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Iranian Chill Thread

By putting explosives in the USN assets? Knowing that they won't survive it if they're caught?
Yes why not? That is what US would call a "terrorist attack" right?
Enghelab Fire? Garmdareh Explosion?
I will do some research, there have been a couple explosions that no one mentioned here in PDF

This is Enghelab:


Yes why not? That is what US would call a "terrorist attack" right?

I will do some research, there have been a couple explosions that no one mentioned here in PDF

This is Enghelab:



Why not? ISIS had the support of Qatar and Turkey. It sold 10,000s of barrels of oil to Turkey per day. It had Israeli and US weapons. It controlled hundreds of thousands of kilometers of Iraq and Syria at the height of its power. If you think a group like ISIS is created by a bunch of angry Arabs, you have been brainwashed by Western media beyond repair.

Again, both of them are completely fake.

The Enghelab square photo doesn't look like an explosion. If we want to report any fire incident that the Fire Department extinguishes daily, then there will be hundreds of them. I can burn some leaves and create a smoke like that.

And the Garmdareh incident never happened. Satellite images proved that it was fake, first reported by Al-Arabiya.
Why not? ISIS had the support of Qatar and Turkey. It sold 10,000s of barrels of oil to Turkey per day. It had Israeli and US weapons. It controlled hundreds of thousands of kilometers of Iraq and Syria at the height of its power. If you think a group like ISIS is created by a bunch of angry Arabs, you have been brainwashed by Western media beyond repair.

Again, both of them are completely fake.

The Enghelab square photo doesn't look like an explosion. If we want to report any fire incident that the Fire Department extinguishes daily, then there will be hundreds of them. I can burn some leaves and create a smoke like that.

And the Garmdareh incident never happened. Satellite images proved that it was fake, first reported by Al-Arabiya.
It doesn't really matter to me tbh, I have lost track and stopped counting. I was just pointing out that the Isfahan explosion was first reported by Times of Israel, and they based the report on that tweet.

Why not? ISIS had the support of Qatar and Turkey. It sold 10,000s of barrels of oil to Turkey per day. It had Israeli and US weapons. It controlled hundreds of thousands of kilometers of Iraq and Syria at the height of its power. If you think a group like ISIS is created by a bunch of angry Arabs, you have been brainwashed by Western media beyond repair.

You are missing my point dude. Most ISIS fighters went from Europe, even dozens went from Norway. A couple years ago we had a Norwgian who blew up the Government quarters and killed a bunch of innocent kids because he was angry at immigrants. Another Norwegian killed his adopted sister and started shooting random muslims in a mosque. Why cant an angry black man that have been victim of systematic racism, discrimination, profiling, etc blow up some ship? You don't need to be ISIS or have support of the entire world to blow someplace up
It doesn't really matter to me tbh, I have lost track and stopped counting. I was just pointing out that the Isfahan explosion was first reported by Times of Israel, and they based the report on that tweet.

You are missing my point dude. Most ISIS fighters went from Europe, even dozens went from Norway. A couple years ago we had a Norwgian who blew up the Government quarters and killed a bunch of innocent kids because he was angry at immigrants. Another Norwegian killed his adopted sister and started shooting random muslims in a mosque. Why cant an angry black man that have been victim of systematic racism, discrimination, profiling, etc blow up some ship? You don't need to be ISIS or have support of the entire world to blow someplace up

My problem with your point is that you're comparing shooting at defenseless people or civilian buildings with blowing up a US Navy asset.
My problem with your point is that you're comparing shooting at defenseless people or civilian buildings with blowing up a US Navy asset.
Oh I know its unlikely, but not impossible. Who knows? I would say its more likely than that we are behind it though.
Oh I know its unlikely, but not impossible. Who knows? I would say its more likely than that we are behind it though.
Your argument is like saying that it's unlikely that reptilians exist and US presidents are appointed by aliens ruling over our planet, but it's not impossible.
Your argument is like saying that it's unlikely that reptilians exist and US presidents are appointed by aliens ruling over our planet, but it's not impossible.
So you think that the likelihood of a black US navy working on a US navy ship, is sick of systematic racism, discrimination etc and in the heat of all this BLM protests, decides to blow up a ship he has full access to, with weapons that he also has full access to, is the same as the likelihood of Annunaki ruling over our planet?
So you think that the likelihood of a black US navy working on a US navy ship, is sick of systematic racism, discrimination etc and in the heat of all this BLM protests, decides to blow up a ship he has full access to, with weapons that he also has full access to, is the same as the likelihood of Annunaki ruling over our planet?
Yes. Maybe not exactly the same, but close. lol
Yes. Maybe not exactly the same, but close. lol
I have worked 11 years in the security field. I have even handled "classified" goods that were ordered by the US embassy. Trust me, its not like they show in the movies.
I have worked 11 years in the security field. I have even handled "classified" goods that were ordered by the US embassy. Trust me, its not like they show in the movies.
No, I'm not overestimating the US security capabilities. Even though I don't underestimate them either. I remember years ago during Obama's administration, some security guy successfully bypassed all security layers of Pentagon to reach the presidential palace.

My point is that the BLM protestors are not violent people trained to do sabotage operations. Americans are entitled to bear arms. Yet none of the protestors shot at the US police or riot forces. Did they? It takes balls and training to carry out such a sabotage operation in US military assets. It's not something that your run of the mill citizen can do.
My point is that the BLM protestors are not violent people trained to do sabotage operations. Americans are entitled to bear arms. Yet none of the protestors shot at the US police or riot forces. Did they? It takes balls and training to carry out such a sabotage operation in US military assets. It's not something that your run of the mill citizen can do.
Thats the average BLM protestor, I'm saying there could be small groups of people with different motives. ex cons, thugs, ex soldiers, extremists etc. It doesn't even need to be a group, one person is all it takes.
Thats the average BLM protestor, I'm saying there could be small groups of people with different motives. ex cons, thugs, ex soldiers, extremists etc. It doesn't even need to be a group, one person is all it takes.
Why would an ex-con or a thug risk his life to do something when there's no money involved?

I personally think it takes more than just anger for a person to carry out such a sophisticated thing. And I doubt it's possible to blow up a ship with only one person. Unless we believe in anti-establishment heroes like in V for Vendetta xD
Why would an ex-con or a thug risk his life to do something when there's no money involved?

I personally think it takes more than just anger for a person to carry out such a sophisticated thing. And I doubt it's possible to blow up a ship with only one person. Unless we believe in anti-establishment heroes like in V for Vendetta xD
Really? Breivik even called the police and confessed after he blew up the government quarters and killed all those innocent kids. Jihadists blow themselves up all the time, they don't blow themselves up for money. It is very possible to do it, trust me, How do you think the US embassy would feel if they found out an Iranian were handling their classified goods? Just think what would happen if I was the wrong person.
Really? Breivik even called the police and confessed after he blew up the government quarters and killed all those innocent kids. Jihadists blow themselves up all the time, they don't blow themselves up for money. It is very possible to do it, trust me, How do you think the US embassy would feel if they found out an Iranian were handling their classified goods? Just think what would happen if I was the wrong person.
Fair enough. I admit that there are insane people who are capable of doing irrational things, but they are not that many to carry out so many attacks in just one week. But nevertheless, whoever is carrying out these "incidents" in the US, may we see more of these incidents in the future.
First of all, just because you don't like the truth or it hurts your feelings,
I stopped after reading this, i don't discuss with foreigners who claims that they know my country better than i do.

And everything you said about Altay tank and it's history is false. Either learn the truth or continue believe what you choose to believe.
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