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Iranian Chill Thread

باز برگه دیگری از موفقیت همسایه ها در نفوذ سینمایی

کشور همسایمون داره مرتب با سریال هاش نفوذ نرم پیدا میکنه. کارگردان های ما سی ساله مشغول داستان های تخمی عاشقانه و بازی با خط قرمزهان. طلبکار هم هستند. چه گهی خوردین که طلبکارین.

روحانیتمون هم که هالو و سرشون یا تو حجره دو متریشون یا تو فساد

#رسانه نقطه زن​
Xoşamded bradaran.

Ainda sal şayed, man be şehr-i-esfahan safar xo-ahm karde. Xanvade man ahl esfahan hostned. InşAllah visa man barai asan ast. Man ek saval daram: aye ghaza dar Iran zabiha halal ast ya ne
I can't understand half of what you are asking, but as for your last question: yes, all foods in Iran are hilal.

باز برگه دیگری از موفقیت همسایه ها در نفوذ سینمایی

کشور همسایمون داره مرتب با سریال هاش نفوذ نرم پیدا میکنه. کارگردان های ما سی ساله مشغول داستان های تخمی عاشقانه و بازی با خط قرمزهان. طلبکار هم هستند. چه گهی خوردین که طلبکارین.

روحانیتمون هم که هالو و سرشون یا تو حجره دو متریشون یا تو فساد

#رسانه نقطه زن​
از جمهوری اسلامی چیزی به نام هنر در نمیاد. از بیخ و بن با هنر مشکل دارن
تمامی فیلم سازهای خوب همین سینما امروزی ما هم از نسل زمان شاه هستند. یه نگاه به توئیتر بنداز می بینی دانشکده هنر دانشگاه تهران چه خبر هست. همون یه کیس کیوان امامی برای دیدن اینکه اونجا چه خبر هست کافیه​
Ok lets help the Italian military intelligence guy on his database :lol:

Haha, you tell them, baraadar.

Maybe Italian military intelligence, or maybe even French (or Canadian or Belgian or Swiss) military intelligence. Have a look at how the user spelled the name "Israel":

View attachment 665417

To my knowledge, in no other language than the French does the letter e in "Israel" take on a diaeresis. However if they are well trained, military intelligence members would possibly drop "false hints" to mislead their readers about who their employers are. So this is all just speculation on my part.

What contributes to my questioning, is the fact that in the user's follow-on reply, the specific part of your comment where you jokingly evoked an "Italian military intelligence guy" was simply ignored, with the user directly skipping to the technical content.

Not to mention the potentially - though not necessarily - masonic symbolism in the user's handle and graphic avatar. Freemasons would find that pyramid appealing I guess, just as they'd appeciate the user's comments about the probability of President Assad soon striking a deal with Tel Aviv and moving to expulse "weak" Iranian contingents from Syrian territory.

Then again, all of this of course does not constitute any sort of proof. But it raises questions for sure. Any Iranian user should at the very least be alerted by such things. Yet, judging from the number of times the user was "thanked", it does not seem to be the case. So kudos to you for that remark.

I never understood this apparent naivety (for lack of a better term) among our Iranian baraadars when it comes to their welcoming approach towards potentially ill-intentioned foreigners (especially when these happen to be westerners). I also observe certain weaknesses in the average Iranian's ability to discern friend from foe, which makes them susceptible to fall for enemy psy-ops / (false flag) propaganda and as a cosequence, to unkowingly serve the agenda of Iran's existential foes.

But maybe I am just expecting too much from the ordinary citizen, regardless of their nationality (not that I am myself extraordinary in any way, perhaps just a little more vigilant than the average citizen, in addition to having spent more time researching these topics). Nonetheless, I can't help it but wish that some day, most of our Iranian and Pakistani baraadars achieve satisfactory levels of alertness. Imagine how much our common enemies would have it harder in pursuance of their destructive agendas.

When it comes to the western public, this hope may be utterly vain in an era of upcoming A.I. / chip implants / direct physical mind control.
There is a very thin line between paranoia and being alert. If you are that worried about the practical consequences for Iran of an anonymous poster on a forum merely expressing his opinions using open sources, then you need to chill down a bit.

We have enough circle-jerking on this forum and too little technical and strategic analysis and discussions.

Well baradar even if mili intel guys had such small budgets, to have one person for Irans military capabilities and he would need to come here to gather information: The service we are able to give him is just a good overview. Only Yavar and Soheil claim to have access to inside information, we others in the best case just have enough time and motivation to gather everything published and put it into context.

Any mili intel guy in an agency able to put him on Irans military issues full day + provide unlimited access to sat imagery, with an engineering degree, will soon know more than me and all others here about the topic ;)
Xoşamded bradaran.

