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Iranian Chill Thread

Just your friendly neighborhood Taliban we were told would be such a beacon of hope to society—you know as long as you arent a women or haven’t advanced past the Renaissance period of human history

Well , this ensure Afghanistan remain weak and doesn't become a threat for us ... so lets them be ...
Well , this ensure Afghanistan remain weak and doesn't become a threat for us ... so lets them be ...
what @TheImmortal is missing about the Afghanistan situation vis-a-vis Iran is that as of today, THINGS ARE DIFFERENT - Taliban are too weak to attack Iran, and they are MORE DEPENDENT ON Iran today than ever. why? well who else can they "rely on"? Not Pakistan, because Pakistan has played dirty and used Taliban as cannon fodder for its US politics in Afghanistan, and not US, because US hates that Taliban forced their retreat from Afghanistan, and Afghanistan being broke and a recovering war nation means it needs any helpful supporting neighbor to help it get back on its feet, and as of today, thats China and Iran! Beef with Iran means Afghanistan will lack affordable gas and oil, food, transit routes, intelligence and military equipment, all kinds of things.The end.
I'll blame the Iranian cinema industry not dealing with such epic story.

Thats true.....Cinema plays a big role in culture, we need to do better in this department... It plays a huge part in culture and national pride.

one of the biggest epics of western Cinema and shakespeare single handedly made cleopatra, one of the most vile, disgusting women in history to be the greatest beauty, tragic love story, innocent oppressed princess. Western cinema carefully gets around the fact that she was a whore who slept with anybody to advance her political ambitions.

She had a affair with caesar, and plotted against her entire family, to get herself to become the vassal king of Rome, at the expense of the colonisation of egypt/slaughter of her family.

she then slept with mark anthony, and gave him full support in his invasion of Iran. in exchange for him executing her sister that was in Roman captivity (who was a potential replacement in waiting for her). Mark Anthonys invasion was slaughtered by Iran, which weakend him in the future civil war he had and lost with augustus. this entire chapter is skipped in western history/cinema/plays.. you could make 20 good movies about that story alone
Busy Political day


In our lifetime we could witness the fall of Capitalism—the premier economic model that has powered modern human history.

A model that had inherent flaws that led to widening income inequality and destroyed the ability for working class to have a “livable wage”. Lack of ownership of assets and perpetual debt on middle class lead to social economic factors of declining child birth.

what happens when a capitalistic country that:

A) relies on stable or increasing young labor force

B) consumption of products by said labor force to produce most of GDP

Suddenly no longer has a sufficient amount of childbirths to produce such a labor force?

Answer? It likely collapses
. We have seen highly advanced civilizations “disappear” (Mayans) in the past.

The countries that notice this (China, US) are moving full pace to automate (artificial intelligence) as much of their economy as possible. But that only solves the A problem (size of labor force needed). It doesn’t fix the other problem that is equally as important...a large population that consumes goods to power GDP.

This is a pressing issue affecting most if not all the countries in the world. I have talked about it in the past.

A country that doesn’t produce enough children will run into economic growth problems and eventually collapse as it slowly becomes a failed state.

In our lifetime we could witness the fall of Capitalism—the premier economic model that has powered modern human history.

A model that had inherent flaws that led to widening income inequality and destroyed the ability for working class to have a “livable wage”. Lack of ownership of assets and perpetual debt on middle class lead to social economic factors of declining child birth.

what happens when a capitalistic country that:

A) relies on stable or increasing young labor force

B) consumption of products by said labor force to produce most of GDP

Suddenly no longer has a sufficient amount of childbirths to produce such a labor force?

Answer? It likely collapses
. We have seen highly advanced civilizations “disappear” (Mayans) in the past.

The countries that notice this (China, US) are moving full pace to automate (artificial intelligence) as much of their economy as possible. But that only solves the A problem (size of labor force needed). It doesn’t fix the other problem that is equally as important...a large population that consumes goods to power GDP.

This is a pressing issue affecting most if not all the countries in the world. I have talked about it in the past.

