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I just found this pic from a couple of days ago,the interesting part of it is over on the upper right hand side just behind the orange box labeled "mine hunting rov"

The uuav looks to be based on the italian-swiss pluto-plus uuav,however there are some rather obvious differences just from a brief cursory look at the two.

The two most obvious differences are the design of the rear propulsor ducts,the iranian ones are far wider and look to also taper slightly front to back,whereas the pluto-plus ducts are far more narrow with no taper and a curved edge of both the front and back.
The other really obvious difference is in the number of bolts used to secure the top and bottom halves of the uuav body,in the iranian version it looks like there are at least twice as many bolts used,this could be to provide an extra level of strength should the uuav suffer a near detonation from a mine.
Anyway,its good to see that the navy now seems to be getting a lot more serious about drone tech,both of the uav and uuav variety.

You can see some more pics of the original pluto-plus and its operators console at these links
Heres another pic of the new uuv on the new minesweeper
US and Spanish navies are shadowing Iranian navy in atlantic ocean

this is USS Hershel Woody Williams this ship is following Makran



Spanish Navy joining her

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They miss Roudaki Forward base ship. It is more lethal than Makran.
well to be honest , Roudaki is a modified Ro-Ro ship , while Makran is a modified tanker the roudaki can be filled with different truck mounted weapon , I don't knew exact Makran modification , but it can carry more helicopter and drone also it has stronger hull .so if Amy really commit to make it lethal rather than use it for a supply ship then my guess is it can become more lethal than Roudaki, but well I yet to see such will.

by the way these two ships to me seems like some feasibility test for future ships and are not mature enough , the next ship they made can be a better indicator of what you can expect from these ships
the ship comes with superstructures with increased stealth characteristics, so I thought that the Fajr-27 dome was also changed to one with stealth elements, but even if it is covered by a protective sheet it seems evident that the Fajr-27 dome is the classic one .
new Moje class will have a new Fajr-27 structure

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