Ainda sal şayed, man be şehr-i-esfahan safar xo-ahm karde. Xanvade man ahl esfahan hostned. InşAllah visa man barai asan ast. Man ek saval daram: aye ghaza dar Iran zabiha halal ast ya ne

Salaam brother. With my knowledge of Farsi, I actually understood your entire post. If I may suggest a reformulation:

"Sāl-e āyande shāyad be shahre Esfahān safar konam. Khānevādeye man ahle Esfahān hastand. Enshā-Allāh daryāfte vizā barāye man āsān khāhad bud. Man yek soāl dāram: āyā gushte zabihe dar Irān halāl ast yā kheir?"

As others have said already, all meat in Iran is halal (except maybe meat privately prepared by religious minorities for themselves only).
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There is a very thin line between paranoia and being alert. If you are that worried about the practical consequences for Iran of an anonymous poster on a forum merely expressing his opinions using open sources, then you need to chill down a bit.

We have enough circle-jerking on this forum and too little technical and strategic analysis and discussions
A foreigner showing systematic and keen interest in every minute detail of Iran's missile programs, while having their entire posting activity focused on that single subject, and while speculating about numbers in Iran's BM arsenals, will inevitably raise some level of suspicion with patriotic Iranians and supporters of Iran. That's an a priori handicap said foreigners will have to live with.

Given how it's highly probable that hostile intelligence agencies, as well as researchers with contacts to such agencies (like Uzi Rubin, who once copied a graphic illustration made by user Soheil in one of his conferences, as visible in the corresponding YouTube video), glean the entire internet including places such as this for any and all information concerning Iran's military programs.

It's a good thing for Iranians to keep this in mind, even before repeating publicly available yet not so well-known information. That said, I myself underscored how you might as well not be an "agent" at all.

Yet in your case this peculiar posting habit has recently been augmented by the expression of geopolitical opinions which reflect the zio-American public propaganda narrative and grossly underestimate the Iranian standing in Syria. More recently, making fun of Iranian users for their scepticism regarding Turkey's progress in the realm of missile technology, was added to the mix.

Considering this, it is safe to suspect you are no friend of Iran and do not wish her well. That's all I want Iranian readers to know prior to making you benefit from legendary Iranian hospitality and (sometimes naive) kindness.
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Well baradar even if mili intel guys had such small budgets, to have one person for Irans military capabilities and he would need to come here to gather information: The service we are able to give him is just a good overview. Only Yavar and Soheil claim to have access to inside information, we others in the best case just have enough time and motivation to gather everything published and put it into context.

Any mili intel guy in an agency able to put him on Irans military issues full day + provide unlimited access to sat imagery, with an engineering degree, will soon know more than me and all others here about the topic
Yes, you are right brother. For every NATO regime, there is surely far more than just one military intelligence person tasked with gathering information on Iran. And classified information is hardly ever revealed on a forum, blog or social medium anyway, that much is for sure as well.

Now I guess they would still include forums such as this one among their list of sites to monitor, if only to review yavar's and Soheil's posts. And as you once counselled Iranian users in general and AmirPatriot in particular, even publicly available information (especially if less well known) is best not always repeated anywhere.

In addition to which I believe you once highlighted the risk posed by users such as "500", describing a potential tactic which might consist in making Iranians reveal little known public information or even classified information (if they have access to such) by provoking them through intentional under-estimation of the capabilities of Iranian weapons systems.

But I agree there is no reason to worry excessively in this particular regard. I just wanted to express my deep appreciation at your joking remark (since it translates a healthy state of mind all too rarely witnessed among our baradars) and also to invite Iranians to exercice greater distance towards people who are not on their side (whether said people are actual agents or just ordinary citizens).
A foreigner showing systematic and keen interest in every minute detail of Iran's missile programs, while having their entire posting activity focused on that single subject, and while speculating about numbers in Iran's BM arsenals, will inevitably raise some level of suspicion with patriotic Iranians and supporters of Iran. That's an a priori handicap said foreigners will have to live with.

Do you know there are people out there that have specific interests and hobbies? Do you know you are on a predominantly military forum? Guess what my interest is. And I only use open source information as I don't have acces to any secretive information.

Given how it's highly probable that hostile intelligence agencies, as well as researchers with contacts to such agencies (like Uzi Rubin, who once copied a graphic illustration made by user Soheil in one of his conferences, as visible in the corresponding YouTube video), glean the entire internet including places such as this for any and all information concerning Iran's military programs.

Mate, If you allude to that cruise missile comparison chart used by Rubin, comparing the Kh-55 to Iranian cuirse missiles, then it is because Rubin has most probably more detailed infographs which he can't use in a public speech. Soheil should be proud of that his amateur work is being used by a professional.

It's a good thing for Iranians to keep this in mind, even before repeating publicly available yet not so well-known information.

The IRGC top brass don't hold the same view. They made Sayyari sit down and express his loyalty to unity between the IRGC and Artesh after he publicly critisized the IRGC's tendency to publicize military achievements. Who are you compared to Sayyari?

In your case this peculiar posting habit has recently been augmented by the expression of geopolitical opinions which reflect the zio-American public propaganda narrative and grossly underestimate the Iranian standing in Syria. More recently, making fun of Iranian users for their scepticism regarding Turkey's progress in the realm of missile technology, was added to the mix.