A country that doesn’t produce enough children will run into economic growth problems and eventually collapse as it slowly becomes a failed state.
The problem with that capitalist system is that it eventually runs its course and needs a reset because all the capital has acclimated into the hands of the few, and it is no longer a free market competition. The system would then need to blow up and start again and let the Pareto distribution run its course. We are reaching the later stages it seems. No more American dream.
The problem with that capitalist system is that it eventually runs its course and needs a reset because all the capital has acclimated into the hands of the few, and it is no longer a free market competition. The system would then need to blow up and start again and let the Pareto distribution run its course. We are reaching the later stages it seems. No more American dream.
I would argue that what you describe is not failure of the "free market" but capitalism functioning as it is intended. The purpose of capitalism is capital accumulation. Naturally those with the most capital (capital previously acquired through methods of primitive accumulation such as feudalism, enclosure, and colonialism) will subequently be able to accumulate more and more capital - it will never be distributed evenly. Capitalism does "reset" in a sense when the economy inevitably enters a depression every once in a while. The problem is that these resets are becoming more frequent since the 90s and the unfortunate effect of capitalism in crisis is that it leads to fascism, as it did in Germany and Italy before and will be the ultimate fate of the US as well.

The creation of a domestic labor aristocracy and the "American dream" was largely the result of unequal exchange and overseas worker exploitation in the global south. The vast majority of people living in the US at least have a roof over the head and indoor plumbing. This creates domestic support for the current economic system because they're at least better off than the poor workers in the "third world." This largely started after FDR's New Deal, which in many ways was an act of desperation after the Great Depression to prevent a full blown revolution.
However, as more countries continue to sign mutually beneficial trade agreements with China, rather than exploitative ones as had previously been the case with the US and Europe, that exploitation will no longer be possible and the middle class will slowly cease to exist. An unfortunate secondary effect this will have is that the US will have to direct more and more of its capital glut from overseas markets to the only domestic industry it has - it's arms industry, and will start more wars overseas as a result.

What is happening in the US now was described/predicted by Marx back in the 1800s. The rate of profit naturally has a tendency of falling and is counter acted by the lowering of workers wages (in the US a stagnant minimum wage despite inflation and rising cost of living), increased exploitation of the work force, and the creation of a reserve army of labor. The recent overturn of Roe vs. Wade was not a coincidence or culture war as many think and is directly related to the latter two. There has been the development of some dissent among the working class in the US spawning the "no one wants to work" meme. Recriminalizing abortions accomplishes 3 things:
1. increased precarity of the working class who must provide for larger families and thus will be more willing to take low paying, over-exploitative jobs.
2. increased population growth and subsequent creation of the reserve army of labor.
3. increased criminalization of the working class as a result of illegal abortions, stripping them of their voting rights and decreasing their ability to participate in the political system.

This was largely why the war on drugs was started by Reagan. By increasing criminalization he created a captive work force in his prisons (slavery is not illegal in the US constitution if it is punishment for a crime), increased precarity for those who are released back into the population, and less worker class individuals being allowed to participate in the electoral system. All this has happened in the past and will happen again until capitalism dies a final death.
What I'm wondering is if Erdogan will actually allow a fair election and step down. I have my doubts.

Don't forget Russians have also gotten their hands on countless Javelins and German Panzerfaust as well. They're now training some of their troops and allied militia to use them.

At the current rate, it seems like its only a matter of time before the Russians close the pincer on Kramatorsk. The Ukrainians are however reportedly planning a large scale counter attack in mid June-July with foreign supplied weapons like tanks, apcs, artillery, etc. If that fails then I'm guessing that the Russians will have to take Odessa next ? One thing is for sure NATO wants this war to go on for as long as possible.


US intentions against Russia are crystal clear. The US is also intent on building a NATO in the South China Sea and possibly provoking China by pressuring Taiwan to formally declare itself as an independent nation.

So the US are intent on building an alliance to surround China, by strengthening alliances with Japan, South Korea specifically. China in a show of brilliant political maneuvering has overstepped the US plan and now China the Solomon Islands have signed a defense pact.

China will now be replacing Australia's former role of peacekeeping duties, although largely without firearms, since the nation doesn't have a large firearms issue. The deal could also allow China to refuel at the island or send troops in case of an outright emergency. Some in Australia are now openly advocating regime change and the US has not ruled out the use of force if China establishes a defacto military base in the Solomon islands.

