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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

Note, in the video I posted the commentator mentioned that some land and some go back to the ship. BUT no imagery was shown. Given the structure of the ship unsure how that could be done(even with a net). Water maybe? Maybe this reference was only to the quad copters. Shrug.
some ships are built for such operation and some are not . IRGC and army forward bases can be redesigned for such operation .
if they want to do it by other ships it we already could do it by the technologies we had we could built some drones with retractable water-ski just like Shahed-191 that have some retractable skid for landing and if they were worried it might not stay afloat after landing some inflatable parts on those skies would have done the trick or they could built them like V.
those jet power rail launch are not that beautiful for navy
some ships are built for such operation and some are not . IRGC and army forward bases can be redesigned for such operation .
if they want to do it by other ships it we already could do it by the technologies we had we could built some drones with retractable water-ski just like Shahed-191 that have some retractable skid for landing and if they were worried it might not stay afloat after landing some inflatable parts on those skies would have done the trick or they could built them like V.
those jet power rail launch are not that beautiful for navy

IRIN Ocean Command:


Perhaps this is highlighted in red with a modified platform to adapt it to a naval version, with 4 but also possible 8 canisters for anti-aircraft missiles.
The hydraulic lifting piston is also very similar

As you can guess that structure occupies only a part of the superstructure behind the Fajr-27, that is the one highlighted in white

therefore leave free the part highlighted in blue where the launch containers could be placed when they are positioned vertically as in the photo in the army version
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don't knew but under the structure seems empty

As you can guess that structure occupies only a part of the superstructure behind the Fajr-27, that is the one highlighted in white
View attachment 864138
therefore leave free the part highlighted in blue where the launch containers could be placed when they are positioned vertically as in the photo in the army version
that will be bad as they had to walk over missiles for doing their daily work, thats not a good Idea
this image confirms that currently that system occupies only half of the space available in the superstructure behind the Fajr-27
this image confirms that currently that system occupies only half of the space available in the superstructure behind the Fajr-27
View attachment 864214
that thing have one problem its not in vertical position so before the launch it must be turned vertical so it both take vertical and horizontal space, by the way isn't it the lace they suppose to place Mehrab Air defense
@drmeson and all ..I am thinking of creating a new thread about Iranian marine products (naval and commercials)...similar to Aviation products...please if you or any one have suggestions let me know..you can turn the info into slides if you ever get time to do it..I do not have the graphic package to do it but may be in winter time when there is 4 feet of snow here I get one and do it..lol
@drmeson and all ..I am thinking of creating a new thread about Iranian marine products (naval and commercials)...similar to Aviation products...please if you or any one have suggestions let me know..you can turn the info into slides if you ever get time to do it..I do not have the graphic package to do it but may be in winter time when there is 4 feet of snow here I get one and do it..lol

Great idea. Sometime back I gathered this plan of the entire Iranian naval forces (IRIN and IRGCN). If this helps then we can use this as the beginning point.

Submarine Fleet
1) Submarines: Upgrades/construction of Attack: Kilo, Fateh, Besat ; Coastal: Ghadir, Midget: Nahang

Physical Parameters:
Displacement Length Beam
Propulsion: Fuel Type, Propeller Blades, Motor HP
Speed: surfaced, Snorkel, submerged
Range; With snorkel and Submerged, Full run
Depth Max
Armament: Torpedo, Mines, AShCM, Surface to Air
Sensors and processing systems
UCAV carriage

Surface Combat Fleet
2) Construction of
Destroyers: Negin, Loghman/Khailje Fars class,
Frigates: Alvand, Moudge; Corvettes: Bayandor, Hamzeh;
FACs: Kaman, Sina, Tondar*;
Catamarans/Twin Hulled Vessels: Shahid Nazeri*, Shahid Soleimani*, Kashdom*
Semi-Submersible Crafts: Gahjae (Taedong-C), Kajami (Taedong-B)
Forward Ocean Bases: Makran, Shahid Roudaki*
Marine Delivery Vehicle: Al-Sabehat
Amphibious Assault/landing Ships: Hengam, Karbala, SR-N6, BH.7, Hormoz-21*, Hormoz-24*; Mine warfare: Shahin Class
Ground effect air vehicle: Bavar-2

Fast Missile and Torpedo Boats*
Fast Torpedo Boats: Peykaap I (IPS-16), Tir(IPS-18), Gahjae, Tarlan
Fast Missile boats: Azarakhsh(C14), Peykaap II/III, MK13
Fast Patrol Boats: (Armed with Surface Radars, HMG, Rockets) Ghaem(MIG-S-1800), Pashe (MIG-G-1900), Ashura(MIG-G-0800), Ashura-33(FB RIB-33), Taregh(Boghammer), Zafar (MIG-S-2600), RIB, MIL55, MIL40, Murce (MIG-G-0900), Cougar, Seraj

Surface Auxiliary Fleet
Tankers: Kangan class; Replenishment ships: Bandar Abbas class; Delvar class: water, ammunition, Cargo, Support; Tender: Hendijan, Nasser, Shahid Siyavashi*

Physical Parameters:
Displacement Length Beam
Propulsion: Fuel Type, Propeller Blades, Motor HP
Speed: surfaced
Sensors and processing systems
Electronic warfare: Decoys, chaff launcher
Naval Guns: CIWS, cannons, heavy machine guns
Surface to air missiles; Surface to Surface missiles; AShCM
Anti-submarine warfare: torpedoes
Aircraft carried helicopters, UCAV, and Aviation facilities

@aryobarzan Something is happening, I cant make new posts anymore. It keeps saying I have crossed my 24-hour limit on posts. I am not serving any penalty or anything either. Your naval thread looks awesome, I wanted to contribute but I can't because of this problem I hope you, me and @WudangMaster carry on with this thread. By the end of it the whole perception of IRIN and IRGCN will change. We have a mismanagement of information problem more than anything.
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this image confirms that currently that system occupies only half of the space available in the superstructure behind the Fajr-27
View attachment 864214

Would make more sense to put naval version of Majid EO/IO + Eagle Eye + 6 cansister version.

Less modification needed to ship structure.

Israel used Naval version of Iron Dome to shoot down HZ drones this past month.
Would make more sense to put naval version of Majid EO/IO + Eagle Eye + 6 cansister version.

Less modification needed to ship structure.

Israel used Naval version of Iron Dome to shoot down HZ drones this past month.
the range and altitude of engagement and capabilities are a lot less than standard missile, that would made it repeating the mistake of SeaCat missiles that resulted in Sahand to Sank and Sabalan get heavily damaged. Majid can't protect any ship from enemy aircrafts as it is not designed for that
the range and altitude of engagement and capabilities are a lot less than standard missile, that would made it repeating the mistake of SeaCat missiles that resulted in Sahand to Sank and Sabalan get heavily damaged. Majid can't protect any ship from enemy aircrafts as it is not designed for that

Majid with EO/IR tracker as a SHORAD can serve as a supplementary layer provider against low flying UCAVs while a LORAD/HIMAD like improved Mehrab (Sayyad-3) from VLS can hunt the longer ranged targets.
Majid with EO/IR tracker as a SHORAD can serve as a supplementary layer provider against low flying UCAVs while a LORAD/HIMAD like improved Mehrab (Sayyad-3) from VLS can hunt the longer ranged targets.
yes the combination can work but not on that ship , it has limited free space to put all those thing on it , well if navy decide that they don't need that helipad on remaining ships of the class then they can do that , but i doubt they reach the same conclusion .

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