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Iranian Chill Thread

You don't get it these sort of things only lead to situation like Iraq in 2006
Totally different people/situation and politics. Iranians are not violent, even when dealing with their low IQ mullah goon ham-mihans, they do not resort to violence. So comparing Iran's situation with Iraq shows that you are a simpleton to be honest.

And that was not what the topic was about. It was about some lowlife mullahs getting killed, and many Iranians would care as much as they care about waste in the restroom.
If I only I could like a post most than once..... As a native born American (son of two Iranian immigrants) your post hits really close to home lol.

Absolutely correct Stryker!

Iran's proactive policy within the region has taken the fight to the enemy and has kept mainland Iran relatively safe. Iranian strategic decision making in this regard has chosen the correct path given the context/circumstances. Unfortunately the Russian Federation never really possessed this sort of initiative after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and subsequent sacking of the nation by American vultures under Yeltsin. Putin is a glimmer of Russian stability and return to form amongst a historic sea of disarray.

(I can't believe I'm saying this) but if push comes to shove, I sincerely think Iranians along with China need to provide the Russian Federation with any help it requires if the situation gets bad enough. The world balance cannot afford to see Russia being once again relegated to some woefully floundering regional power ruled by corrupt oligarchs taking orders from Washington. Although the Russians haven't been the best "allies". We need to be thinking 10, 20, 30 or more years into the future here. If Russia falls, they'll refocus their efforts on Iran, then China. So naturally it's imperative for Iranian security that Russia remains stable and powerful for the foreseeable future. Hopefully current leaders within the Russian Federation have seen the worth of Iran and are willing to "scratch their backs" so to say, in the form of 4+ generation aircraft and AWACS but that's still a somewhat dubious hope. Don't know what the future holds but I hope things will turn out for the best.

Back to the subject at hand though.-- I.R.I has powerful buffers between it and its aggressors which has granted the nation resounding safety from any American plans to launch kinetic strikes into mainland Iran. Retaliatory measures available to Iran in 2022 will be devastating to any American asset/ally in the region. One cannot even begin to fathom the level of destruction Iranian armed forces can wreak upon the region within literal minutes...
Damn right brother. Good post.

The question is where in Tehran . Are you willing to walk for example around shush or south of molavi after 10pm for relaxation ?
Cherry picking anyone? Come on! What kind of argument is that? Are you seriously comparing the two?
The question is where in Tehran . Are you willing to walk for example around shush or south of molavi after 10pm for relaxation ?

I have walked in Yakchi Abad and Ali Abad at 2 am. Makes shush or molavi look like paradise. Mostly just drug addicts in the streets.

I wouldn’t advise being by yourself in any major city after 2 am when walking thru “quiet isolated” areas. That’s just common sense.

I have walked NYC Manhattan/Soho/Downtown at 3 am and it was fine. Police here and there. But I wouldn’t recommend walking the Bronx at 3 am.
I have walked in Yakchi Abad and Ali Abad at 2 am. Makes shush or molavi look like paradise. Mostly just drug addicts in the streets.

I wouldn’t advise being by yourself in any major city after 2 am when walking thru “quiet isolated” areas. That’s just common sense.

I have walked NYC Manhattan/Soho/Downtown at 3 am and it was fine. Police here and there. But I wouldn’t recommend walking the Bronx at 3 am.

You can walk at 2 AM in 90 percent of Tehran.
Bache joooon..... you try walking middle class or even rich areas of New York and London at night and then come talk..... you DO NOT UNDESTAND violence, until you have lived in the UK and US.
Iranians are bombarded with BS every day, and they can not distiguish BS from truth......
Whatever . I threat people who are stabbed in Tehran so don't tell me I don't knew violence . I knew it far more than you.
By the way I may be as old as your father

Damn right brother. Good post.

Cherry picking anyone? Come on! What kind of argument is that? Are you seriously comparing the two?
Not cherry picking just wanted to point out every city have districts that are not suitable for relaxation walking at midnight. Other wise around my home which is at north west of Tehran I do that relaxation walking at midnight.
You can walk at 2 AM in 90 percent of Tehran.
I say around 75% to 80% but still its the same in any big city so you can't say you can't do that in seater or Los Angeles or Vancouver but you can do it in Tehran.
Whatever . I threat people who are stabbed in Tehran so don't tell me I don't knew violence . I knew it far more than you.
By the way I may be as old as your father

Not cherry picking just wanted to point out every city have districts that are not suitable for relaxation walking at midnight. Other wise around my home which is at north west of Tehran I do that relaxation walking at midnight.
ok...what does that have to do with the crazy sweeping charge by Suzie? Of course there's crime everywhere.
Whatever . I threat people who are stabbed in Tehran so don't tell me I don't knew violence . I knew it far more than you.
By the way I may be as old as your father

