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Iranian Chill Thread

اسرائیل رفته سال 1948 مردمانی که ازشون پذیرایی کردن و میزبانشون بودن رو از خونشون بیرون کرده و کشورشون رو اشغال کرده و بعد هم اون جا رو 7 دهه هست داره پاکسازی نژادی می کنه و با غیراسرائیلی ها مثل ان رفتار می کنه. حتی با اسرائیلی های اصالتاً یهودی غیر آشکنازی که پوستشون تیره هست برخورد زننده ای دارن
اون وقت داری این رو با جدایی طلبی تو چین مقایسه می کنی؟

واقعاً نمی دونم چی بگم. این یکی پستت قشنگ رفت رو اعصاب

سلام برادر. می گم چرا انقدر به این یابوهایی مثل اون پان اسلامیک پاکستان بها می دی؟ یارو طرفدار طالبان هست و از ایران خوشش نمیاد

پشتون هست و عاشق طالبان هست چون فکر می کنه طالبان قدرت رو تو افغانستان دست پشتون ها می ده. کم این طالبان بی ناموس هزاره های افغان رو کشت که تو اینطوری به اون بی شعور بها می دی؟​
بعضی مواقع لازمه حقیقت رو بیان کرد. البته حرف شما درسته و اگه زیاده روی کردم معذرت میخوام. چشم تکرار نمیشه. میگن کم حرف زدن نشانه عقل زیاده. ما هم که از این نعمت بی بهره ایم.
بعضی مواقع لازمه حقیقت رو بیان کرد. البته حرف شما درسته و اگه زیاده روی کردم معذرت میخوام. چشم تکرار نمیشه. میگن کم حرف زدن نشانه عقل زیاده. ما هم که از این نعمت بی بهره ایم.
حقیقت از دید اون آقا این هست که نام ایران باید در اصل برای افغانستان یا پاکستان باشه و مردم ایرانیک ربطی به ایران ندارن و کشور ما این نام رو دزدیده از اونها (حتی گفتنش هم مسخره هست)
پشتون ها خیلی هاشون دشمن پارس ها هستند. نمونه همین الانش رئیس جمهور افغانستان که از زمانی که دانشگاه کابل بود با مردم و زبان فارسی مشکل داشت

طرف هم از نظر نژادی هم از نظر مذهبی با ما دشمنی داره. انقدر بهش پروبال نده​
حقیقت از دید اون آقا این هست که نام ایران باید در اصل برای افغانستان یا پاکستان باشه و مردم ایرانیک ربطی به ایران ندارن و کشور ما این نام رو دزدیده از اونها (حتی گفتنش هم مسخره هست)
پشتون ها خیلی هاشون دشمن پارس ها هستند. نمونه همین الانش رئیس جمهور افغانستان که از زمانی که دانشگاه کابل بود با مردم و زبان فارسی مشکل داشت

طرف هم از نظر نژادی هم از نظر مذهبی با ما دشمنی داره. انقدر بهش پروبال نده​
حتما. جالبه من فکر میکردم پشتون ها رابطه خوبی با فارس و فارسی دارند.

وقتی میبینم به اسم دین ترکها و اعراب با ایران مقابله می کنند و یارگیری اسلام علیه ایران انجام میدن سعی میکنم تا شده دیدگاه این جماعت رو لااقل اگر نشد عوض کنم کمی تاثیر بذارم.

در کل قول میدم تکرار نشه.
حتما. جالبه من فکر میکردم پشتون ها رابطه خوبی با فارس و فارسی دارند.

وقتی میبینم به اسم دین ترکها و اعراب با ایران مقابله می کنند و یارگیری اسلام علیه ایران انجام میدن سعی میکنم تا شده دیدگاه این جماعت رو لااقل اگر نشد عوض کنم کمی تاثیر بذارم.

