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Iranian Chill Thread

Pataramesh is implying tens of thousands. Salar is right.

You may disagree with Pataremesh and me and salar of course.
Seems to say 10,000+. Unless he is not expressing his English properly, and was trying to say in the several thousand.

Either way, he also said Qiam-2 covers israel but the 1000 km range doesn't signify that. What could be true is the new Qiam version with the 2nd stage booster + pull up maneuver in the later stage might be enough to propel the warhead to 1400? Maybe.
Pataramesh is implying tens of thousands. Salar is right.

You may disagree with Pataremesh and me and salar of course.

Yes Pataramesh is implying tens of thousands. No argument there.

@SalarHaqq said pataramesh claims hundreds of thousands. And since I follow Patramesh extensively I was able to find the tweet quickly.

I exposed him and he went back and changed his answer. :omghaha: You guys crack me up.


Then he changes his answer

Purim is not a real event historically.
Also those killed including Haman were probably from babel based on Old Testament.

Assuming it's not historically accurate, it has however been upheld to this day as one of the primary religious festivals in Judaism and rabbis consider it did actually take place - meaning by that the mass killing of some 70.000 Iranians including wiping out entire Persian clans.

More importantly though, certain radical zionists have referenced Purim in relation to their confrontation with Iran. Thus the event - even if imaginary, is not without impact on collective representations of zionists and their narratives on the Iranian enemy.

This last point lends legitimacy to the kind of effort undertaken by Raefipour in this regard.
Seems to say 10,000+. Unless he is not expressing his English properly, and was trying to say in the several thousand.

Either way, he also said Qiam-2 covers israel but the 1000 km range doesn't signify that. What could be true is the new Qiam version with the 2nd stage booster + pull up maneuver in the later stage might be enough to propel the warhead to 1400? Maybe.

Maybe he is wrong and I am also wrong about the numbers. Sure.

Yet he did mean 10000+ and his English is decent.

Yes Pataramesh is implying tens of thousands. No argument there.

@SalarHaqq said pataramesh claims hundreds of thousands. And since I follow Patramesh extensively I was able to find the tweet quickly.

I exposed him and he went back and changed his answer. :omghaha: You guys crack me up.

View attachment 837678

Then he changes his answer

View attachment 837677

Well like you adding stuff to Wikipedia for Bavar 373.
The odds of finding something like that is so low that I think you added that yourself for amusement. The odds of stuff man, it is so low to find it randomly.
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Yes Pataramesh is implying tens of thousands. No argument there. @SalarHaqq said pataramesh claims hundreds of thousands. And since I follow Patramesh extensively I was able to find the tweet quickly. I exposed him and he went back and changed his answer.

View attachment 837677

Yes, I had remembered a wrong order of magnitude and confused tens of thousands for hundreds of thousands. Yes, absolutely, I edited my initial message because I dislike the thought that a reader may be misled by something I posted.

I've absolutely no problem recognizing this. It doesn't change much to the discussion anyway, because the user I was responding to was questioning whether Iran has been able to produce even 10.000 missiles, so either way the source came in handy.

Nor does it vindicate your antics, I'm afraid.

Since at the end of the day, the Tweet in question contradicts your own previous assessments and very much echoes mine - in the past I had always estimated Iran's arsenal of BM's to be in the tens of thousands, you however doubted it.

Pataramesh composes a Tweet, and TheImmortal backtracks from "I'd be surprised if Iran has 10.000 missiles" (February 2022), to "it's unrealistic" to put the number of Iranian missiles at "20-25.000" (April 2022). Then follows a breakdown where he mentions figures such as 46.000 and 125.000.

As said, some slight progress here. Of course, this will hardly prevent TheImmortal from grasping at straws to cast doubt on Iran's deterrence power, but the more he backtracks on the figures, the more his attempts will ring hollow. So, he should make sure to keep it up.
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Well like you adding stuff to Wikipedia for Bavar 373.
The odds of finding something like that is so low that I think you added that yourself for amusement. The odds of stuff man, it is so low to find it randomly.

Here we go another diversion to change the topic at hand when you can’t continue your line of defense.

First Soviet tanks now a wikipedia

If you ever leave the Chill Thread and see other threads you will realize we were talking about Bavar 373 in the air defense thread the other day and discussing it’s stats. Hence why I pulled up the Wikipedia page to see what they were reporting.

The odds of you being retarded @Shawnee are increasing by each one of your posts. What happened to you man...
Evolution of Qiam



Qiam-(x) -> Qiam 3 probably:

At a certain point, the purpose of Emad may be blurred.
Or Emad will be configured with the same warheads 2nd stage like Qiam-3.
Yes, I had remembered a wrong number and confused tens of thousands for hundreds of thousands.

Pataramesh composes a Tweet, and TheImmortal backtracks from "I'd be surprised if Iran has 10.000 missiles" (February 2022), to "it's unrealistic to put the number of Iranian missiles at 20-25.000" (April 2022).

At least one of us is off by thousands and the other is off by hundreds of thousands.

Take your meds @SalarHaqq. We all know you claim needing a VPN to be “safe”. :omghaha:

Evolution of Qiam

View attachment 837679

View attachment 837680

Qiam-(x) -> Qiam 3 probably:
View attachment 837682

At a certain point, the purpose of Emad may be blurred.
Or Emad will be configured with the same warheads 2nd stage like Qiam-3.

