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Iranian Chill Thread

So the civilian Shiites that die in Pakistan and Afghanistan due to your Wahabbi Sunnis deserve to die? Nice logic there baboon.

Intresting only Sunnis blow themselves up in Mosques, Schools, Busses, marketplaces. Mentally weak and incompetent forms of evil.
When people die in mosques,they are Pakistanis first then anything else.

Interestingly Iranians are themselves abusers of Pakistani and afghani shias and at the same time they show like they are worried about these shias.

Man even hypocrisy has limits.But in your case,alas!

On the side note, terrorists who kill our people in mosques or anywhere else will not be spared.We will kill them where ever we will find them.

Just your “misunderstood” and “brainwashed” Sunni :rolleyes1: killing more Shiites in Afghanistan this time a mosque, attack before a high school full of kids.

Don’t worry guys all these Shiites dying in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq. It’s okay, the Sunnis didn’t mean it, they were just misunderstood.

We await confirmation of this poor Sunni soul from our neighborhood Sunni apologist @SalarHaqq to tell us more about these innocent attackers.

This is the “religion” that the Baboon Arabians and their fellow regional ape species preach in their mosques.
And there was a bomb attack in another Sunni mosque as well. CIA/MOSAD are behind all these terrorist incidents, whether they hire a Sunni, a Shiah, or an atheist.

And a fool always remain a fool.
When people die in mosques,they are Pakistanis first then anything else.

Interestingly Iranians are themselves abusers of Pakistani and afghani shias and at the same time they show like they are worried about these shias.

Man even hypocrisy has limits.But in your case,alas!

On the side note, terrorists who kill our people in mosques or anywhere else will not be spared.We will kill them where ever we will find them.

A very roundabout way of you not condemning your fellow Sunnis who commit atrocities against Shiites in your country.

Tens of thousands of Shiites have been slaughtered by your fellow countryman and you still have to drag Iran’s name into the conversation as if giving justification to these scum for their acts.

Baboon Logic at its finest.

And there was a bomb attack in another Sunni mosque as well. CIA/MOSAD are behind all these terrorist incidents, whether they hire a Sunni, a Shiah, or an atheist.

And a fool always remain a fool.

Yes CIA also killed Imam Ali and Imam Hussein using a time machine to frame Sunnis and start a over thousand year religious divide.

These white men are very cunning :rolleyes1:
A very roundabout way of you not condemning your fellow Sunnis who commit atrocities against Shiites in your country.

Tens of thousands of Shiites have been slaughtered by your fellow countryman and you still have to drag Iran’s name into the conversation as if giving justification to these scum for their acts.

Baboon Logic at its finest.
When I say we will kill our those so called sunni fellows, it's next to condemnation.

I just want to say that Iranians should not be worried.Because for Pakistani shias, Iranians and ISIS are two sides of same coin.
Because for Pakistani shias, Iranians and ISIS are two sides of same coin.

I rest my case your honor.

You are doing a “splendid” job stopping innocent Pakistani Shiites from dying....almost as splendid as your non functioning government you have had since basically your inception. Incompetence seems to be a reoccurring theme.
I rest my case your honor.

You are doing a “splendid” job stopping innocent Pakistani Shiites from dying....almost as splendid as your non functioning government you have had since basically your inception. Incompetence seems to be a reoccurring theme.
When Pakistani soldiers die at the borders,they do not think they are dying for sunnis,they sacrifice their lives for Pakistanis(sunnis,shias,hindus, every one)

Yes Pakistani government is responsible for not protecting Pakistanis from ISIS and Iranian terrorist agencies.And we hate our government until they set their course in right direction.
Shites from these countries are used as canon fodders in syria,iraq etc. by Iranian agencies
And Iranians have died along side them.

These are soldiers not cannon fodder. But it seems like you are trying to justify these suicide bombings. I do not know why you come to this section of the forum if you have a problem with Iran and Iranians.

This is not “pummeling”.

