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Iranian Chill Thread

This is quite a ignorant statement. Even the 'Turks' in Anatolia aren't really Turks, but just Turkified Anatolians/Greeks/Armenians. Apparantly Turks got 20% native Turkic genetic markers in their DNA. In Iran it is even less. Look at the Turkmen; do we even look similar to them? Their dominant haplogroup is Q, which is almost non-existent (3%) among Iranians.

No, we got nothing to do with Turks genetically. Turks are a Mongoloid people if you look at their history.[/user]


Saw your reaction in the Nagorno thread. Didn't I warn you about this Turkic POS a while ago?

Yes, you where right. Yet other members here for some reason either don't mind or don't realize his statements. BTW bro try not to insult Turks. Turks are not our problem, be ghole to this POS rmi is the problem. :lol:
be ghole to this POS rmi is the problem.

He / she / it is becoming one of the biggest trolls on this forum .

donno where dafuq he learnt farsi but one thing for sure he/she /it aint iranian .

he can wash his toilets in US , but talking shyt about iran is not allowed

couldnt laugh more at this shitty comment :lol:

Yes, you should laugh, since, again mullahs and their followers do not care that this olympics is conducted on a genocide site, The city of Sochi, where hundreds of thousand of muslim Circassian massacred by Russians.
He / she / it is becoming one of the biggest trolls on this forum .

donno where dafuq he learnt farsi but one thing for sure he/she /it aint iranian .

he can wash his toilets in US , but talking shyt about iran is not allowed

I think he may be Israeli. You know Israel pays citizens to cause instability against Iran on forums. Also many of them learn Persian in Israel. I think he is either Israeli who learnt Persian and is coming to cause instability, or Persian Jew brought up in Israel. Notice he doesn't speak Azeri either, which is very funny for such a Turkic nationalist!
Instability in Pakistan, along with rogue factions in Pakistani establishment, is causing a lot of problems for Iran in Baluchistan. Something needs to be done about this.

The problem is indeed the Pakistani government. Compare it to offensive against JPAK in 2011, when Iran chased them all out of Iran and they instantly called for a truce. Iran has even hit them in Iraq, where they retreat to after an attack, but since Pakistan does not want to cooperate with Iran on this issue, you can't really deal them a blow since they are retreating to Pakistan as well after an attack.
Yes, you should laugh, since, again mullahs and their followers do not care that this olympics is conducted upon on a genocide site, The city of Sochi, where hundreds of thousand of muslim Circassian massacred by Russians.

goh nakhor baba !

vase man az eslam harf nazan taze be doran reside mozakhraf .

esme irano dige nemiari ha goh !

iran dige filmi hast ke vase to sookhte ....

ye tike gohe sage irani miarze be kole alam ke toye lagan jozveshi
why cant we just talk using logic? can we stop with all the insults please? if u disagree with each other, object thats fine but please dont insult each other...
He / she / it is becoming one of the biggest trolls on this forum .

donno where dafuq he learnt farsi but one thing for sure he/she /it aint iranian .

he can wash his toilets in US , but talking shyt about iran is not allowed

You don't want to go there bud. Because in the end, it will be you calling for mods, not me :)
The problem is indeed the Pakistani government. Compare it to offensive against JPAK in 2011, when Iran chased them all out of Iran and they instantly called for a truce. Iran has even hit them in Iraq, where they retreat to after an attack, but since Pakistan does not want to cooperate with Iran on this issue, you can't really deal them a blow since they are retreating to Pakistan as well after an attack.

I find it funny how some Pakistanis on this forum blame a lot of their problems on Iran without any proof, yet there is actual evidence of their country causing harm to Iran.

Anyway we need to increase security at our Pakistan border. From what I hear it is largely unmanned and passing between countries is easy.
why cant we just talk using logic? can we stop with all the insults please? if u disagree with each other, object thats fine but please dont insult each other...

shoma irani hasti ?

nazaret dar mored een comment chiye ?

I prefer not to talk about it in this thread, but @@atatwolf has some interesting points here. The main concern of mullahs is that if Azerbaijan gets stronger, the separatist movements would get stronger, so they help anti-muslim Armenia, to weaken the shia Azerbaijan..
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