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Iranian Chill Thread


Of coarse I am not an expert, not even close,
But, friendly talking, I must say, every private business is a golden opportunity especially in a country like Iran. I must say even the worst private business is considered far better than the best governmental one, even if it be the minister of energy.
For starting a private business you don't need to be Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, all you need is the will to start it. never search for a partner in business, they are just pain in the ***, go for loans, they are boosts in business, never be afraid of taking big loans, they are the real blessings in a country like Iran. But before doing anything make a deep investigation about it by your self I mean by yourself and never trust anyone else in that field, you as an academic buddy are one of the smartest guys around so never underestimate your IQ, I have seen many ultra rich buddies in the Iranian Stock market that are considered dumb by any of my standards but even them have managed to be rich.
never hesitate consulting with pro's they are the best resources in business, not the fucking damn books.
The best excuse for the common people for not starting a private business in a whole life is the absence of an initial financial capital, but believe me that's not an excuse for smarts.
Do not give up studying unfinished but believe me studying is the waste of time if your goal is to gain money, for now if you are not able to leave it my advise is to start learning Chinese beside your study. It will take you around 2 or 3 years of hard work to be a Chinese pro but it would worth it.
This year I was searching for a Chinese language expert for a friend of mine who is in stone trading business, it took me around 5 months to find one, the one I found is an Isfahani girl, and she is earning 25 million Tomans per month for being a translator in contracting with Chinese, and this is apart from Commission for every contract she makes.
If you need more help I would be glad to help you myself or introduce you to some real experts if you like, bro.
thanks for the time bro, i really mean it.last question which one do you recommend: renting a shop and starting a small business, going for stock market. or trading.?:-)
thanks for the time bro, i really mean it.last question which one do you recommend: renting a shop and starting a small business, going for stock market. or trading.?:-)
Your welcome bro,
LOL, that is kinda like asking which one do you recommend? Ferrari, Porsche or BMW?
What kind of shop, where, what are you gonna sell? ...these questions are needed to be answered first.
trading? what? where? from where? to where? .... these ones either.
Stock market is too dangerous, I am not rolling the option out but that is a precaution.
I don't know if you are familiar with "Game Theory" or have you take the course in university or not?
But participating in a Stock market you should know that it is a zero-sum game. Zero-sum is a kind of game in which choices by players can neither increase nor decrease the available resources. So you should know that there are other professional players in the market that are funding their profit on your loss. Iran's market is one of the most profitable markets in the whole world, in the passing year the average profit of investors in the market has been reached the amazing number of around 140%. that means there are individual players with profits of 800% 900% or even more. but you should always consider that these people have made their palaces on the ruin of others. That is not a condemned action, because as you know there is a proverb that says, there are 2 ways to become rich 1) Relying on your IQ 2)counting on others dumbness.
however, these days we are seeing a somehow crisis in Iran's stock market, which in short term will lead to increment in gold price nationally, but that won't be a problem in a long range.
I recommend you to learn "Game Theory" that would be a huge assistance to enter the private business.
And finally, why should it be your last question? I am always available here if you need, and I will be more than happy to be a help.
Your welcome bro,
LOL, that is kinda like asking which one do you recommend? Ferrari, Porsche or BMW?
What kind of shop, where, what are you gonna sell? ...these questions are needed to be answered first.
trading? what? where? from where? to where? .... these ones either.
Stock market is too dangerous, I am not rolling the option out but that is a precaution.
I don't know if you are familiar with "Game Theory" or have you take the course in university or not?
But participating in a Stock market you should know that it is a zero-sum game. Zero-sum is a kind of game in which choices by players can neither increase nor decrease the available resources. So you should know that there are other professional players in the market that are funding their profit on your loss. Iran's market is one of the most profitable markets in the whole world, in the passing year the average profit of investors in the market has been reached the amazing number of around 140%. that means there are individual players with profits of 800% 900% or even more. but you should always consider that these people have made their palaces on the ruin of others. That is not a condemned action, because as you know there is a proverb that says, there are 2 ways to become rich 1) Relying on your IQ 2)counting on others dumbness.
however, these days we are seeing a somehow crisis in Iran's stock market, which in short term will lead to increment in gold price nationally, but that won't be a problem in a long range.
I recommend you to learn "Game Theory" that would be a huge assistance to enter the private business.
And finally, why should it be your last question? I am always available here if you need, and I will be more than happy to be a help.
yes like which one 4s or s3 :lol:
i mean engineering business from opening shop and trading. unfortunately i am not familiar with "game theory".i think its better for me to continue my "using dad's money" policy for now. thanks again.:-)
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again thanks for the documentary... it was really good, especially the simulation, and how the US carriers were hit!!
i mean engineering business from opening shop and trading. unfortunately i am not familiar with "game theory".i think its better for me to continue my "using dad's money" policy for now. thanks again.
LOL, that is the best option ever.:lol:
i think its better for me to continue my "using dad's money" policy for now. thanks again.:-)

That policy is valid and very popular among many. It can still be used well into your twenties, I'm talking from experience here
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again thanks for the documentary... it was really good, especially the simulation, and how the US carriers were hit!!
thanks man, somehow It changed my view on drone usage too, it took three days to translate it but I think it was worth my time. due to heavy traffic (or third party players), the program's website went down and hasn't recovered yet.
reactions were interesting too, Google has removed the program's website from it's result while it's the first record when you search "sorayatv" on yahoo or bing. Zionists censored it to the bombarding Israel only, and in Iran some groups did whatever they could to boycott it, program was delayed 2 times and instead they broadcasted Mr Rohani's speech.

anyway PressTV will broadcast the "Tabas hunt" documentary on 26.2.2014, it's the story of capturing the RQ-170 with English subtitle, if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.
thanks man, somehow It changed my view on drone usage too, it took three days to translate it but I think it was worth my time. due to heavy traffic (or third party players), the program's website went down and hasn't recovered yet.
reactions were interesting too, Google has removed the program's website from it's result while it's the first record when you search "sorayatv" on yahoo or bing. Zionists censored it to the bombarding Israel only, and in Iran some groups did whatever they could to boycott it, program was delayed 2 times and instead they broadcasted Mr Rohani's speech.

anyway PressTV will broadcast the "Tabas hunt" documentary on 26.2.2014, it's the story of capturing the RQ-170 with English subtitle, if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.

Mohsen , Where's the documentary ?

@rmi5 i watched Gravity(in three episodes :D),its among my top 5 favorite movies now.
by the way do you know how they managed to simulate space so perfectly.
You probably had a low quality version didn't you? If you have access to fast internet, dl a 10+ gig version instead.

It makes a ton of difference.

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