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Fancy you quote a satan interview. That is haram for Iran. :P

When trading with USA and USA investing in Chinese economy is concerned, you Chinese never say such BS about USA, but now, when you are talking with Iranians, you show your other face. Hypocrite I guess, huh?
PS. neither Americans nor Iranians are stupid and know this very well.
When trading with USA and USA investing in Chinese economy is concerned, you Chinese never say such BS about USA, but now, when you are talking with Iranians, you show your other face. Hypocrite I guess, huh?
PS. neither Americans nor Iranians are stupid and know this very well.
We never say US is satan but Iran do that. American never label China as part of axis of evil but they label Iran is.

Get your facts, right!

China has been continuous blocking any Veto on sanction on Iran alone for past many years until left with no choice. Iranian shall be grateful to Chinese instead of believing rumour and even quote and believe an CIA agent words.
We never say US is satan but Iran do that. American never label China as part of axis of evil but they label Iran is.

Get your facts, right!

China has been continuous blocking any Veto on sanction on Iran alone for past many years until left with no choice. Iranian shall be grateful to Chinese instead of believing rumour and even quote and believe an CIA agent words.

What do you mean by grateful?!!! China has gained huge economical benefits from trading with Iran. As Iranian officials have announced, tens of billions of dollars of Iranian money is blocked in China, ... If China wanted to do something really friendly for Iran with their Veto right, they could have used Veto against UN security council sanctions against Iran. But, they did not. Why? because Chinese trade with USA is bigger than the trade with Iran. Both Americans and Iranians know it very well.
What do you mean by grateful?!!! China has gained huge economical benefits from trading with Iran. As Iranian officials have announced, tens of billions of dollars of Iranian money is blocked in China, ... If China wanted to do something really friendly for Iran with their Veto right, they could have used Veto against UN security council sanctions against Iran. But, they did not. Why? because Chinese trade with USA is bigger than the trade with Iran. Both Americans and Iranians know it very well.

We have been veto against it for many years even when Russia is the first to turn against Iran by joining US side and refuse to release S-300 missile Iran paid. There is a limit of what China can do when even Russian join the other camp. China is number 2 and not number 1 in the world. The US still has large number of leverage despite her declining.

China is not god. There is a limit for assist.
What do you mean by grateful?!!! China has gained huge economical benefits from trading with Iran. As Iranian officials have announced, tens of billions of dollars of Iranian money is blocked in China, ... If China wanted to do something really friendly for Iran with their Veto right, they could have used Veto against UN security council sanctions against Iran. But, they did not. Why? because Chinese trade with USA is bigger than the trade with Iran. Both Americans and Iranians know it very well.
I never thought a day will come which will see you talk sense
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We have been veto against it for many years even when Russia is the first to turn against Iran by joining US side and refuse to release S-300 missile Iran paid. There is a limit of what China can do when even Russian join the other camp. China is number 2 and not number 1 in the world. The US still has large number of leverage despite her declining.

China is not god. There is a limit for assist.
PS. Russia refunded the original Iranian payment long time ago, but the S-300 deal was determining rules for penalties far more than refunding the Iranian payment in the case that the deal gets broken by Russians.
Can we stay on f...ing Topic and dont feed the f...ing trolls?
Every f...ing topic same scenario...

You are right ...

I never thought for a day will come which will see you talk sense

Be polite. Obviously, we are no friends, but no need to insult each other.
Firstly , Welcome aboard :)

Secondly , you're talking about the next Generation of Fateh-110 right ?

Yeah we talked about that missile in this very forum , but the range is not official yet , is it ? @yavar ?

If it's 600km ranged AShBM then no way in HELL foreign adversaries will have any chance against IRIN in indian ocean due to Missile support from Iran's main land :lol:

Perfect job i would say .