در کل قول میدم تکرار نشه.
ببخشید من جسارت کردما
من فقط خواستم بهت دیدگاه های اون شخص رو بگم چون با هم دیگه خیلی صحبت کردیم قبلاً و شناخت خوبی از دیدگاهاش پیدا کردم
ببخشید من جسارت کردما
من فقط خواستم بهت دیدگاه های اون شخص رو بگم چون با هم دیگه خیلی صحبت کردیم قبلاً و شناخت خوبی از دیدگاهاش پیدا کردم
میگن مومن آینه برادرشه.
انتقاد برادرانه شیرین تر از عسله. چون هدایت کننده است.
One day you will see how big mistake you made to trust the Chinese. Don't forget they are the ones who kept Corona a secret fro over 2 months and sent infected Chinese people to Iran. I understand the country is in a difficult position, but blindly supporting China is against our interest and is traitorous. There is no difference with you and those who blindly support the west. In all our history, culture, our way of life, we are thought to live and die as men, we should not sell ourselves to China and become Arabs. No matter the consequences
One day you will see how big mistake you made to trust the Chinese. Don't forget they are the ones who kept Corona a secret fro over 2 months and sent infected Chinese people to Iran. I understand the country is in a difficult position, but blindly supporting China is against our interest and is traitorous. There is no difference with you and those who blindly support the west. In all our history, culture, our way of life, we are thought to live and die as men, we should not sell ourselves to China and become Arabs. No matter the consequences

The phrase "stuck between a rock and a hard-place" truly does come into play here doesn't it?

You're absolutely right though, Iran shouldn't find itself too dependent on any one single world-power as it can prove to be detrimental in the long-run but at the same time Iran has quite literally been forcibly pushed into China's arms by America's Zionist-led vision for the Middle-East (thank you Racist Apartheid Israel).

Undoubtedly there have been extensive talks behind closed where Iranian political figures and heads-of-state levied all their options and made the choice that seemed most logical. That being this ambiguous "25-year" accord with China, of which I don't know how fruitful it will end up being for Iran in the long-run but we will see I guess.
The phrase "stuck between a rock and a hard-place" truly does come into play here doesn't it?

You're absolutely right though, Iran shouldn't find itself too dependent on any one single world-power as it can prove to be detrimental in the long-run but at the same time Iran has quite literally been forcibly pushed into China's arms by America's Zionist-led vision for the Middle-East (thank you Racist Apartheid Israel).

Undoubtedly there have been extensive talks behind closed where Iranian political figures and heads-of-state levied all their options and made the choice that seemed most logical. That being this ambiguous "25-year" accord with China, of which I don't know how fruitful it will end up being for Iran in the long-run but we will see I guess.
I know China was our last resort, if not we would have leaned towards them from the beginning, not after the JCPOA failed and trade with EU failed. I am worried that some traitors have already sold our country to China because of the economic benefits it brings them. I am worried we will become too dependent of China and find ourselves in a mess we cant get out of. One member here told me months ago that Iran is about to become a Chinese vassal state. I did not believe him then, I believe him now.

On too many occasions have we put China above Iran.

China kept Corona a secret from us, they sent infected Chinese to our cities and infected our beloved citizens - we refused to criticize them and now we are paying the price.

We refused to stop flying into China even when the Corona was ravaging our country, just to show support to China. We put Chinas dignity above our beloved citizens lives - we are now paying the price.

We remain silent while they do ethnic cleansing and genocide of muslims - we have lost our souls pride and dignity - one day, we will pay the price
I know China was our last resort, if not we would have leaned towards them from the beginning, not after the JCPOA failed and trade with EU failed. I am worried that some traitors have already sold our country to China because of the economic benefits it brings them. I am worried we will become too dependent of China and find ourselves in a mess we cant get out of. One member here told me months ago that Iran is about to become a Chinese vassal state. I did not believe him then, I believe him now.

On too many occasions have we put China above Iran.

China kept Corona a secret from us, they sent infected Chinese to our cities and infected our beloved citizens - we refused to criticize them and now we are paying the price.

We refused to stop flying into China even when the Corona was ravaging our country, just to show support to China. We put Chinas dignity above our beloved citizens lives - we are now paying the price.

