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There is no genocide of Muslims in China. If it were then id be One of the First ones to go against them. Furthermore i have seen some of these so called Turkistani savages in Syria. For example, the human Rights watch in Syria reported that the ISIS members of Uyghurs entered Syria with Turkish intelligence support. Turkey is leading country of terrorists in Syria


These savages beheaded Syrians in cold blood and announced the independent state of Turkistanis in Syria.

China did the right thing to send them to Education camps. That was the best decision they have made in case of these savages. Plus Chinese government tried to educate the ones that had intentions to announce the independent state of Islamic Turkistani which was same as ISIS in Syria.

The field commanders of East Turkistan terrorists





@BlueInGreen2 @mangekyo
@TruthHurtz @mohammad45

My apologies, I shouldn't have used the word genocide but there is severe-oppression of Uighurs at least, that much I do know. I just got a little worked up watching those drone videos with those people being lined up next to the trains in what looked to be some sort of camp and got emotional.
@TruthHurtz @mohammad45

My apologies, I shouldn't have used the word genocide but there is severe-oppression of Uighurs at least, that much I do know. I just got a little worked up watching those drone videos with those people being lined up next to the trains in what looked to be some sort of camp and got emotional.
Man, it's always the same. Countries that oppose the US are always portrayed as human rights violators. It is Washington's effective weapon against its adversaries.
Do not trust it. It's the same game since the 60's.
Man, it's always the same. Countries that oppose the US are always portrayed as human rights violators. It is Washington's effective weapon against its adversaries.
Do not trust it. It's the same game since the 60's.

Dont say we should not trust western accusation on China in Uigyur case. Better be critical on it. Indonesian delegation has visited the camp and Xinjiang and they say they are not satisfied with the result and many limitation happen just like they cannot go outside hotel alone without being accompanied by Chinese official.
Apparently this guy is responsible for natanz explosion. this news is not confirmed yet.
View attachment 653313Apparently this guy is responsible for natanz explosion. this news is not confirmed yet.
خداوکیلی یک نگاهی به تیپ و قیافه اش بکنن قبل اعتماد کردن. نمیگم هرکس که کراوات بزنه آدم بدی هست اما اعتماد به یک شخصیت لیبرال در حساس ترین مکان‌های نظامی و هسته ای خودکشی به سبک آمریکایی است.
  • Uighur women who are pregnant are forced to do abortion, - this alone meets the criteria for the definition of genocide.
  • Uighur women who are single, many of them are forced to live in the same room as Chinese men, sleep with them and marry them. (They send single Han Chinese men to the houses of single Uighur women, and force the Uighur women to live with them)
  • Uighur children are taken from their parents, sent to "re education" camps, where they are brainwashed to worship communism, leave Islam, forget their culture and language and speak Chinese and identify as a Chinese.
  • They are all sent to "re education" camps, where they live for some years while they do slave labor during daytime, and have to attend the "education" at night. When the "education" is finished, they get sold as slave labor and shipped to different factories in China.
  • They are cut open alive and their organs are harvested.
This is genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you deny it you support it. And don't try to justify it by saying there were Uighur terrorists in Syria. Should we do the same to Kurds in Iran because there are Kurds in Peshmerge?
  • Uighur women who are pregnant are forced to do abortion, - this alone meets the criteria for the definition of genocide.
  • Uighur women who are single, many of them are forced to live in the same room as Chinese men, sleep with them and marry them. (They send single Han Chinese men to the houses of single Uighur women, and force the Uighur women to live with them)
  • Uighur children are taken from their parents, sent to "re education" camps, where they are brainwashed to worship communism, leave Islam, forget their culture and language and speak Chinese and identify as a Chinese.
  • They are all sent to "re education" camps, where they live for some years while they do slave labor during daytime, and have to attend the "education" at night. When the "education" is finished, they get sold as slave labor and shipped to different factories in China.
  • They are cut open alive and their organs are harvested.
This is genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you deny it you support it. And don't try to justify it by saying there were Uighur terrorists in Syria. Should we do the same to Kurds in Iran because there are Kurds in Peshmerge?
Well said
  • Uighur women who are pregnant are forced to do abortion, - this alone meets the criteria for the definition of genocide.
  • Uighur women who are single, many of them are forced to live in the same room as Chinese men, sleep with them and marry them. (They send single Han Chinese men to the houses of single Uighur women, and force the Uighur women to live with them)
  • Uighur children are taken from their parents, sent to "re education" camps, where they are brainwashed to worship communism, leave Islam, forget their culture and language and speak Chinese and identify as a Chinese.
  • They are all sent to "re education" camps, where they live for some years while they do slave labor during daytime, and have to attend the "education" at night. When the "education" is finished, they get sold as slave labor and shipped to different factories in China.
  • They are cut open alive and their organs are harvested.
This is genocide and ethnic cleansing. If you deny it you support it. And don't try to justify it by saying there were Uighur terrorists in Syria. Should we do the same to Kurds in Iran because there are Kurds in Peshmerge?

