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Iranian defense spending surpasses $10-billion mark


Apr 8, 2014
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Since Hassan Rouhani assumed presidency, Iranian defense spending has risen by whopping 80 percent



Iranian government defense spending has recently increased by almost 40 percent to reach $10.3 billion, according to a draft budget proposal that went to parliament this week, putting defense expenditure growth during Hassan Rouhani’s presidency at some 80 percent.

Despite political, economic and social conflicts, it is notable that Rouhani’s government and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards coordinate on foreign policy.

After he was elected president, Rouhani’s government gave priority to economic recovery and a landmark nuclear deal with the West.

He did not appear to object to the Revolutionary Guards’ role in the region, particularly in Syria.

Rouhani’s government raised Iran’s defense budget to above $8 billion in 2014 from $6 billion in 2013, during the presidency of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The Revolutionary Guards, which lead military operations in the region, received the lion’s share of this.

Coordination between Rouhani’s government and the Revolutionary Guards in the fields of security and foreign policy has been accompanied by an increase in the amounts allocated to the Revolutionary Guards in the official state budget.

The amount allocated to the Revolutionary Guards stood at $3.3 billion in 2013, $5 billion in 2014 and $6.1 billion in 2015.

While this amount later fell to $4.5 billion, the amounts allocated to Iran’s military and Defense Ministry were increased in the 2016 budget.

However, the amount allocated to the Revolutionary Guards in the draft budget for 2017 rose by 53 percent, reaching some $6.9 billion.

Amounts allocated to the military, the Revolutionary Guards, the Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed (Basij) and the General Staff of the Armed Forces all rose by almost 80 percent since mid-2013, when Rouhani assumed the presidency.

Iran's defense budget last year 2015-2016 was $17 Billion USD so if this year is $10 Billion that's a major cut!!!!!!!
Iran's defense budget should be at 30 Billion plus, given it's enemies.

This budget doesn't take into account all the government owned defense companies that get a budget from Iran's government like HESA, PANHA, IAO, etc....
Also, IRGC make over $10Billion in net profit from it's own business dealings!

But regardless, $10 Billion USD is an absurd number that's less than half of UAE expenditure!!!!!!!!

SIPRI Arms Expenditure Database puts it at more like 10 billion.


Iran Doubles Down on its Military Budget

Saeed Ghasseminejad
3rd June 2016 - FDD Policy Brief

Iran’s Guardian Council on May 18 confirmed the 2016-2017 military budget, which had been passed last month by parliament. The budget allows $19 billion to go to the military establishment – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), regular military, and Defense Ministry – a 90-percent increase in military spending compared to the previous year. It’s a massive jump in defense spending, but one that should not be surprising given the windfall Tehran is set to reap from last summer’s nuclear deal. Ultimately, the increase presages further Iranian destabilization of a region already embroiled in turmoil.

Of the $19 billion, $11.3 billion is earmarked explicitly for the armed forces’ annual budgets. In addition, Parliament allowed the government to allocate $5 billion to “military projects,” to be chosen at the discretion of the military apparatus. The budget also allows the military to raise $1 billion through fees for Iranians who buy their way out of military service. Finally, it lets the government give the military $1.7 billion from a financial settlement reached in January.

The nuclear deal has lifted financial restrictions on Iran, giving it access to its frozen assets and – to a partial extent – the international financial system. Tehran hopes that foreign banks will now provide it with loans to finance its military projects.

But while the UN arms embargo on Iran remains in place for another five years, Tehran is already challenging those restrictions by entering new arms negotiations with China and Russia (such as multirole fighter jets from the former and T-90 tanks from the latter). To finance them, Tehran can take advantage of its already-existing working relations with financial institutions in Moscow and Beijing.

This year’s spike in Iran’s military budget gives it greater resources to escalate its involvement in proxy wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and to accelerate the pace of its ballistic missiles program. U.S. inaction as Iran doubles down on its military objectives is not, as President Obama recently described it, a step towards helping Tehran “share the neighborhood” with other regional powers. Instead, it brings the region one step closer to military conflict.

Saeed Ghasseminejad is a research fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Follow him on Twitter @SGhasseminejad

- See more at: http://www.defenddemocracy.org/medi...-on-its-military-budget/#sthash.eHkDfWVp.dpuf

SIPRI Arms Expenditure Database puts it at more like 10 billion.



That's over $320 Billion USD government budget and they couldn't even allocate 10% of their Budget (NOT GDP BUDGET) to Defense!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's absurd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This budget doesn't take into account all the government owned defense companies that get a budget from Iran's government like HESA, PANHA, IAO, etc....
Also, IRGC make over $10Billion in net profit from it's own business dealings!

But regardless, $10 Billion USD is an absurd number that's less than half of UAE expenditure!!!!!!!!

Iran Doubles Down on its Military Budget

Saeed Ghasseminejad
3rd June 2016 - FDD Policy Brief

Iran’s Guardian Council on May 18 confirmed the 2016-2017 military budget, which had been passed last month by parliament. The budget allows $19 billion to go to the military establishment – the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), regular military, and Defense Ministry – a 90-percent increase in military spending compared to the previous year. It’s a massive jump in defense spending, but one that should not be surprising given the windfall Tehran is set to reap from last summer’s nuclear deal. Ultimately, the increase presages further Iranian destabilization of a region already embroiled in turmoil.

