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Iranian Chill Thread

More AA systems headed to Ukraine along with 120 APCs.

Well that’s because they only had 32 of them.

32 drones against Maldova would be adequate. Against an enemy like Russia you need hundreds prob closer to thousands of attack drones.

So Iran needs to increase production by a factor of 10.

There are only so many missiles. Russia used up close to 2K missiles in just 2 months using them relatively sparingly all things considered. If Iran has 10,000 missiles that’s 20% of its stockpile, if it has 20,000 missiles that’s still 10% of its stockpile gone in 2 months.

Any thoughts that Iran has more than 20-25K guided ballistic missiles seems unrealistic, until evidence comes out to the contrary.
Tb2 are quite expensive, its a drawback that limits production. So having even 100 is alot for anyone. 32 is not small either for this particular UAV. Russia has handled these well.

Iran's drones are well over 1000+ from records in 2006, most of them probably being small recon UAVs. Based on those serial numbers of Shahed-136, theirs probably a few hundred of them. So we can reckon Iran has alot of UAVs and UAS into the 1000s. Not bad in my opinion.

If Iran had 10,000 missiles its defense needs in terms of missiles would be pretty set. Yes, Russia spent close to 2000 missiles but that is based on the number of targets in their target bank. Once the targets are destroyed the consumption rates fall dramatically. So even using 20% after destroying all your designated targets is a very healthy reserve for new sets of targets that pop up.
If Iran had 10,000 missiles its defense needs in terms of missiles would be pretty set. Yes, Russia spent close to 2000 missiles but that is based on the number of targets in their target bank. Once the targets are destroyed the consumption rates fall dramatically. So even using 20% after destroying all your designated targets is a very healthy reserve for new sets of targets that pop up.

Depends who the enemy is.

Israel—more than enough
Saudi Arabia—more than enough
PGCC-more then enough

US targets + Israel + SA + PGCC = not nearly enough.

Some targets like airbases have to routinely be struck. It’s relatively easy to put an airbase back into operation if you didn’t manage to surprise attack the aircraft on the ground (after all there is only so many fortified hangers to protect fighters some will have to be in the open).

A lot comes down to what the state of the Iranian Air Force is in a conflict and another wildcard is the number of cruise missiles produced relative to BMs.

We do not see a lot of war games using LACM like Ya Ali or the KH-55 based ones. I don’t even know if critical ones like Mobin CM (possible game changer) is even being produced. We see a lot of BMs/rockets/anti ship missiles fired during war games, not enough of LACM.

So the inventory of CMs will be critical to take pressure off the BM stockpile.
Depends who the enemy is.

Israel—more than enough
Saudi Arabia—more than enough
PGCC-more then enough

US targets + Israel + SA + PGCC = not nearly enough.

Some targets like airbases have to routinely be struck. It’s relatively easy to put an airbase back into operation if you didn’t manage to surprise attack the aircraft on the ground (after all there is only so many fortified hangers to protect fighters some will have to be in the open).

A lot comes down to what the state of the Iranian Air Force is in a conflict and another wildcard is the number of cruise missiles produced relative to BMs.

We do not see a lot of war games using LACM like Ya Ali or the KH-55 based ones. I don’t even know if critical ones like Mobin CM (possible game changer) is even being produced. We see a lot of BMs/rockets/anti ship missiles fired during war games, not enough of LACM.

So the inventory of CMs will be critical to take pressure off the BM stockpile.

I was mostly referring to 1vs1. But if theirs a coalition vs Iran then well. We're kinda f***ed anyways.

My thoughts about LACMs is either Iran has produced alot of these and have no issues with donating them to Yemen to use. Or they are dedicating production batches to them, and not much is inventoried in Iran itself. Either way, based on the numbers used in Yemen, we can confidently say that production is not an issue for Iran and actually a large number can be produced in a much shorter time than BMs in the 800km class (Quds-1).

One can even consider Qasef-1 UAS to be cruise type munitions as well. At this point you can amass quite a hefty munitions inventory. Who knows what the true inventory is, but I think it can be concluded that we can know what the true inventory can become, and that is a few thousand.

More AA systems headed to Ukraine along with 120 APCs.

Well that’s because they only had 32 of them.

32 drones against Maldova would be adequate. Against an enemy like Russia you need hundreds prob closer to thousands of attack drones.

So Iran needs to increase production by a factor of 10.

There are only so many missiles. Russia used up close to 2K missiles in just 2 months using them relatively sparingly all things considered. If Iran has 10,000 missiles that’s 20% of its stockpile, if it has 20,000 missiles that’s still 10% of its stockpile gone in 2 months.

