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Iranian Chill Thread

LOL Pakistanis are at the forefront when it comes to textbook reform and most do not even attend schools that use those textbooks.

Most Pakistanis send their children to private schools that teach O levels which uses different curriculum entirely.

But you said you don't claim anything from South India as Pakistani. :haha::haha:
LOL, you are a little troll.
What Pashthun history in afghanistan has to do with Pakistan?!!! for non-Pakistanis, Pakistanis are just Muslim Indians who divided a part of India as a new country. What they have to do with Afghanistan?!!!
BTW, the ruling class is what gets the credit. otherwise, Roman Empire should be called North african and south European empire, and Ottomans should be called all continents empire. It seems that you have received F grade in your history classes.
All is want to say is LOL after reading this , I sure hope you weren't serious?
There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan then in Afghanistan (twice as much or even more) , Pakistani's are not just "Muslim Indians" , India is/was a powerhouse of different ethnicities !
Before giving others the "F" grade , Improve your "U" grade!
Pashtuns ended up a part of British India because of the great game between the Russian Empire and the British Empire while modern Afghanistan was agreed as a buffer between two of them and soon Pakistan came into existence, Afghanistan wanted Pakistan to return those areas.

An Indian should be the last person on earth suggesting what goes in Pakistan and what doesn't :rolleyes1:
We don't name ourselves after a word indictating certain group of people culturally when large portio
ezat kiye dige refighete? ma ham ba elnaz az shiraz hastim.22 sale...man taze ozv shode bishtar kojaha nazar midio che mozooati doost dari?

Na behehsh alaghe daram :D khoshvakhtam,manam taze inja umadam nemidunam ziad koja nazar bedam :D amma tu ghesmate khavar miane va Iran nazar midam.albate shayd ziad inja nayam... ghablan ham inja vase etelaate nezami miumadam amma ozv nabudam.
LOL @ anti turk and anti Indian trolls.
Your obsession and stupidity, and shallow mind is mind blowing. :lol:
Anyway, I am not history teacher of this forum and it is not my responsibility to teach history to anyone.
BTW, you could not even introduce me one civilization that Pakistanis have built as Pakistani people, and not as hindustani or ...
Anyway, if you want to be stupids, I don't care.

Anti Indian yes anti Turk nope. I have defended Turks many times especially the Ottomans who I consider my favorite empire when al Hasani was trolling Turkish history.

Pakistan is less than 70 years old as one unit so asking such a question now is just you seeing all red.
LOL @ anti turk and anti Indian trolls.
Your obsession and stupidity, and shallow mind is mind blowing. :lol:
Anyway, I am not history teacher of this forum and it is not my responsibility to teach history to anyone.
BTW, you could not even introduce me one civilization that Pakistanis have built as Pakistani people, and not as hindustani or ...
Anyway, if you want to be stupids, I don't care.

As Pakistani they have built the Pakistani 'civilisation' :rolleyes:
As separate ethnic groups, each's got a story of their own to tell.
Na behehsh alaghe daram :D khoshvakhtam,manam taze inja umadam nemidunam ziad koja nazar bedam :D amma tu ghesmate khavar miane va Iran nazar midam.albate shayd ziad inja nayam... ghablan ham inja vase etelaate nezami miumadam amma ozv nabudam.

be hamchenin merci. man khodam bakhshe made in iran nazar midam khoshal misham yesar bezani.
But you said you don't claim anything from South India as Pakistani. :haha::haha:

Yeah because we do not. Listen since you did not get it I will make it clear for you, those textbooks are used by government run schools which only the poor attend and that too only a small amount of them as most poor do not send their children to school at all. Pakistanis are the ones who brought up the historical fallacies in the books in the first place because we do not believe such things at all.
BTW, you could not even introduce me one civilization that Pakistanis have built as Pakistani people, and not as hindustani or ...
Your one of the special kind aren't you?

Pakistan is only 65 years old?
Just because we became Pakistan does not mean our history was erased , Republics are a modern phenomenon , Just because Islamic republic of Iran was declared does not mean it's past history was erased?

LOL @ anti turk and anti Indian trolls.
Your obsession and stupidity, and shallow mind is mind blowing.
We have no obsession with Turks or Indians for that matter , @INDIC is a known troll , Almost all of his postings here are regarding Pakistan or the Pakistani people.

Your comment made no sense whatsoever!
Afghanistan got its comeuppance when they tried to annex those areas by force and were smacked by the tribal groups LOL. Afghanistan has no claim on Baluchistan which historically has more to do with Persia than Afghanistan. They just want more land when they try to claim Baluchistan.

I am not interested in that, I got some bizarre feeling when many of you particularly Pashtuns from your country telling about how Gandhara had no relations with Indian culture. :rolleyes1:
Anti Indian yes anti Turk nope. I have defended Turks many times especially the Ottomans who I consider my favorite empire when al Hasani was trolling Turkish history.

Pakistan is less than 70 years old as one unit so asking such a question now is just you seeing all red.

Actually that was exactly my point. You guys, as united people and having a common heritage, exist for less than a century, and you were mocking us which have been united for 5 centuries and have built empires, monuments, captured Iran, caucasus, Iraq, central asia, .., and even defeated a big nation like indians in Karnal war, ... which it obviously sounds ridiculous to be mocked by you.
All is want to say is LOL after reading this , I sure hope you weren't serious?
There are more Pashtuns in Pakistan then in Afghanistan (twice as much or even more) , Pakistani's are not just "Muslim Indians" , India is/was a powerhouse of different ethnicities !
Before giving others the "F" grade , Improve your "U" grade!

The only ethnicity that has anything to do with India in Pakistan is the Punjabis and Pakistani Punjabis hate India the most LOL.
Actually that was exactly my point. You guys, as united people and having a common heritage, exist for less than a century, and you were mocking us which have been united for 5 centuries and have built empires, monuments, captured Iran, caucasus, Iraq, central asia, .., and even defeated a big nation like indians in Karnal war, ... which it obviously sounds ridiculous.

Like I said those were Iranian empires and we acknowledge Iran has more of a imperial history than us. Anyway Pakistan will never have such a history of conquest because in this day and age conquest is out of the question. Historically we were united during certain empires as well but we do not claim those empires as ours just as part of our history.

Only Gandhara and Indus were squarely centered in areas that are entirely in Pakistan today and so those are ours.
Hatman agha.GL bro
ghorboonet.warede safhe avale site ke mishi bezan forum bad begardo bezan rooye iran defence forum badesh oonja behet thread hay "this paradise is called iran" (aksay kheyli ziba az kole iran hast toosh ) va "made in iran" (ke harchi sakhte irane aksesh hast) ro behet pishnahad midam bebini :)

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