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Iranian copy of Harpy UAV!

Dont worry about my tone brother as you are too fast to hate your own countrymen for a stupid forum like this. all i see on this forum was just small and brainless talk critisizing of all others achievments it was time to show those who critisize us of not have the all pictures of them selves, to have the technology doesnt mean ur better placed in strategic ladder the question is can you sustain it and with huge poverty most of countries in the region like india and pakistan have.

Congradulations u have been chosen for

i dont think so they have the tech to make it it might be dummy or im more certain it has been photoshoped
what´s that gonna prove? well if this going to be the argument your contry hasnt been a devastating war for 8 years , and your country despite beeing a poor country isnt on the hardest westly sanctions for 30 years. Iran today is far more advanced when it comes to space, missile, drone, fighter plane technology despite we beeing behind . now can you see the trend? how fast iranian tecnology is growing?

Mods please move above comment to funny and stupid from all over the world.

Iranians are no where closer to Pakistan and Indian when it comes to Fighter jets or Missiles as far as war is concerned Pakistan been at war ever since soviet union invaded Afghanistan so excuse me if i don't shed a tear for your eight years our economy has suffered heavily because of that and till today still continue to suffer from it.

wanna compare compare this since independence even against all odds we are a nuclear power we produce our own fighter jets with the help of Chinese but not a small task to archive when U have no Money as U said.
Now look at you even having all the oil in the world and shah was biggest western and Israeli a.s.s licker you still cant refine it hats not exactly called achievement . i hope that bring you back to the real world and of that whacky tobacy you are smoking.
Mods please move above comment to funny and stupid from all over the world.

Iranians are no where closer to Pakistan and Indian when it comes to Fighter jets or Missiles as far as war is concerned Pakistan been at war ever since soviet union invaded Afghanistan so excuse me if i don't shed a tear for your eight years our economy has suffered heavily because of that and till today still continue to suffer from it.

wanna compare compare this since independence even against all odds we are a nuclear power we produce our own fighter jets with the help of Chinese but not a small task to archive when U have no Money as U said.
Now look at you even having all the oil in the world and shah was biggest western and Israeli a.s.s licker you still cant refine it hats not exactly called achievement . i hope that bring you back to the real world and of that whacky tobacy you are smoking.
we have two kind of idiots in the world today the one who thinks he is an idiot but wont admit it the other one is you.
well if ever we hav the oil free money like you(iran) then we will now in the last stages of 4.5th generation heavy class fighter with AESA

and already inducted N subs and 1 aircraft carrier and other two aircrafft to enter by 2015
Mods please move above comment to funny and stupid from all over the world.

Iranians are no where closer to Pakistan and Indian when it comes to Fighter jets or Missiles as far as war is concerned Pakistan been at war ever since soviet union invaded Afghanistan so excuse me if i don't shed a tear for your eight years our economy has suffered heavily because of that and till today still continue to suffer from it.

wanna compare compare this since independence even against all odds we are a nuclear power we produce our own fighter jets with the help of Chinese but not a small task to archive when U have no Money as U said.
Now look at you even having all the oil in the world and shah was biggest western and Israeli a.s.s licker you still cant refine it hats not exactly called achievement . i hope that bring you back to the real world and of that whacky tobacy you are smoking.
and so far for your dumb- *** information: Iran has already 3 indigenously build fighter/traning plane Saegheh, azarakhsh, and the next generation latest shafagh.
Mods please move above comment to funny and stupid from all over the world.

Iranians are no where closer to Pakistan and Indian when it comes to Fighter jets or Missiles as far as war is concerned Pakistan been at war ever since soviet union invaded Afghanistan so excuse me if i don't shed a tear for your eight years our economy has suffered heavily because of that and till today still continue to suffer from it.

wanna compare compare this since independence even against all odds we are a nuclear power we produce our own fighter jets with the help of Chinese but not a small task to archive when U have no Money as U said.
Now look at you even having all the oil in the world and shah was biggest western and Israeli a.s.s licker you still cant refine it hats not exactly called achievement . i hope that bring you back to the real world and of that whacky tobacy you are smoking.
i just cant resist the temptation

i just cant resist the temptation


Congradulation is this another award u have excellent i guess where ever u go people give you rewards and certificates but if i were you i wouldnt make a big deal out of the above certificate.

we have two kind of idiots in the world today the one who thinks he is an idiot but wont admit it the other one is you.

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I would more or less agree with you. To be fair though, I think you should give the same advice to forum member Nima whose just about every post incites Islamophobia, hatred and divide.

Of course brother... What I said applies equally as well to myself and Nima, as anybody else. According to the most ancient of Iranian beliefs, we all have to make an individual effort to improve and 'refresh' the world...
Grow balls brother.

Do balls grow out of one's rear end? Because you seem to be speaking with all the strength you can muster from your behind!

Regarding my balls, after having gone through a revolution, an 8 year total war and many years of living in unfriendly countries, I do believe I have a well developed set. Not that they are needed for going into an internet forum and talking tough from behind the safety of my laptop. But thanks for your interest anyway!

Listen, the people here are not our enemies. And even if that were not the case, there would be no need for you to assume the role of the defender of Iranian honour at the price of sacrificing the truth and basic human decency in order to maintain a warped image of Iran and Iranians. WE ARE NOT PERFECT. Never have been, nver will be... We are full of faults, deficiencies and glaring shortcomings... And guess what? There's nothing wrong with that! It's perfectly normal. If you want to be truly proud Iranian, you have to be proud of that part as well and own up to it. Once you understand that part, I will go ahead and talk to you about the second part of the argument.

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