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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

I will have to examine the ship then. I would find it very rare and peculiar that Iran would choose EO as it’s only detection with no overkill mechanism.
Check the alborz frigate, which was fitted with Kamand and with its full sensors.
There is no radar for the Kamand, only EO/IR sensors.
Yeah in any operation like this precise timing is critical to success. All the various assets must coordinate their their attacks from various directions so that the impact hits the enemy all at the same time to overwhelm the opposing side.

It's funny that some clueless people who don't know much about Iran think that video is actually a realistic indication of Iran's capabilities. Like I said Iran probably could sink an aircraft carrier realistically but you have to consider the risk-reward factor.

Sinking a 12 billion dollar ship with 5000 personnel and 50-100 fighter jets. Can you even imagine the chaos ? Other ships trying to rescue their crews would then also be vulnerable to further subsequent strikes by Iran.

However after that the US is going to want blood and they might even launch a tactical nuclear strike on a prominent Iranian military base. Or they could bring 4 aircraft carrier strike groups to the region, coordinate with allies and then attack Iranian sites with a salvo of 200-300 cruise missiles followed by 200+ fighter jets

Of course then Iran will retaliate with more ballistic missiles strikes from various underground bases and mobile platforms. The one thing is that there are so many US bases close to Iran, so many targets and Iran has so many assets that Americans would suffer some serious losses as well.

I'm guessing that the US wouldn't really be too excited about a ground invasion so in the end after some retaliation both sides might agree to a truce depending on a variety of factors ? In the long run though an open conflict would be much more devastating to Iran rather than the USA.

If such a hot were were to break out the US might even try to blockade Iranian shipping, essentially not allowing Iran to sell its oil to market while sporadically hitting various Iranian military targets ? This would essentially be a long term regime change strategy that the US would be committed to, similar to what they did to Iraq prior to the invasion.

However this is when Iran would want to go nuclear and maybe unveil a longer range missile capable of reaching the US east coast ? When you think about such scenarios playing out, this is why diplomacy and deterrence options are so vital and why a hot war against a powerful rival should always be a last resort.

If Iran takes the long term, strategic approach, sooner or later the Americans will have to leave. They can't stay in Afghanistan, Syria, etc indefinitely. Iran will always be there, but the Americans have to spend billions to send their forces to the region.

Essentially if Iran just keeps a steady hand and focuses on building up its own internal capabilities, fixing internal issues, sooner or later outside opportunities will present themselves. Then it's a matter of taking a calculated risk based on rational thinking rather than emotions and usually things will play out in your favor.

In that video it was not the number of missiles that defeated the aircraft carrier defence in second round.
If you look again at video you see in the first try they fired missile in several salvo and in short quantity. In the second try the missile fired consequently and without delay . in short in first try the defence was not saturated . in the second attempt it was saturated . i f they fired all 60 missiles at once in first try they probably would have succeeded.
CIWS use both radar and EO/IR like most short range AD,at extreme close range EO/IR is much more effective than radar,these ships have already multiple radars for target acquisition and FCS,used by existing gun and SAM,so they can just use these radars and feed CIWS...unlike SAM,CIWS dont have to guide missiles,so you can connect any number of CIWS on existing network without using resources from existing radars used by SAM..like channels,datalinks...etc...CIWS use data provided by radar to calcuate trajectory,so target indentification and acquisition are critical to calculate right trajectory...for low flying cruise missiles,best position for radar is highest point on mast....Any way,for best perfomanse combination of radar feed and EO/IR sensors are best....On smaller boats you will see dedicated radar for CIWS simple because these ships dont have radars except small navigational radars....
Yeah in any operation like this precise timing is critical to success. All the various assets must coordinate their their attacks from various directions so that the impact hits the enemy all at the same time to overwhelm the opposing side.

It's funny that some clueless people who don't know much about Iran think that video is actually a realistic indication of Iran's capabilities. Like I said Iran probably could sink an aircraft carrier realistically but you have to consider the risk-reward factor.

Sinking a 12 billion dollar ship with 5000 personnel and 50-100 fighter jets. Can you even imagine the chaos ? Other ships trying to rescue their crews would then also be vulnerable to further subsequent strikes by Iran.

However after that the US is going to want blood and they might even launch a tactical nuclear strike on a prominent Iranian military base. Or they could bring 4 aircraft carrier strike groups to the region, coordinate with allies and then attack Iranian sites with a salvo of 200-300 cruise missiles followed by 200+ fighter jets

Of course then Iran will retaliate with more ballistic missiles strikes from various underground bases and mobile platforms. The one thing is that there are so many US bases close to Iran, so many targets and Iran has so many assets that Americans would suffer some serious losses as well.

I'm guessing that the US wouldn't really be too excited about a ground invasion so in the end after some retaliation both sides might agree to a truce depending on a variety of factors ? In the long run though an open conflict would be much more devastating to Iran rather than the USA.

