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Iranian Chill Thread

This Arab Persian language debate is really irrelevant, annoying and futile.

How two neighbors civilisations with religious and trading connections for centuries don't borrow words from each others ???

Here is a small list of Arabic words from Persian origins, hope some Iranis are somehow happy:

1) إِبْرِيْق ‘jug / kettle
It is from the Persian word آبزيز which means to pour water. In Farsi, it is used to refer to water container السَّطْل or الدَّلْو ‘bucket.’
2) أُسْتَاذ ‘teacher’
It is from the Persian word أُسْتَاد which means a teacher or an expert craftsman. In Arabic, the more accurate word is مُعَلِّم; however, it has a more restricted meaning. Therefore, أُسْتَاذ is more popular.
3) بَاذِنْجَان ‘eggplant’
It is from the Persian word بَاذِنْكَان which is composed of باد that means جِنّ jinn and نِك which means مِنْقَار beak of a bird and its plural is نِكَان, so when put together باد + نكان, it becomes بَاذِنْكَان which means the beaks of jinn. The Persians borrowed it from Syriac.
4) بَخْت ‘luck / fortune’
It is from the Persian بَخْت, borrowed without any alteration in pronunciation, i.e. it is articulated in Arabic in the same way. It means luck.
5) بَرِيْد ‘post / mail’
This word is said to have been taken from the Persian verb بَرْدَن ‘to transport / move.’ Some linguists argue that it is taken from the Roman word veredus ‘the animal that carries mail.’
6) بِطَاقَة ‘card / ID card’
It is from the Persian word بِتِك which means tag or label on which information of weight or price is written. It is said that the Persians borrowed it from Aramaic.
7) تَّخْت ‘bedstead’
It is from the Persian word تَخْت, and is pronounced in Arabic in the same way. It means plank or board of wood. It is commonly used in the Levant, i.e. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine.
8) جَوْز ‘walnut’
It is from the Persian word گوْز, and the first letter / sound is pronounced as ج in Arabic, i.e. جَوْز. It means walnut.
9) خِيَار ‘the cucumber’
It is from the Persian word خِيَار, and is pronounced in Arabic in the same way.
10) دُسْتُور ‘constitution’
It is the book of the king’s law. If a combination to two Persian words: دَسْتَ ‘the rule/law’ and ور ‘the owner of’, that is the owner of laws, the king.
11) دِيْن / دِيَانَة ‘religion’
It is from دِيْن ‘faith / believe.’ دَيْن with fatHah on the dal دَ, which means debt, is from borrowed from Greek.
12) رَازِقي ‘type of grapes’
رَازقي in Persian is a type of grapes. In Arabic, it is the name of the same type of grape. This type of grapes is especially common in Yemen and some Gulf State.
13) زَنْجَبِيْل ‘ginger’
It from شَنْگبِيْل, and in the process of Arabization the شَ becomes زَ and the گ becomes جَ, hence شَنْگبِيْل à زَنْجَبِيْل.
14) شَتْم ‘cursing / swearing’
It is from سَتْم and is used to describe a person’s shortcomings.
15) شَهْد ‘honey’
This word is borrowed from Persian without any alterations. It is the pure honey that has not been squeezed out of the beeswax.
16) شُهْرَة ‘fame’
It means the path/way of the grandeur. It is taken from two Persian words: شَاه ‘the sultan/king’ and رَاه ‘the path/way.’
17) شَّاي ‘tea’
It is from چای. The Persian چ, with three dots, is always Arabized to ش.
18) صُنْدُوق ‘case, box’
It is from the Persian word صَنْدُوق. Some linguists argue you that it is borrowed from Russian by the Persians and then borrowed by the Arabs.
19) صِهْر ‘daughter or sister’s husband’
It is from شَوْهَر which means the woman’s husband in Farsi.
20) صَيْف ‘summer’
It is from the Persian سَيِيْدبَرْ which is a compound word, composed of سَيِيْد which means white and بَرْ which means on/over. The first part undergoes a slight modification and becomes صَيْف in Arabic
21) ضَنْك ‘distress’
It is from the Persian word دَنْك which means the reckless and perplexed due to pain and disorder.
22) طَازَج ‘fresh’
It is from تَازَه which means tender/fresh.
23) طَرْبُوش ‘fez/hat’
It is a compound word from سَرْ which means head and بُوْش which means غِطَاء.
24) غَوْغَاء ‘riffraff’
It is from the Persian word غَوْغَاء which means too much noise and conflict.
25) فَخّ ‘trap’
It is from فَخْ which is an instrument or a tool used for hunting.
26) فُلّ ‘Arabian jasmine’
It is a horticultural plant of small white circular flowers that has a fragrant smell. It is Arabicized from the Persian word پـَلَة.
27) فِنْجَان ‘cup’
It is from the Persian word پـَنْكَــان, a cup.
28) فُوْل ‘fava beans’
It is from فُوْل which also known in Farsi as بَاقلا.
29) قَلْعَة ‘castle’
It is from the Persian word كَلاَتَ, usually the castle that is located on top of a mountain or hill.
30) كَأْس ‘drinking glass’
It is from the Persian word كَاسَه. Some linguist argue that it is taken from Semitic languages.