We should be critical to many Western acquisition but this enforce pairing policy is mentioned by China CCP mouthpiece themselves.


1.1 million civil servants in Xinjiang pair up with ethnic minority residents to improve unity
By Ji Yuqiao Source:Global Times Published: 2018/11/7 23:28:40
Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has implemented the pairing and assistance program between officials and the ethnic minority citizens to promote communication and interaction among different ethnic groups in Xinjiang.

Until September 2018, some 1.1 million civil servants have paired up with more than 1.69 million ethnic minority citizens, especially village residents, People's Daily reported on Wednesday.

The report said that various administrative departments, enterprises from the central government and military departments, including the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Xinjiang Armed Police Corps, have made over 49 million visits to local residents. The number of activities themed "ethnics unite as a family," held by these departments, reached more than 11 million.

"The pairing and assistance program has been implemented for two years, which is a successful practice for Xinjiang," Zhu Weiqun, former head of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Besides promoting the unity of different ethnics in Xinjiang, Zhu noted that the program is beneficial to both the masses and civil servants in Xinjiang, as it helps officials get close to the grassroots level of Xinjiang society, bringing advanced technology and views to rural districts, which can solve their life difficulties and develop the productivity.

"It can also help officials of Xinjiang to improve their serving conscious and capabilities," he added.

Zhu pointed out that the program should be insisted for a long time in accordance with the practical need.

The program began from October 16 in 2016, encouraging civil servants to interact actively with the masses in Xinjiang through various methods like pairing and regarding as relatives.
major news : its official and confirmed: Harder revenge is on the way.

Trump admits that the US military under his direct command, committed the assassination of General Soleimani & Abu Mahdi AlMuhandis. Iran & Iraq are avenger of these martyrs & will not rest until the perpetrators are punished. Harder revenge is on the way.

خداوکیلی یک نگاهی به تیپ و قیافه اش بکنن قبل اعتماد کردن. نمیگم هرکس که کراوات بزنه آدم بدی هست اما اعتماد به یک شخصیت لیبرال در حساس ترین مکان‌های نظامی و هسته ای خودکشی به سبک آمریکایی است.
خوب اگر لیبرال نبود احتمالا بجای اینکه بمب بگذارد میرفت تمام سالن را را بالا میکشید.
راستی اگر این آقا مسئول سالن سانتریفوژ ها هستش چجور رفته توی محل تحقیقات و طراحی بمب گزاری کرده ؟ یعنی نطنز واقعا اینقدر هرکی به هرکی هستش ؟
خوب اگر لیبرال نبود احتمالا بجای اینکه بمب بگذارد میرفت تمام سالن را را بالا میکشید.
راستی اگر این آقا مسئول سالن سانتریفوژ ها هستش چجور رفته توی محل تحقیقات و طراحی بمب گزاری کرده ؟ یعنی نطنز واقعا اینقدر هرکی به هرکی هستش ؟

والله منم مانده ام. وقتی دولت میگه قلب رآکتور رو درآوردیم فرستادیم موزه انتظار دیگه ای نمیشه داشت. تاسف که خون شهدامون پایمال شد. لااقل تحریم ها رو هم نتونستند بردارند.

این حجم از حماقت به خدا نو بره. ظریف در جلسه خصوصی غیرعلنی به نماینده های هم صنف خودش یعنی مجلس قبلی گفت که آقا من اعتماد کردم. اشتباهم همین بوده. اول اینکه چرا به ملت نمیگه غلط کردم و خلاص؟

عوضش میره وسط مجلس اصولگرا داد میزنه که آقا من هر ککه ای که خوردم رهبری گفت بخور. آدم نیم متر باشه مرد باشه خداوکیلی. پای کاری کردی بایست. احمدی نژاد هم زمان خر شدنش میگفت رهبری نمیذاشت مذاکره کنم. در کل گند زدند. تعامل نه خریت به سبک احمدی بود نه حماقت به سبک ظریف. :lol:
حالا معلومه این طرف بوده که بحثش رو می کنین
من هنوز منبع ندیدم

عوضش میره وسط مجلس اصولگرا داد میزنه که آقا من هر ککه ای که خوردم رهبری گفت بخور. آدم نیم متر باشه مرد باشه خداوکیلی. پای کاری کردی بایست. احمدی نژاد هم زمان خر شدنش میگفت رهبری نمیذاشت مذاکره کنم. در کل گند زدند. تعامل نه خریت به سبک احمدی بود نه حماقت به سبک ظریف. :lol:

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