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Iranian Chill Thread

The only people I've seen resort to this petty objection, are zionist / NATO footmen, including expatriate Iranian oppositionists.

"Why are you living in the west when you hate it so much, boooooo!"

Further down the rabbit hole/
Kos Khol Salar goes

Notice how the rest of us who live in Western countries don’t sit and write Mein Kempf novels about the anti-western societies and how IR of Iran is the beacon of humanity and the model we should all follow. Then go there, why are you staying in Europe? Does mommy and daddy not allow you? Do you have no savings? Why do you call everyone western dispora when you are one yourself? It’s very concerning mental behavior.

You are hypocrite shill who sees Zionist/NATO everywhere while you live in the EU/NATO member country sucking on its tit. The hypocrisy is almost suffocating.

Personally I thought you were autistic for a while because you showed some flashes of intellectual knowledge in between your anti Western tirades and mass paranoia.

Now I just think you suffer from some weird fanboyism extremist thinking hence why you hide behind a VPN hiding your real identity and who knows what # alt account this is because you keep getting banned or having to change your persona.

Get well and continue arguing with yourself.
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Ok. I have so many reasons to disprove you now that I am paralyzed how to proceed.

First Raefipour has a couple of good videos and the rest is conspiracy theory.

نقاشی اثر اوژن فلاندن ترسیم شده در سال ۱۸۴۰ در کتاب مشترک با پاسکال کوست که آن را آرامگاه منتسب به کورش عنوان کرده‌اند.

نقاشی‌ای از آرامگاه کوروش بزرگ اثر فرصت شیرازی(۱۲۷۱ – ۱۳۳۹ق). به پایه‌های ستون‌ها توجه شود.

تصویر آرامگاه در سال ۱۹۸۹
That's what you see in the video, all the material from around that tomb has been transferred to a nearby flat ground to literally BUILD a fucking palace for our king. if this is not a forging of history then what it is?
That's what you see in the video, all the material from around that tomb has been transferred to a nearby flat ground to literally BUILD a fucking palace for our king. if this is not a forging of history then what it is?

Pourpirar ideas are solely his own. He is a weird antisemite antipersian creature

There are numerous old inscriptions on these buildings as Pourpirar says in the videos. You cannot forge these inscriptions and make everyone accept that.

Interesting that the makers are Pourpirar and Saeed Emami:)


به خاطر همین کثافت کاری های شریعتمداری و پورپیرار آدم اشتباهات امثال ظریف رو فراموش میکنه
Pourpirar ideas are solely his own. He is a weird antisemite antipersian creature

There are numerous old inscriptions on these buildings as Pourpirar says in the videos. You cannot forge these inscriptions and make everyone accept that.

Interesting that the makers are Pourpirar and Saeed Emami:)

View attachment 837704

It doesn't matter who he is, his argument should be countered, his documents should be answered, but some people find the "character assassination" easier than finding a logical answer!

Question deleted, so no answer is needed!
It doesn't matter who he is, his argument should be countered, his documents should be answered, but some people find the "character assassination" easier than finding a logical answer!

Question deleted, so no answer is needed!

It doesn't matter who he is, his argument should be countered, his documents should be answered, but some people find the "character assassination" easier than finding a logical answer!

Question deleted, so no answer is needed!

The guy says Cyrus exists and you say he did not exist. He says Cyrus was killed in Babel with zero proof. He has to bring proof.

His arguments are so deviated that you have to disprove every line of it.

I don’t want to disprove a load of conspiracy crap made by
Legendary Saeed Emami feat. Pourpirar
Further down the rabbit hole/
Kos Khol Salar goes

Look at the Americanized subject resorting to ad hominems and insults, the only category of Persian vocabulary he seems to have gotten thoroughly familiarized with. Bets are open as to whether he ever read a single item of classic Iranian literature, but faithful to the American "culture", will be guaranteed to display a certain mastery of profanity.

Notice how the rest of us who live in Western countries don’t sit and write Mein Kempf novel about the anti-western societies and how IR of Iran is the beacon of humanity and the model we should all follow.

Ah, the Nazis again... Because they're so central to Iranian history, aren't they! Please keep the western-centric perspective to yourself, conscious patriots aren't interested.

Then go there!

And you kindly stay in the USA then, your beacon of reference. Whilst there, you can dream as often as you wish of American imperialists returning to Iran, and of anti-IR expatriates getting to have a say in Iranian affairs after more than four decades. Dreams are free, even in the savage dog-eat-dog capitalism which prevails in the US. Why haven't they privatize dreams yet? My guess would be that the US regime intends to start out with the air its citizens breathe (anything else would amount to "communism", of course), dreams can come later.

You are hypocrite shill who sees Zionist/NATO everywhere while you live in the EU/NATO member country sucking on its tit. The hypocrisy is almost suffocating.

So you are not hypocritical because you, unlike me, are politically in line with the country you're staying in, correct? What does this imply about your respective loyalty to the US and Iran?

Surely this might explain your denials regarding zio-American involvement in the destruction of Muslim nations.

You can't go as far as to pretend that Washington is not interested in destabilizing Iran herself, for that would be an affront to everyone's intelligence, wouldn't it. Granted, you're trying, gradually. As reflected in one of your latest "pearls of wisdom", where you were peddling the strange notion that Reagan had gone out of his way to establish friendly and mutually beneficial ties with Iran, but the bad old Islamic Republic rejected Reagan's well-meaning overtures! What audacity by evil evil mullahs to turn down a US president's fair and balanced peace offer! Hahahahahahaha.