Of the $19 billion, $11.3 billion is earmarked explicitly for the armed forces’ annual budgets. In addition, Parliament allowed the government to allocate $5 billion to “military projects,” to be chosen at the discretion of the military apparatus. The budget also allows the military to raise $1 billion through fees for Iranians who buy their way out of military service. Finally, it lets the government give the military $1.7 billion from a financial settlement reached in January.

The nuclear deal has lifted financial restrictions on Iran, giving it access to its frozen assets and – to a partial extent – the international financial system. Tehran hopes that foreign banks will now provide it with loans to finance its military projects.

But while the UN arms embargo on Iran remains in place for another five years, Tehran is already challenging those restrictions by entering new arms negotiations with China and Russia (such as multirole fighter jets from the former and T-90 tanks from the latter). To finance them, Tehran can take advantage of its already-existing working relations with financial institutions in Moscow and Beijing.

This year’s spike in Iran’s military budget gives it greater resources to escalate its involvement in proxy wars in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and to accelerate the pace of its ballistic missiles program. U.S. inaction as Iran doubles down on its military objectives is not, as President Obama recently described it, a step towards helping Tehran “share the neighborhood” with other regional powers. Instead, it brings the region one step closer to military conflict.

Saeed Ghasseminejad is a research fellow at Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Follow him on Twitter @SGhasseminejad

- See more at: http://www.defenddemocracy.org/medi...-on-its-military-budget/#sthash.eHkDfWVp.dpuf


That's over $320 Billion USD government budget and they couldn't even allocate 10% of their Budget (NOT GDP BUDGET) to Defense!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's absurd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realise now I made a mistake by quoting 2015 figures, but on the other hand I suggest you look at your own source.

The "Foundation for Defence of Democracies".

Its a known neocon anti-Iran propaganda site, with notorious scumbags like Mark Dubowitz who have made their life's mission to campaign against Iran, including going to US congress to persuade them to pass sanctions against Iran. This particular article is trying to paint Iran as a militarised country that doesn't care about the welfare of its people.

I suggest you use a different source.
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a biased article full of lies from turks. among our neighbors, Iran's defense budget is among the lowest. even Afghanistan has a higher defense budget!

meanwhile Turkey's war budget: $18b

for Iranian:
تلاش مجلس و نهادهای نظامی برای افزایش بودجه دفاعی 93/ بودجه نظامی کاهش یافت یا افزایش؟

Did you even read the op?

Iranian government defense spending has recently increased by almost 40 percent to reach $10.3 billion, according to a draft budget proposal that went to parliament this week, putting defense expenditure growth during Hassan Rouhani’s presidency at some 80 percent.

Evil Turks are citing official Iranian budget proposal. :disagree:
a biased article full of lies from turks. among our neighbors, Iran's defense budget is among the lowest. even Afghanistan has a higher defense budget!

meanwhile Turkey's war budget: $18b

for Iranian:
تلاش مجلس و نهادهای نظامی برای افزایش بودجه دفاعی 93/ بودجه نظامی کاهش یافت یا افزایش؟
Global Firepower is not a good source. Most places I've seen put Iran's 2015 budget at more like $10 billion.
I think Iran is doing good with it budget allocations considering the sanctions.

BTW what are the proportional figures of the budget allocated to each defence wing.
I think Iran is doing good with it budget allocations considering the sanctions.

BTW what are the proportional figures of the budget allocated to each defence wing.

Ruhani is feeding the Revolutionary Guards. He's simply buying sufferance and time from some influential groups among the RG. After all, the Iranian military is one of the most corrupt forces in our region. Only the Egyptian military is worse.
In this regard, a higher spending on military does not automatically mean that Iran has more money for development and purchasing new weapon systems. Large amounts of this money "disappear"...

The current situation of Iran is actually inacceptable. Someone has to clean up the mess in the society, military and economy. I personally am disappointed. Ruhani hasn't the capabilities to do so. He has proven this so far. He's a nice guy but very incompetent.
Ruhani is feeding the Revolutionary Guards. He's simply buying sufferance and time from some influential groups among the RG. After all, the Iranian military is one of the most corrupt forces in our region. Only the Egyptian military is worse.
In this regard, a higher spending on military does not automatically mean that Iran has more money for development and purchasing new weapon systems. Large amounts of this money "disappear"...

The current situation of Iran is actually inacceptable. Someone has to clean up the mess in the society, military and economy. I personally am disappointed. Ruhani hasn't the capabilities to do so. He has proven this so far. He's a nice guy but very incompetent.

A Turk under heavy blasts is calling our Armed forces corrupted !
Try to stay alive buddy ... more moderate freedom fighters are coming from Syria to Turkey ... (Pakistan experience about exporting Saudi Mujahids to Afg is occuring for Turkey ... The Land of Blasts:undecided:)

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