Australia's defense minister even compared present times to the 1930's and stated that China could potentially launch a chemical attack in the next 4 years. My question is, where the f#ck are they getting these ideas from ?

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“A feminist one at that”?

Your post implies that if it was a man’s rights being negatively impacted then there would grounds for intervention? At the very least it’s poorly worded to make it seem like you think women’s rights are trivial affairs to worry about. At worst, well.....let’s not go there.

My opinion is that none of these considerations warrant actual military intervention, independently of what group is said to be negatively impacted. However, feminism is a separate imposture of its own. For Iran to base foreign policy on feminism, it would not just need to cease being an Islamic Republic, but also cease being a country which minimally values its tradition and culture.

Your admiration for “low security threat” that emanates from Taliban rule is high. But the more they crack down on women (who you may or may not care about) and on the youth, the more you are going to see an exodus of Afghans to Iran’s borders and Pakistanis borders. The more refugees who will try to enter Iran. Which again puts a strain on Iran’s limited resources. This is why Iran wants an inclusive government in Afghanistan and stability and basic human rights.

I'm sure Afghans don't care about hejab laws nor about the banning of western-imported forms of entertainment. Afghanistan isn't comparable to Iran, whose society has experienced a much greater degree of modernization, which in turn makes it vulnerable to the diffusion of secularist ideas. Moreover Iran has been subjected to over four decades of hyper-intensive social engineering, psy-ops and propaganda in promotion of westernized lifestyles by powerful enemies.

The reason for the exodus of Afghans has been twofold: lack of security, which was largely remedied with the end of major combat operations, and especially their economical situation. Sadly the country has become one of the least developed and poorest in the world.

Of course the US regime freezing 7 billion USD in Afghan assets has not exactly been helpful:


This combined with the worldwide development of modern means and networks of transportation equals mass emigration. Most countries suffering this predicament are experiencing emigration (whether in Africa, Latin America, South Asia etc), and practically none is implementing sharia law.

Taliban went on a PR spree saying how 2022 is not 1998 and now they have supposedly evolved and moderated. I and others were very skeptical of this. Others weren’t.

To me what matters is whether or not they endanger Iran's interests and whether or not they will trample the guiding principles of the Islamic Republic, among which I count the general safety of Persian-speaking Sunni Afghans as well as Shia Muslim Afghans.

Well it appears Taliban think they can take Afghanistan back to 1998 and the fact is they cannot. Afghan society has drastically changed in that 20 years. It’s like taking Iraq back to Saddam like rule. This only going to lead to further destabilization. ISIS will be able to exploit this fractionalization in society to conduct more attacks and grow. They did this well in terrorist held areas of Syria.

The proportion of Afghan women who have a severe problem with observing hejab should hardly surpass 0,5% if at all, and these are concentrated in certain wealthy areas of Kabul. Yes, many certainly prefer 'regular' hejab over having to cover their faces, but to most of the latter this alone will not be reason enough to emigrate.

Afghan society has changed, but not in the sense of becoming secular or liberal. Experts agree that western attempts at "nation-building" along secular democratic lines have truly been a failure.

Now you are correct what happens in another country should be the affairs of that country....to an extent. Except Iran helps the oppressed around the Middle East (Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Bahrain). Afghanistan is no different. Their people are being repressed, but as long as it’s not by a Western backed agent country it seems you say we should look the other way. Even in some hypocritical world if that were true, what happens in Afghanistan has a direct bearing on Iran’s borders for better or for worse.

Mandatory hejab in public and the like don't represent oppression in my book.

I don't look the other way around if the oppressor isn't western or western-backed, for example I agree with Iran's support for Afghan fighters against Soviet occupation in the 1980's, as well as with Iran's intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the 1990's (although the destabilization of ex-Yugoslavia ultimately was a western-led plot).

You think refugee crisis is bad now, just wait till next winter with wheat prices soaring around the world and Taliban not able to provide to the entire country.

This is certainly true (as indicated above), economic issues will lead to further emigration from Afghanistan. Iran can help in this regard though (and I don't mean free handouts only).
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They increased Internet price just last month , now they want to increase it again ...

They want to make internet too expensive , so people can't use it ...

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