Personally I thought you were autistic for a while because you showed some flashes of intellectual knowledge in between your anti Western imperialism tirades.

I can only grin at these self-defeating retorts, for each new message is akin to another round of self-exposure. Wonder whether you're realizing it or simply being too enraged to keep a clear mind.

Case in point: intellectual knowledge can never challenge western imperialism, these two are mutually exclusive, "TheImmortal" is now telling us. Clap, clap, clap!

Now I just think you suffer from some weird fanboyism extremist thinking hence why you hide behind a VPN hiding your real identity and who knows what # alt account this is because you keep getting banned or having to change your persona.

Hahahahaha. It's amusing to read your baseless assessments. Whether the topic is the Iranian military or my person, you're offering more of the same.

Get well.

If I was an average American, this would seem pretty appropriate a wish, but alas.
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Iran probably has much more than 20.000 ballistic missiles in store. I trust Patarames far more than any other source (especially those with a tendency to rehash NATO propaganda) on this, and what he was suggesting as of late is that the BM arsenal meanwhile is in the tens of thousands of units.

Drones probably in the thousands, we saw production figures from many years ago on that photographed poster, just use this as a basis and extrapolate a rational guess.

Iran has enough to pulverize strategic key assets of any aggressor several times over, including and especially the US regime plus all its allies.

Of course in ten, twenty, thirty years from now, when Iran will be as safe as ever from military aggression, the anti-IR crowd will still be seen nagging and issuing more of the same baseless alarmist drivel, while their audience will have forgotten how wrong these elements have been all the time.

Respectively speaking brother, I simply do not think this is the case.

Those numbers just don't really coincide with any sort of reality that one can rationalize with because of all of the necessary logistical/storage related assets needed to maintain all these weapons. I can entertain 10,000 BMs (maybe) but 20,000 or more is really pushing the constraints of what a nation can feasibly do before it teeters on the edge of utter insanity.

Imagine the sheer amounts of physical space needed to store thousands upon thousands of booster sections not just the warheads... I mean, hey if they found a way to do it that being decades of boring into mountain sides to create space for them, then so be it. More power to them, but then again my gut feeling is telling that Iran doesn't have that many but still enough to complete its wartime objectives as well as establish conventional counter-force deterrence.
theirs military.ir but that's all I can think of.

IMF was so much better than this place. Shame it shut down. Before that was I think it was called network54 or something. I’m probably dating myself as a dinosaur, don’t know if anyone remembers that place.

So many of the senior members from over there that came over here ended up leaving because it was just nonsense politics/discussions and Pakistanis raiding the subsection screaming Glory to Pakistan. Even Amir doesn’t post here anymore really.

IMF was strictly military debates. None of this Zionist bogeyman in every single discussion and people thinking secret agents proweling the forums. Yeah we had fanboys who thought F-313 was going to fly in 2 years. But it was fun banter. Maybe it’s nostalgic at this point. Who knows.
IMF was so much better than this place. Shame it shut down. Before that was I think it was called network54 or something. I’m probably dating myself as a dinosaur, don’t know if anyone remembers that place.

So many of the senior members from over there that came over here ended up leaving because it was just nonsense politics/discussions and Pakistanis raiding the subsection screaming Glory to Pakistan. Even Amir doesn’t post here anymore really.

IMF was strictly military debates. None of this Zionist bogeyman in every single discussion and people thinking secret agents proweling the forums. Yeah we had fanboys who thought F-313 was going to fly in 2 years. But it was fun banter. Maybe it’s nostalgic at this point. Who knows.

Omg... the IMF obsession over the Qaher-313 drove me nuts, it's a totally bunk project that should have never gotten any sort of green-light due to how ambitious if not outright outlandish of a project it is/was/or may be.

(Looks like shit as well).

Money is better spent trying to develop other indigenous technologies imo.
None of this Zionist bogeyman in every single discussion and people thinking secret agents proweling the forums.

Yes, and no maneuvering room to try and propagate that Washington was innocent in the takfiri aggression against Syria. Anyone remotely suggesting such a thing would certainly have been decisively countered by an overwhelming majority at that IMF place, assuming it was worthy of its name.



Nah, the CIA and America had "nothing to do with it". Mossad and the zionist regime? Nope, these are completely "incapable" of such malice.

It's just a fictitious "bogeyman" conjured up by "antisemitic Nazi" Iranians who like to cover up the "inherent savagery" of Sunnis as well as the "never ending incompetence" of Iran's ruling establishment.

You'd think some are volunteering to stand in for zionist trolls when the latter desert the Iranian section.

- - - - -

Yes CIA also killed Imam Ali and Imam Hussein using a time machine to frame Sunnis and start a over thousand year religious divide.

These white men are very cunning :rolleyes1:

Nice try, except that Amir ol-Mo'menin (as) wasn't martyred by a Sunni, genius.

You suggest we are exaggerating the role of zionists and western imperialists, yet you yourself tend to charge Sunnis with cross-historic animosity against Shias. Every epoch has devils of its own. In Amir ol-Mo'menin's case it was a Khwarijite, today however it is the zio-American empire which supersedes and is pulling the strings of the smaller, less resourceful evildoers acting on its behalf as the shills and useful idiots they are.

No amount of deflection could exonerate the masterminds and sponsors of takfiri terrorism, who cultivated these barbarians in order to throw them at the Resistance Axis and other adversaries of the empire, from 1980's Afghanistan to Chechnya and Iraq, Libya, Syria in recent decades. And no, the ideology of these goons has nothing to do with orthodox Sunni Islam.
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