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Iranian Chill Thread

Connection between Ukraine war and Afghanistan/Pakistan instability:

These khawarij also tell hadith from yazeed (L) and shimr (L)

May Allah gather them in resurrection day with yazeed (L) shimr (L) and zionist pals.

Ameen Ya Rabbul Alameen.

Iranian border guards have APCs and realistically Iran can deploy fighter jets, drones, laser guided artillery, missiles, tanks. The Taliban are really pushing their luck with both Pakistan and Iran lately. In the clip you can see the Iranian border guards are outnumbered. Perhaps the Taliban members wanted to steal the Toyota truck since they're likely not doing too well financially. The Taliban are made up of various tribal groups and militant organizations. They're not as united and centralized as most people believe. Many of them are just impoverished bandits.

Those Humvees won't last very long since they require constant parts and maintenance. They might be able to cannibalize some and keep them going for a while but currently there are literally millions starving in Afghanistan. Honestly Iran should start rounding up and deporting all illegal Afghan migrants like the Pakistanis did years ago. With Pakistan they're basically upset about the fence that Pakistan has built along their border. With Iran they're upset that Iran is preventing Afghans from crossing the border illegally. They're basically in a dire situation and want to dump their poverty stricken people onto neighboring countries.

I don't know if this is the right thread


Most of these weapons transferred by the west will be destroyed long before they ever make it to the front lines. Defense contractors don't give a damn as long as they get compensated.

Recently there were some military flights between Iran and Russia. If the Russians are smart they will have purchased Iranian drones to counter the large number of drones that the west is supplying to Ukraine. Iranian drones are battle tested / proven and would compliment the Russians well.

Large fire at oil depot in Bryansk, Russia, approx 100 km away from the Ukrainian border, which is also a logistical hub for the Russian military

Honestly the Russians should stop playing softball with Ukraine. Just shut off the electricity and water for Kiev and Lviv at the very least.
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Afghan refugees being displaced / kicked out, to make way for Ukrainian refugees.

با تصمیم شورای عالی امنیت ملی، صبح امروز دو درب که از ابتدای موضوع حصر میرحسین موسوی یکی از سران فتنه 88 در بن‌بست اختر تعبیه شده بود، برداشته شد.
با تصمیم شورای عالی امنیت ملی، صبح امروز دو درب که از ابتدای موضوع حصر میرحسین موسوی یکی از سران فتنه 88 در بن‌بست اختر تعبیه شده بود، برداشته شد.
Mousavi became old enough not to be able to participate in elections?
Amazing how the hardcore "Islamists" of Iran try to change history of Iran...first they try to change our language into Arabic..now as you can see of what "mohsen" is writing they are trying to make Iran's pre-Islamic history to disappear...and they have started this "elimination" process with our great founding father "Cyrus" ..next in line will be our Persian dynasties..and soon they will claim that Persians were borne "Muslim" 7000 years ago and they just did not know it until Islamic Republic came to being.....WTF!...They are playing with fire.😡😡
Amazing how the hardcore "Islamists" of Iran try to change history of Iran...first they try to change our language into Arabic..now as you can see of what "mohsen" is writing they are trying to make Iran's pre-Islamic history to disappear...and they have started this "elimination" process with our great founding father "Cyrus" ..next in line will be our Persian dynasties..and soon they will claim that Persians were borne "Muslim" 7000 years ago and they just did not know it until Islamic Republic came to being.....WTF!...They are playing with fire.😡😡
Well I had detailed discussion with Mohsen over if there was civilisation in Iran before Islam.
Let not go in detail which one of us thinks before Islam only some migrant tribe were lived in Iran platue.
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Most of these weapons transferred by the west will be destroyed long before they ever make it to the front lines. Defense contractors don't give a damn as long as they get compensated.

Recently there were some military flights between Iran and Russia. If the Russians are smart they will have purchased Iranian drones to counter the large number of drones that the west is supplying to Ukraine. Iranian drones are battle tested / proven and would compliment the Russians well.

Large fire at oil depot in Bryansk, Russia, approx 100 km away from the Ukrainian border, which is also a logistical hub for the Russian military
Honestly the Russians should stop playing softball with Ukraine. Just shut off the electricity and water for Kiev and Lviv at the very least.

I don’t think Russia has as much real time intelligence capability as western powers. They are getting the arms thru. Some will get destroyed some might not. But it’s making the conflict longer and tougher for Russia at the expense of Ukraine’s manpower and infrastructure. Russia has started attacking Ukraine’s railway network to slow movement of weapons and equipment.

As for Iran supplying Russia with drones. It comes down to wether Russia has made the request and wether Iran has determined it would provide arms to Russia beyond small arms and plausible deniability items.

