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Not all submarines have to have a periscope to define as one. Heck some submarines don't even have one. And it doesn't matter what type of propulsion it has as long as it can power itself. Gas, diesel, nuclear, even hand cranked.

Of course! it seems that you didn't get my point!
there are lots of submarines that lack one of the factors that I mentioned! but when a maritime vehicle lacks all of them (!) it sure isn't a submarine!
Of course! it seems that you didn't get my point!
there are lots of submarines that lack one of the factors that I mentioned! but when a maritime vehicle lacks all of them (!) it sure isn't a submarine!

You seem to don't get my point at all! You finally admit that the periscope does not define what a submarine is after I pointed that out. Lets also question about this boat. What is the boat's propulsion? Is it nuclear? Diesel? Hand cranked? How deep does it go? You mentioned a few meters underwater.
You seem to don't get my point at all! You finally admit that the periscope does not define what a submarine is after I pointed that out. Lets also question about this boat. What is the boat's propulsion? Is it nuclear? Diesel? Hand cranked? How deep does it go? You mentioned a few meters underwater.

whats the point of this conversation?!

You want to call it (categorized as a boat by IRGC) a submarine?!
Okay! no problem!

Your problem is that you think it really submerges! but it doesn't!

I said you can find submarines without periscope (such as research ones), you can find submarines without electrical engine and batteries (such as nuclear ones, except the APU), and many other things that this BOAT lacks.
But when a maritime vehicle lack ALL OF THEM, it sure isn't a submarine!

Actually the only thing that this thing has in common with submarines, is the ballast tank! which also many other ships have!
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Iran submarine underwater launched anti surface vessel anti submarine Torpedo dubbed "valFajr"



سردار دهقان در مراسم افتتاح خط تولید اژدر پیشرفته والفجر در جمع خبرنگاران طی سخنانی اظهار داشت : یكی از اولویت‌های اصلی وزارت دفاع تجهیز نیروهای دریایی ارتش و سپاه به تجهیزات و سلاح‌های پیشرفته و قدرتمند است تا آنان بتوانند به تعبیر و تأكید فرمانده معظم كل قوا بعنوان دستان بلند جمهوری اسلامی ایران ضمن دفاع از حریم دریایی كشور ، تهدید هر خصم متجاوزی را با قاطعیت درهم كوبند.
وزیر دفاع گفت : در اجرای این اولویت راهبردی ، دانشمندان و متخصصان سازمان صنایع دریایی وزارت دفاع با روحیه و تلاش جهادی اقدام به طراحی ، ساخت و فراهم‌سازی تولید انبوه اژدر والفجر نموده و با بهره‌گیری از فناوری‌های بسیار پیشرفته موفق شدند این پروژه مهم را به نتیجه برسانند.
سردار دهقان در تشریح این اژدر بومی اظهار داشت : اژدر پیشرفته "والفجر" با ویژگی‌های هوشمندی ، قابلیت ضد فریب ، سرعت زیاد و سرجنگی با قدرت انفجاری و تخریب بسیار بالا قادر است با غافلگیری ظرف چند ثانیه اهداف و شناورهای بزرگ دریایی را بطور كامل منهدم و غرق كند.
وی افزود: از ویژگی‌هایی كه اژدر والفجر را نسبت به سایر محصولات مشابه در دنیا متمایز كرده ، زمان كوتاه آماده‌سازی در یگان‌های پشتیبانی كننده و یگان‌های شلیك‌كننده است كه موجب افزایش فوق‌العاده توان تاكتیكی ، سرعت عمل و واكنش سریع یگان‌های رزمی سطحی و زیر سطحی نیروی‌های دریایی ارتش و سپاه می‌شود.

"اژدر پیشرفته والفجر" به تولید انبوه رسید+فیلم و تصویر

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what an explosion!! It easily can sink a +10000 Tonnes vessel but two or more can definitely sink air craft carriers if hit on the right place... well done... I liked this torpedo, although it never comes close to Hoot...
i guess both hoot and valfajr have their own missions... anybody knows if it is an Iranian design or RE or a local upgrade?
whats the point of this conversation?!

You want to call it (categorized as a boat by IRGC) a submarine?!
Okay! no problem!

Your problem is that you think it really submerges! but it doesn't!

I said you can find submarines without periscope (such as research ones), you can find submarines without electrical engine and batteries (such as nuclear ones, except the APU), and many other things that this BOAT lacks.
But when a maritime vehicle lack ALL OF THEM, it sure isn't a submarine!

Actually the only thing that this thing has in common with submarines, is the ballast tank! which also many other ships have!

You just pointed out and the article points out that it submerges and can propelled itself as well as launching torpedoes underwater (which means it retains some characteristics of a submarine). You just contradicted yourself stating some submarines lack this or that, and yet you have not pointed out exactly why this submarine should not be a submarine. Lack of periscopes as you have stated, yet you point out as well as I have that there are submarines that operate without periscopes. You point out that submarines can be defined without the need for electrical engines and batteries yet you stated that this boat DOESN'T HAVE IT! That is why you don't get the point at all.
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Three Iranian Warships to Dock at Russian Port

Read more: Three Iranian Warships to Dock at Russian Port

An Iranian flotilla will anchor at a southern Russian port in the course of its two-week trip through the Caspian Sea to promote peaceful cooperation and strengthen ties between two nations.
Three warships of the Iranian fleet will enter the port of city of Astrakhan in the south of Russia in a move which will deepen cooperation between two states, Mehr New Agency reported.


what does it mean i mean does it mean Iran might purchase anything from Russia in future :)
long live Iran
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If its a boat thats submerged on its own power, then its a submarine. Even if its only 1 meter underwater or that small. Its a submarine.

No it isn't. There is such a thing called a (high speed) semi-submersible vessel. It's not intended to dive, just to lower its structure to at or below the waterline to reduce radar detactability. Which makes them suitable for infiltration or sneak attack. A semi-submersible is not intended to dive, it hasn't got a pressure hull for example. Or battery powered electric drives.

It's a North Korean design actually.
Taedong-B - Kajami Known as "Kajami" in Iranian service (Kajami appears to be a Korean name however). The craft is more evolved than either the original "I-SILC" and the I-SILC-Viet, although closer to the latter, with a long curved stern, possibly showing Fabio Buzzi design influences (as do many Iranian small craft).
"Taedong" is an interim designation applied to some North Korean craft whilst their true designation is unknown, and probably relates to the shipyard. The ship carrying these boats to Iran was stopped and inspected by US forces so we can assume that USN is intimately familiar with the design now.
Covert Naval Blog: North Korean Semi-submersible craft
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