Parts of Tehran/Iran are dangerous (nobody is denying that), but what we are acknowledging is the objectively high rates of violent and random crime that occurs within the continental United States even within "higher class" areas, let alone lower socioeconomic ones for a supposedly "first world" country. Living here and having been unfortunate enough to both come across and experience it first-hand. Iranians just simply have it MUCH better in this regard, flat-out. It helps that Iranians look like one another (generally), talk the same language and have a shared cultural identity and religion. America on the other hand... lol, it's really beginning to feel like a free-for-all depending on the area. If you're unlucky enough to have been born or end up in a place where the economy is shit or there is lots of gang/drug activity. Odds are you're going to encounter some sort of crime happening either around you or to you. Good thing we have rights to carry firearms although from a moral standpoint, if a society is compelled to need firearms. Then something is wrong with the people/culture/environment. I'll probably end up owning several firearms of my own sooner or later but I need to save up some money first. Such an acquisition comes from a place of fear, not strength or safety (at least for me).

Anyways...America (outside of Canada lol) has a rampant problem with criminality that has recently exploded due to COVID-19, BLM race riots, inflation, rapidly increasing political instability and general tensions along race/ethnic lines. It's a situation that cannot easily remedy itself and will most likely be the impetus that sets the bedrock for America's eventual downfall and dissolution of U.S. as a nation. You could think of it as "Rome burning" essentially.

People here really don't like one another. This is a point I cannot stress enough to those outside of these "United" States. You're race, skin-color, ethnicity, background, attractiveness, religion, political-views, job title, social position, income, wealth: just about any category defining metric will determine how most Americans will either perceive or interact with you. It's nearly unavoidable as well. Like it or not, you're going to put into a group against your will.

There was a time where many American citizens would have identified politically as "center" or "independent". Recently, after Obama's polarizing presidency which saw a dramatic rise in Black Afro-centric political awareness that caused racial tensions to flare up again. That was followed up by a tense 2016 election which saw both Democrats and Republicans (mainly radicalized progressive liberals) resort to utter slander and harassment of the other side. Leading to an election where the majority of people were simply voting so that the other person wouldn't get it in lol. Trump's further radicalization of American political landscape due to his ego, demeanor and how he carried himself as the head-of-state. More or less put in the nail in America's coffin. There really isn't going to be a way for American's to go back to a politically more stable time especially given that the USD world order to eroding away into a firmly multi-polar one.

Idk.... I could go way more in-depth about this but you get the basic idea of what's going on.

To sum it up succinctly, it's a total shit-show.
Parts of Tehran/Iran are dangerous (nobody is denying that), but what we are acknowledging is the objectively high rates of violent and random crime that occurs within the continental United States even within "higher class" areas, let alone lower socioeconomic ones for a supposedly "first world" country. Living here and having been unfortunate enough to both come across and experience it first-hand. Iranians just simply have it MUCH better in this regard, flat-out. It helps that Iranians look like one another (generally), talk the same language and have a shared cultural identity and religion. America on the other hand... lol, it's really beginning to feel like a free-for-all depending on the area. If you're unlucky enough to have been born or end up in a place where the economy is shit or there is lots of gang/drug activity. Odds are you're going to encounter some sort of crime happening either around you or to you. Good thing we have rights to carry firearms although from a moral standpoint, if a society is compelled to need firearms. Then something is wrong with the people/culture/environment. I'll probably end up owning several firearms of my own sooner or later but I need to save up some money first. Such an acquisition comes from a place of fear, not strength or safety (at least for me).

Anyways...America (outside of Canada lol) has a rampant problem with criminality that has recently exploded due to COVID-19, BLM race riots, inflation, rapidly increasing political instability and general tensions along race/ethnic lines. It's a situation that cannot easily remedy itself and will most likely be the impetus that sets the bedrock for America's eventual downfall and dissolution of U.S. as a nation. You could think of it as "Rome burning" essentially.

People here really don't like one another. This is a point I cannot stress enough to those outside of these "United" States. You're race, skin-color, ethnicity, background, attractiveness, religion, political-views, job title, social position, income, wealth: just about any category defining metric will determine how most Americans will either perceive or interact with you. It's nearly unavoidable as well. Like it or not, you're going to put into a group against your will.

There was a time where many American citizens would have identified politically as "center" or "independent". Recently, after Obama's polarizing presidency which saw a dramatic rise in Black Afro-centric political awareness that caused racial tensions to flare up again. That was followed up by a tense 2016 election which saw both Democrats and Republicans (mainly radicalized progressive liberals) resort to utter slander and harassment of the other side. Leading to an election where the majority of people were simply voting so that the other person wouldn't get it in lol. Trump's further radicalization of American political landscape due to his ego, demeanor and how he carried himself as the head-of-state. More or less put in the nail in America's coffin. There really isn't going to be a way for American's to go back to a politically more stable time especially given that the USD world order to eroding away into a firmly multi-polar one.

