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Iranian Chill Thread


Just ignore Abii. He is a little koko.
In the span of a year he has gone from being staunch defender of Iran (even with this regime) to being an obnoxious vile troll, turning 180 degrees. I think maybe something happened to him in is personal life, so he is not really stable.
Just ignore him bro. lol

Some Arab took his girlfriend from him, lol.
@New, what's new with you these days? Still in Shiraz?
New what's new,
:lol: Hehe, that was nice.
No, unfortunately, I have left that city of love for some 2-3 weeks now, and I am back to the shitty city of Tehran.
Bad news, I have missed my summer experience in Shiraz so much.
Good news, my first cargo of vacuum packed raisin would be ready for shipment into UAE this Tuesday.
So my current situation right now is:
New what's new,
:lol: Hehe, that was nice.
No, unfortunately, I have left that city of love for some 2-3 weeks now, and I am back to the shitty city of Tehran.
Bad news, I have missed my summer experience in Shiraz so much.
Good news, my first cargo of vacuum packed raisin would be ready for shipment into UAE this Tuesday.
So my current situation right now is:
Oh so that's why you were down there lol
I was wondering what you were doing in Shiraz.

My grandparents have a vineyard there. We used to spend days picking up grape in different seasons. My dad always made tons of home made wine and we also picked a lot of ghoore and had them pressed. We literally had fresh abghoore all year. My dad's wine wasn't bad either lol.

I miss those days. Hopefully when the akhoonds **** off we can start a winery or something. That would be cool.

In other news, I just bought a DSLR. Gonna be taking loads of pictures this winter. Could become a hobby too.
not in your life time kiddo , not in your life time :D

if it makes u more happy , drown yourself in vodka

get lost in your illusions
I don't drink that shit.

And what makes your akhoonds any different than the rest? Name one dictatorship that's survived without getting toppled or getting reformed? North Korea is literally the only one that comes to mind, but only b/c they're the most extreme of extremes and one of a kind. There have been thousands of other dictatorships and they've all collapsed. Yours will too, whether through invasion, civil unrest or evolution of the regime itself. One way or another, change will come.

You want change too. Your whole persona here is a facade, a mirage. Constantly trying to save face like a bozo.
My grandparents have a vineyard there. We used to spend days picking up grape in different seasons. My dad always made tons of home made wine and we also picked a lot of ghoore and had them pressed. We literally had fresh abghoore all year. My dad's wine wasn't bad either lol.
I have never tried wine, but I don't think I am gonna leave the experience for the jannate naeem either.:lol:
I'll go back there in 2-3 weeks for the harvesting season, and I must say although it was really hot in Shiraz, but it was a very nice experiment for me either.

I just bought a DSLR. Gonna be taking loads of pictures this winter. Could become a hobby too.
Frankly, needed to google it, to find out what a DSLR is. Ya taking photos can be a hobby. But I am not interested as I know I don't have the talent.
BTW, do not forget to post some of your taken pictures here.
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