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Iranian Chill Thread

Yup. They are sensitive and shallow. they blow like a tornado, and get pacified quickly. :lol:

Yes, I almost lost the track in handling so many of them at a time :mad::mad: but I was baffled by their apologist comment and denialism. :lol::lol:
Puppets are having children now a days? What has the world come to? :woot:

China, UK, France, India, Russia, ... all of them have a strong history.
USA is one of the few young countries that is doing awesome. ;)

Which goes to prove that history isn't particularly necessary for success. You see countries like Iran, Greece and Egypt, all of them with quite a history on their backs, not doing so well either.
Yes, I almost lost the track in handling so many of them at a time :mad::mad: but I was baffled by their apologist comment and denialism. :lol::lol:
Well, denialism and being apologist, were the only things that they could have done, since they know that truth is not in favour of them ;)

Which goes to prove that history isn't particularly necessary for success. You see countries like Iran, Greece and Egypt, all of them with quite a history on their backs, not doing so well either.
All of these three are doing much better than Pakistan ;)
China, UK, France, India, Russia, ... all of them have a strong history.
USA is one of the few young countries that is doing awesome. ;)

Still I prefer living in the new world. With all it's shortcomings, we don't have much historical baggage and eneminity like you see in Middle East and all over the old world. The new world represented a new chance for humanity to get a new start.
Still I prefer living in the new world. With all it's shortcomings, we don't have much historical baggage and eneminity like you see in Middle East and all over the old world. The new world represented a new chance for humanity to get a new start.
Yup, but some of them, like cuba, columbia, ... screwed their chance.
Anyway, Samba dance can be passed as a good history for you guys. :lol: I like it.
Still I prefer living in the new world. With all it's shortcomings, we don't have much historical baggage and eneminity like you see in Middle East and all over the old world. The new world represented a new chance for humanity to get a new start.

History and modern economic prosperity are two different things.
Fair enough. But point proven nonetheless.
Not necessarily. History can help a nation to develop the concept of "Being a United Nation" among themselves. That's really important. If you see the situation in some Arabic countries, which are made out of sand by Britain, you would see that , for example, Iraqi arab sunnis have no concept of being an Iraqi, and they feel themselves exactly the same as sunni arabs in Syria. That's one of the sources that a group like ISIL can be formed, and we can see the chaos.
But, still there is no guarantee to have a prosperous economy or ... if you have a strong history. that's just a help to better form your society.
Yup, but some of them, like cuba, columbia, ... screwed their chance.
Anyway, Samba dance can be passed as a good history for you guys. :lol: I like it.

Cuba is not so bad. Colombia has lot of violence yes but at the same time a decent living standard for most people. South America has problems with violence and corruption but a lot is exaggerated by racists.
And I meant recorded history. Americas too have a long history with the native indians who settled these areas after quite a bit after settlement of Eurasia. The difference is that most of this history is undocumented and traditions were passed down orally.
Still I prefer living in the new world. With all it's shortcomings, we don't have much historical baggage and eneminity like you see in Middle East and all over the old world. The new world represented a new chance for humanity to get a new start.

The new world is based on brutality and injustice .

To be honest , I think this world sucked since it's birth .

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