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This Arab Persian language debate is really irrelevant, annoying and futile.

How two neighbors civilisations with religious and trading connections for centuries don't borrow words from each others ???

Here is a small list of Arabic words from Persian origins, hope some Iranis are somehow happy:

1) إِبْرِيْق ‘jug / kettle
It is from the Persian word آبزيز which means to pour water. In Farsi, it is used to refer to water container السَّطْل or الدَّلْو ‘bucket.’
2) أُسْتَاذ ‘teacher’
It is from the Persian word أُسْتَاد which means a teacher or an expert craftsman. In Arabic, the more accurate word is مُعَلِّم; however, it has a more restricted meaning. Therefore, أُسْتَاذ is more popular.
3) بَاذِنْجَان ‘eggplant’
It is from the Persian word بَاذِنْكَان which is composed of باد that means جِنّ jinn and نِك which means مِنْقَار beak of a bird and its plural is نِكَان, so when put together باد + نكان, it becomes بَاذِنْكَان which means the beaks of jinn. The Persians borrowed it from Syriac.
4) بَخْت ‘luck / fortune’
It is from the Persian بَخْت, borrowed without any alteration in pronunciation, i.e. it is articulated in Arabic in the same way. It means luck.
5) بَرِيْد ‘post / mail’
This word is said to have been taken from the Persian verb بَرْدَن ‘to transport / move.’ Some linguists argue that it is taken from the Roman word veredus ‘the animal that carries mail.’
6) بِطَاقَة ‘card / ID card’
It is from the Persian word بِتِك which means tag or label on which information of weight or price is written. It is said that the Persians borrowed it from Aramaic.
7) تَّخْت ‘bedstead’
It is from the Persian word تَخْت, and is pronounced in Arabic in the same way. It means plank or board of wood. It is commonly used in the Levant, i.e. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine.
8) جَوْز ‘walnut’
It is from the Persian word گوْز, and the first letter / sound is pronounced as ج in Arabic, i.e. جَوْز. It means walnut.
9) خِيَار ‘the cucumber’
It is from the Persian word خِيَار, and is pronounced in Arabic in the same way.
10) دُسْتُور ‘constitution’
It is the book of the king’s law. If a combination to two Persian words: دَسْتَ ‘the rule/law’ and ور ‘the owner of’, that is the owner of laws, the king.
11) دِيْن / دِيَانَة ‘religion’
It is from دِيْن ‘faith / believe.’ دَيْن with fatHah on the dal دَ, which means debt, is from borrowed from Greek.
12) رَازِقي ‘type of grapes’
رَازقي in Persian is a type of grapes. In Arabic, it is the name of the same type of grape. This type of grapes is especially common in Yemen and some Gulf State.
13) زَنْجَبِيْل ‘ginger’
It from شَنْگبِيْل, and in the process of Arabization the شَ becomes زَ and the گ becomes جَ, hence شَنْگبِيْل à زَنْجَبِيْل.
14) شَتْم ‘cursing / swearing’
It is from سَتْم and is used to describe a person’s shortcomings.
15) شَهْد ‘honey’
This word is borrowed from Persian without any alterations. It is the pure honey that has not been squeezed out of the beeswax.
16) شُهْرَة ‘fame’
It means the path/way of the grandeur. It is taken from two Persian words: شَاه ‘the sultan/king’ and رَاه ‘the path/way.’