Less than 1700 missiles fired into A country the size of Ukraine is 2 months is not “pummeling”

Russia is mostly relying on highly inaccurate artillery and rockets. Both sides are just mass firing into an area hoping they hit something. You can see footage of fields covered in postmarks for km’s. If this was Syria it would be understandable, but for Russia that fields one of the biggest and most sophisticated air forces in the world it’s underwhelming.

I think the issue here isn’t Russian underperformance against expectations it’s the Degree of Russia underperformance against expectations.

I will be honest, it shocked me. I had read reports about the poor state of Russian armed forces outside of the VDV, Chechens, and Spetnaz, and other SOF. But again it was easy to dismiss them as Western propaganda.

I knew Russian armed forces weren’t as vaunted as people thought....I saw them in Syria. During the pilot rescue attempt when Turkey shot down SU-22....during multiple UAV raids on its airbase by Wahabbi terrorist. Who can forget the rocket attacks that caused some embarrassment? Who can forget the Russian general that steps on IED after walking around it the first time?

But I was not expecting this level of underperformance.

120BTGs have been reduced to about 80BTGs give or take. That might be enough to take southeastern Ukraine, but not all of Ukraine and doubtful even Kiev with such a force.

Like @Stryker1982 corrextly said the longer the war goes on the more BTGs Ukraine can maintain and the less than less Russia will have. This is what happens when one force can do general mobilization and the other side is hamstrung by domestic politics (Russia). This is what hamstrung US in Afghansitsn and Iraq from increasing troop counts and maintaining them. In case of Iran-Iraq war both sides could do general mobilization.

This military operation could only be successful under 2 conditions:

1) Russia completely blitzkreigs Ukraine and Ukraine folds faster than lawn chair

2) Russian forces were vastly more skilled to Ukraine soldiers at a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio.

You have to remember Iran raised a 10M army and Saddam countered that by raising a less than 2M man army. But even with that many troops, without western and Arab aid Saddam wouldn’t be able to hold back the Iranian Shiite Wave.

Thus US and West stepped in to make sure Iran couldn’t utilize its numbers to overrun Iraq and the Middle East. Iran also helped by doing very archaic human wave attacks and other nonsensical strategies.

In Ukraine, it’s a much much much smaller example in reverse. Ukraine can maintain enough BTGs thru mobilization and volunteer while Russia without general mobilization cannot hope to match it.

Thus the war in Ukraine may be over sooner than people think. Either Russia captures Southern Ukraine and negotiates or the frontlines freeze more or less where they are and a ceasefire is agreed.

It all comes down to the Donbass offensive.

I can't imagine they will be very successful after Donbass offensive. If they achieve a victory it would come with alot of cost that would render them incapable of more offensives.
People will constantly come up with lies and excuses to justify failures. They do it al the time for incompetent decisions in the Iranian military establishment.

Either this war ends soon, or Russia commits to a general mobilization to continue a long war. Alot of their current disadvantages could be offset but Tac air but Russian tac air is no where to be seen.
In other news a commander was almost assassinated the other day in Baluchistan, his body guard was killed when his car was shot at.

Of course, as. expected higher ranking persons are not traveling in government issued armoured cars, or MRAPs so this intelligence operation to assassinate him was easy, made easier by stupid people in charge, I suppose after 6 or 7 assassinations, they haven't learned anything.
I can't imagine they will be very successful after Donbass offensive. If they achieve a victory it would come with alot of cost that would render them incapable of more offensives.
People will constantly come up with lies and excuses to justify failures. They do it al the time for incompetent decisions in the Iranian military establishment.

Either this war ends soon, or Russia commits to a general mobilization to continue a long war. Alot of their current disadvantages could be offset but Tac air but Russian tac air is no where to be seen.

Mission creep is what killed this war:

It went from liberating the separatist republics which was a very high probability success war then it changed to taking half of Ukraine now it’s changed to taking Southern Ukraine.

Russian commander just did another mission Creep and said the entire coastline of Ukraine is our objective and connecting to the Maldova separatist republic.

How are they going to take Odessa with such a limited force?

I am seeing video of some units from Mariupol already returning back to Russia to rest. Strange considering the lack of manpower on Russian side.

Like I said the Donbass offensive is make or break. This war will have ramifications for Iran and China for years to come.
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