Any thoughts that Iran has more than 20-25K guided ballistic missiles seems unrealistic, until evidence comes out to the contrary.

Optimistic guesses based on nothing but pure conjecture on my part would put Iranian PGM stocks in the high-thousands amongst all weapon types collectively:
  • cruise missiles
  • ballistic missiles
  • drones
  • precision guided rocket-artillery
  • guided traditional artillery (Iranian KRASNOPOL)
  • air launched munitions (gravity, glide and motor-assisted)
  • modern guided torpedoes etc.

Iran either knows exactly what it is doing in this regard and plans on amassing 10,000+ stock of missiles soon or it has already done so (somehow) and we're just spit-balling as to how many IRGC/Artesh have in totality and whether or not this a winning strategy which I don't think it is.

PGMs are an important part of modern warfare but they don't outright win wars on their own. A conflagration between Iran-VS-Israel or the puppet PGCC states would bear a lot fruit but a sustained conflict of any type will put massive strain on Iran's traditional military when stocks inevitably start to run low and reliance on more legacy wartime assets becomes heavier. Always scared me as to what Iran plans to exactly do when all those missiles start to run dangerously low and the enemy has adjusted to their use in combat.

I've had this... one would call it childish fantasy that Iran has been producing thousands of missiles a year and their are literally tens-of-thousands of BMs ready to go but any logical take on the matter would quickly temper such lofty expectations, even for a country like Iran which has doctrinal requirements centered around the national streamlined production of missiles.

I mean... the time, space, safety precautions, resources, methods of firing, etc. Needed to make the most out of those missiles would need to be something amazing. Iranian's are naturally gifted mathematicians and brilliant engineers, so I hope they've figured out a way which it seems like they may have to some extent.

Anyways... I'm rambling. Iran still needs good ISR capabilities to make the best use out of those weapons anyways lol.
Optimistic guesses based on nothing but pure conjecture on my part would put Iranian PGM stocks in the high-thousands amongst all weapon types collectively:
  • cruise missiles
  • ballistic missiles
  • drones
  • precision guided rocket-artillery
  • guided traditional artillery (Iranian KRASNOPOL)
  • air launched munitions (gravity, glide and motor-assisted)
  • modern guided torpedoes etc.

Iran either knows exactly what it is doing in this regard and plans on amassing 10,000+ stock of missiles soon or it has already done so (somehow) and we're just spit-balling as to how many IRGC/Artesh have in totality and whether or not this a winning strategy which I don't think it is.

PGMs are an important part of modern warfare but they don't outright win wars on their own. A conflagration between Iran-VS-Israel or the puppet PGCC states would bear a lot fruit but a sustained conflict of any type will put massive strain on Iran's traditional military when stocks inevitably start to run low and reliance on more legacy wartime assets becomes heavier. Always scared me as to what Iran plans to exactly do when all those missiles start to run dangerously low and the enemy has adjusted to their use in combat.

I've had this... one would call it childish fantasy that Iran has been producing thousands of missiles a year and their are literally tens-of-thousands of BMs ready to go but any logical take on the matter would quickly temper such lofty expectations, even for a country like Iran which has doctrinal requirements centered around the national streamlined production of missiles.

I mean... the time, space, safety precautions, resources, methods of firing, etc. Needed to make the most out of those missiles would need to be something amazing. Iranian's are naturally gifted mathematicians and brilliant engineers, so I hope they've figured out a way which it seems like they may have to some extent.

Anyways... I'm rambling. Iran still needs good ISR capabilities to make the best use out of those weapons anyways lol.
Let's just say.

For an Iranian man,.....one can never have too many books, too many poets, and too many missiles :)
Imagine driving in a normal car in Baluchistan. Like driving thru Sadr City as an American during the civil war.

What’s sad is I read the driver/bodyguard was the son of another IRGC commander.

These guys will send 100M dollars to Hamas, but not spare an armoured vehicle or protection detail for a military commander at the level of BG in one of the most dangerous provinces of Iran. Mind boggling.

There is a saying in Iran, you either die serving the country or you die because you got too maroof (assassinated).

