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does anyone know why iran doesn’t equip it’s ships with 8 Anti Ship missiles?
See the YJ-83 on chinese frigates which is same as C-802/noor/Qader...
View attachment 753485
does anyone know why iran doesn’t equip it’s ships with 8 Anti Ship missiles?
See the YJ-83 on chinese frigates which is same as C-802/noor/Qader...

That ship you just pointed out is a destroyer named Shijiazhuang weighing 7,100 tons vs the 1,500 tons of Mowj frigate
That ship you just pointed out is a destroyer named Shijiazhuang weighing 7,100 tons vs the 1,500 tons of Mowj frigate
So what?
Russian Buyan-M and Karakurt Corvettes are less than 1000 tons and carry 8 Kalibrs or Yakhont via VLS, Sa’ar 6 is 1800 tons and carries 16 ASMs adding 10s of anti-air missiles, and many other examples around the world...
So what?
Russian Buyan-M and Karakurt Corvettes are less than 1000 tons and carry 8 Kalibrs or Yakhont via VLS, Sa’ar 6 is 1800 tons and carries 16 ASMs adding 10s of anti-air missiles, and many other examples around the world...

Ok if you are going to have a conversation about container missiles then focus on that. I just told you the destroyer you mentioned is almost 5 times heavier than Mowj.

Then you completely change the argument and mention ships with VLS, which wasn’t even your argument to begin with. If you want to complain why Mowj doesn’t have VLS yet then so be it, but don’t ask a question then change the question when you don’t like the answer.

Also Saar 6 your VLS diversion example is a half billion dollar ship. Take that into account when you start naming fancy ships from around the world.
With the exception of US and Russia, Iran is the third country in the world that not only designs and builds her own hull but also makes all the subsystems, weapons propulsion and integration(software) that makeup a war ship...just to give you an example the Canadian City class frigates that were built in the 80s and 90s had pretty much all their subsystems and propulsion imported from all around the world...That to me is such an important point that no photo can convey....well done to Iranian builders and lets hope the next surface class is even bigger and more capable.
the canadians had this rather unusual naval sam system using the sparrow a2a missile,that they`d developed for the preceding iroquois class destroyers,it did have some potential but was let down by the radar.I`ve always thought that a modernised version with a telescoping arm and a modern active seeker equipped a2a missile would`ve had some real potential,and would`ve taken up little space shipboard.

Ultimately I think that the only way that you could realistically fit a vls into something like the dena would be to cut it in half and install a brand new section,ideally this new section would include a dedicated helo hanger as well,of course this will mean developing either a new naval sam system,or a navalised version of one of the land based sam systems.
what is certain is that that video offered a lot of news.
The panoramic images of what is around the shipyard grounds reveal that after the Dena-75 was put into the water, the hull of what always appears to belong to the same Moudge / Mowj class, which was on the outside of the two covered structures (indicated with the red scum), then disappeared, this leads to think it was moved inside the structure to be completed.


Question, have they already named this new naval unit?
what is certain is that that video offered a lot of news.
The panoramic images of what is around the shipyard grounds reveal that after the Dena-75 was put into the water, the hull of what always appears to belong to the same Moudge / Mowj class, which was on the outside of the two covered structures (indicated with the red scum), then disappeared, this leads to think it was moved inside the structure to be completed.


Question, have they already named this new naval unit?

Could be Taftan. Beside that there is one unnamed Mowj vessel still scheduled for Bandar Abbas shipyard.
Damavand-2, Shiraz, Taftan, and unnamed Mowj are what I am aware of.
Last thing,
If you realize, phalanx or type-730 or Kashtan ciws all have radars alongside optics, but iranian kamand ciws only have EO/IR sensors for guidance...
Any Idea why?
Last thing,
If you realize, phalanx or type-730 or Kashtan ciws all have radars alongside optics, but iranian kamand ciws only have EO/IR sensors for guidance...
Any Idea why?

Iranian phalanx is a clone of Russian AK-630 CIWS. And the radar(s) can actually be far from the CIWS.


The radar is on the far left


So I fully expect the Iranian version to be radar + FLIR guided. If the Radar(s) is not yet installed on the ship (I haven’t done a deep dive of the Mowj vessel to see) then it could be it’s simply on a waiting list to be installed or not ready at this time.

A lot of Mowj vessels are behind on their upgrades.
Iranian phalanx is a clone of Russian AK-630 CIWS. And the radar(s) can actually be far from the CIWS.

View attachment 753853
The radar is on the far left

View attachment 753854

So I fully expect the Iranian version to be radar + FLIR guided. If the Radar(s) is not yet installed on the ship (I haven’t done a deep dive of the Mowj vessel to see) then it could be it’s simply on a waiting list to be installed or not ready at this time.

A lot of Mowj vessels are behind on their upgrades.

Who knows maybe they use the same fire control radar of the Fajr-27 that also controls the CIWS, on the other hand even on the former Iraqi class FAC Bogomol entered the availability of Iran there was only one fire control radar and used both for AK -176 forward than for AK -630 aft.
Who knows maybe they use the same fire control radar of the Fajr-27 that also controls the CIWS, on the other hand even on the former Iraqi class FAC Bogomol entered the availability of Iran there was only one fire control radar and used both for AK -176 forward than for AK -630 aft.

It uses different fire control system

I think that’s the radars on the right no? (Pic below)

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