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Iranian Chill Thread


They smell your mouth
to find out if you might have spoken
words of love to anyone.
They sniff at your heart.

Such a strange time it is, my dearest...

And they punish kissing
at crossroads
by flogging.

We must hide our love in dark wardrobes.

In this twisted impasse, in the bitter chill
they keep their fires alive
by burning our songs and poems.
Do not risk your life by thinking!

Such a strange time it is, my dearest...

They knock on your door at midnight,
to smash your lamp.

We must hide our lights in dark wardrobes.

Look! butchers haunt the thoroughfares
with their bloodstained knives and cleavers.

Such a strange time it is, my dearest...

They cut off the smiles from lips,
they cut out the songs from throats.

We must hide our feelings in dark wardrobes.

They barbecue nightingale-tongues
on fires of jasmines and lilacs.

Such a strange time it is, my dearest...

Drunk with his victory,
gluttonous evil has gate-crashed
our funeral feast.

We must hide the word in dark wardrobes.

by Ahmad Shaamlou , iranian poet
Iranian section has the highest number of trolls!

Most of these trolls are not even Iranian. Just because they speak Persian doesn't mean they are Iranian. Trust me I've meet non-Iranians in my life that spoke better Persian than any Iranian I know.

I just wanted to point that out for other members. They usually start out as normal participating members, and then eventually write really racist and weird things to make Iranian members look bad.

Best option is to report them. Don't engage them.
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Hassani killed his own son. Nothing justifies that. Let alone his ignorant calls for unveiled women to be killed. Anyone who put such guy as a avatar is an idiot in my book. But that isn't why they did that. He took that avatar and called me just to troll.

My answers were justified.
the guy who insults 1/3 of Iran is an idiot.i am an Azari and Irani, you have problem with each one of these two then i have problem with you.
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