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Iranian Chill Thread

It's also because Russians view Ukrainians as "fraternal brothers" but honestly this is a war and the Russians need to forget about that nonsense. Ukrainians and the west are growing bolder by the day. Russia needs to destroy all the fuel supplies in Ukraine and target electricity grids and water treatment plants. See how they like it with no fuel, electricity or water ?

That would also force millions more refugees into the west. How much more refugees can the EU handle until they buckle under the weight ? As for targeting weapons shipments, aside from satellite reconnaissance, the Russians also have spies and intelligence assets on the ground, so I'm guessing that a significant portion of the weapons shipments are being destroyed before they can ever reach the front.

Like I said though, the west/NATO don't care about Ukraine. As long as the defense contractors get compensated they couldn't care less what happens to the weapons. Anyways the Russians should stop playing games and imo take out Zelensky and the entire Ukrainian leadership. After that take out the next line up of leader and the next until the Ukrainians shaking in their boots, finally realize who's boss and agree to Russia's terms.

This is what a top US official said on record:

It is quite clear the West managed to turn Ukraine against its fraternal brother. Like they turned Azeribajian against Iran.

Also they will bleed Russia till the last Ukrainian at this point.

As for how much can the West handle....we are talking about weakening Russia so the cost is simply irrelevant because the damage done to Russia is priceless

They have been wanting to inflict damage on Russia for decades. All of NATOs expansion to this moment has been to get Russia to react in a proxy conflict to bleed Russia. Proxy conflicts are ideal for the West.
Amazing how the hardcore "Islamists" of Iran try to change history of Iran...first they try to change our language into Arabic..now as you can see of what "mohsen" is writing they are trying to make Iran's pre-Islamic history to disappear...and they have started this "elimination" process with our great founding father "Cyrus" ..next in line will be our Persian dynasties..and soon they will claim that Persians were borne "Muslim" 7000 years ago and they just did not know it until Islamic Republic came to being.....WTF!...They are playing with fire.😡😡
The Persian language will not disappear dear Aryo, obviously it is a living one. But considering the fact that Arabic words have entered this language, it is impossible to remove it from Iranian literature. Even Ferdowsi the Great Persian poet never tried such thing, he despised savagery of some elements among Arabs but praised prophet and his family and prophet's bright rules. As I said before, Arabic language has extensively empowered Persian. Unless you decided to return to the خط میخی era which is a bit impossible and also a wrong decision. You cannot remove Iranian history all of a sudden and Burn all poets, Scientific achievements in Arabic and claim that Arabic had no role in Iranian literature/science.

The other part of your comment points to the history. Honestly, Jews have written the history Books. These bastards have changed every line of history in their own favor, therefore we have no solid evidence of the past specially after Mongol invasion which resulted in Burning of valuable historical evidence. Have you asked yourself, why do the Zionists value cyrus so much? Why doesn't US empire of lies return the historical remnants of Achaemenid empire?

Try this

Iranian border guards have APCs and realistically Iran can deploy fighter jets, drones, laser guided artillery, missiles, tanks. The Taliban are really pushing their luck with both Pakistan and Iran lately. In the clip you can see the Iranian border guards are outnumbered. Perhaps the Taliban members wanted to steal the Toyota truck since they're likely not doing too well financially. The Taliban are made up of various tribal groups and militant organizations. They're not as united and centralized as most people believe. Many of them are just impoverished bandits.

Those Humvees won't last very long since they require constant parts and maintenance. They might be able to cannibalize some and keep them going for a while but currently there are literally millions starving in Afghanistan. Honestly Iran should start rounding up and deporting all illegal Afghan migrants like the Pakistanis did years ago. With Pakistan they're basically upset about the fence that Pakistan has built along their border. With Iran they're upset that Iran is preventing Afghans from crossing the border illegally. They're basically in a dire situation and want to dump their poverty stricken people onto neighboring countries.
We didn't deport them, just tiny amounts.

They are everywhere in Pakistan, even in our capital and some of our biggest cities.
Iranian border guards have APCs and realistically Iran can deploy fighter jets, drones, laser guided artillery, missiles, tanks. The Taliban are really pushing their luck with both Pakistan and Iran lately. In the clip you can see the Iranian border guards are outnumbered. Perhaps the Taliban members wanted to steal the Toyota truck since they're likely not doing too well financially. The Taliban are made up of various tribal groups and militant organizations. They're not as united and centralized as most people believe. Many of them are just impoverished bandits.

Those Humvees won't last very long since they require constant parts and maintenance. They might be able to cannibalize some and keep them going for a while but currently there are literally millions starving in Afghanistan. Honestly Iran should start rounding up and deporting all illegal Afghan migrants like the Pakistanis did years ago. With Pakistan they're basically upset about the fence that Pakistan has built along their border. With Iran they're upset that Iran is preventing Afghans from crossing the border illegally. They're basically in a dire situation and want to dump their poverty stricken people onto neighboring countries.
It might be time for iran to begin to repatriate the afghani refugees in iran,the occupation is over and the civil war is ended,so no further reason for these people to remain in iran.
Clear them out and get rid of them,should be a nice little present for the 🪳talibs🪳
I remember watching a news report a few years ago which mentioned that Pakistan deported large numbers of illegal Afghan refugees. Even their children who had been born in Pakistan and even families who had businesses in Pakistan, as long as their parents or grandparents crossed over into Pakistan illegally, they were all deported with their businesses and assets confiscated.

