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That could be the case, but there's nothing "official" stating that (aka news stories, arms reports, etc).

There are however, Iranian media reports from last year of Iran importing a number of AK-103s from Russia. Small arms are after all some of the simplest arms to reverse-engineer...

As already pointed out here, there are plenty of folks on the net who noticed that the Nasr sniper rifle looks identical to the Russian OSV-96 (except the bipods, which are different).

That could be the case, but there's nothing "official" stating that (aka news stories, arms reports, etc).

There are however, Iranian media reports from last year of Iran importing a number of AK-103s from Russia. Small arms are after all some of the simplest arms to reverse-engineer...

As already pointed out here, there are plenty of folks on the net who noticed that the Nasr sniper rifle looks identical to the Russian OSV-96 (except the bipods, which are different).
i agree bro

That could be the case, but there's nothing "official" stating that (aka news stories, arms reports, etc).

There are however, Iranian media reports from last year of Iran importing a number of AK-103s from Russia. Small arms are after all some of the simplest arms to reverse-engineer...

As already pointed out here, there are plenty of folks on the net who noticed that the Nasr sniper rifle looks identical to the Russian OSV-96 (except the bipods, which are different).

Iran seems to have a collection of sniper rifles, many with the same calibre and role...

Meanwhile the armoured forces are in disarray. Iranian defence procurement is so wonky.
Iran seems to have a collection of sniper rifles, many with the same calibre and role...

Meanwhile the armoured forces are in disarray. Iranian defence procurement is so wonky.

i think iran should acquire 12 more different types of what is basically the same weapon just for the lulz etc
Iran seems to have a collection of sniper rifles, many with the same calibre and role...

Meanwhile the armoured forces are in disarray. Iranian defence procurement is so wonky.
Yes,when it comes to small arms procurement its just bizarre and when you add the two separate militaries into the mix it gets even crazier with little to no attempt at standardisation or commonality.I mean iran appears to have a pretty good small arms industry but it doesnt look like many if any of the various designs and prototypes that we`ve seen unveiled wind up actually ever going into service,which I think frankly is more than a little disappointing.
I mean whatever happened to these?

Yes,when it comes to small arms procurement its just bizarre and when you add the two separate militaries into the mix it gets even crazier with little to no attempt at standardisation or commonality.I mean iran appears to have a pretty good small arms industry but it doesnt look like many if any of the various designs and prototypes that we`ve seen unveiled wind up actually ever going into service,which I think frankly is more than a little disappointing.
I mean whatever happened to these?

From what I have heard, some of these products are designed by the defense industry, but not actually accepted from the military branches. IRGC chose that upgraded CQ for their next standard rifle and the Army simply has no budget or incentive to use higher end rifles. Actually, there is a trend in the army to change the standard rifle from G-3 to AKM which is better in the hands of the conscripts.
راه‌اندازی ۴ خط تولید تجهیزات راهبردی دفاعی
فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش امیر سرتیپ کیومرث حیدری: در این میان راه‌اندازی خط تولید کارخانجات تانک‌سازی مسجد سلیمان، خط تولید کارخانجات نصر و فتح اصفهان که در زمینه قطعات نفربرها و تانک‌ها کار می‌کنند، راه‌اندازی خط تولید بالگردی که در صنایع «یاعلی» اصفهان است و همچنین مرکز تولید قطعات خودرو را که آن هم در اصفهان راه‌اندازی شده است، داریم.

Iranian Army to Launch Production Line of Strategic Equipment

talking to IRINN TV news NZAJAI Commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General K. Heydari: inauguration Masjed Soleiman tank production line, Isfahan Nasr and Fateh production line parts for armed carriers and tanks, Isfahan "Ya Ali" industry production line helicopter parts and strategic equipments
راه‌اندازی ۴ خط تولید تجهیزات راهبردی دفاعی
فرمانده نیروی زمینی ارتش امیر سرتیپ کیومرث حیدری: در این میان راه‌اندازی خط تولید کارخانجات تانک‌سازی مسجد سلیمان، خط تولید کارخانجات نصر و فتح اصفهان که در زمینه قطعات نفربرها و تانک‌ها کار می‌کنند، راه‌اندازی خط تولید بالگردی که در صنایع «یاعلی» اصفهان است و همچنین مرکز تولید قطعات خودرو را که آن هم در اصفهان راه‌اندازی شده است، داریم.

Iranian Army to Launch Production Line of Strategic Equipment

talking to IRINN TV news NZAJAI Commander of Iran’s Army Ground Force Brigadier General K. Heydari: inauguration Masjed Soleiman tank production line, Isfahan Nasr and Fateh production line parts for armed carriers and tanks, Isfahan "Ya Ali" industry production line helicopter parts and strategic equipments

Tank and APC spare parts. Not a Tank Production line! This is a strange announcement because they have been producing tank parts since the Iran Iraq War.
. .
But also the Masjed Soleiman Tank production line...
You are right! I had to listen to the video again. He says that they will begin production of "T series" in the future at Masjed Soleiman Factory. I wander what he means by "T series"? I doubt that they will be producing T-72S knock offs when Iran has already unveiled the Karrar MBT. Then again Karrar can be considered a Sort of "T series" tank since it is essentially a T-72 with new Turret and sub systems.
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Most likely the Army wants its upgraded T-72 Karrars to be upgraded at their own factory. Other T- series are unlikely to be meant because the lifetime of the Safir upgrade is still at least 10 years.

Dorood factory would provide the expertise of T-72 to Karrar upgrade to Masjed Soleyman and like the Tehran factory and concentrate on new built Karrars. The Tehran factory could then produce IRGC upgraded T-72 to Karrar, but maybe upgrade work is also done in parallel at Dorood.

If two or three factoris are involved in the Karrar project, it could be really serious and we could see many of them soon.
... * The Tehran factory could then produce ...*

Is there actually a "Tehran Factory"? From what I know, almost all of the Iranian work on armored vehicles was done in the Dorood factory. I'd appreciate any info about this Tehran factory.
Is there actually a "Tehran Factory"? From what I know, almost all of the Iranian work on armored vehicles was done in the Dorood factory. I'd appreciate any info about this Tehran factory.

There isn't going to be a tank production line in Tehran or Masjed Soleiman.

What is happening is that IRIGF is going to reduce its reliance on MOD for spare parts and overhauls, so they are going to unveil several spare parts production lines.

In a recent interview with Farsnews Brigadier Heidari has made this matter clear.

"Nasr" factory in Tehran will manufacture M series and Chieftain Tanks parts.

"Fath" Factory in Tehran will manufacture APC and IFV parts.

"Masjed Soleiman" complex will producesT series parts.

"Isfahan modernization center" will manufacture tactical vehicles parts.

"Ya Ali Industries" also in Isfahan will manufacture helicopter parts.

Also other important highlights of the interview are:

-IRIGF is moving toward being a more offensive oriented force and will create "Mobile Assault Brigades"
-several more brigades will be transformed to "Rapid Reaction Brigades"(two this year)
-new individual equipments for 65th Nohed Brigade
-Zolfaghar has been abandoned by IRIGF in favour of Karrar Tank
-Army is testing two new assault rifles and if they prove sufficient, it will move to replace the G3
-concentration on Missile Jammers and ATGMs by IRIGF
-equipping all IRIAA helis with night vision equipments(read FLIR), started this year with several helis from 4th IRIAA base


4th IRIAA base helis equipped with FLIR(unfortunately only this low quality photo was provided by defapress now removed from site)



Original Defapress news
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