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Iranian noor satellite in action: first images of US Al-Udaid airbase released

thanks for your expertise, as usual without any evidence, just saying it because you like that way doesn't change reality.
in past two years i have been quoting your post and i have been saying that we are catching up in space but you dreamed that not happening,

today target acquisition capability of IRGC_AS Has increased.

i got news for you: in next six mouths IRGC will try to put it,s second satelite in space, if successfull Israel will have harder days to come,

i am surprised the way you an Israeli contact its fairs.
if you were Pakistani or Turkish member i wouldn't be surprised.
we have a lot of Jews here in Iran and U.S they are one of smartest people i have ever met but in this forum.......
The original Safir could launch 50 kg satellite to 200 km orbit which would decay after 1 month.

In order to rise orbit to 400 km they added a 3rd stage. This 3rd stage indeed managed to rise the orbit to 400 km but in same time it reduced payload to some 5 kg.

The al-udaid airbase is a "super airbase". 2 main runways, with 2 other taxi ways that could be used to launch aircraft.

Looks like it would be quite resiliant to attacks.

Why don't Pakistan or China build airbases to this standard?
Well if these are really by Irans staellite than great job. Pakistan needs to learn some lessons from it. What is our agency doing.
A webcam in space? LOL 240p?

Early days of youtube quality.

Back to selling pistachios guys, this high tech stuff isn't for you :tup:
You are India's bitch when it comes to space. They're so far advanced. :tup:

@waz bro, we keep reporting his posts but nothing happens. this guy keeps trolling and spreading his hate on this forum. maybe he needs some soap to wash his mouth?
You know the answer to that question. I don't need to clarify.
You read minds now? I have no idea what you are talking about. Can't you guys, talk like a man and talk what you think for once?
What's the problem? everyone here is making fun of Iran for their webcam 240p images, and what I said about India is true, their space programme is very advanced compared to Pakistan.

I never report anyone here for all the anti-semitic abuse I get, why are the Iranians such crybabies?

We sort the trolling out. He was also right to call you out in your comment. Now carry on posting without resorting to stupid comments.
Thread has been derailed completely by Israelis and a Turk taking out their frustrations.
We sort the trolling out. He was also right to call you out in your comment. Now carry on posting without resorting to stupid comments.
thank you brother. we try to keep it technical and professional despite many troll attacks by certain members.
Isn't it better to keep all the Iranian military equipment stuff in the Iran forces forum instead of polluting the M.E section thread? I mean it's the same thing everyday by the Irani boys "look how great we are, we invented a webcam in space" stuff.

If these threads increase your blood pressure, then you do not have to visit said threads. Furthermore, your previous account called @GBU-28 was permanently banned, if you carry on, this one will meet the same fate given you are here only to derail and troll.
Isn't it better to keep all the Iranian military equipment stuff in the Iran forces forum instead of polluting the M.E section thread? I mean it's the same thing everyday by the Irani boys "look how great we are, we invented a webcam in space" stuff.

You have a fair point regarding this being very specific to Iran, however just trolling over the place doesn't get that point across well.
This thread is the trolling itself.

View attachment 657076

Sending 5kg cube to space and showing Google Earth images. When caught, they are accusing everyone of trolling and making other peoples posts deleted.

This is not first time Iran doing this and will not be the last.


^^^Anyone remembers this? I mean why should we have to accept IRGC propaganda here?
This issue has already been addressed you loser troll. Now discuss the technical details instead of derailing the thread with your flamebaiting.
This thread is the trolling itself.

View attachment 657076

Sending 5kg cube to space and showing Google Earth images. When caught, they are accusing everyone of trolling and making other peoples posts deleted.

No images have been revealed officially, before trolling, try to realise this. Members are going by what information they have access to.

This is not first time Iran doing this and will not be the last.

^^^Anyone remembers this? I mean why should we have to accept IRGC propaganda here?

That was never stated by Iran officially either. More-over, no one is inviting you to accept anything here. You're acting as if people are awaiting for your opinion.
No images have been revealed officially, before trolling, try to realise this. Members are going by what information they have access to.

That was never stated by Iran officially either. More-over, no one is inviting you to accept anything here. You're acting as if people are awaiting for your opinion.

That's what I said Philospher, that I saw no sources or official IRGC statement on this news. And it appears to be not true. So it's better to clarify that instead of having members pass it on as a truth.
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