17) شَّاي ‘tea’
It is from چای. The Persian چ, with three dots, is always Arabized to ش.
18) صُنْدُوق ‘case, box’
It is from the Persian word صَنْدُوق. Some linguists argue you that it is borrowed from Russian by the Persians and then borrowed by the Arabs.
19) صِهْر ‘daughter or sister’s husband’
It is from شَوْهَر which means the woman’s husband in Farsi.
20) صَيْف ‘summer’
It is from the Persian سَيِيْدبَرْ which is a compound word, composed of سَيِيْد which means white and بَرْ which means on/over. The first part undergoes a slight modification and becomes صَيْف in Arabic
21) ضَنْك ‘distress’
It is from the Persian word دَنْك which means the reckless and perplexed due to pain and disorder.
22) طَازَج ‘fresh’
It is from تَازَه which means tender/fresh.
23) طَرْبُوش ‘fez/hat’
It is a compound word from سَرْ which means head and بُوْش which means غِطَاء.
24) غَوْغَاء ‘riffraff’
It is from the Persian word غَوْغَاء which means too much noise and conflict.
25) فَخّ ‘trap’
It is from فَخْ which is an instrument or a tool used for hunting.
26) فُلّ ‘Arabian jasmine’
It is a horticultural plant of small white circular flowers that has a fragrant smell. It is Arabicized from the Persian word پـَلَة.
27) فِنْجَان ‘cup’
It is from the Persian word پـَنْكَــان, a cup.
28) فُوْل ‘fava beans’
It is from فُوْل which also known in Farsi as بَاقلا.
29) قَلْعَة ‘castle’
It is from the Persian word كَلاَتَ, usually the castle that is located on top of a mountain or hill.
30) كَأْس ‘drinking glass’
It is from the Persian word كَاسَه. Some linguist argue that it is taken from Semitic languages.

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(no homo btw ):wub:where is ?عشق
. . . .
Contrary to what some people here said, It looks like Al-Assad strike never deterred Trump or the Neo-hawks. They wanted to assassinate another “senior Iranian military” official the same year after killing Solemani.

We know during the Solemani strike they tried to killed another Quds Force Commander in Yemen, but he survived.

Contrary to what some people here said, It looks like Al-Assad strike never deterred Trump or the Neo-hawks. They wanted to assassinate another “senior Iranian military” official the same year after killing Solemani.

We know during the Solemani strike they tried to killed another Quds Force Commander in Yemen, but he survived.

Trump wanted to wreak havoc for the next president.

Nobody had deterrence anyway.

Things are different now and Trump will face a tougher world right now. Still nobody has deterrence.
Contrary to what some people here said, It looks like Al-Assad strike never deterred Trump or the Neo-hawks. They wanted to assassinate another “senior Iranian military” official the same year after killing Solemani.

We know during the Solemani strike they tried to killed another Quds Force Commander in Yemen, but he survived.

Iran got their pound of flesh out of the Americans with the downing of the E11-A BACN aircraft in Afghanistan (this is my view at least). But if this report is accurate, then most of our original gripes with the level of response to shahid Soleimani's murder was justified.

