian soldiers in Syria we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian Generals in Syria (Allahdadi and others) and we said that’s okay

Then they killed Solemani and we said hey listen we are little upset but that’s okay

Then they attack a nuclear site with a bomb and we said hey come on now....but that’s okay

Now they kill the head of your nuclear weapons program and you are like....meh that’s okay too

Iran never set a line in the sand. Israel set their lines and have stuck to them. Iran doesn’t even have the sand to set the line. Pure incompetence
So I guess when Iran strikes at will against PKK terrorists it’s because Iran is so “weak” and “desperate” that they cannot stop PKK.

Stop the propaganda.

If roles were reversed and Iran was striking Israeli bases in the Middle East, killing Israeli scientists in the street of Jerusalem. Blowing up nuclear and missile facilities inside Israel, I doubt anyone on this damn board would go “gee you know what we are so desperate for doing this, Israel is so strong. Blah blah blah”

I mean talk about living in your own bubble.

Iran has no red lines

First they killed nuclear scientists we said that’s okay

Then they killed missile scientist we said that’s okay

Then they killed head of missile program (Tehrani Moghdamm) we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian soldiers in Syria we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian Generals in Syria (Allahdadi and others) and we said that’s okay

Then they killed Solemani and we said hey listen we are little upset but that’s okay

Then they attack a nuclear site with a bomb and we said hey come on now....but that’s okay

Now they kill the head of your nuclear weapons program and you are like....meh that’s okay too

Iran never set a line in the sand. Israel set their lines and have stuck to them. Iran doesn’t even have the sand to set the line. Pure incompetence
What a pathetic state of affairs really. The regime is busy and in panick mode sending its internet soldiers (paid or unpaid- if unpaid the joke is on you) to try and burry the latest Israeli crimes against Iran. Instead of admitting weakness and strike even more harsher at the enemy, the IR, again, strikes (cyber) at its own population.

If IR were converted into a real life male it would be the wife beater type of guy. Beating the wife at home but like a mouse outside. Pathetic subhumans.
Yes he did.

He also directed death threats against both my person and Shia Muslims, called me a disbeliever, engaged in repeated sectarianist attacks, in addition to resorting to foul language. These posts were deleted but no further sanction seems to have been applied. Screenshots can be provided upon request. Note that none of these abuses were ever responded to in kind.
So I guess when Iran strikes at will against PKK terrorists it’s because Iran is so “weak” and “desperate” that they cannot stop PKK.

Apples and oranges, you're comparing Iran directly attacking a terrorist entity militarily, to foreigners paying saboteurs and terrorists to assassinate Iranian officials.

Stop the propaganda.

Facts that are contrary to your altered sense of reality do not represent propaganda.

If roles were reversed and Iran was striking Israeli bases in the Middle East, killing Israeli scientists in the street of Jerusalem. Blowing up nuclear and missile facilities inside Israel, I doubt anyone on this damn board would go “gee you know what we are so desperate for doing this, Israel is so strong. Blah blah blah”

Once again, a completely irrelevant analogy. Learn the difference between Iran's enemies resorting to terrorist level attacks which in the overall picture have little substance to actual your own scenario where Iran is directly destroying military targets directly.

I mean talk about living in your own bubble.

Iran has no red lines

First they killed nuclear scientists we said that’s okay

Then they killed missile scientist we said that’s okay

Then they killed head of missile program (Tehrani Moghdamm) we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian soldiers in Syria we said that’s okay

Then they killed Iranian Generals in Syria (Allahdadi and others) and we said that’s okay

Then they killed Solemani and we said hey listen we are little upset but that’s okay

Then they attack a nuclear site with a bomb and we said hey come on now....but that’s okay

Now they kill the head of your nuclear weapons program and you are like....meh that’s okay too

Iran never set a line in the sand. Israel set their lines and have stuck to them. Iran doesn’t even have the sand to set the line. Pure incompetence

You're essentially just repeating the same lines, your claims have been addressed already in this thread. If the complexities geopolitics is beyond your emotive reasonings, then once again, perhaps these topics are something you should not engage in.