I agree with you that Russia should have taken the gloves off much earlier. If it was the West there wouldn’t be a single bottle of water that had not been bombed. Yet in the beginning of the war Russia let fuel depots and storage facilities and railway network keep running.

Reports are US will supply ANOTHER package in May and ANOTHER major one in June.

Seems like the more Russia allows the West to supply Ukraine the bolder they get. US is increasing the lethality of the weapons it’s providing each month that passes.

The hypocrisy is real. They killed Solemani under dubious evidence that Quds force was running IEDS into Iraq that killed “hundreds” of US troops. They said how that is wrong—supplying an invaded country with weapons to defend itself. Yet they are doing the same thing in Ukraine that they accuse Iran of doing.

I am Surprised that Russia is allowing this. These weapons are killing Russian soldiers and increasing the casualty toll. In Iran we can say Iran was forced to accept this as a cost of battle to save Syria from jihadi terrorists. Iran didn’t have the power to go after Israel, US, NATO while defending Syria. Risk of direct Western intervention was real . Expanding that conflict was not an option.

I imagined Russia would be in a much different position as a (former) superpower. But it seems it too must accept the reality that expanding the conflict is not in its interests at this time. Thus de facto allowance of the murder of its troops at the hands of western supplied arms.
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It's also because Russians view Ukrainians as "fraternal brothers" but honestly this is a war and the Russians need to forget about that nonsense. Ukrainians and the west are growing bolder by the day. Russia needs to destroy all the fuel supplies in Ukraine and target electricity grids and water treatment plants. See how they like it with no fuel, electricity or water ?

That would also force millions more refugees into the west. How much more refugees can the EU handle until they buckle under the weight ? As for targeting weapons shipments, aside from satellite reconnaissance, the Russians also have spies and intelligence assets on the ground, so I'm guessing that a significant portion of the weapons shipments are being destroyed before they can ever reach the front.

Like I said though, the west/NATO don't care about Ukraine. As long as the defense contractors get compensated they couldn't care less what happens to the weapons. Anyways the Russians should stop playing games and imo take out Zelensky and the entire Ukrainian leadership. After that take out the next line up of leader and the next until the Ukrainians shaking in their boots, finally realize who's boss and agree to Russia's terms.

I don’t think Russia has as much real time intelligence capability as western powers. They are getting the arms thru. Some will get destroyed some might not. But it’s making the conflict longer and tougher for Russia at the expense of Ukraine’s manpower and infrastructure. Russia has started attacking Ukraine’s railway network to slow movement of weapons and equipment.

As for Iran supplying Russia with drones. It comes down to wether Russia has made the request and wether Iran has determined it would provide arms to Russia beyond small arms and plausible deniability items.

I agree with you that Russia should have taken the gloves off much earlier. If it was the West there wouldn’t be a single bottle of water that had not been bombed. Yet in the beginning of the war Russia let fuel depots and storage facilities and railway network keep running.

Reports are US will supply ANOTHER package in May and ANOTHER major one in June.

Seems like the more Russia allows the West to supply Ukraine the bolder they get. US is increasing the lethality of the weapons it’s providing each month that passes.

The hypocrisy is real. They killed Solemani under dubious evidence that Quds force was running IEDS into Iraq that killed “hundreds” of US troops. They said how that is wrong—supplying an invaded country with weapons to defend itself. Yet they are doing the same thing in Ukraine that they accuse Iran of doing.

I am Surprised that Russia is allowing this. These weapons are killing Russian soldiers and increasing the casualty toll. In Iran we can say Iran was forced to accept this as a cost of battle to save Syria from jihadi terrorists. Iran didn’t have the power to go after Israel, US, NATO while defending Syria. Risk of direct Western intervention was real . Expanding that conflict was not an option.

I imagined Russia would be in a much different position as a (former) superpower. But it seems it too must accept the reality that expanding the conflict is not in its interests at this time. Thus de facto allowance of the murder of its troops at the hands of western supplied arms.
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IMF was so much better than this place. Shame it shut down. Before that was I think it was called network54 or something. I’m probably dating myself as a dinosaur, don’t know if anyone remembers that place.

So many of the senior members from over there that came over here ended up leaving because it was just nonsense politics/discussions and Pakistanis raiding the subsection screaming Glory to Pakistan. Even Amir doesn’t post here anymore really.

IMF was strictly military debates. None of this Zionist bogeyman in every single discussion and people thinking secret agents proweling the forums. Yeah we had fanboys who thought F-313 was going to fly in 2 years. But it was fun banter. Maybe it’s nostalgic at this point. Who knows.
Would be nice to have strictly military forum rather than repeated political discussions.

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