The biggest threat to the Islamic Revolution is no longer the US or Israel. It's the increasing secularism in Iran. If Iran can play the long game then so can it's enemies.
The non-military threat is certainly paramount, but at the same time I would caution against taking at face value the kind of "reports" you'll find in mainstream (read: western-zionist) media on the topic.
For here too, I can see signs of the enemy shooting itself in the foot. The enemy's grand strategy against Iran is following the motto "throw all you can at them, something's going to stick" (to paraphrase a neoconservative zionist at the "American Enterprise Institute"), and this is bound to be fraught with too many self-contradictory and mutually neutralizing effects.
As an example, the enemy through its liberal fifth column is insisting on continued anti-natalist policies despite the fact that Iran has reached a deficit in natality which according to every serious expert in demographic studies, including western ones, is potential fatal to a nation and can only be compensated by mass immigration if not immediately reversed. The first victim of such a trend is in fact the economy, contrary to the flawed argumentation put forth by liberals. Now, whilst this is indeed an urgent existential threat to Iran as a whole, ironically the liberal strata of the population are most affected: the more secular minded they are, the less they breed. So, despite the fact that the dilemma has crept into religious parts of Iranian society as well, the latter are significantly less concerned by it than the secularized, liberal ones. Net result: the proportion of secularists relative to religious folk is decreasing.
Secondly, the Islamic Republic's institutional system is fool proof. It was devised by what can only be viewed as political geniuses who really thought through every conceivable short and long term threat to its survival, including when it comes to infiltration and subversion from within.
Thirdly, one may counter that such a institutionally steadfast system will still be exposed to the risks of popular upheaval if and when the percentage of citizens with completely opposite beliefs surpasses a certain threshold. However, I am of the conviction that the liberal, secularized crowd is and will be incapable of structured, decisive political mobilization. The assessment is grounded in an examination of said crowd's social and psychological consistency. And it is, once more, an involuntary result of the enemy's strategy against Iran. After all, secular lifestyle is known to be one of infinite sadness and hollow aimlessness, a primordially necrophiliac existence in the Jungian sense (that which Carl Jung actually rejected), which may only be compensated by what Brzezinsky advocated to keep the masses busy with (the infamous "tittytainment"). Populations subjected to this condition will be increasingly zombified nonetheless. And zombification implies lacking impulse in terms of sustained political mobilization, the kind of which would be required to overthrow a political order with rock solid foundations such as the Islamic Republic.
Just have a look at contemporary secularized Iranians: they are a permanently frustrated, enraged, anxious and/or depressed bunch, more often than not deeply ill-mannered (little to no
akhlaq, little to no
shakhsiat), often displaying rampant cynicism, and widely suffering from variable degrees of psychological imbalance. Other than the devastating impact of secularist thought and lifestyle, they are furthermore subjected to the endless morbidity cultivated in their minds by the enemy's massive psy-ops campaign. They are therefore a species that is gradually disappearing from the political scene, insofar as no ground breaking political initiative can be expected from them. Contrast this with the vital force, the essential serenity and confidence which religious people in the traditional sense are generally endowed with. In a showdown between the two groups, this inherent advantage will make up for any disparity in numbers, as we've already had the pleasure to witness on several occasions in Islamic Iran.
Lastly, the enemy is on a downward slope. The zio-American empire has entered its phase of decline, whereas the Islamic Revolution has only just begun. Let them play the long game, time is not on their side.