I'm not against limited immigration in any country, legal immigration following the proper process and procedures. However right now Iran is just recovering from sanctions and is already hosting more than 4 million Afghan refugees. Iran cannot handle anymore. Unlike Pakistan, Iran hasn't built a fence along the border. Personally I believe that illegal migrants, especially human traffickers and smugglers should put to work to build trenches, fences, obstacles, whatever it takes it to stem the tide.

Also the Taliban have been behaving in a very arrogant manner towards Iran and Pakistan lately. If they continue to behave in this manner then innevitably Iran or Pakistan or both will have no choice but to retaliate. Iran specifically has been holding back to avoid destabilizing the situation on the border, however if the Taliban keep poking and provoking, then Iran will have no choice but to retaliate in a very decisive and devastating manner.


We didn't deport them, just tiny amounts.

They are everywhere in Pakistan, even in our capital and some of our biggest cities.
I agree. It's time for Iran to crack down on illegal immigrants, confiscate all of their assets and send them back to Afghanistan. If it were up to me, human traffickers and smugglers, especially repeat offenders who are caught should be put to work to build fences, trenches, guard posts. Iran also needs to beef up security on the border. Any arrogant behavior by the Taliban should be met with drone / missile strikes on their vital targets.

It might be time for iran to begin to repatriate the afghani refugees in iran,the occupation is over and the civil war is ended,so no further reason for these people to remain in iran.
Clear them out and get rid of them,should be a nice little present for the 🪳talibs🪳
I remember watching a news report a few years ago which mentioned that Pakistan deported large numbers of illegal Afghan refugees. Even their children who had been born in Pakistan and even families who had businesses in Pakistan, as long as their parents or grandparents crossed over into Pakistan illegally, they were all deported with their businesses and assets confiscated.

I'm not against limited immigration in any country, legal immigration following the proper process and procedures. However right now Iran is just recovering from sanctions and is already hosting more than 4 million Afghan refugees. Iran cannot handle anymore. Unlike Pakistan, Iran hasn't built a fence along the border. Personally I believe that illegal migrants, especially human traffickers and smugglers should put to work to build trenches, fences, obstacles, whatever it takes it to stem the tide.

Also the Taliban have been behaving in a very arrogant manner towards Iran and Pakistan lately. If they continue to behave in this manner then innevitably Iran or Pakistan or both will have no choice but to retaliate. Iran specifically has been holding back to avoid destabilizing the situation on the border, however if the Taliban keep poking and provoking, then Iran will have no choice but to retaliate in a very decisive and devastating manner.
Agreed, although it was only insignificant amounts that were deported, it doesn't make a dent in their total population. Our border fencing isn't too reliable either, there were some reports of them cutting through it.

But we have already retaliated against the Taliban inside Afghanistan. Two or three air strikes were conducted.

They have organised protests against Iran and Pakistan now.
دارایی ندارند که توقیف کنیم
فاطمیون سازی علاج این مشکله اون هم از عناصر مفید و‌
معدنچی سازی از کسی که نتونه فاطمیون بشه

انگلستان مهاجران رو به رواندا میفرسته چون برگردن افغانستان باز میان اروپا

ما رواندا نداریم اما دیر الزور داریم
معادن دیرالزور نیرو میخوان
دیرالزور تونل کن میخواد​
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ما باید فاطمیون اهل سنت رو از پنجشیر و تاجیک و پشتون تشکیل بدیم

اسمش هم گردانهای امام ابو حنیفه و شیخ هرات​
Our good friend Qeshm fars air is heading back from Moscow. Live.



Saw some videos of tank and helicopter build up on border with Afghanistan on telegram. Couldn't get the links to work unfortunately as it looks like the site auto-censors it? anyone know how to properly link videos from telegram on here?
Saw some videos of tank and helicopter build up on border with Afghanistan on telegram. Couldn't get the links to work unfortunately, anyone know how to properly link videos from telegram on here?
Oh so its true! I saw some rumours but wasn't verifiable.

Remember how some people on here think it was good when they took over Afghanistan. Me & @TheImmortal we knew this day would come and it is only the beginning.

More murders of Afghans, will force Iran to create a buffer zone where Hazaras can live in peace. Illegals can also be deported to this safe zone where children do not have to worry about suicide bombings when going to school.

How can military and politics be separated? Modern war is organized political violence.
Strictly speaking about military equipment and specifics, technological aspects, design etc...

Saw some videos of tank and helicopter build up on border with Afghanistan on telegram. Couldn't get the links to work unfortunately as it looks like the site auto-censors it? anyone know how to properly link videos from telegram on here?
I guess you'll have to download them and then upload.
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Strictly speaking about military equipment and specifics, technological aspects, design etc...
Respectfully, i disagree with this. We should not ignore the context of war and violence. At the end of the day this technology is there to end human life and scars the planet with destruction and pollution. In a perfect world these weapons would not exist. It's kind of like talking about the technical aspects of guitars without referencing the music it makes.

For the links maybe replace the stars with "t . me" without spaces and see if it works? The links work appropriately if i paste it into my browser directly.
بافر سازی با افغانستان میتونه مفید باشه ولی خطر پهپادهای وارداتی طالبان و حمله به تاسیسات ایران میمونه
افغانستان میشه یمن برای ما
اگر مثلا ما به پی ک ک مثل یمن پهپاد بدیم ترکیه بیچاره میشه
چه تضمینی هست طالبان پهپاد دریافت نکنه

باید روابط با طالبان تا حد ممکن دوستانه بمونه
اونها دشمن زیاد دارند و جنگ با ایران باعث وا واپاشیدن مختلف میشه

اون مغزی که فاطمیون رو ساخت میتونه مشکل افغانستان رو مدیریت کنه

مدیریت افغانستان با فاطمیون سنی و شیعه

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