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Iranian Navy | News and Discussions

You are confused what this is used for. It’s a cheap solution (probably less than $20K) to be sent into ports and congested waterway which is what the PG is, at its smallest point it’s less than 20KM across.

They can act as a moving mines. Depending on its range and propulsion power management system it might survive for quite a bit. The fact that Iran covered most of the backend points to this being more than just some WW2 torpedo. With a proper targeting system and power management system anything can be made lethal. Look at what suicide drones like Iran’s delta wing and Israel’s harop against systems worth in the tens of millions.

They can be given to HZ and Yemen to hit warships at sea or in dock. Compliments Iran’s mine inventory.

Iran already has lethal anti ship BMs and CMs. Also they developing supersonic ones CMs as well.
How do you think Iran can counter Israeli subs.

Anti-sub warfare is quite an expensive and difficult form of warfare, and Iran doesn't have much capability in this regard.
How do you think Iran can counter Israeli subs.

Anti-sub warfare is quite an expensive and difficult form of warfare, and Iran doesn't have much capability in this regard.
Persian gulf water is shallow and warm tempeeature. Sensors (active and passive)need cold Temperature ro work well.the warmer the water, the lesser ist Sensor quality. Persian gulf ist also very salty with some layers of.sweet water. So for.submarine warfare in general it is a hard area. You can compare it with jungle or mountain warfare on land. More over , the shallow water is not only restricting sonar and other Sensors massively, but also ground des mines and active and passive sonarboy in different layers can Cover the persian gulf for iran. Compare with the Sosus barrier for the giuk gap. The conclusion is that any kind of Submarine will face Problems in the pg. Battle will be a dogfight in Submarine Terms. Another point ist the hormuz area wich can easily be peotected by Iran. Problems for iran will start in my eyes with the makran.sea and Indian ocean. If Iran ist able to protect at least makran Coast from submarines, any Cruise missile fired from submarine in northern Indian ocean should be detected early enough. Hope the oth Radars will do their job.
And yeah Air defence is good but we also need airforce. By the way die heard guys?: Turkey.develops a.drone Carrier. This idea could also come from iran. Wonder why WE didnt go this path
How do you think Iran can counter Israeli subs.

Anti-sub warfare is quite an expensive and difficult form of warfare, and Iran doesn't have much capability in this regard.

Attack the submarine naval ports during war.

Israel’s dolphin subs aren’t much of a threat to Iran during a full fledged conflict. The ones that are conventionally equipped that is. Not enough firepower.

As for attacking the sub itself Iran has sea kings and ships built for hunting’s subs.

It’s difficult for a dolphin sub to get too close to Iran with shallow PG. I am sure they would just hang in Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean and try to harass Iranian warships which again....if we are talking about a full fledged war where US is involved then it’s a mute point as Iran’s conventional navy will likely be sunk early in the conflict.

Turkey.develops a.drone Carrier. This idea could also come from iran. Wonder why WE didnt go this path

Turkey has destroyers. Iran does not.

You need to have destroyers/cruisers to protect the carrier or else it’s just a big heaping pile of metal, especially a drone carrier that has no helicopters or fighter jets to defend it.

Also Turkey unveils a lot of things. Let see if it gets built and put into service.

But Egypt already has a helicopter carrier so it’s not unprecedented in the Middle East.
frigate Dena to international maritime exercises held in the Indian Ocean.
I looked it up and realized it was launched last year and I didn't even know about it until now! I still thought Sahand was the newest addition to the fleet.
I guess they gave Damavand's old number to the Dena and Damavand 2 is going to be 77 in the future according to wikipedia.
I looked it up and realized it was launched last year and I didn't even know about it until now! I still thought Sahand was the newest addition to the fleet.
I guess they gave Damavand's old number to the Dena and Damavand 2 is going to be 77 in the future according to wikipedia.
the first Damavand had optical number 77, I think this number is also used in the new frigate that will replace it in the Caspian sea fleet
the first Damavand had optical number 77, I think this number is also used in the new frigate that will replace it in the Caspian sea fleet
I don't know why I was so convinced that Damavand was 75 all this time! lol
Turns out every time I saw pics of the Dena, I was thinking it was Damavand...
Might want to first build it for Iran before offering it to the world.

Some of the display items weren’t even built for Iran (hovercraft is another example).
Nah. Iran doesn't need either. The corvette will already have it's role filled by the Shahid Soleimani and newer Moudge versions. The hovercraft is also purely an export project, with the larger Piroozan being built for Iran
Nah. Iran doesn't need either. The corvette will already have it's role filled by the Shahid Soleimani and newer Moudge versions. The hovercraft is also purely an export project, with the larger Piroozan being built for Iran

Shahid Solemani is a IRGC Navy vessel not Iran Navy...
Moudge is IRIN though. There's a few under construction still

Moudge will not be continued after the last 2-3 are completed.

Likely moving to bigger ships or a newer design. Moudge at its core is still a 1970’s design with updated electronics and weapons.

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