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Iranian Chill Thread

I'm not claiming to "know more" about Turkey than anyone but your claim regarding foreigners is just silly.

Just because you're Turkish does not mean that you automatically know more about your country than a well versed foreigner. I'm from Iran, does that mean that I must know more regarding Iran than "any" foreigner out there ?

Furthermore I provided links and sources which validate my claims. If you can refute those sources go ahead. If you want to have a sensible discussion then that's fine, but if you make bold claims then you should be able to back up your claims up with reliable, reputable source material.

If you're not able to back up your claims then you can believe whatever you like, whatever helps you sleep better at night. However don't expect everyone and anyone you encounter to blindly accept your claims.

I stopped after reading this, i don't discuss with foreigners who claims that they know my country better than i do.

And everything you said about Altay tank and it's history is false. Either learn the truth or continue believe what you choose to believe.

Honestly this whole conspiracy theory is getting a bit out of hand.

Every fire or accident that takes place is now being credited to Israel, Mossad, CIA or the boogeyman (lulukhorkhore). The Natanz explosion yes that was a clear example of industrial sabotage orchestrated by a hostile foreign power.

However this does not automatically mean that every accident in Iran should be attributed to some nefarious, foreign plot. I mean Iran is a country of 80 million people, accidents happen, fires break out, things happen.

Have there been sabotage operations conducted in Iran by Iran's enemies ? Yes. Have there probably been attempted sabotage operations that have been foiled ? Maybe, probably ? Should every fire or accident in Iran be attributed to Mossad ? CIA ? etc ? Now that's actually ridiculous.

One thing to keep in mind is that some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded in history have been in southern Iran. Summers in Iran are extremely hot, especially in the south, but regardless, in general Iran tends to experience boiling hot summers.

Infact some areas in Iran experience so much extreme heat that in some cases traffic signs or cars will simply melt and turn into mush and when you add that factor to combustible materials and even the slightest bit of carelessness or negligence or human error in industrial sites, you have an easy recipe for disaster.


Also haven't there been a series of fires or accidents related to the US military in the states recently ? I also heard about more cyber attacks on Israeli water filtration sites. Again is there a chance Iran has retaliated one way or the other ? Yes. But can we attribute every accident or fire at some industrial plant in the USA/Israel/Saudi Arabia to Iran ? No

It wouldn't surprise me. They are really pissed and have all the motives to do it. And besides, buying weapons and even explosives in US is like buying candy in Iran


The Isfahan fires was reported by Times of Israel and they are basing it on this guys tweet

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Furthermore I provided links and sources which validate my claims.
Your links do not validate anything except the recent Engine problem with MTU (all 5 links) it doesn't validate %5 of your total claims. Like "Turks bought Korean tank", "Swaped some of the sub systems", "Didn't bought Leapord 2 tanks" "$12 million per tank" all of these are wrong and pure fantasy. I don't want to discuss with this mentality. Your knowledge is very poor and you refuse to learn, what can i do. :meeting:

The security guards, police, and soldiers, everyone found innocent after brutally murdering this Eritrean refugee because they thought he was an Arab terrorist.

They were found innocent because the judge ruled they had acted in good faith.

First they shoot him, then when he is bleeding on the ground, they refuse to treat him, they spit on him, throw chairs on him, kick his head. "Good faith"

Israelis really are the worst people on earth, I have met some in person and this video really tells how the average Israeli human is.
Iran ended up the first destination for Kadhimi while his trip to KSA was cancelled under the pretext of illness of the KSA king. Important.

The security guards, police, and soldiers, everyone found innocent after brutally murdering this Eritrean refugee because they thought he was an Arab terrorist.

They were found innocent because the judge ruled they had acted in good faith.

First they shoot him, then when he is bleeding on the ground, they refuse to treat him, they spit on him, throw chairs on him, kick his head. "Good faith"

Israelis really are the worst people on earth, I have met some in person and this video really tells how the average Israeli human is.
they have been doing this in Israel, just thinks, what they r doing in Palestinians and around the world.
داداش بیخیال بیا اینور سوتی دادی :sarcastic:

زیاد مهم نیست من خودم استاد سوتی ام:omghaha:
In Chiniminia khoda nadaran, nemidoonam chera tarafdareshooni, ma mosalman hastim, Irani hastim, aslan farhange ma ba una kolli fargh mikone. una nokare urupa va amrika hastan, fek nakon chun pool daravordan alan adam shodan,
In Chiniminia khoda nadaran, nemidoonam chera tarafdareshooni, ma mosalman hastim, Irani hastim, aslan farhange ma ba una kolli fargh mikone. una nokare urupa va amrika hastan, fek nakon chun pool daravordan alan adam shodan,
بابا به طرفداری نیست داداش به خدا

اینا اگر سقوط کنند آمریکا دهن آسیا و روسیه رو سرویس می کنند. الان اینا تنها هستند. بهترین فرصت برای ماست.

