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This is the radius of IRGC's unveiled anti ship cruise missile during the military exercise in Musa island, in case its fired from Musa island, as shown in the figure

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These small but hyped micro states of Persian Gulf, those high on American produced Taliban Hashish will bite the dust when they threaten Iranian territorial integrity. So far, despite being suported by west and recently by clueless Russians, they failed to change the ground reality about Iranian islands.

For UAE, the IRGC developed base in Musa island is more than enough.

Btw, Iran has to change the name of this island which was named by Brits as Abu-Musa island while Its real name was Baba-Musa island.

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I highly respect SL and General Bagheri armed forces chief who call this Iranian Island in the Persian Gulf by its Persian name "boo-mousa" ..two Azari Iranian patriots showing their love for Iran.

I hope some one correct the name in wiki.

Model of the Nasir ashcm equipped version of the Zolfaghar fast attack craft.
These were seen for the first time recently in the service of the Venezuelian navy.
Question to those who know Farsi:
interview with the Commander of the Navy
فرمانده نیروی دریایی با بیان اینکه ارزیابی‌های لازم برای الحاق ناوشکن جمهوری اسلامی ایران (دیلمان) از کلاس دماوند به نیروی دریایی ارتش انجام شده است، گفت: این ناوشکن آمادگی صد درصد برای الحاق به مجموعه نیروی دریایی را دارد و ان‌شاءالله هر زمان که تصمیم‌گیری شود، الحاق عملیاتی خواهد شد. شد.
will the new frigate built in Bandasr and Anzali be called Damavand 77 or Dilman 77 ?
You don t make warcraft carriers if don t plan to make warplanes.

It s very clear, Iran is not wasting the time, and has a nice mindset about power.

You don’t make an aircraft carrier without a battle group (cruisers/destroyers) to protect it.

Building aircraft carrier would be a monumental waste of resources unless they call that oil tanker they are converting into a “drone carrier” an aircraft carrier.
Iran building an aircraft carrier is joke of the century.

Iran hasn't mastered the production of light 1200 ton frigates with VLS and still takes 10+ years to build those without VLS. still no submarines with AIP. etc. let's return to reality

not to mention iran doesn't need an aircraft carrier and has never tried to project force around the world in such a direct way
Iran building an aircraft carrier is joke of the century.

Iran hasn't mastered the production of light 1200 ton frigates with VLS and still takes 10+ years to build those without VLS. still no submarines with AIP. etc. let's return to reality

not to mention iran doesn't need an aircraft carrier and has never tried to project force around the world in such a direct way
Iran is one of the 5 countries that build its own VLS without importing already-made warships

  1. United States: One of the most recognized VLS systems is the Mk 41 developed by the United States. It's capable of firing various missiles like the Tomahawk, Standard Missile, and ASROC.
  2. Russia: The Russian navy has its own VLS called the "Redut" and "UKSK" systems, which can launch missiles like the Kalibr and Oniks.
  3. China: The People's Republic of China has developed a VLS known as the HHQ-9 system, among others. They are used on various Chinese warships like the Type 052D destroyer.
  4. India: The Indian Navy has worked on its indigenous VLS for the BrahMos missile, a supersonic cruise missile developed jointly with Russia.
  5. Others: Various other countries have also looked into or purchased VLS technology either through indigenous development or through collaborations and deals with other countries.
i.e foreign clients of the US
Iran building an aircraft carrier is joke of the century.
An aircraft carrier doesn't forcibly mean the random image shown above which can hold 100+ fighter jets, it could also be Shahid Mahdavi
You don’t make an aircraft carrier without a battle group (cruisers/destroyers) to protect it.

Building aircraft carrier would be a monumental waste of resources unless they call that oil tanker they are converting into a “drone carrier” an aircraft carrier.

You are always critizing Iran...always sceptical....

If you are iranian you must be happy what your country is doing, it s very proud.

So, you are not happy with on aircraft carrier you need also fragates and destroyers..... Iran has other doctrine, why do you need sitting ducks to be near an air carrier with 100 warplanes that can be operating all the journey and protect the carrier, you only need to carry a lot of fuel, and ready.

US print dollars and this because they can have ducks along their 12 carriers,... but Iran is more wise that only printing money...
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