We remain silent while they do ethnic cleansing and genocide of muslims - we have lost our souls pride and dignity - one day, we will pay the price

It's the ethnic cleansing, genocide and inhuman oppression of the Uighur's that really gets to me (I've taken this matter somewhat personally). On the one hand, this represents a nigh unforgivable act that can't and shouldn't go unnoticed by Iran or the world-community yet on the other China holds the economic cards for Iran's future financial/economic wealth/growth (supposedly) so it's hard to criticize much less "act" against them because of it. Iran doesn't have anybody else to run to for help in this arena as the Europeans states are cucked beyond belief and will lose all their dignity/integrity before they stand up to Israel and the U.S. Other states around the world like India or East Asian nations won't risk American sanctions just to do business with Iran, so that's also out of the question.

China really is the only one left and, well, China needs Iran to see its BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) completed successfully. So even then, China and Iran would have had such talks for an agreement like the "25-year" accord going on at sometime and place. What we do need to acknowledge though is that China is going to want to spread its wings across the globe as now it has the financial and physical ability to do so and wanted to so for quite some time. We are dealing with shrewd, smart thinking long-term tacticians here who think it decades and centuries.

I won't even begin to act like I know what Iran-China relations actually entail and just how much either-side has influence on the other but some of the trends I've seen over the years are indeed concerning. But I have to be hopeful that such relations will be beneficial to Iran.
It's the ethnic cleansing, genocide and inhuman oppression of the Uighur's that really gets to me (I've taken this matter somewhat personally). On the one hand, this represents a nigh unforgivable act that can't and shouldn't go unnoticed by Iran or the world-community yet on the other China holds the economic cards for Iran's future financial/economic wealth/growth (supposedly) so it's hard to criticize much less "act" against them because of it. Iran doesn't have anybody else to run to for help in this arena as the Europeans states are cucked beyond belief and will lose all their dignity/integrity before they stand up to Israel and the U.S. Other states around the world like India or East Asian nations won't risk American sanctions just to do business with Iran, so that's also out of the question.

China really is the only one left and, well, China needs Iran to see its BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) completed successfully. So even then, China and Iran would have had such talks for an agreement like the "25-year" accord going on at sometime and place. What we do need to acknowledge though is that China is going to want to spread its wings across the globe as now it has the financial and physical ability to do so and wanted to so for quite some time. We are dealing with shrewd, smart thinking long-term tacticians here who think it decades and centuries.

I won't even begin to act like I know what Iran-China relations actually entail and just how much either-side has influence on the other but some of the trends I've seen over the years are indeed concerning. But I have to be hopeful that such relations will be beneficial to Iran.

There is no stupid genocide.
There is no genocide of Muslims in China. If it were then id be One of the First ones to go against them. Furthermore i have seen some of these so called Turkistani savages in Syria. For example, the human Rights watch in Syria reported that the ISIS members of Uyghurs entered Syria with Turkish intelligence support. Turkey is leading country of terrorists in Syria


These savages beheaded Syrians in cold blood and announced the independent state of Turkistanis in Syria.

China did the right thing to send them to Education camps. That was the best decision they have made in case of these savages. Plus Chinese government tried to educate the ones that had intentions to announce the independent state of Islamic Turkistani which was same as ISIS in Syria.

The field commanders of East Turkistan terrorists





@BlueInGreen2 @mangekyo
One day you will see how big mistake you made to trust the Chinese. Don't forget they are the ones who kept Corona a secret fro over 2 months and sent infected Chinese people to Iran. I understand the country is in a difficult position, but blindly supporting China is against our interest and is traitorous. There is no difference with you and those who blindly support the west. In all our history, culture, our way of life, we are thought to live and die as men, we should not sell ourselves to China and become Arabs. No matter the consequences
well, the first patients we treated in tehran were not chinese , they were some employees of an airline
چین در سه سال اخیر تحت فشار شدید از سمت امریکا بوده و این فشار یکی از دلایل این همکاری چند ساله بوده تا حال امریکا رو بگیره

سرمایه گذاری در نفت و گاز ایران پر خطر تره سعودیه مگه حملات حوثی ها زیادتر شه

چین ریسک بزرگتر کرده و میدونه ایران انتقام هایی داره که بکشه و وضعیت سلاح هسته ایش تثبیت نشده

باید مفاد این قرارداد رو دید ولی احتمالا خطر بزرگتر کنار کشیدن چینه نه مفتخری نفت
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