به پول که نیست، به موضع سیاسیه. اون افراطی هایی که از چچن و ترکستان چین وارد سوریه می شدند یادت رفته؟ به چینی ها حق نمیدی دهنشون رو سرویس کنن؟ بمب‌گذاری و سر بریدن و قتل وغارت کار این جماعته. ببین چه بلایی سر سوریه در آوردن.

بحث طرفداری نیست.
Unmoghe bayad be esrailia hagh bedim ke felestiniaro mizanan mikoshan na? Na dadash intori nist. Heyf ke zoor nadarim, zooremon be kasi nemirese.

The security guards, police, and soldiers, everyone found innocent after brutally murdering this Eritrean refugee because they thought he was an Arab terrorist.

They were found innocent because the judge ruled they had acted in good faith.

First they shoot him, then when he is bleeding on the ground, they refuse to treat him, they spit on him, throw chairs on him, kick his head. "Good faith"

Israelis really are the worst people on earth, I have met some in person and this video really tells how the average Israeli human is.
wow, SO SAD...but you see, ISrael and US have ALOT in common, for one- they have respectively chosen Palestinian Arabs and Black people respectively as people they treat "fairly"even when a white person would say they were abused if they were treated like thse 2 groups...sad..Israel nt a real democracy..and neither is US..truth coming out though..
Hi Guys, btw @cabatli_53 wants me banned on PDF. he gave me warning because i posted an article in the Thread on TUrkey's activities in Libya about Turkey sending ISIS to Libya, but he used the excuse that i am "derailing the thread"..how is TUrkey sending ISIS fighters to LIby NOW not relevant to this issue? @LeGenD @waz Please monitor this your mod, he has something out for me...on the other turkish thread, Turks and their supporters were derailing the thread, the moment i made one one sentence response, he stomped on my head saying "no more thread derailing"

YOu can clearly see the user Oublious making an lrrelevant and trolling comment towards me, and i made a response back..but i'm the only one trolling or making irrelevant posts???? YO PDF, MANAGE YOUR BIASED MODS!
Hi Guys, btw @cabatli_53 wants me banned on PDF. he gave me warning because i posted an article in the Thread on TUrkey's activities in Libya about Turkey sending ISIS to Libya, but he used the excuse that i am "derailing the thread"..how is TUrkey sending ISIS fighters to LIby NOW not relevant to this issue? @LeGenD @waz Please monitor this your mod, he has something out for me...on the other turkish thread, Turks and their supporters were derailing the thread, the moment i made one one sentence response, he stomped on my head saying "no more thread derailing"

YOu can clearly see the user Oublious making an lrrelevant and trolling comment towards me, and i made a response back..but i'm the only one trolling or making irrelevant posts???? YO PDF, MANAGE YOUR BIASED MODS!
View attachment 653109
there is freedom of speech in the PDF as i know. if there was non, people would get banned for posting and saying iran is a terrorist supporting state. no one gets banned if he is making threads based on new outlets.
Unmoghe bayad be esrailia hagh bedim ke felestiniaro mizanan mikoshan na? Na dadash intori nist. Heyf ke zoor nadarim, zooremon be kasi nemirese.

اسرائیل رفته سال 1948 مردمانی که ازشون پذیرایی کردن و میزبانشون بودن رو از خونشون بیرون کرده و کشورشون رو اشغال کرده و بعد هم اون جا رو 7 دهه هست داره پاکسازی نژادی می کنه و با غیراسرائیلی ها مثل ان رفتار می کنه. حتی با اسرائیلی های اصالتاً یهودی غیر آشکنازی که پوستشون تیره هست برخورد زننده ای دارن
اون وقت داری این رو با جدایی طلبی تو چین مقایسه می کنی؟

واقعاً نمی دونم چی بگم. این یکی پستت قشنگ رفت رو اعصاب
سلام برادر. می گم چرا انقدر به این یابوهایی مثل اون پان اسلامیک پاکستان بها می دی؟ یارو طرفدار طالبان هست و از ایران خوشش نمیاد

پشتون هست و عاشق طالبان هست چون فکر می کنه طالبان قدرت رو تو افغانستان دست پشتون ها می ده. کم این طالبان بی ناموس هزاره های افغان رو کشت که تو اینطوری به اون بی شعور بها می دی؟​
Breaking News: Ayatollah Khamenei said The American crime in the assassination of Sardar Soleimani was an example of the result of the American presence in Iraq.
They killed your guest in your house and explicitly confessed to this crime; This is not a small issue.
The Islamic Republic of Iran will never forget this issue and will definitely strike the Americans.

Analysis: When the leader of the revolution speaks of a "reciprocal blow," it probably means that hitting Ain al-Assad's was not even revenge.

The reciprocal blow may be performed in two forms; One is hitting the equivalent of Haj Qasim (in terms of position) and the second is fatal blows in various ways to get the United States out of the region.
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