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Iranian Chill Thread

Start banning all users with agenda. We need people to discuss issues with respect and within forum rules. If this cant be done, send all those who violate rules on a break until they can fall within line.

I'll lay down some rules that people will adhere to you with your consent. I have a good grasp now with what has gone on.
Dear Iranian posters,

The chill thread will not open for a fair few hours whilst I get responses from my brother and sister moderators. I can assure you I am talking to Iranian members, and I will be in consultation with the team lay down a set of rules you must adhere to. The same will be for the Turkish section.
You won't have to wait long, let's estimate 10 hours or so.
Thank you.
Dear Iranian members,

After prolonged disputes between this section and the Turkish section, I in consultation with the moderation team decided to take action to end this hopefully for once and all.
There are now a new set of guidelines you need to follow, which have been agreed with my fellow mods and senior Iranian posters.
They are as follows;

Can't talk about the Turkish mod.
Can't talk about Turkish posters.
Can't be used as a platform to attack Turkish posters.
Turkish members are banned from posting here.
You are banned from going to the Turkish section.

It's not ideal, but it's fair, and I took on board the confidence of many for this. By the way, the Turkish posters were NOT involved any of the above rules. These were put forward by myself as a blueprint, and they agreed upon by the moderation team and a senior Iranian poster.
I would like you to state that you agree to these rules. If you don't, I'll make note of names and any infringement will end up in a ban, that to for a long time.
You may engage each other in the Middle East section, but we are looking to toughen the moderation there. These rules are for this section.
I'd also like to state the above is not up for negotiation, and there will be no discussion of what has gone on prior to this post i.e. the past. We are having a reset here.
Can we also not attack moderating decisions in public as well.

Finally I was disappointed to see several members come on to my profile and accuse me of bias, overreacting etc. It was like the amount of work and help I put in/put forward in this section counted for nothing. A wise man once said that if you find deficiency in something/someone, look at their good traits. In this case this was the only time I had to act sternly, and I was unjustly chastised for it.

You are guests and honoured ones as well. If you were to go to someone's house, let's say a friend, and there's someone you don't like there, would you start beating them up? Cause a commotion and demand they leave? Of course not, as it shows disrespect for the owner.
Please behave as the honoured guests you are. You have a place here with us.

I'd like to put forward @Philosopher to become the new moderator for the Iranian section and I'd like to publicly thank him for his support. @Mithridates, thank you as well for showing support.

I shall tag the rest of the team in who are aware of this thread and will input.

Thread open.

Thank you and khudahafiz.

@The Eagle
@Irfan Baloch
@AgNoStiC MuSliM
@Slav Defence
@Foxtrot Alpha
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