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IRANIAN new fighter jet

It needs so long time. Design engineering is much difficult and different area than production. Turkey is producing the military hardwares since 70's but domestic designs are commenced to be revealed at the end of 90's.

My friend, Are you aware of directions of your statements ? If you really know something, Don't worry to claim for Turkey or any other state after comprehensive research but If you don't, Please don't give a pain for yourself...
again im not your friend....
what about telling it to your idiot fellow?

plus still Turkey doesnt operate AESA by now.leave alone passive radars.
and still Turkey has no plan for making anything comparable with raad air defence Syetem
again is it operational?

again....i saw an AESA radar being developed for a warship.still thats not operational.atleast admit that bordo... was bulshiting...
This is for LPI and SAR:

I will find AESA later.

I was wrong. AESA is to be unveiled in 2015.


TAI to produce new computers, kits for F-16s

Turkey’s military aircraft giant Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is set to develop new indigenous modernization kits and mission computers, TRDEFENCE’s sister website SavunmaSanayi.net reported on Thursday. Upgrades will be applicable to all the F-16 Block 40 fighters of the Peace Onyx III and Block 50 fighters of the Peace Onyx IV programs, as well as the Block 30s that were acquired earlier. TAI plans to market the upgrades for export to other countries.

Previous news about TAI and Aselsan’s joint attempts to produce indigenous mission computers have been clarified by TAI insiders. Latest reports indicate that the companies have finalized their technical consultations with the MOD and industrial suppliers as of the end of January and the project has been given green light in order to equip Turkey’s vast fleet of F-16s with newly developed indigenous sensors and weapons such as Aselpod navigation and targeting system, various missiles and high-precision munitions produced and/or currently under development in Turkey.
Project aims to upgrade all of Turkish Air Force (TurAF) F-16s with indigenous mission computers, software and avionics in order to pave the way for the installation of an Aselsan-developed AESA radar by 2015.

Hardware for the avionics upgrade will be exclusively manufactured by Aselsan, while TAI will tackle the development of millions of lines of highly specialized software. Upgrades will be performed by the same team that performed C-130 modernization and software team mostly consists of experienced engineers who have worked on the Anka UAV development program. Upgraded aircraft will look somewhat similar to existing Peace Onyx exterior configurations, except with specific EW-E/O sensor additions and pylons capable of launching ’Made in Turkey’ guided munitions.

Integration of indigenous systems on aircraft of Lockheed Martin origin is known to be a difficult undertaking. TAI and Aselsan’s take on the project and F-16s “nationalization” at the Block 50 level is expected to offer Turkey a wide window of export and ‘transfer of technology’ (TOT) opportunities thanks to the F-16s widespread popularity around the world. Turkey will be able to sell these countries comprehensive modernization packages like the CCIP, individual sensors and weapon systems like targeting pods and missiles, as well as “nationalization” opportunities with direct TOT.

Turkey’s ‘special status’ with the F-16 comes from its existing place among the world’s top three users of the aircraft, previous manufacturing and export experience with the Falcon (to Egypt), as well as Turkey’s long-standing partnership and commitment in the F-35 JSF program.

Some Turkish defence analysts suggest that Turkey’s newfound ability to nationalize the F-16 is simply a means for compensating the country for not being given F-35 source codes, despite the longstanding NATO member’s commitment for an initial batch of over 100 F-35s.

Short URL: http://www.trdefence.com/?p=3747
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just another thing kollang , look when i say things that iran built and when i show the companies that give us the potential to build modern things , i receive zero to nothing answer :D
@BordoEnes : Bro, whats that first photograph ? An Air-Defense system ? What are its specs ?
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Topic is so "F"ed ! but ok :



@BordoEnes : Bro, whats that first photograph ? An Air-Defense system ? What are its specs ?

Well, Its actually in service for a while i though most Pakistani or Iranians might know about it but if you didnt know its an Low Altitude Air defence system called Aselsan Zipkin (left) and Aselsan Atilgan (right)

Specs from Atilgan (site of Aselsan)
Aselsan | ATILGAN Pedestal Mounted Stinger System

Specs from Zipkin
Aselsan | ZIPKIN Pedestal Mounted Stinger System
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ok , the ones who says that iran can't build a jet fighter by itself just tell all of the parts that we can't build and you will get your answer ...
ok , the ones who says that iran can't build a jet fighter by itself just tell all of the parts that we can't build and you will get your answer ...

Nobody said iran cant build fighter jets, The problems is wether they can develop 4th Generation or even higher, Just because you made some upgrades on your existing Jet fleet doesnt mean you can build one so easely. Turkey already finished upgrading its jet such as F-4 and even an F-16 testbed with domestic mission computer and such. but that doesnt mean we are ready building an 4th gen fighter jet yet...
This is not a great surprise.

Iran already has the airframe and avionics technologies to be able to develop a 4/4+ generation fighter.

Real sticking point will be the engine and that may well be imported - either Russian or Chinese.
I afraid some people here dont even know what is phased array and active electronically scanned array which is a type of it.... at least ask SAIRAN then...

and X,L,S are just some random letters or vhf and uhf are for finding tv channels

Nobody said iran cant build fighter jets, The problems is wether they can develop 4th Generation or even higher, Just because you made some upgrades on your existing Jet fleet doesnt mean you can build one so easely. Turkey already finished upgrading its jet such as F-4 and even an F-16 testbed with domestic mission computer and such. but that doesnt mean we are ready building an 4th gen fighter jet yet...

ok so the main discussions must be on 4th gen fighters .
*** you said easily ?! noone will say that for sure . and we are not saying because of upgrades we can build an fighter. we have other reasons that i am writing them . it will take a little time ... about 20 minutes ....
First of all i will say that what kind of qualities a 4th gen fighter must have .
the first 4th gen fighters were built as multi-role fighters . these new fighters used Energy-Maneuverability (E-M) theory to increase their Maneuverability . and this is the formula : Ps=[(T-D)/W]*V .
with the use of this formula that was developed by an american pilot called John Boyd and an mathematician named Thomas Christie .
it was first used on F15 eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon so they gained much more Maneuverability . but it made F16s unstable so with the FBW : Fly By Wire system it became again stable . also in this gen pulse Doppler radars were added to fire control systems ( that had the ability to look down and fire down ) and also the HUDs were added. another upgrades were multi-function displays : MFD and HOTAS (hand on tratel and stick ) . the new quality was using composite structures that reduced the weight of the fighters .
The next one is infrared search and track systems . IRST , after doing that it was the part building turn to show the qualities of the body of jet, now the jets just need 10 man-hour work to be take cared of .
the last invention was LEX plates that were used in the place that root of wings and body were connected togeather . this tech helped the jet to expand it's angel of fire .

sorry for writing mistakes etc...

and in Iran inventory we have two 4th gen fighters :
1- Grumman F-14 Tomcat
2- Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum

now we must see that what is the problem of Iran with this info ... (engine will go to (E-M) theory..
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