Emad is a MaRV for the Shahab-3 replacing the first model (baby bottle) then the tri-conic cone warhead. It allows more terminal movement of warhead.

I believe the warhead in the last picture is to allow higher terminal velocity speeds during re-entry.
the other is off by hundreds of thousands.

While citing somebody else off the top of my head. My memory failed me in this particular instance, my bad, I never claimed to be infaillible. My own subjective estimates, however, have always ranged in the tens of thousands and were thus similar to Pataramesh's. This is verifiable through the search function.

The main criterion setting apart our respective inputs is this though: yours is systematically aimed at minimizing Iranian achievements, considering that your purpose here is to legitimize Iran's main enemies and dent the enthusiasm of Iranian readers. Mine on the other hand recognizes Iranian achievements and gives credit where due.

Take your meds @SalarHaqq. We all know you claim needing a VPN to be “safe”. :omghaha:

Interesting, where have I made this claim? Memory never seemed to have been your forte, otherwise you'd have remembered how less than eight months ago, you were singing praises of China's policy towards the US, while now you operate one of those typically confused, improvised u-turns with the purpose of bashing... China's policy towards the US. Hahahaha.

What else should we expect from someone who tries to argue that the US and zionist regimes have had no hand in promoting takfiri extremism across West Asia? These types will resort to nonstop Hollywood-style storytelling to entertain their audiences. Side effect of spending too much time amongst Americans and zionists, I assume.
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I believe the warhead in the last picture is to allow higher terminal velocity speeds during re-entry.
Patarmesh, seems to believe the mini stage is to help maneuvering in the exo-atmospheric stages where the warhead is easier to intercept to evade interception from Arrow-3 and THAAD like systems.
Interesting, where have I made this claim?


Why are you even using a VPN when you are in Europe of all places? Why are you setting your VPN to outside of Europe?

Very weird behavior. At least you set it to USA and not a tiny island in the Caribbean like our Island Boy friend.

It’s just intresting the staunchest defenders here of any perceived criticism of Iran are living in and paying taxes and supporting the very Western governments/countries they rally against.

I am sure your intellectual brain could be used in Iran right now to support the homeland instead of EU/Canada/US consortium. But I understand it’s not that easy to go to Iran, much easier to sit in the West as a hypocrite.

Great talking with you as always dadash. Stay away from those Euro clubs :cheers:
Patarmesh, seems to believe the mini stage is to help maneuvering in the exo-atmospheric stages where the warhead is easier to intercept to evade interception from Arrow-3 and THAAD like systems.

Yes going off the top of my head, I believe while it wouldn’t give full MaRV capability it would allow a few movements (few times?) during re entry to F-pole bleed the Patriot/Arrow.

I think with THAAD it’s much more evenly matched. Have to look at his analysis again, but I think he gives the nod to THAAD assuming all things being equal. Which makes sense, that’s the best air defense the west fields, but also limited in numbers.

Ok. I have so many reasons to disprove you now that I am paralyzed how to proceed.

First Raefipour has a couple of good videos and the rest is conspiracy theory.

نقاشی اثر اوژن فلاندن ترسیم شده در سال ۱۸۴۰ در کتاب مشترک با پاسکال کوست که آن را آرامگاه منتسب به کورش عنوان کرده‌اند.

نقاشی‌ای از آرامگاه کوروش بزرگ اثر فرصت شیرازی(۱۲۷۱ – ۱۳۳۹ق). به پایه‌های ستون‌ها توجه شود.

تصویر آرامگاه در سال ۱۹۸۹
Why are you even using a VPN when you are in Europe of all places? Why are you setting your VPN to outside of Europe?

Very weird behavior. At least you set it to USA and not a tiny island in the Caribbean like our Island Boy friend.

It’s just intresting the staunchest defenders here of any perceived criticism of Iran are living in and paying taxes and supporting the very Western governments/countries they rally against.

I am sure your intellectual brain could be used in Iran right now to support the homeland instead of EU/Canada/US consortium. But I understand it’s not that easy to go to Iran, much easier to sit in the West as a hypocrite.
Great talking with you as always dadash. Stay away from those Euro clubs :cheers:

The only people I've seen resorting to this petty objection, are zionist / NATO footmen, including expatriate Iranian oppositionists.

"Why are you living in the west when you hate it so much, boooooo!"

In your world, a person's place of residence should systematically determine their political allegiance? Fine, so what would this imply about your own motivations then?

Tell us more about how Washington and Tel Aviv bear "no responsibility" in the surfacing of modern day takfiri terrorism. How terrorism is "entirely consubstantial" to Sunni Islam, how Shia and Sunnis have been "permanently at war for 1400 years", how Imam Khomeini (ra) and Supreme Leader Khamenei (ha) are "wrong" to call for brotherly ties with Sunni Muslims. How Iran "should stop" supporting the Palestinian Resistance and rather spend every penny at home. How the British empire's divide and rule tactics are but a "figment of Basiji imagination".

Now where have I heard this sort of gibberish before? Yes, you're definitely in tune with the state you're paying taxes to, as well as with its Iranian doughboys working for "regime change" around the clock.
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