وزیر دفاع و پشتیبانی نیروهای مسلح با اشاره به رونمایی از ۲ موشک کروز دریایی جدید قدیر و نصر بصیر گفت: این دو موشک تحویل نیروهای دریایی می‌شوند و در سال آینده موشک قدیر به مقتدر تبدیل خواهد شد که برد آن ۲ برابر خواهد بود و در حوزه جنگ الکترونیک نیز بر روی این موشک‌ها کار شده است.

We have been veto against it for many years even when Russia is the first to turn against Iran by joining US side and refuse to release S-300 missile Iran paid. There is a limit of what China can do when even Russian join the other camp. China is number 2 and not number 1 in the world. The US still has large number of leverage despite her declining.

China is not god. There is a limit for assist.

China voted yes for 2 main UNSC economic sanctions against Iran. We don't expect China to act in our favor, every country follows its interests. But, we shouldn't be grateful to anyone, no one did us any free favors during sanctions.
China voted yes for 2 main UNSC economic sanctions against Iran. We don't expect China to act in our favor, every country follows its interests. But, we shouldn't be grateful to anyone, no one did us any free favors during sanctions.
I think I dont want to repeat again. China is the last permanent member to vote yes for that 2 sanction. Then you need to ask yourself. Who is the only permanent member who keep fending off sanction against US led sanction even when RUssia join the US camp? China.

I already say, there's a limit of what China can do when we are the only one up against 4 other permanent members from the UN security council.

You are simply asking too much from China. If you Iranian only care about yrself and think China shall at all cost shield Iran, then why shall China be different?
I hate bio-Physical,political issues.
and the rumor about "T" virus is getting true.The forum is infected.
You guys are becoming zombie.No way,just reloading my shotgun..:hitwall:
I think I dont want to repeat again. China is the last permanent member to vote yes for that 2 sanction. Then you need to ask yourself. Who is the only permanent member who keep fending off sanction against US led sanction even when RUssia join the US camp? China.

I already say, there's a limit of what China can do when we are the only one up against 4 other permanent members from the UN security council.

You are simply asking too much from China. If you Iranian only care about yrself and think China shall at all cost shield Iran, then why shall China be different?

Mate, let me make it clear too. We don't expect China to do anything free for us, neither from other countries, I never said that and we are not asking China for any favors, let alone asking 'too much'. China is a friendly country without any doubt, but what I said was that no country did us any favors and we don' owe anyone a thank you or appreciation. We don't want China or other countries too shield us, that's too much and we never asked for it and we don't need it. If you have done trade with Iran, it's not out of kindness (and it shouldn't be), you also had huge economic benefits in it.

That's what I'm trying to say, don't misunderstand or misinterpret my words, China certainly is in group of friendly nations compared to western countries when it comes to Iran.

Iran Starts Mass Producing Naval Cruise Missile
March 14, 2015 - 12:47
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s defense minister on Saturday inaugurated the mass production line of the country’s homegrown long-range naval missile “Qadir”, while a first cargo of the anti-ship cruise missiles was delivered to the IRGC Navy.
In a ceremony to inaugurate the missile production line, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan referred to ‘Qadir’ as a “strategic and effective missile in the naval battles.”

As regards the features of the new missile, Dehqan said it is prepared rapidly for launch, flies in low altitudes with high navigation capabilities, hits the targets precisely with great destructive power, suits for electronic warfare thanks to advanced radars, and can be launched from various types of vessels and even a helicopter, helping extend its operational range.

The minister also noted that videos of the Qadir show it identifying and annihilating a naval target at a distance of 300 kilometers away from the coast.


Dehqan then noted that Iran’s Defense Ministry is the region’s dominating producer of missiles, stressing that “precision, speed and quality” of the projectiles have boosted the country’s military power.

The domestically-made cruise naval missile was already unveiled in August 2014 by President Hassan Rouhani.

In recent years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and has attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems.

Tehran has repeatedly assured other nations that its military might poses no threat to the regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.

Tasnim News Agency - Iran Starts Mass Producing Naval Cruise Missile
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