Idk.... I could go way more in-depth about this but you get the basic idea of what's going on.

To sum it up succinctly, it's a total shit-show.

If we are talking about intentional homicide/murder rate than US is statistically significantly higher than Iran

If we are looking at overall crime Index than Iran is statistically slighter higher than US

Now people can disagree why there is more murder in US (culture, historical reasons, etc).

One reason we cannot overlook is the ability to not only purchase hand guns, but also semi automatic guns that allow mass killings. Add in the fact that Republicans and the NRA have refused to more stringent background checks and you have the ability for mentally unstable to have easy access to firearms.

Weapons have become a propaganda partisan issue in US where Republicans claim democrats are trying to “steal your rights”. No amount of school shootings or mass shooting events will change that.
President of the People..for the people...by the people..

Raisi take city train (metro) to go for inspections and during his train ride talks to average folks in the train :smitten:now that is what I call democracy.


If we are talking about intentional homicide/murder rate than US is statistically significantly higher than Iran

If we are looking at overall crime Index than Iran is statistically slighter higher than US

Now people can disagree why there is more murder in US (culture, historical reasons, etc).

One reason we cannot overlook is the ability to not only purchase hand guns, but also semi automatic guns that allow mass killings. Add in the fact that Republicans and the NRA have refused to more stringent background checks and you have the ability for mentally unstable to have easy access to firearms.

Weapons have become a propaganda partisan issue in US where Republicans claim democrats are trying to “steal your rights”. No amount of school shootings or mass shooting events will change that.

Agreed and well said!

Some individuals simply shouldn't be allowed access to firearms, period. Having obtained my university degree (bachelors) in Psychology and dealing with troubled people in the Social Work/Healthcare field. It's beyond clear that a vast contingent of Americans suffer from some form of mental instability that can affect how they use or abuse their 2nd amendment rights especially in such a tense sociopolitical climate. It also needs to be said that there are way too many accidental deaths from firearms ending up in the hands of children/minors who don't know any better, wind up shooting themselves or others. So many cases where this happens.....

Eh.....idk brother... I wish things weren't this way here in America. I love America quite a bit lol, just sad to see it the way it is currently you know?
Iran Russian getting closer.

Russia, Iran hold major economic forum to expand ties​

Thursday, 07 April 2022 5:12 PM [ Last Update: Thursday, 07 April 2022 5:12 PM ]

US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) (L) talks with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) during a rally with fellow Democrats before voting on H.R. 1, or the People Act, on the East Steps of the US Capitol on March 08, 2019 in Washington, DC. (AFP photo)

Iranian and Russian economic delegations meet in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (TPPRF) in Moscow on April 7, 2022. (Photo via IRNA)
Russia has hosted a major economic forum attended by a large Iranian delegation as the two countries seek to expand their trade and economic cooperation.
Iran’s official IRNA news agency said in a Thursday report that representatives from more than 300 Russian businesses and companies had attended the gathering held earlier in the day at the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (TPPRF) in Moscow.
An Iranian economic delegation attended the meeting which authorities said was aimed at studying new capacities for economic and trade cooperation between Iran and Russia, said the report.
It said that more than 53 Iranian private businesses were represented in the forum where TPPRF President Sergey Katyrin highlighted the importance of the close cooperation between Iran and Russia in light of the current political and economic circumstances in the region.
Russia has been facing a raft of economic sanctions from the US and European countries since it started a military operation in Ukraine in February.
The sanctions are much similar to a series of bans imposed on Iran by the United States since 2018 when Washington pulled out of an international deal on Iran’s nuclear program and started a campaign of maximum economic pressure on Tehran.

Iran decided to increase its trade ties with Russia since US sanctions were imposed through signing an agreement with the Russia-led EAEU bloc of Eurasian economies.

Trade ties between Iran and Russia exceeded $4 billion in value terms over the Iranian calendar year to March. However, the two countries have insisted the figure could more than double because of new geopolitical situation in the region.

“The goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to increase our trade turnover to at least $10 billion in the short-term,” Iranian deputy trade minister Alireza Peymanpak said on Wednesday while addressing Iranian and Russian delegates in Moscow.

I wonder if this is a continuation of the recent attacks leading up to the Arab-Israeli summit or in response to recent settler violence since Ramadan started. The former is more impressive and indicates that the Palestinian resistance is finally carrying out sustained operations rather than one-off attacks.

Eh.....idk brother... I wish things weren't this way here in America. I love America quite a bit lol, just sad to see it the way it is currently you know?

It'll get worse, the most successful republicans will be Trump-esque from here on out and people only vote for democrats because they perceive the other side as being rude. Neither party has anything to offer anyone who isn't a billionaire. America has entered it's terminal decline and there is no interest in the political elite to do anything about it, they'll still be able to squeeze money out of the people for decades before it finally runs out.
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