“There’s the Iranians over there”

*points to Toyota truck*

As Taliban drive around in a convoy of armoured Humvees. Even sandal baboons have better equipment than our border guards.
The problem is that an IRGC commander driving around in a super expensive car is going to be a PR disaster, at a time when IR needs social capital. We cannot afford scandals like that of Qalibaf's family. It is a sacrifice they have to make for now.
The problem is that an IRGC commander driving around in a super expensive car is going to be a PR disaster, at a time when IR needs social capital. We cannot afford scandals like that of Qalibaf's family. It is a sacrifice they have to make for now.
Lamest excuse ever. The point being made is not that high ranking people should drive around lux cars with gold plates rather armored vehicles which can save their lives and directly the security of our nation.

These child brain arguments and attempt to deflect any criticism is a cruel joke upon our nation.

You should stop IR officials from embezzling millions of dollars or stop let their families go to trips abroad to buy ''foreign brands'' rather than cutting down on essential funding in order to save lives of our military men at the front.

Bunch of traitors and cowards.
If purim isn't a real even, then the same is the Cyrus!

Purim in only in Old Testament.

Cyrus the great is in Herodotus books, stone engravings, several other books and also Old Testament.

No old historian ever talked of Purim.
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Purim in only in Old Testament.

Cyrus the great is in Herodotus books, stone engravings, several other books and also Old Testament.

No historian ever talked of Purim.
There is no Cyrus (kurosh) in Iranian history, all are foreign sources. there are foreign books about Cyrus, but with zero credit. talking about books about the era of stone tablets is nothing but a bad joke.

Nonetheless, Purim is a real blood festival with traditions reflecting the events of that massacre, whether some people call it historic or fictitious events.
There is no Cyrus (kurosh) in Iranian history, all are foreign sources. there are foreign books about Cyrus, but with zero credit. talking about books about the era of stone tablets is nothing but a bad joke.

Nonetheless, Purim is a real blood festival with traditions reflecting the events of that massacre, whether some people call it historic or fictitious events.

Many inscriptions on the stone mention Cyrus the great. Pasargad inscriptions say his name. Every single old historian such as Xenophon and Herodotus say his name.

Purim is a myth with no proven document from any historian and overemphasis that came from Raefipour lectures.

Purim was killing of people of Babel apparently .
There is no Cyrus (kurosh) in Iranian history, all are foreign sources. there are foreign books about Cyrus, but with zero credit. talking about books about the era of stone tablets is nothing but a bad joke.

Nonetheless, Purim is a real blood festival with traditions reflecting the events of that massacre, whether some people call it historic or fictitious events.

Sorry to say so but your parents failed you badly (tu kudum ashghaldooni bozorgh shodi to bi savad arab-hendi nezhad??) , what a rubbish. Most Achaemenid kings in their inscriptions mention that they are from the line of Cyrus and Achaemenes , sorry for being rude but you should not call yourself Iranian (makes me even doubt that you are one, shayad nezhadet Hendiye)

Xerxes I in his inscription literally says "My mother is the daughter of Cyrus (Kurosh) "

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Lamest excuse ever. The point being made is not that high ranking people should drive around lux cars with gold plates rather armored vehicles which can save their lives and directly the security of our nation.

These child brain arguments and attempt to deflect any criticism is a cruel joke upon our nation.

You should stop IR officials from embezzling millions of dollars or stop let their families go to trips abroad to buy ''foreign brands'' rather than cutting down on essential funding in order to save lives of our military men at the front.

Bunch of traitors and cowards.
I believe we’re not looking at this from the viewpoint of the IRI. The solution is less about protection and far more about solving the root cause. Once these men drive around in armored vehicles the battle is lost. That means regular streets are battlefields. The same thinking pervades the West. Militarization of the police and security forces on the regular streets. We don’t want to go on that path. Until then we’re going to have to take our licks unfortunately.. Running around in armored vehicles acknowledges defeat AND it pours gas on the fire.
I believe we’re not looking at this from the viewpoint of the IRI. The solution is less about protection and far more about solving the root cause. Once these men drive around in armored vehicles the battle is lost. That means regular streets are battlefields. The same thinking pervades the West. Militarization of the police and security forces on the regular streets. We don’t want to go on that path. Until then we’re going to have to take our licks unfortunately.. Running around in armored vehicles acknowledges defeat AND it pours gas on the fire.
No one is talking about militarization of the street. Please read again carefully what we are discussing.
Driving around in up armoured vehicles means “battle is lost”?

Someone should inform every major military power in the world that protects their personnel (diplomats and military) that way.

The island boys forget that up to early 2000’s there was soldiers on every corner of Tehran. Even today you can find soldiers in sensitive areas in cities standing watch.

Driving around in 1980’s era Peugeots (Western car) is fine though. Makes sense.
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