I still stand by my own comments two years ago that IRGC-Missile forces should have completely leveled multiple U.S. operated bases in Iraq with the clear outcome of outright killing troops regardless of the consequences. If this had lead to a short high-intensity conflict, then so be it. Although it's tough to say just how much of a deterring affect the Ayn Al-Assad retaliation had overall. I suspect there are some nuances here that aren't exactly being discussed in the article itself, classified discussions etc... hard for Iran to come out on-top either way. The death of such a figure simply can't be avenged by mere bombs exploding here and there on some runways/hangars.
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Iran got their pound of flesh out of the Americans with the downing of the E11-A BACN aircraft in Afghanistan (this is my view at least). But if this report is accurate, then most of our original gripes with the level of response to shahid Soleimani's murder was justified.

I still stand by my own comments two years ago that IRGC-Missile forces should have completely leveled multiple U.S. operated bases in Iraq with the clear outcome of outright killing troops regardless of the outcome. If this had lead to a short high-intensity conflict, then so be it. Although it's tough to say just how much of a deterring affect the Ayn Al-Assad retaliation had overall. I suspect there are some nuances here that aren't exactly being discussed in the article itself, classified discussions etc... hard for Iran to come out on-top either way. The death of such a figure simply can't be avenged by mere bombs exploding here and there on some runways/hangars.
Either way, it's clear it wasn't enough.

Assassinating a very high ranking general in exchange for materiel damage is well worth it, and it's no surprise they considered doing it again. Destroying a few apaches and other equipment are things they can replace. Also lose in a high-intensity conflict overall as well. So in terms of deterrent, it's not an ideal situation. Losing valuable infrastructure that puts the country behind 10-20 years is also not good. Not my words but Hajizadehs
Either way, it's clear it wasn't enough.

Assassinating a very high ranking general in exchange for materiel damage is well worth it, and it's no surprise they considered doing it again. Destroying a few apaches and other equipment are things they can replace. Also lose in a high-intensity conflict overall as well. So in terms of deterrent, it's not an ideal situation. Losing valuable infrastructure that puts the country behind 10-20 years is also not good. Not my words but Hajizadehs

Can't argue with you there brother, it's a lose-lose scenario.

Iran has swallowed a very bitter-pill that will stay with the nation/people for quite some time until they feel they're ready to kill someone of equal importance in the United States (if that's still something they want to do).

I.R.I. has still a ways to go.
Can't argue with you there brother, it's a lose-lose scenario.

Iran has swallowed a very bitter-pill that will stay with the nation/people for quite some time until they feel they're ready to kill someone of equal importance in the United States (if that's still something they want to do).

I.R.I. has still a ways to go.
I mean, theirs alot of talk about IRI intel trying to assassinate some of the people involved in the operation. So whether that's true or not I don't know, but it would be the most logical retaliation rather than a war type situation by doing a military operation.
U.S has 1.5-2 trillion barrels of shale oil reserves ( 2006-2011 sources) 5-6 times more than Venezuela.with today's U.S tech and current price of oil and gas U.S can extract up to 800-900 billion barrels from these shale oil reserves.

Right now U.S shale oil production must be somewhere between 9-10 million barrels per day.

Most of the times shale oil used as a fuel.
It relies heavily on another source of energy for extraction.:rolleyes:
Extraction methods are not that environmental friendly.


From 13 million to 12 million meanwhile shale oil production is rising.
. .
Any Iranians here know the name of the song or got a YouTube link to the full song?

The reply of your question is in the comments :

هذه فرقة ( گروه دينگو) في بندر عباس و هذه ألحان بندرية سواحلية من جنوب ايران
عادات جنوب ايران عادات خليجية ساحلية في الموسيقى و الثقافة و الطعام
this part of this music is a folklore music of southern Iran,the bendar abbas province to be exact.
here is a link in which you can download this music
they are singing in bandari and it sounds like arabic but it's not
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