I don't do dialectics. I can criticize both sides of the geopolitical fault line whenever I want, however I want.

Considering this, it is safe to suspect you are no friend of Iran and do not wish her well. That's all I want Iranian readers to know.

I'm interested in military technology, and when I see a country that is very eager to share it's military-technological achievements, then by all means go ahead. This does not mean I am politically aligned with said country.

Maybe triangle is a Italian who has become aware of the genetic links between Iranians and Italians and is happy that his ancestral homeland is so successful on missiles :lol:


Iran’s Daily Coronavirus Cases Drop to Three-Month Low

By Golnar Motevalli

August 30, 2020, 3:54 AM PDT

Iran reported 1,754 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours, the lowest number of daily infections in more than three months.

Daily deaths also dropped for the seventh day to 103, Ministry of Health spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari told Iranian state TV. So far 21,462 people have died from the coronavirus in Iran since the government started reporting cases in February. A total of 373,570 people have been infected, according to official figures.

Above article link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...ily-coronavirus-cases-drop-to-three-month-low
Do you know there are people out there that have specific interests and hobbies? Do you know you are on a predominantly military forum? Guess what my interest is. And I only use open source information as I don't have acces to any secretive information.

Sure do, and had you read my post more carefully, you'd have realized. But logic also tells me there must be shills out there behaving in a comparable fashion. From where I stand, users like you could be either or. I will never know which of the two hypotheses is correct. Thence, I believe that for me as a person sympathetic to Iran, a certain measure of vigilance should be in order.

Mate, If you allude to that cruise missile comparison chart used by Rubin, comparing the Kh-55 to Iranian cuirse missiles, then it is because Rubin has most probably more detailed infographs which he can't use in a public speech.

This is mere speculation on your part. He may or may not have more detailed charts, who knows.

Also, I fail to see how it invalidates my point: whether or not Rubin is in possession of classified infographs, the fact that he reproduced a chart by Soheil proves that he or people working for him (or people working for agencies he collaborates with), are gleaning these forums for information about Iranian defence projects.

The IRGC top brass don't hold the same view. They made Sayyari sit down and express his loyalty to unity between the IRGC and Artesh after he publicly critisized the IRGC's tendency to publicize military achievements. Who are you compared to Sayyari?

Not a functional parallel you're drawing here. The IRGC, by definition, know what can and should be publicized where and to what extent. They're the ultimate decision makers in that regard. Whereas ordinary forum users can't assess these things properly, therefore to them it should be preferable to operate with relative restraint.

There's furthermore a world of difference between the IRGC publishing selected information through Iranian media on the one hand, and ordinary Iranians uncritically welcoming and assisting anonymous forum users from NATO countries with an interest in Iranian ballistic missiles, who moreover thank them by poking fun at them and who tend to subscribe to geopolitical analyses characteristic of the psy-ops discourse of Iran's enemies.

I didn't even suggest they should avoid it altogether, all I invited them to do is to remain vigilant and keep open the possibility in the back of their mind that they in fact might or might not be dealing with enemy agents.

And by the way I never criticized the IRGC to begin with, so this reasoning of yours is not applicable to my person.

I don't do dialectics. I can criticize both sides of the geopolitical fault line whenever I want, however I want.

And I, in turn, am entitled to highlight patterns of hostility towards Iranian users, coupled with rehashing of classical anti-Iranian talking points as I see fit.

I'm interested in military technology, and when I see a country that is very eager to share it's military-technological achievements, then by all means go ahead. This does not mean I am politically aligned with said country.

Fantastic, and that's all I'm saying Iranians should be aware of. No more, no less. Many of our Iranian baradars seem to believe any foreigner showing keen interest in their country's miliary achievements (or other topics related to Iran), is a "friend" to their nation and wishes them well by default, which is why they may offer said individuals unwarranted hospitality, enthusiastic welcome and exaggerated eagerness to help.

No patriotic Italian (or French) person I ever came to know, would behave in such a manner. I am just trying to encourage Iranians to shed some questionable optimism towards foreigners who may not exactly be friends to their nation.
Israel launched some missiles again. Supposedly some missiles were intercepted and some hit their targets killing 2 Syrian soldiers.

In the big picture, I believe that Israeli's really don't have that many leads as to the locations of vital, strategic Iranian sites in Syria. Especially lately they seem to be simply hitting any random military target just as a propaganda boost.

In any case this is never going to end unless the resistance axis acts as one and responds reciprocally. If Israel launches 4 missiles, Syria or Hezbollah should launch 4 cruise missiles. I'm guessing that the damage is so minimal though that the Syrian's would rather not escalate.


The Israeli Air Force targets Qarafa battalion, the Namer Al-Tal battalion, and the agricultural airport in the Daraa Governorate

Syrian air defenses confront the targets south of Damascus and drop some missiles

Some Iranian soldiers died in Syria?? today??
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