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Iranian Chill Thread

nakone sedaye america ham pan-Turke? khodet gosh bede va ghezavat kon, in yaroo gosfand toye erbil dare mazloom namaei mikone vali mojriye khob patasho mireze roye ab.
Only idiots would adore mullah Hassani. That barbaric fool let his own son be killed by the regime. Thanks for bringing him up. When I think of Azeris, I think of Khamenei, Hassani en Khalkhali. Pathetic donkeys.

Iranian clerical fanatic says unveiled women should die

A top Muslim cleric in Iran, Hojatolislam Gholam Reza Hassani said on Wednesday that women in the country who do not wear the hijab should be killed.

"Women who do not respect the hijab and their husbands deserve to die," said Hassani, who leads Friday prayers in the city of Urumieh, in Iranian Azerbaijan. "I do not understand how these women who do not respect the hijab, 28 years after the birth of the Islamic Republic, are still alive," he said.

"These women and their husbands and their fathers must die," said Hassani, who is the representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in eastern Azerbaijan.


I'll spit on your ignorant people.
every body has an opinion we should respect that.
sb ... is burning.
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Probably, because you have a super high IQ. :rofl:

Are you still burning inside? :flame:
The bottom line is, Turks have always ruled kurdish bedouins from centuries ago. One of the latest examples is Mullah Hassani (aka General Hassani), now, get lost for the last time, and tell your kurdish brother to clean turks toilet better in Turkiye.
I am not interested in wasting my time with you.

Guys, lets ignore trolls and change the subject.
well mate this is what happens when people bring fights to a chit chat thread/start being TOO personal.
have seen it first hand.
this is a DEFENCE/DEFENSE :D forum,so yes other than the few experts most of the members here are the guys/girls who are a bit more patriotic than the normal citizen and then there are of course trolls too.
so cant really say if bringing fights to such threads can be completely avoided.
If they can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen.

It wasn't me that started this all:

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 560

yes i have seen it, but then u insulted everyone, and i dont understand u, u said that u r supporting iran. then why do u hate hassani? because he is a Turk? or what? please let us know. because if u had listened to that interview u would know that komle was doing some sort of hit and run op, and also u would know why such incident took place.

i thought komle is an enemy to you, isnt it?
If they can't stand the heat, they should get out of the kitchen.

It wasn't me that started this all:

Iranian Chill Thread | Page 560

@Ostad 's response was appropriate, and a natural response to some kurds(you and your brother haman10) trolling against us these days. After all, he has the right to choose any avatar that he likes.
@Irajgholi , dude, I know this guy very well. just ignore him.
yes i have seen it, but then u insulted everyone, and i dont understand u, u said that u r supporting iran. then why do u hate hassani? because he is a Turk? or what? please let us know. because if u had listened to that interview u would know that komle was doing some sort of hit and run op, and also u would know why such incident took place.

i thought komle is an enemy to you, isnt it?

Hassani killed his own son. Nothing justifies that. Let alone his ignorant calls for unveiled women to be killed. Anyone who put such guy as a avatar is an idiot in my book. But that isn't why they did that. He took that avatar and called me just to troll.

My answers were justified.
if these argument r to create divide then continue what u r doing, else if its really about ur personal problem with a particular member ur actions r wrong, srsly.
Hassani killed his own son. Nothing justifies that. Let alone his ignorant calls for unveiled women to be killed. Anyone who put such guy as a avatar is an idiot in my book. But that isn't why they did that. He took that avatar and called me just to troll.

My answers were justified.

i said earlier i dont agree with every single thing he did, but the things he did whether right or wrong in your or my eyes r considered self-sacrifice. but please be fair minded since the day i joined here until now u r showing extreme sensitivity to anything Turk, do u think its normal? do u think that other members wont get upset? everyone doesnt have my self-restraint, of course they will get offended and respond u in a way u might also find offensive.

when u r saying Turks are mongoloid steppe (btw many r proud) ppl dont u think some might find it offensive?

anyway, i tried to reason with u, im going bye everyone @rmi5 bye bro
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