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Not easy to deploy expensive & complex EW units to the frontlines so Iranian Army developed the 'Disruption-85' jammer designed to disrupt enemy radio communications, covering a frequency range of 40-110 MHz & a jamming radius of 700m for up to 1hr .

فقط دو توضیح وجود داره یا رضایی داره خودش را برای انتخابات بعدی رونمایی میکنه یا عکاس پسرخاله رضایی هستش
البته یک توضیح دیگه هم هست و اون اینه که واقعا چیز چندانی برای افتتاح نبوده و یا عکاس از ارزش چیزهایی که
رونمایی شدن بی اطلاع بوده . حقیقتش به نظر من مشکل بیشتر بر میگرده به بی اطلایی خبرنگارها و باید در این زمینه
وزارت دفاع و یا نیروهای مسلح یک فکری بکنن.

That ATV looks terrible, look at the workmanship on that steel plate, also the jack is welded on...this freaking thing will break loose after the first shot. Ridiculous.
That ATV looks terrible, look at the workmanship on that steel plate, also the jack is welded on...this freaking thing will break loose after the first shot. Ridiculous.

That ATV is armed with a single tube Type 63 107mm artillery rocket that does not produce a lot of recoil when fired.

Not easy to deploy expensive & complex EW units to the frontlines so Iranian Army developed the 'Disruption-85' jammer designed to disrupt enemy radio communications, covering a frequency range of 40-110 MHz & a jamming radius of 700m for up to 1hr .


Is this a Jammer projectile? any Idea what caliber it is and if it is designed to be fired from mortars or artillery?
Is this a Jammer projectile? any Idea what caliber it is and if it is designed to be fired from mortars or artillery?
that projectile must be fired from a 155mm canon . and can jam communication for one hours in a 700m radios of the area it fall

Well arming an ATV with an ATGM doesn't appear that impressive but think about this.
that's not ATGM , its a single tube 107mm artillery and if you think you can hit shit with a single rocket , I suggest you think twice if they have installed two Toophan or Dehlavieh there it was more useful than now, even if they have put a 4 Mithaq there it was more useful than this , right now you are lucky if you hit village with it, I mean a big village .
"that's not ATGM , its a single tube 107mm artillery and if you think you can hit shit with a single rocket , I suggest you think twice if they have installed two Toophan or Dehlavieh there it was more useful than now, even if they have put a 4 Mithaq there it was more useful than this , right now you are lucky if you hit village with it, I mean a big village "

The type 63 is actually pretty accurate rocket when fired in the direct fire role because of its uniquely designed rocket nuzzles that spin stabilize it in flight.
فقط دو توضیح وجود داره یا رضایی داره خودش را برای انتخابات بعدی رونمایی میکنه یا عکاس پسرخاله رضایی هستش
البته یک توضیح دیگه هم هست و اون اینه که واقعا چیز چندانی برای افتتاح نبوده و یا عکاس از ارزش چیزهایی که
رونمایی شدن بی اطلاع بوده . حقیقتش به نظر من مشکل بیشتر بر میگرده به بی اطلایی خبرنگارها و باید در این زمینه
وزارت دفاع و یا نیروهای مسلح یک فکری بکنن.
Actually very good stuff were demonstrated (to themselves!), for example a 240mm rocket with 40km range and 85% success rate, but they were more busy demonstrating the Rezaee!

It was a show specially set to counter recent attacks against Rezaee, but the same usual unprofessionalism has ruined it. it's like a 5 years old kid has written this article:
رونمایی از دستاوردهای جدید نیروی زمینی سپاه با حضور محسن رضایی
Actually very good stuff were demonstrated (to themselves!), for example a 240mm rocket with 40km range and 85% success rate, but they were more busy demonstrating the Rezaee!

It was a show specially set to counter recent attacks against Rezaee, but the same usual unprofessionalism has ruined it. it's like a 5 years old kid has written this article:
رونمایی از دستاوردهای جدید نیروی زمینی سپاه با حضور محسن رضایی
سامانه موشک سهند 3

برد: 5100 تا 5150 متر

سرعت خطی: 600 متر بر ثانیه

سرعت دوران: 12 تا 24 دقیقه

ارتفاع عملکرد: بیش از 2300 متر

وزن موشک: 9700 تا 9750 کیلوگرم

حداقل ارتفاع عملکرد: بین 30 تا 50 متر

حداقل برد: کمتر از 800 متر

زمان خود کششی: 14 تا 17 ثانیه

موتور: دو وضعیتی

ایمپالس کل موتور: 9/9128 نیوتن بر ثانیه
I can't understand this one , which enemy will allow you to fire a 10ton missile at him while he is only 800m away ? and after a little search it turn out the system is a manpad and the 10 ton weight of the missile is utter nonsense and they write kilogram instead of gram.

but what is strange is that Sahand-3 is not new at all and we were working on it even before Mithaq-1 and 2 but later we focused on Mithaq.
if I'm not wrong it was based on Sterla-2
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That ATV looks terrible, look at the workmanship on that steel plate, also the jack is welded on...this freaking thing will break loose after the first shot. Ridiculous.
Yes,the irony is that I remember seeing pics of iranian atvs fitted out with both tow/toophan and konkors or kornet atgm firing posts/launchers,which I think are very good ideas.
Heres a pic of some hezbollah atgm equipped quads
That ATV looks terrible, look at the workmanship on that steel plate, also the jack is welded on...this freaking thing will break loose after the first shot. Ridiculous.
The irony is that I found a much better setup from an old parade pic,so why is this pathetic lash up getting any press,unless its meant as a joke?

A properly designed 4 tube launcher for a quad,and no car jacks in sight.:smitten:
I can't understand this one , which enemy will allow you to fire a 10ton missile at him while he is only 800m away ? and after a little search it turn out the system is a manpad and the 10 ton weight of the missile is utter nonsense and they write kilogram instead of gram.

but what is strange is that Sahand-3 is not new at all and we were working on it even before Mithaq-1 and 2 but later we focused on Mithaq.
if I'm not wrong it was based on Sterla-2

It says max range 5km and MINUMUM range 800 meters (Min range doesn't mean you fire it from 800m away!)

But your right it still doesn't make sense because you don't build 10 tone missiles that only have a max range of 5km that would most definitely be absurd so clearly it's a typo because the 300km Fatteh-110 is only 3.5 tones & the 2000km Sejil-2 is 20 tones

So it's a clear typo

Is it only me or there’s something wrong with this T-72?
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