If such a hot were were to break out the US might even try to blockade Iranian shipping, essentially not allowing Iran to sell its oil to market while sporadically hitting various Iranian military targets ? This would essentially be a long term regime change strategy that the US would be committed to, similar to what they did to Iraq prior to the invasion.

However this is when Iran would want to go nuclear and maybe unveil a longer range missile capable of reaching the US east coast ? When you think about such scenarios playing out, this is why diplomacy and deterrence options are so vital and why a hot war against a powerful rival should always be a last resort.

If Iran takes the long term, strategic approach, sooner or later the Americans will have to leave. They can't stay in Afghanistan, Syria, etc indefinitely. Iran will always be there, but the Americans have to spend billions to send their forces to the region.

Essentially if Iran just keeps a steady hand and focuses on building up its own internal capabilities, fixing internal issues, sooner or later outside opportunities will present themselves. Then it's a matter of taking a calculated risk based on rational thinking rather than emotions and usually things will play out in your favor.
Ok Mr Brian
Man you guys are really taking a video by Grim Reapers seriously. They aren't even respected for their sub-standard DCS videos, let alone simulating anything real.

For a start Iran doesn't use Silkworms anymore, and from looking at 5 seconds of that video I can see they're lining them up like cannons in an 18th century field battle lol. Iran's ASCM launchers are spread all across the PG.

Much better tool for simulating this would be CMO, and by a competent person not those losers.
I know it's not an accurate simulation. It's just to show how easy it would be for Iran to do it. Some people seem to think a US aircraft carrier is invincible or US troops are invulnerable. They're not.

Man you guys are really taking a video by Grim Reapers seriously. They aren't even respected for their sub-standard DCS videos, let alone simulating anything real.

For a start Iran doesn't use Silkworms anymore, and from looking at 5 seconds of that video I can see they're lining them up like cannons in an 18th century field battle lol. Iran's ASCM launchers are spread all across the PG.

Much better tool for simulating this would be CMO, and by a competent person not those losers.
So i was thinking:
What does it take to add new missiles to an existing platform?
Imagine adding 9th day missiles to moudge frigates.
What is needed? new hardware (like a new radar?), new software or can we just put 8 missiles on a ship and be done with it?
Didn't they put a Khordad SAM on a ship recently with the entire truck and everything ?

So i was thinking:
What does it take to add new missiles to an existing platform?
Imagine adding 9th day missiles to moudge frigates.
What is needed? new hardware (like a new radar?), new software or can we just put 8 missiles on a ship and be done with it?
Didn't they put a Khordad SAM on a ship recently with the entire truck and everything ?
whoops. I forgot that one. But that is too easy... They must give up the all important helipad though...:astagh:
Yeah I think they were testing it at sea. They could realistically just mount everything on the ship. No reason why not since it easily shot down the RQ-4 over the ocean right ?

whoops. I forgot that one. But that is too easy... They must give up the all important helipad though...:astagh:
Man you guys are really taking a video by Grim Reapers seriously. They aren't even respected for their sub-standard DCS videos, let alone simulating anything real.

For a start Iran doesn't use Silkworms anymore, and from looking at 5 seconds of that video I can see they're lining them up like cannons in an 18th century field battle lol. Iran's ASCM launchers are spread all across the PG.

Much better tool for simulating this would be CMO, and by a competent person not those losers.

1) he addressed the cannon line up as just a convenient Mechanism not ment to simulate realism. You can change probability % of destroying launcher which would adjust for straight line deployment .

2) I think silkworms were chosen due to massive warhead. C-802 isn’t that much an improvement over silkworm in my opinion and has very small warhead.

But overall I agree this is a joke. No drones in the air to simulate air attack. No speedboats to stimulate swarm attack. No PG missiles, no submarines, no special forces attacks etc.

But it is also a joke in that in time of war a carrier group would not be sitting in the middle of the PG.

Overall, not a realistic simulation given how a initial naval war would play out.
Yeah I think they were testing it at sea. They could realistically just mount everything on the ship. No reason why not since it easily shot down the RQ-4 over the ocean right ?
It was the national air defence grid that did it with the local 3rd Khordad launching its missile and not even engaging with its own radar. On it own, the system might have been able to do it but it would be at the absolute maximum range of its capabilities and would have to launch a salvo at that.
It was a demonstration of the excellence of the national air defence grid and all of the efforts that made it a reality from nothing just a decade ago.
The Russians also tested variants on the anti-aircraft defense concept on naval units, probably not as a fixed implementation, but as a temporary one on the occasion of specific missions of both combat units and auxiliary units of the fleet, systems that can possibly be containerized and moved from one ship to another. other ship when needed.
To give an example with the Moudge-class frigates, not having a helicopter hangar, in some missions the helicopter is not present on board, therefore the flight deck could be used to implement additional weapon systems.


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