This man needs to be arrested and put on trial.

How does he have a job?
Intelligence ministry is a mess. I do not know why that POS is still in office after the Soleimani,Natanz,Parchin events.

But lets guess who approved that incompetent moron for the job ?
Once again, a completely irrelevant analogy. Learn the difference between Iran's enemies resorting to terrorist level attacks which in the overall picture have little substance to actual your own scenario where Iran is directly destroying military targets directly.

It is the same scenario merely in reverse. Do you have reading comprehension issues?

Did you miss the missile site explosion? The Nuclear site explosion that set the centrifuge program back by 2 years? The assassination of Tehrani Moghdam and Solemani?

I mean only someone truly with their head in the sand would say these attacks are minor and have “little substance”.
Why would Israel target Rouhani or Khamenei ? These two morons are sent from heaven to secure jewish interests. I mean if you had to pick two useless and characterless figures to sow chaos and destruction uninterruptedly and impose Zion agenda, you would pick Khamenei and Rouhani. These two fags will give you the Israeli dreamscenario.

Sure, "zionists want the Supreme Leader in power" and prefer him over each and every anti-IR opposition group that spends its time publicly shining zionist shoes all day long.

And in response to such a dastardly terror attack, let's dedicate all 20 or so posts we make on targeting the Iranian Leadership instead of the aggressors... It would seem that's what we call genuine patriotic and anti-zionist engagement these days!
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I know you have to try and pretend this isn't calamitous.

Explain to me the calamitous nature of this attack. In this fantasy you're in, will his death cause Iran's nuclear program to significantly slow down?

Just as when your most protected and secretive nuclear site was bombed right under your noses.

This attack which gave Iran the excuse to move it's facilities to much hardened facilities? What did you gain from it exactly?

Or perhaps when Israel obtained your own nuclear documents from your own facilities in the middle of tehran.

Documents were given to you by Iranian terrorist group, i.e MEK.

srael is about 5 levels above you operationally. You're a joke country with a clown outfit running it.

So far, all we have seen is you paying terrorist groups inside of Iran to do few attacks, is this the extend of your capacity?

The funny thing is that Iran could be the regional power it so badly wants to be, just by acting like a normal state and doing normal business. With a large educated population, it would become an economic power.

Instead you seek to dominate through military means. And this will lead to your destruction,

You are short sighted and clearly cannot see the reality right in front of your eyes. You do not even realise that these attacks you're celebrating will not change the outcome. Israel lacks the capability to do what would really be needed to truly put a stop to the programs that will be an existential threat to you. To do that, you would need to be much more than these sporadic sporadic attacks.

But like I said, be my guess and continue living in this altered sense of reality.
Sure, "zionists want the Supreme Leader in power" and prefer him over each and every anti-IR opposition group that spends their time publicly shining zionist shoes all day long.

And in response to such a dastardly zionist terror attack, let's dedicate the 20 or so posts we make exclusively on targeting the Iranian Leadership instead of the aggressors... It would seem that's what we call genuine patriotic and anti-zionist engagement these days!

You need to remove the minister of intelligence and head of IRGC intelligence.

The ministry is a den of spies just in past several years at least 2 spies were located within the ministry.

The Minster loves to take credit for unproven terror plots that are prevented but then allows massive ones to escape his eyes.

There needs to be accountability.
Sure, "zionists want the Supreme Leader in power" and prefer him over each and every anti-IR opposition group that spends their time publicly shining zionist shoes all day long.

And in response to such a dastardly zionist terror attack, let's dedicate the 20 or so posts we make exclusively on targeting the Iranian Leadership instead of the aggressors... It would seem that's what we call genuine patriotic and anti-zionist engagement these days!
''Discussing'' with you is really a waste of time. You are a biased, religious person. I took you out of the ignore list though, everyone should voice their opinion. Even you.
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